《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.02 Evangelion


After a few seconds, the transport was brought to almost working condition, after which the passengers took their seats, and the creaking car began to steer onto the road, skidding every couple of meters. Without much trouble, they reached the entrance to the tunnel, where the car took its place on a special lift.

All the way Shinji was silent, staring at nowhere. Even after Misato started asking him questions, he remained silent, only pulling out a couple of pieces of paper from his briefcase at her request. After receiving the folder with the 'secret materials' about NERV, he went deep into reading, trying to find there at least some information about the angels and his future role in all this mess.

When the lift got inside of the Geofront, even depressed Shinji couldn't hold back the enthusiastic cry.


“Yes, it's the Geofront. Our shelter and headquarters of NERV.”

"Do you know why my father wanted me?" - Shinji asked, falling back into a deep depression.

“No. I think he'll tell you.” - Misato tactfully shifted the arrows.

"You shouldn't be so afraid to fight the angels.” - I continued brainwashing. - "As already said, I know a way to destroy them without any effort. You just need to listen to me, and everything will be fine.”

Shinji glanced at me and then at Misato, who was looking at him.

"Misato-San?" - he tried to start a conversation. I was constantly monitoring his thoughts, so I knew he wanted to ask her if she could see me.

"What, Shinji?" - The girl smiled, looking at the embarrassing schoolboy.

"Go on, ask her is it normal for a future angel fighter to hear voices and see all sorts of glitches.” - I taunted him, laughing derisively.

“Yes, no... nothing... " - the madman said, not wanting to make a mockery of himself.

"I'm your schizophrenia. So, no one but you can see or hear me.” - I answered to his unspoken question. – “Look.”

I climbed onto Misato's knees and pretended to kiss her, caressing her breasts. Of course, she didn't flinch, just glanced at her ward with corner of her eye. The same person blushed and buried his nose in the pamphlet given to him, shielding himself from temporal reality.

So, in silence this couple got to the headquarters, and then for another twenty minutes wandered through the tangled corridors. Finally, the lost couple was found by Dr. Akagi, who led Shinji into a huge dark room. The doors closed behind them, cutting off the only source of light, and then the ceiling lights flared up, revealing the huge face of a humanoid robot.

“Face? A giant robot?” - Shinji asked, flipping through the brochure in search of information about this giant.

"There is no information about it in the manual.” - Dr. Akagi said.

After this she performed a brief lecture that did not really explain anything, but only called Eva-01 as 'the last hope of humanity'.

"So, you want me to pilot it?" - Shinji guessed. Actually, considering my hints, only a complete dumbass wouldn't understand.

"Exactly!” – Ikari Gendo’s voice rang out. - "It's been a while."

Shinji raised his gaze and looked at the figure of a man standing in the 'aquarium' above Eva's head.

“Father...” - Shinji stared at him in shock, then looked away.

“Into the attack.” - The head of NERV ordered.

“Attack?” - Misato asked. - "But he's just arrived."

Another pointless discussion ensued, the results of which revealed that Shinji should sit in the robot and go to waste the angel, whether he wants to or not. In response, the future Savior of humanity raised his horn and threw a tantrum, trying hard to get rid of such a dubious honor.


After a couple of minutes, Gendo made his next move and gave the order to move injured Rei Ayanami near Shinji. The girl was really not in the best shape, although the contact suit perfectly accentuated her no longer childish figure. The sight of a beautiful girl struggling with pain made even a coward like Shinji's heart flutter. In general, the instinct of reproduction forced people to do more stupid things.

“Shinji...” - Again, I began to tempt his fragile psyche. – “...Agree to your father. I know a way to destroy an angel. You won't even have to strain yourself. And besides, I can make this beautiful girl as your girlfriend. An obedient concubine, willing to fulfill your every sexual desire.”

It was, as they say, a blow below the belt. Hormones boiled in womanizer’s blood, and he shouted his answer before he realized what he was saying.

"I agree!... I will destroy the angel.” - He added, after a few seconds, throwing a restless glance at Gendo, and then at me.

