《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.03 Evangelion


To this my statement Shinji blushed like a cancer and began to mask the physiological reaction of his body to the image that appeared in his head. Never mind, I'm going to make him a real overcomer. He will throw himself at tanks with a saber and chop them into cabbage.

Half an hour later, Shinji was fed by a silent nurse who brought lunch, and an hour later Misato arrived. At this point, her ward was sitting in the waiting room, poking at a TV news channel that described yesterday's attack as an 'unknown threat'. There wasn't a word about Eve and Shinji in the news.

On the way to the bowels of the bureaucratic machine Shinji met with his father, but, as in the canon, this meeting ended only with mutual silence and waiting for the moment when the doors of the elevator will close. Then Misato began to process documents about the enrollment of the pilot in the staff of NERV. At the end of all this bureaucracy, she managed to get permission to bail Shinji and settlement him in her apartment.

"Ha-ha, she found a free labor.” - I commented on this news.

"Misato isn't like that.” - Shinji began to defend her.

“Pfeh! Say it again in the evening before you go to bed.” - I chuckled.

And then everything went as in the canon. Shinji discovered that his new house was like a dump, and then a 'fair' draw of the duty schedule officially gave him the status of a 'house-elf'.

But most of all, Shinji was hurt by the case of Pen-pen. Running out of the bathroom naked, he was only rewarded with a mocking smile from Misato in the style of 'Hide your toothpick'. So, when the pilot went to bed late at night, my words perfectly matched with his own thoughts.

"What do you think of your boss? Are you convinced that you are just a free employee and valuable expendable material for her?”

"Leave me alone, Schizophrenia.” - He sluggishly tried to fend off from the filling of the wound with salt.

“If you want, I will tell you how to turn Misato into the perfect housewife and hot concubine? She can teach you what it means to be a man.” - The answer to me was an interested look from under the blanket. - "Come on, get out of your cot. We will perform the ritual of a demon possession into your boss's body. And not just a simple demon, but a succubus.”

“Suck... What?” - The newbie demonologist threw aside the blanket.

“Succubus. This is a type of demon that loves to have sex.”

“What is the possession?”

"Haven't you read books?" - I disappointedly said. - "Possession is when a demon invades a person's body and takes control of that body for itself. The soul of the person will be under its power and may not even be aware of its own enslavement.”

"Wont other people start to worry because of the change in Misato's behavior?" - He asked an unexpectedly sensible question.

“We will make sure that the succubus only appears when Misato returns to home. And the rest of the time, she will behave as usual.”

“Okay. What should I do?” - Shinji agreed to this adventure, already languishing from sexual desire.

“So, catch the description of the ritual...” - I began to tell him the details of my plan.

Actually, the idea with a succubus I had not because of a desire to make please to my ward, but in order to bind him to this life. To create threads for which I can pull it, achieving the desired result. Otherwise, he will be lie in a permanent depression, not wanting to move a finger for the sake of my salvation.


The ritual has been performed without a hitch, and after fifteen minutes Misato burst into Shinji's room, which immediately attacked him with goal to rape him in all possible ways. Naturally, at this moment her body was already controlled by succubus, which I assigned the tactical nickname 'Mesucko' to distinguish her from the original owner of this body.

As you might expect, the stamina of the fourteen-year-old teenager was only enough for a couple of quick orgasms. But the succubus was not satisfied with this and quickly taught him a couple of spells - maintaining an erection and increasing the size of the penis. After that, the real festival of flesh began, ending well after midnight.

In the morning, happy as an elephant, Shinji woke up from morning blowjob. After that, there was a quick 'hook-up', then the sweet couple went to the Geofront. As soon as Mesucko crossed the threshold of the apartment, she immediately turned into Misato, who was absolutely sure that she did not do anything wrong with Shinji, and in general, he is still a child. 'Child' satisfied to such transformation, and he went with a happy smile to save humanity once again.

But that smile quickly faded when it turned out that he needed to take part in synchronization experiments as a laboratory sample, which requires sitting in a capsule filled with LCL for six hours without a break. All alone, suffering from boredom and under the sights of cameras and hundreds of other sensors.

