《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.05 Evangelion


"Therefore, in the future, if you need to sacrifice people, you must inform me in advance, specifying the expected number of this type of resource.”

"Uh-huh... What?”

Shinji raised his gaze and looked at the commander's strong-willed face, as if carved from a single piece of granite.

"Do you understand me?" - Gendo's voice seemed to pierce space and enter Shinji's brain directly. – “No amateurism. All your actions must be under my complete control.”

"I don't want to kill people!" - Shinji shouted with all the strength of his lungs.

"I don't like sacrificing people, either.” - Gendo shared the secret. - "But for the sake of saving humanity, we must be prepared to sacrifice everything we have. There are three billion people on Earth.”

“So, we will not economize the people.” - I made my comment.

"Every time you defeat an angel, you save them all." - Gendo continued, naturally ignoring my dissenting opinion. - "For this, for all these people, you must fight the angels. As for possible victims... if we can save the whole humanity by sacrificing only a small part of it, then this can be considered as a victory. So, put aside your doubts and do what Misato tells you. Is it clear?”

"Yes, father," he said, and this time the words were full of sadness and despair.


Shinji turned around and silently left the office. NERV security escorted him to the entrance of the city, then left him alone.

"I don't want to live.” - My client said, looking at the darkening sky and the first stars coming up.

What? That's not what we planned.

“This problem can be solved.” - I said, without the slightest fun in my voice. Shinji turned his head in fright and stared at me. - "I think I'll feed you to the demons and then take someone else in your place."

With these words, I activated a small spell that put the person in a near to sleep condition, after which his memory played the same moment of time over and over again. And of course, that moment was the wonderful moment when the three demons of Chaos almost broke free.

Shinji screamed in panic and began to convulse. The accompanying escorts immediately rushed forward and pinned him down, preventing him from smashing his head on the floor. But even their strength was not enough to contain the fear and horror that filled the pilot's mind. I didn't need the lurching and morally torments of this person, so it made sense to resort to a little stimulation of the desire to survive.


An endless nightmare tormented Shinji until he exhausted all the reserves of his body and sank into unconsciousness. Doctors tried to 'cure' him, but no medicine could stop this horror. Because only I could stop it. After making sure that the patient was close to the 'ordinary plant' phase, I stopped the torture and favored him with a healing spell that restores his psyche.

"You have a simple choice.” - I said to Shinji when he regained consciousness. - "Either you follow my orders, whatever they are, or this nightmare will last forever."

“No! I agree! Not this! Forgive me. Please! No!!! I will fight the angels. I'll kill them all! Just don't...! No-o-o-o!” - The screams became incoherent mutterings and hysterical sobs.

"That is good." - I said scornfully. - "Moral norms not for you. You are an Evangelion pilot, so all you care about is the death of angels. Is it clear?”

“Yes! Please don't. I agree!”

“Well. Now, another preventative flashback session.”


After a couple of minutes, I stopped the torture and left the whimpering body alone. I hope that this will be enough to make a real savior of mankind from a shapeless slug, even at the cost of mankind. I'm afraid that the next angels will require much more effort. And if Shinji, instead of following orders, begins to torture himself with the imaginary responsibility for the fate of people, then not only they will die, but I will also die. And what is most disgusting, people will die without any use or meaning. Just because some 'higher powers' found it amusing to watch their death. So, the meaning of their life and death will be the great and humble me.

To be honest, I thought that after this session of 'psychoanalysis' Shinji will turn into a modification of Gollum, hiding from sunlight and people. But just a couple of days later, it looked almost the same as before: attended school, talked to friends, fucked two of his concubines 'on cooldown'. But deep inside, Shinji's personality broke, and every time he had to solve the moral dilemma of ‘who is to guilty and what to do?', he blamed me and did what I told him to do. I wasn't happy about it, but at least I became less worried about the outcome of this game. Now everything depended on my ability to solve problems and on the powers of the summoned demons.