“Do not worry.” - I encouraged him. – “Just do what I say and everything will be fine. I'm your schizophrenia. If you die, I'll die.”

This calmed a little the panicked schoolboy, and he glanced at Rei, this time filled with possessive instincts, gave him confidence.

Then Shinji was urgently crammed into the capsule, which was immediately loaded inside Eva-01. The last operations were performed under the sounds of explosions from the angel making its way into the Geofront.

"So, Shinji, listen to me carefully.” - I said to my client, when he was inside of the capsule filled with LCL. – “We are now going to fight with an angel, which means that you will have to call to the demons for help.”

"What?" - The future demonologist gurgled.

“Calm down. Your soul will remain with you. We'll sacrifice the robot you're sitting in. The demon will simply take possession of him, and the robot possessed by him will tear the angel to pieces like how dog tears bottle of hot water.”

"But ... demons?" - He began to panic.

"Do you realize that you can't do anything by yourself, right?" - I began to press him. - "It's not your fault that you have to call demons. This is the fault of those who put you in this robot. Let them be responsible for this. So, you're just going to watch as the demon will bring victory to you on a silver platter, and then you'll take all the glory for yourself.”

“Prepare for launch!” - Misato's voice rang out loudly.

"Think faster, or you will fight against the angel on your own and just die like the last sucker."

"Okay, I agree.” - Shinji shouted, fighting with conscience and fear. No one paid attention to his words, considering it just a way to release the nervous tension.

"Now you will slowly recite this spell. You don't have to shout, just repeat the words to yourself.”

I put the text of the demon summoning ritual into Shinji's head. If it was repeated by a simple person, it would be very hard to activate it. But now he was in sync with Eva-01, so the pilot's words were essentially the words of an angel, albeit an inferior one. The power of this body was enough to activate the ritual on the first attempt, opening a portal to the world of demons.

"Shinji, what are you mumbling about?" - Misato asked, but did not receive an answer because the pilot was 'out of range of the network'. Now Shinji felt the presence of a powerful otherworldly entity that was slowly seeping into his consciousness. Fortunately, no additional confirmation of the contract was required after reading the spell, so the demon looked around, scanned Eva-01’s mind and completed the ritual by agreeing to its terms.


The main condition, as I said, was the sacrifice of Eva-01's body. During the game, the demon had to follow Shinji's general orders and fight the angels on his own, using Eve's powers and his own. But after the game the body of the angel passed into the complete ownership of the demon, turning it into a hybrid of an angel and a demon, which in turn gave the 'employee' access to a new type of magic and 'angelic' worlds.

Meanwhile, Eva-01 was released from its moorings and transported to the catapult that would take it to the surface.

“Launch!” - Misato shouted, and Evangelion was pulled up.

At this moment, the demon began to capture the angel's body, devouring its soul. In addition to the soul of Eva herself, there was also the soul of Ikari Yui in this body, but according to the terms of the contract, the demon had to leave her alone.

“Synchronization error!” - The technicians who were monitoring Eva-01's work began to worry.

“Main program failed!”

“All chains breached.”

"What's going on?" - Misato asked anxiously.

"I don't know.” - Akagi replied, frantically clicking the keyboard.

Meanwhile, the demon suppressed the angel's soul, seized control of the body and began to adjust it to itself.

“Connections are restored.”

“The basic procedure has been restarted.”

"Synchronization is seventy-six percent.”


Before anyone could give the order to cancel the launch, all sensor readings were restored to normal.

"Is everything all right?" - Misato asked.

"Now, yes.” - Akagi replied, staring at the monitor in disbelief.


“Continue.” - Gendo answered to Misato's unspoken question. - "The angel must be destroyed, no matter of cost.”

While the discussion was going on, Eva-01 reached the surface and was only a few hundred meters away from the angel. The fastenings opened, and Evangelion's body gained freedom.

"Shinji-kun, now just imagine that you are walking. Try to make a step.” - Dr. Akagi began to give instructions.

In response, Eva-01 raised her head and howled.

“What's going on?” - Misato was in turmoil. - “Shinji, what are you doing?!!”