Tellingly, gratitude for victory over angel he received only from Misato. Everyone else looked at the Third Child as an empty space, or at best, as the son of the Commander.

While Shinji was suffering from a lack of information, I was suffering from its excess. I am already used to having access to a powerful computer in the Vritras body that can analyze large amounts of data. Now I had no body at all, so I couldn't connect a computer to my mind. I was about to create a small computer in some abandoned place where no one would find it, but then my eyes fell on the penguin, who unfortunately decided to get out of the refrigerator. Quickly scanning his mind, I found out that this is exactly what I need.

Long time ago, Pen-Pen was created as a prototype for the development of MAGI computers technology. In the iron 'backpack' on his back was a powerful quantum computer connected to his brain. With help of this computer the penguin was able to get so smart that the level of intelligence approached humans.

I immediately cast a mind control spell on the 'bird', and then gave the task to the demon in Eve-01 to create a separate channel of magical energy to the penguin. Then I just had to power penguin’s body and computer with energy of Chaos and put before Pen-Pen the task of calculating a theoretical model of magic of Chaos. I could not pass by such a phenomenon without trying to get a profit for myself. So, now the penguin was always sitting in the refrigerator, using it for cooling the computer working at full power.

In the evening, Shinji arrived to home in the company of Misato, and then exhausted fell on the bed. But after five minutes, a boredom again overcame him, and he went to the kitchen to get some food for the mind along with food for the body. There, he was surprised to find Mesucko, dressed only in an apron, engaged in cleaning the apartment and cooking dinner. Unlike Misato, succubus was not averse to doing household chores, if as payment she was offered unlimited sex.


After a hearty meal, Mesucko turned to her 'owner', while washing dishes.

“Shinji, can you please check Pen-Pen? He didn't come out for dinner.”

The boy went to the big refrigerator and opened the door. He saw a penguin standing with its wings outstretched. Penguin’s mouth was open, eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and lightning ran through bird’s entire body. After looking at my evil smile, Shinji closed the refrigerator and headed back.

"I think he's fine.” - He reported.

“Well. Then... undress.” - Mesucko ordered, turning off the water and wiping her hands with a towel. - "I haven't had your special dessert yet."

"What?" - Shinji only managed to squeak, before the depraved succubus got to his puny body and began to suck the dessert from the distribution sprout.

In general, Shinji's life quickly entered a peaceful course. After a couple of days of experimentation, Dr. Akagi relented and reduced the strain on the valuable sample to four hours in a day. But before the pilot could be happy about this, he was immediately tasked to go to school.

A day later, Ayanami Rei, whom I had previously predicted to be Shinji's concubine, also appeared in class. Of course, now he already had an object to relieve sexual tension, but he did not forget my promise, which he was not lazy to remind.

"All right, Shinji. I have an idea.” - I said, assessing the situation. At the moment, in my luggage had only those spells of Chaos that Mesucko, and now I was going to teach Shinji to one of them. - "Basically, after school you come up to her and say that you want to help her recover, so that she can return to the duties of a pilot as soon as possible. After that, you take her aside and explain that for each session of sex you will put a healing spell on her. Well, you'll put it ‘on debt’ for the first time. After that, she will not leave you alone until she fully recovers, which with the effectiveness of this spell will take at least a couple of weeks.”

"Do you think she'll agree to it?" - Shinji questioned my impeccability.


"What are we going to do after two weeks?"

"We'll see." - I shrugged it off. - "She'll probably like it so much that she won't even remember that there's no need for healing."

Oddly enough, such a way of ‘hooking a girl' was a success. Because, Rei is not understood what shame and morality is, so for her, these 'healing sessions' were just a form of physical exercise. No, she enjoyed it, but without reminding Shinji, she was not very enthusiastic about it. But her boyfriend got so accustomed to 'healing' her that he did it almost at every break between lessons. I even had to teach him a weak eye-averting spell to make it easier to find places for 'healing sessions'.