However, not everything went quite so smoothly. Finding refuge from moral suffering in sex, Shinji became attached to Ayanami Rei, considering her similar to himself. So when, during one of the experiments with Eva-01, he saw Rey smiling to Gendo, the gears in his head began to crack and slip dangerously, giving birth to strange ideas.


Shinji's attempts to develop a relationship with Rei by inviting her on a date or to the game center failed. She just didn't understand why all this was needed, but Shinji don’t understand that Rei has only a human appearance. Inside her body lived an angel, for whom all these human problems looked very strange.

Another 'critical failure' naturally happened. On Friday evening to Misato’s home descended Akagi Ritsuko. When she finished drinking with her friend, she gave Shinji a new pass in the name of Ayanami Rei and asked him to give it to her tomorrow before leaving for the Geofront. Shinji finally found out the address of his classmate, so he decided to visit her. Only the sight of a filthy, almost uninhabited room left him in a state of shock. He could not believe that his beloved Rei was living in such conditions.

"Shinji, what are you doing here?" - Indifferent voice said behind him. The hero-womanizer turned around and saw naked Rei coming out of the shower. Here are his thoughts in this moment were not about sex, which were not characteristically for this maniac. Meanwhile, Rei continued her speech. - "My health is fine. However, I have half an hour of free time.”

With these words, Rey knelt down and began to unbutton Shinji's pants.

"Ray! Do you live here?” - Shinji exclaimed, also falling to his knees, grabbing the girl by the shoulders and looking into her eyes.

"Yes.” - She answered emotionlessly.

“But... who settle you in this... barn?”

"Commander Ikari.”

"What? How dare he? This freak...”

At this point, Rey pulled away, rose sharply to her feet and kicked Shinji with her foot in the jaw with a u-turn.

"Don't talk about the commander like that.” - She said, looking at her lover lying in prostration.

"But ... Rei...? I want to help you!” - Shinji tried to shout to the soul of the angel.

"I already have everything I need for my existence. I have him.” - With these words, Rei went to the bed and began to dress, ignoring the Third Child's collapsed hopes. - “Let's go. An important experiment is planned today. I can't disappoint Commander Ikari.” - She said as she dressed and headed for the door.

All the way to the Geofront Shinji spent as in the fog, trying to collect a torn pattern. These unsuccessful attempts continued all the time while the experiment to reactivate Eve-00 was underway. And even when the alarm sounded, Shinji did not pay much attention to it. He simply mechanically carried out all the orders given to him, his mind being in perpetual Chaos.

After some thought, I decided not to distract Shinji with such trifles as the appearance of a new angel. Nothing depended on him at the moment. The control of Eve-01 was entirely the responsibility of the demon, and I could only use Shinji as a lightning rod for performing another magic ritual.

As in the Canon, Ramiel looked like two four-sided pyramids connected by bases. In General, it looked like a very large cut sapphire. As soon as Eve-01 appeared on the surface, the angel immediately hit her with an energy beam that burned through everything in its path.

The demon was ready for this, and in advance put up a protective barrier that reflected the beam. But the strength of the attack was such that he had to concentrate all his attention on the defense, not even being able to evade. The angel didn't try to test Eve's stamina, and... split. His copy immediately began shooting, using a beam of the same power as the original. After that, there appeared a third clone... 10th, and at the end twentieth clone appeared.

Even the enhanced Eve-01 was not designed for such loads. Her armor boiled and melted, her flesh burned and then grew back, trying to cover the charred bones. Although Shinji had minimal contact with eve's body, under these conditions, he felt like he was floating in a boiling water. And this feeling was reinforced by the fact that the LCL in the capsule really started to boil.

There was no way to escape from this attack, so the demon had to use one of the aces in its sleeve. He simply teleported back to the hangar, where he lay like a charred carcass, trying to regenerate the damage.

"Don't you think you've succumbed too much this time?" - I asked the demon. According to our agreement, the demon was to portray the supremacy of an angel in battle.

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