《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.06 Evangelion


"I didn't succumb.” - The demon replied, mentally trembling with pain and anger. - "That beast almost killed me."

"That's bad.” - I frowned. - "Let's think about it.”

While Eve-01 and Shinji were recovering, I began to investigate the enemy's capabilities. Magic and psionics were perfect for this, and the veil between me and reality made my used spells undetectable. After comparing the results of my research with the demon's impressions, I came to several conclusions.

First, the angel was monstrously strong. Its core could produce so much energy that its existing 'beam cannon' could only use five percent of its power. Therefore, the angel learned to create his own copies, which he used as additional emitters. The second pleasant circumstance was the fact that the power of the protective AT-field was evenly distributed among all copies. Thus, when the angel created twenty clones, the protection of its true core dropped twenty times.

Based on this, I came up with a simple and primitive plan. Someone had to take the angel's blow, forcing him to use all twenty weapons. At this point, the second 'someone' had to get to the original and ... intercept control of its core. After that, the angel’s core could be consumed, and the angel meat could be used for sausage and other goodies. According to the canon, Ramiel had the most powerful core of all angels, so it was reasonable to use it to strengthen Eve-01.

The plan was simple, and since Eve-01 could not create shadow clones, the role of bait naturally fell to Eve-00 under the control of Ayanami Rei. But in her current state, Eve-00 would not be able to hold out a second against even one beam, let alone twenty. Naturally, this problem was solved by possessing another demon into Eve-00's body. But it is impossible to conduct this ritual unnoticed. So, it was worth to follow Ikari Gendo's orders and notifying him of what we were going to do.

As soon as I appeared next to the recovered Shinji, he greeted me with a sincere, mad smile from ear to ear.

"How much people we will sacrifice this time?" - He asked. - "I propose not to mince petty things and immediately finish off the entire population of Tokyo-3, and especially my father.” - The end of the sentence was filled with a sincere thirst for blood, characteristically for maniacs and demons. However, with whom you will be...

"Pfff, what is this offer? Before you sacrifice someone, you need to be sure that it will do more benefit than harm. To defeat this angel, we will use something else. So, we need Gendo for a different purpose than as a stupid piece of sacrificial meat.” - I gave my wise counsel.


Following my instructions, Shinji talked directly to Gendo and described his 'own' battle plan, plus suggestions for Eve-00’s ‘upgrade’. Of course, to the mortal who want to become god did not please the idea of summoning the demon's soul into another Evangelion, but the power demonstrated by the angel clearly indicated that 'standard' Eve is just a walking pile of meat, not a fighting machine.

To demonstrate the validity of the last statement, Shinji gave a small demonstration, literally beating Eve-00 with the little finger of his left hand. In his human body, though enhanced by Eve-01. No matter how much Rei tried to expose an AT-field or lean on physical attacks, she couldn't even get close to her opponent. Such a phantasmagoric picture broke all patterns, so all results of the demonstration were immediately classified, in order to prevent leaks to SEELE. For those such amplification of Eve-01 would be a nightmare

Picking up the fallen jaw, Gendo agreed to conduct the ritual of summoning of demons and the requested price of a thousand people. Fortunately, the angel acted according to the canon, slowly drilling in the armored plates, so we had time to prepare.

While NERV was transporting convicted felons from all over Japan, a ritual has been prepared in one of the halls of Terminal Dogma. The location was chosen to limit the number of possible witnesses as much as possible. For the sake of secrecy, it was decided to sacrifice even the guards from the Penitentiary Service who were supposed to escort the prisoners. Of the NERV staff, only Ikari Gendo and his Deputy Fuyutsuki Kozo knew about the essence of the upcoming action. Even Dr. Ritsuko Akagi could only guess at the details of these events and the 'cost' of the ritual.

Finally, all the preparations were completed, and both Eves took their places on either side of the sacrificial circle, in which the paralyzed prisoners were grouped together with the guards. Shinji began to chant the words of the spell, carefully pretending to be a professional demonologist. Soon a portal to the world of Chaos opened, and from there two demons penetrated into our world.