This idyll continued for more than a week, until one day Suzuhara Toji showed up in the class. He spent two weeks in the hospital with his sister lying in a coma, but in the end the soulless body simply stopped breathing and finally died. A friend of this school bully, Aida Kensuke made the assumption that Shinji is the pilot of the robot that fought with the angel. As a result, the schoolmates led the naive student to an honest answer, after which he had to face not only the enthusiastic attention of the entire class, but also Toji's heavy fists.

After school he literally pulled Shinji out of class, taken to a secluded place, and then carefully began to beat, trying to break all bones in the body of his sister's murderer. Although Shinji was a master of magic, he didn't know any combat or defensive spells, so he couldn't resist such treatment.

I waited until the pain from the fractured bones filled my ward's entire consciousness, then offered to give him strength and martial arts skills by temporarily summoning the demon into his body. Of course, he immediately agreed and repeated the invocation formula embedded in his mind.

A few seconds later, events took an unexpected turn. As payment for the help, the demon was able to temporarily control Shinji's body, so he didn't hold back. Its only restriction was the prohibition of killing people. So, the next kick to the kidneys was stopped by an unexpectedly strong hand. The pilot's hand clenched, and all bones in Toji's foot turned into shards. And after that, it was not even a beating, but a real session of torture. Even Aida Kensuke, who had just stood by and watched the humiliation of a classmate, received similar treatment. When the demon considered his work done, the two hooligans were left with only torn bodies, in which life barely warmed.

"What have you done?"!!” - Shinji shouted, falling to his knees and examining his hands, which were covered with blood up to his shoulders.

"What have I done? You're the one who summoned the demon.”

"You offered it to me!" - The savior of mankind become hysterical.

"Well, there's not much I've suggested. Do not shift from a sick head to a healthy Schizophrenia. You summoned a demon to beat these idiots. You sacrificed his sister.”

“I didn't sacrifice her.”

“You did” - I rejected this argument. - "Or do you think you got the power to kill an angel without payment? When you stepped on that house, you crushed two dozen people hiding there.”

"What? No!!! You told me to do it!” - The mass murderer began to cry.

“I said. But you did it.”

"What do you want? How can I live now?” - Shinji whined, looking at the two half-corpses. - "I'm a murderer now!"

"You are the savior of mankind. Their death was not in vain, and they died for the sake of all the others. Why are you freaking out? Do you think your superiors don't know about these deaths? They well aware of that. And they didn't tell you anything because they thought these sacrifices were inconsequential.

"You're a demon!" - Shinji whispered, looking at me.

"No, not at all. I'm still learning.” - I lowered my eyes modestly.

"Do you think I can get away from this murder?" - Shinji nodded at the unconscious bodies.

“Unlikely. But you can fix it.”

“Really? How?” - The sinner was inflamed with a new hope of salvation.

“Offer them to become your slaves and possess demons into their bodies. After that, their wounds will heal in just a few minutes.”

Shinji looked at the limbs lying apart from the body and looked at me skeptically.

"Are you sure?"

“Sure-sure.” - I reassured him. - "And if they refuse, then it's their own fault. Why are you sobbing all the time? These two freaks just tried to kill you. Or have you forgotten in what state you were when the demon was summoned?”

Shinji ran his hand over the entire skin of his forearm, which, as he remembered was broken, and fragments of bone were sticking out.

“Ok. What is the ritual? If they don't agree, we need to dispose the bodies.”

Fortunately, realizing their situation, the students immediately agreed to all the conditions, without even listening to them. Death was already breathing in their backs, so their desire to live outweighed all other arguments. Fifteen minutes later, the whole trio were trotting toward the gym to get rid of the blood that covered their bodies.

After this incident, the two lobsters became Shinji's best friends. At least on the surface. The demons in their bodies explained in detail what would happen if the 'master' will be dissatisfied. But in their hearts, Toji and Kensuke were afraid of their classmate to the point of unconsciousness. After all, in their memory perfectly preserved memories of the moment when a clogged sucker turned into a bloodthirsty demon.

A couple of days later, the next angel attacked the city. Shamshel looked like an angel from the canon, only 'whips' he had not two, but all ten. Angel waved them so fast that if Eve-01 only had a normal AT-field, then the angel would have chop her to pieces without much trouble. The demon forced to concentrate on defense, so there was no time to attack. Meanwhile, the angel pressed more and more, only getting hot from the sight of a helpless opponent.

