《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.01 Evangelion


A few seconds later, the magic worked and next to me opened a portal leading to the depths of the unknown. Naturally, I didn't go there myself, but sent a shadow clone. Coming out of the portal he found himself in a strange space, which was completely impossible to describe in human words. On the one hand, there was only Emptiness. There wasn't even any space. On the other hand, everything was there in a state of nonexistence. With easy effort here would be possible to create any thing, but to calculate the consequences of such an act would not have taken any one God. In other words, my clone was now floating in endless Chaos.

Fortunately, the clone had brought a small piece of the laws of the material world with him, so he was not in immediate danger of being disembodied. Quickly activating the spell embedded in it, the clone began to study the results. This ritual could be compared to the prediction of fate. It made clear which demon could fulfill the terms of the contract in exchange for the promised payment. And the fact that this ritual was performed in the midst of Chaos gave chances to the most incredible outcomes of events.

Creatures of unimaginable power walked outside of the barrier surrounding the clone. They were gods, demons, inhabitants of Chaos and even embodiments of the Laws of the Universe. All of them did not exist here and now, which in terms of Chaos was almost identical to existence. So only the slightest effort on my part could attract the attention of these creatures.

Finally, the ritual finished and a demon appeared in front of me, whose consciousness was sufficiently developed, and whose power was not enough to simply take whatever he wanted without giving anything in return.

"What do you want from me, mortal?" - He asked me.

“Nothing. But one of my friends needs an ‘employer’. Here are the approximate terms of the contract.” - I sent draft contract to demon that detailed all the necessary conditions, actions, and rewards.

"Looks good." - The demon chuckled. - "But the description is too vague.”

"That's all I can offer." - I said. - "I suggest you to answer my friend's call and then study the reward by yourself. Everything will be visible at first sight. If you are not satisfied with the contract, you will simply refuse. Anyway, I think you'll be satisfied.”

“Why this point is included here?" - The demon sent me an image that highlights one of his responsibilities.

"I don't want to look for suitable demons every time I need them. So, I suggest you do it. I think you can benefit from the fact that the new summoned demons to my world will be obliged to you for a non-dusty and well-paid job.”


"It bothers me that you don't want me to communicate directly with client. In addition, he signing the contract, but you have the right to give orders with the highest priority.”

"You must understand that I need to protect my interests." - I began to explain my position. - "He'll pay the bills. But this whole project is not for him, or even not for me, but for much high-ranked customers. And I wouldn't want you or anyone else to go against Their will.” - The image of the Being transmitted with these words impressed the demon to a tremor in his knees.

“Well. I'll take the job.” - He nodded.

"Then I propose to formalize the contract and create a summoning spell that will allow to my client to sign it without going into unnecessary bureaucratic details.”

With these words, the demon and I simultaneously smiled and laughed maliciously.

By the time Shinji arrived to Tokyo 3, I already had the ritual of summoning of the demon to sign contract with strict conditions. Since Shinji didn't possess any magic, the ritual consisted only of reciting of a long 'spell' in the language of demons. So, everything was ready for the fight, and I just had to wait for the right moment and give pen to my 'client'.

As soon as Shinji was about to get off the train, I appeared next to him.

"Do you miss me?" - I asked in a disgustingly cheerful tone. - "Soon you'll be entertained."

As if to confirm my words, a calm female voice rang out from the speakers.

“Attention, today a state of emergency is declared at twelve in the Kanto area and in the Tokai area of Tyubu. All residents should take shelter immediately.”

The five passengers who got off the train quickly disappeared, leaving a bewildered Shinji blinking on the platform. The train doors slammed behind him and the train rolled away. After looking around, the schoolboy went to the exit, doing his best to ignore my presence.

"What do you think she will meet you?" - I asked, watching as Shinji walked through the station's passageways, guided by signs and text on a piece of paper. The answer to me was only a dissatisfied look.

Leaving the underground passage, we found ourselves on a city street away from the main station building. After looking around, Shinji did not see what he wanted and wandered down the street, also turning his head. In the next block, he found a pay phone and tried to call, but the phone kept issuing the same emergency warning.