“Synchronization is 100%!!!”

“The pilot's harmonics are not defined.”

“Berserk? But ... why?” - Akagi said dumbfoundedly.

The demon did not wait for the angel's reaction, and immediately rushed to him and punched. Unfortunately, the angel was not a weakling, so there was not even a scratch on his skin. A battle of fists ensued, the participants of which resembled two furious orangutans. They waved their arms, jumped, tried to push and bite each other, and so on. Eva-01 was a little faster, but angel was stronger. In general, there was a parity of combat capabilities, so the fight began to drag on.

According to my advice, the demon didn't use all of his abilities. We needed to teach Shinji that everything in this world has a price. So, there was another sacrifice ahead of us.

The pilot sat relaxed in his seat during the fight, watching the robot's antics from the side and occasionally making comments about how to hit or where to jump. If he hadn't been immersed in the LCL now, he'd probably have asked for popcorn.

“Shinji.” - I appeared next to the game figure. - "Your robot doesn't have enough strength to win.”

"So what? What about the demon? You said you knew what to do.” - Immediately he began to make his claims to me. Typical behavior of a spineless asshole.

“I know. You need to make another sacrifice.” - I made my suggestion.

"W-W-what sacrifice?" - The pilot was startled.

"Nothing complicated.” - I said. - "You'll have to run up here, put your foot on this building, and say, 'I'll destroy you in the name of the moon! Sacrifice'.”

"So simple?" - Shinji didn't believe it.

“Of course. Only, you will have to do it by yourself, for which you will have to take control of the robot.”

"Can I do that?" - The pilot immediately began to doubt.

"It's not hard. You will feel Eve's body as your own. Just imagine that you are playing a computer game with full immersion.”

“Well. What about the angel?”

"We'll move it aside for a while.”

“Ok.” - Shinji nodded, adjusting to the task. After all, at school he went to the drama club, where he performed quite confidently on stage in school plays. After all, there he just did what was written in the script.

After receiving confirmation, the demon made several maneuvers to take a suitable position, then gave punch to the angel 'in the tambourine' and threw him a kilometer to the side. After that, control of body passed to Shinji, who made a short run, stepped on a small three-story building, turning it into a pile of garbage, and shouted the required phrase.

"I will destroy you in the name of the moon!"!! Sacrifice!” - The pilot's voice was filled with pathos and with the promise of painful retribution.

Immediately, a glowing sacrificial circle appeared under Eva-01's foot, and Shinji felt how incredible power fill his body. Not only Eve's body, but his own also.

As you can guess, in this ritual, he did not sacrifice pathos, but the souls of people hiding in the basement of the building. At the behest of the canon, among the victims was Toji Suzuhara's sister, who in principle should have escape with a broken leg. But the power of the ritual tore her soul from her injured body and fed it to the demons. Along with a couple dozen other sufferers.

The ritual opened direct path to the world of Chaos, from which demon immediately began to draw energy. This was another new kind of magic for me. And I must say that the magic of angels, called here AT-field, quite well combined with the magic of demons, which should be called Magic of Chaos.

With such amplification, Eva-01 immediately 'inflamed with the Springtime of Youth' and began to beat the angel with double zeal. Pretty quickly, angel found himself with broken arms and legs, and his head bended to side. But after that, began the most interesting thing.

“Shinji.” - I attracted the attention of the victory-loving pilot. - "There's something else you need to do.”

"What else?" - He turned his head in my direction.

"The next angels will be even stronger. This means that we need to extract as much as possible out of this victory. We need to sacrifice this angel to the demons while he's still alive. In return, you and Eva-01 will have permanent access to the magic of Chaos.”

"So, am I going to be a magician?" - He immediately understood what I was saying.

“Exactly. Now you have the power, while you're sitting in the pilot's seat. But after the ritual, you can use magic in your daily life.”

"Good! What should I do?” - My ward immediately inspired with this idea.

"I'll give you a scheme of the ritual. You will need to use magic to create a ritual circle and read this spell.”