And just as Eva-01 was once again thrown aside, a pair of Shinji's slaves came into view, crawling out of their hiding place to watch the battle with the angel.

"We are forever responsible for those we have tamed.” - I said philosophically, watching Shinji's moral torment.

In the end, he repeated his feat from the canon and allowed two friends to come to him inside a contact capsule. At least they didn't have to climb to a height of twenty meters by themselves, Eva quickly throw them with telekinesis to the capsule.

Alas, further events began to diverge from the canon more and more. Although Shinji did not personally control the robot, he could clearly see that the angel was too strong, and with each minute the chances of victory became more elusive.

"What should I do?" - He shouted when the whips pierced Eva's body, splashing around her guts.

"You know the answer. Sacrifice to the demons must be performed.” - I replied melancholically. In fact, the situation of Eva-01 was not so difficult, but there was still little chance of victory. At least without any additional amplification.

“No!!! I won't do it!” - Shinji shouted, trying to preserve the remnants of his humanity.

"Then this angel will eat you. Look how interesting his mouth is.” - At this moment, the angel once again made an unsuccessful attempt to bite the robot. - "And then all these people will die anyway, only for no use. Realize, they have no chance of survival in principle. The only question is, whether they will die in order for billions of other people to survive, or die in order to satisfy the angel's hunger a little.”

“No! I can't sacrifice them. This is inhumane!”

Toji and Kens'ke didn't hear my voice, but they had enough of Shinji's monologue to know what we were talking about. And if for the photographer this dilemma was largely theoretical, then Toji's thoughts were cut without a knife. After all, in the last battle, his sister was the price that had to be paid for the victory.

Finally, when Eva-01 lost her right arm and left foot, Shinji realized that just a little more, and all his moral torment would end in his own death. His selfish thoughts were warmed by demands of Misato and Gendo to fight the angel until the end and win it at any cost. Having decided on the sacrifice, Shinji literally gave up and agreed to do whatever I told him to do.

And then everything was simple. Eve leaped to the side, forming a circle for sacrifice ritual under her left arm, and two hundred people hiding in the shelter directly below us lost their lives in a single moment.

This ritual really was our trump card. Two hundred souls and the angel himself paid for the summoning of three huge demons. They were smaller than Eve or angel, but size was not the main thing. These creatures were truly powerful inhabitants of Chaos, for whom creatures like our opponent were just food. Even the demon sitting in Eva was a small bug in front of them. The only thing that kept these demons from destroying the entire population of the Earth was the terms of the contract for their summoning.

The emergence of new actors this time did not pass the attention of NERV employees. After all, demons didn't even remotely resemble humans, so it was difficult to take them for Eva's 'shadow clones' or any other focus with the AT field. Literally in a minute the aliens devoured the resisting angel, and then stared at Eve-01, or rather at the one who called them to this world.

And then a mental blow struck Shinji's mind. No, it wasn't a meaningful order. It wasn't an attempt to submission. In fact, this effect was not intended to cause harm. Simply, Shinji suddenly sensed the hunger of these demons. Hunger, forcing them to wander forever through the unimaginable expanses of Chaos in search of at least someone who could be devoured. Hunger, every second without which was a real Paradise.

“No-o-o-o-o-o!!!” - Shinji shouted, and then the summoning circle of the ritual was triggered, and the demons were thrown back into the depths of Chaos.

On this battle ended, because Shinji lost consciousness. To be honest, I was a little scared myself. Because if our under-demonologist had succumbed to the demons, they would have stay in this world and finish all life here much faster than all the angels together.

The mental blow hit Toji and Kensuke only by corner, but they also experienced such horror that they began to more or less perceive reality only after two hours, when they were already pulled out of the capsule and placed in the NERV’s hospital.

All the details of this battle were immediately classified, so that even the most secret spies could not find out the essence of the incident. The official version was another transition of Eva-01 in a state of berserk, in which she was able to strike a decisive blow.

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