"I don't think I'll have time to see her again." - He muttered, looking at the picture of a girl with dark blue hair and good breasts. "I must go to the shelter.”

"You don’t have enough time to reach the shelter.” - I reassured him, feeling the approach of a source of some strange energy.

"Why would you think that?” - Shinji asked, finally acknowledging the fact of my existence.

"You have a battle with an angel on your schedule right now.”


But before Shinji could properly protest, we were covered by a loud rumble, combined with a gust of wind. In a way, it was like a slow explosion. Looking back at the source of the sound, the schoolboy saw helicopters of progressive design flying out from behind the nearest hill. A huge humanoid figure of an angel appeared next to them.

"Well, you didn't believe. Angel by his own persona.” - I said. - "Go on, grab your briefcase, throw yourself at him and start biting him."

Meanwhile, the aircraft opened fire to the angel, which did not hurt him in any way. In response, the alien creature began to crash helicopters, scattering them to the sides. One of the aircrafts fell not far from us, and a few seconds later an angel's foot landed on it, flattening it into a metal pancake and causing an explosion.

"It seems to me. It is not real.” – Shinji repeated as a wound-up, looking at this action with wide eyes of horror. One of the metal shards hit him in the stomach, knocking him back. Fortunately, the force of the blow was small, and the boy got away with only a bruise. "A-a-a-a-a-a!!!” - he roared, flying up a meter. - "It's real!"

Shinji was about to run away, as a blue car braked sharply next to him.

"Sorry, how long have you been waiting?" - Katsuragi Misato asked, opening the door.

Without saying a word, Shinji dived inside, and the car immediately darted forward. The angel, standing only a couple of dozen meters away, was covered in the flames of explosions from missiles hitting it.

“What... What is it?” - Shinji screamed as the distance between him and the angel increased to several hundred meters and the explosions went from deafening to just loud. Turning back, he saw how the angel walked calmly until it disappeared behind the buildings after the turn of the car.

“It's... classified information.” - Misato replied evasively.

"You see, she doesn't want to scare you early.” - I commented, lounging in the backseat of the car. It was easy for me, with my immateriality, to get in there. - "Now she will take you to your father, and he will order you to destroy this monster.”

"I'm not going to fight him! Even rockets cannot damage him.” - Shinji shouted nervously, unsuccessfully trying to see my reflection in the rearview mirror.

"Shinji, calm down. No one is going to enforce you fight the angels.” - Misato said, focusing on the ram. The car raced through the streets of the city, getting closer to the suburbs. The high-rise buildings were gone now, and we were driving through small cottages with wooded hills behind them.

"So, is it an angel?" - Shinji was even more scared. He turned again and looked at the tall figure walking through the city. - "Why isn't anyone shooting anymore?"

In confirmation of his words, the sounds of explosions and gunfire faded.

“What? No way!” - Misato exclaimed, stopping the car, pulling out of the glove compartment military binoculars and pointing it at the angel. - "Are they going to detonate an N2 bomb? Lie down!”

Pinning the schoolboy with her rather large chest, Misato covered him from the blast wave. The explosion was really quite good. The car literally bounced and spun, rolling over the plowed land of the field that ran along the road. Five minutes later, the two poor souls came to their senses, got out of the long-suffering car and stared at the angel, whose silhouette broke through the surrounding fire.

“Are you see? Very impressive monster.” - Again, I began to act on Shinji's nerves. - "No explosions can take it. The only hope is you.”

"Shinji, can you help me?" - Simultaneously Misato asked him, trying to give the car a horizontal position.

“No!!! Leave me alone!” - He shouted, covering his face with his hands against the merciless reality.

“Shinji?” - Katsuragi asked in surprise.

"What?" - He stared at her with madness in his eyes.

"Help me move the car. We need to keep going.”

“Ok.” Free labor nodded dejectedly and trudged to help push the car. He wanted to get out of here as much as Misato.

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