The first, which was supposed 999 mortal souls, took the body of Eve-00. He had to obey Eve-01's commands completely. The power of this creature was such that reality could hardly bear his presence until he took place within Evangelion-00. With his aura alone, he suppressed the angel's tiny energy in Eve-00's body, transforming her into a completely demonic creature. But he had an unimaginable amount of Chaos energy, which easily compensated unexpected 'change of orientation' of Eve-00 and her lack of ability to manipulate the AT-field.


The second demon was a succubus who was supposed to possess Ayanami Rei's body. This was entirely my initiative. Shinji's attachment to Rei was a great anchor for him, so he should be encouraged. The summoned succubus was a 'professional' of her job, primarily because she knew how to behave as a 'favorite concubine', and most importantly understood why such behavior is necessary, and how men reacts to it. One soul that had been left to her was just a light snack. And the real price for her was presence of angel's human-shaped body. Only for this she agreed to become a favorite toy of the Demonologist who called her.

However, we didn't have time to sort out our personal relationships. Angel had almost reached the Geofront, so the operation began only a few minutes later. Eve-00 took up a firing position on the top of a small mountain. The demon that possessed her was a master of defensive spells, so he should be able to withstand the angel's attack easily and be able to snap back, attracting angel’s attention.

Meanwhile, Eve-01 began to sneak walk to the angel from the other side, hiding under a disguise spell. I already knew enough about Chaos magic to be able to calculate 'on Pen-Pen' a more effective version of this spell, which could hide even such a huge machine as a robot fifty meters tall.

The operation went like clockwork. Naive angel sprayed his protection, covering the clones, because of which he did not have enough strength to protect the most valuable – his true core. As promised, the demon in Eva-01 was able to take control of this 'organ', after which the angel was left without a drop of energy. We can say that this angel came to us safe and sound, wrapped in a gift box. It seems that in his case, the saying ‘has muscles instead of brain’ did not work well.

After transplantation of the angel core to Eve-01, he reached approximately the same level of strength as his partner Eve-00. This gave me confidence in the future, because each time angels becoming stronger, and even my imagination began to slip when I tried to think of ways to fight them in advance.

The body of the exhausted angel was not wasted, but was given as payment for the summoning of the nine 'shadow demons'. These disembodied creatures could follow Shinji unobserved, protecting him from all sorts of threats. If necessary, they could appear on the material dimension and even punch 'in the jaw' to some angels. Naturally, I didn't say a word to Shinji about the existence of such protection, so as not to give him a reason to realize his power. He perfectly suited me as a sex-crazed blockhead, afraid of my shadow and diligently obeying all orders.

When the angel was completely disposed, Eve-01 headed for Eve-00, which was now almost in the mouth of an erupting volcano. The cunning succubus had already come up with a plan to completely enslave her 'master', so now her robot depicted serious damage incompatible with life.

When Shinji saw burned Rei on the monitor’s screen, he immediately rushed to save her, despite all the past disagreements. Eve-01 carried the Eve-00 in his arms to safety, after which Shinji activated the emergency extraction of the capsule. With his bare hands, he turned the red-hot lever to open the door, then made his way inside to see the mutilated Rey.

"Master, have I been useful to you?" - She smiled exhaustedly.

“Yes! Ayanami, hold on! I won't let you die!”

Shinji focused and began to cast an improved version of the healing spell that I 'gifted' to him not so long ago. The burned skin immediately healed on Rei's body, and she joyfully threw herself into the arms of her 'savior'.

“Master! I love you so much. You won't leave me, will you?”

"No, Ray. I always will be with you.”

Shinji hugged the girl, not noticing her slyly smiling behind his back. I did not interfere in this circus, because such scenario satisfied me. In any case, I have a priority right to give orders to the succubus, so there is no danger of treachery. By the way, I should probably also give nickname to this succubus to distinguish her from the original personality of Rei. The angel's soul was now completely detached from control of the body and could only observe the actions of the invader from the outside. The name Rei meant 'ray of light', so her antipode was well-suited to the name 'ray of darkness', i.e. Yamirei or simply Yami.

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