Then everything went as planned, and the trusting mortal signed a contract of eternal service to the demons of Chaos. Or rather, serve to one particular demon who now controlled Eva-01. As a result of the ritual, the angel's flesh and soul were 'exchanged' for the right to create a permanent channel to feed Eva-01 with energy from the world of Chaos. After that from Eva-01 created a thin channel to Shinji. Of course, he didn't know any spells yet, but if necessary, the demon could protect him through this channel, which increased my ward's chances of survival. A little fact that he becomes a slave to the demon is not my problem. However, demon will not be able to use this right before the end of game.

As a result of all this 'battle', only bloody fragments remained from the angel. As soon as the ritual was completed, Shinji was covered by the recoil of the sacrifice and lost consciousness. Along with him, also Eve-01 'disconnected'.

All this time NERV employees were staring at their monitors and running around in circles, trying to understand what was going on. Telemetry from the robot came only partially, and what is happening with the pilot was a mystery. It was only clear that he still alive and in well health. Details of the ritual, such as glowing magic circles, no one noticed, because at that moment the demon usually surrounded Eva-01 with dust from destroyed buildings.

After making sure that everything went according to plan, and at the moment the threat of the angel was eliminated, I was able to relax and investigate the situation at NERV headquarters. It was necessary to develop plans for further actions and learn to 'keep finger on the pulse', so as not to face unpleasant surprises.

Shinji woke up only the next day. Opening his eyes, he looked up and said his crown phrase:

“An unfamiliar ceiling...”

“Never mind, you'll meet it more than once.” - I said cheerfully.

Shinji jumped up and stared at me in disbelief.

"Are you still here?" - He asked discontentedly, settling back in bed.

"Hey, why such a dissatisfied tone?" - I was indignant. - "I made you a hero who saved all humanity. Where is your gratitude?”

"It is in the trash bin on the corner. You can find it there.” - He murmured.

“Are you rude? Look, if you're going to be snobbish to me, you will acquaintance with the Irish national fiddle playing in my performance. I can play for days without an interruption.” - I voiced my threat.

“Even I know how to play the violin. What are you trying to scare me with?” - Shinji asked naively.



I am not good player of this instrument, so, ten minutes later, he began to bang his head against the wall, begging to stop this torture.

"Lesson learned?" - I asked, stopping my performance.

“Yes! Enough!!! I understood it all.”

"That's it.” - I said with satisfaction.

Exhausted Shinji again collapsed on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Why didn't anyone even come to check me?" - The pilot asked. - "Maybe I'm dying here."

"Who needs you?" - I ruined all his hopes. - "Did you kill an angel? Are you saved humanity? All right, get out of the sight until next time so no one can see you. Do you think anyone cares that you cracked your ass during the fight? For them you're just another robot’s spare part. It is all right if you are not dead. Did you see Rei? That's how they treat her.”

"What about Misato?" – Shinji asked, unwittingly attached to his fellow passenger.

"She's your boss. So, she is only interested in your ability to go into battle, which, of course, includes your mental state. That's what she's going to do. Well, maybe she can think of another use for you.”

"What kind of use?" – Shinji asked, whose wet fantasies were already filled with the first application that came to mind.

“You will see.” - I chuckled insidiously.

"Come on.” - He said, burying himself in the pillow.

"Don't sleep, you'll freeze!" - I didn't let him immerse himself in the fantasy world. - " Let's take a closer look at your future concubine."


"Let's go. There's nothing to sour about. Or do you want me to continue the concert?”


The threat had an effect, and Shinji rushed into the corridor, barely having time to pull the slippers. Walking through the corridors in accordance with my instructions, he just found himself in the right place that gurney were rolled near Shinji, which lay Rei wrapped in bandages. Her blank gaze was filled with indifference and contempt for the whole universe.

"Do you see what they've done to her?" - I asked as the patient was taken away.

"Does she not care about me either?" - Shinji asked quietly, plunging into depression again.

“Of course. Even the fact that you saved her from piloting Eva, she doesn't see it as a help. But don't worry, we'll make her a little horny bitch who will beg you to have sex with her.”

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