《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.08 Juuni Taisen



The Lich watched the Dog's flesh spread through the city, and at the same time wondered what to do with the Rat. This upstart naively thought that he managed to avoid the attention of the undead, just because they did not rush at him in an attempt to bite. During the movement of the Rat through the city, he realized that Rat has an amazing ability to anticipate danger, and as soon as he tried to intercept Rat with the undead, the enemy immediately disappeared without a trace, to appear at a distance of several hundred meters. But if he just passively watched the Rat, focusing on the perception of life in his minions, most of the time could tell where Rat is.

So now the Rabbit was actively thinking about the available options. He would have turned the Rat into an undead long ago if he could spray his blood in the air. A single breath would be enough to get the drops of blood inside the body. That's just outside the body of the undead blood quickly lose their properties, simply turned into goo in a second.

He saw the real solution in the Dog’s abilities. Now Dog’s flesh was slowly encircling not only Tiger, but Rat as well. The calculation was simple. Tiger if desired, with his speed of movement can run even on water. But if Rabbit surround him with a wide belt of necro-flesh, the surface of which is given the shape of foam, even with all its speed, the Tiger will get stuck in it and will be dissolved. Or the Dog's flesh will get into his eyes, nose and ears. No wonder Tiger put on a gas mask and does not remove it even for a second.

The same goes for the Rat. Judging by his movements, he can 'jump' a couple of hundred meters at a time. If the whole area will be covered with Dog’s flesh, he will get stuck in it like a fly in honey. So, all that was left was to collect more undead and surround the opponents, not giving them a reason to escape ahead of time. And then Rabbit can simply flood them with an endless ocean of inanimate flesh, leaving no chance of salvation.


Observation of the Rat showed that he stopped moving and settled in one place. After waiting fifteen minutes, Dragon decided that there was no point in waiting any longer, and gave the order to the dragonflies to attack any suspicious target. At the same time, special attention should be paid to new smells and air movement. At the same time, he sent all his reserves to this part of the city, removing most of the insects from areas where there were definitely no opponents.

Unfortunately, the raging swarm of insects could not find the Rat, although it seemed to fill all the available space. But the Dragon did not relax. Sooner or later, the Rat will have to stick its nose out. And then he will face angry dragonflies and agile golems. Turning a person into an undead takes at least a minute, and this time should be enough for the nearest golem to get to the body and destroy it.


Sitting in a comfortable closet, the Rat relaxed too much, predicting 'raids' on the territory of the Rabbit. All these attacks by definition ended in his death, so he realized too late that even those lines where he continues to sit still end in death. When the gravity of the situation dawned on him, there was only five minutes left.


Using all his abilities, the Rat began searching for ways to escape... and found only one. It was too late to run away. Dragonflies gathered in a dense swarm, which penetrated into all rooms. Seeing their activity, the undead also began to actively search for him, searching every corner. As a result, all future lines ended up being bitten by a dragonfly or a dragonfly and a zombie at the same time.

He found the only safe option almost by accident. Now he was located in the historical part of the city, where many buildings were built in the Western style. One of the houses had a small tower that ended in a high, pointed roof. It was under this roof that he was able to hide. There was no entrance to this semblance of an attic. There was no hole in the roof, so the dragonflies couldn't get inside. And from zombies he was saved by the height of the roof, because from the nearest room, where zombies could go, it was separated by several levels of the attic.

The room where he found himself cramped, filled with dust and cobwebs. Crouching, the Rat breathed in the stale air and cursed his inattention, not stopping to look for ways to escape.


Unexpected activity of the dragonflies and the disappearance of the Rat confused all his plans. Of course, he continued to act according to plan, systematically cordoning off the area, but now he could not be sure that his plan would succeed. In addition, the Dragon not only concentrated around the insects, but also sent more than a hundred golems to occupy all the strategically important points around the truck, where the Rabbit was now lying. And that was dangerous.

Previously, he was confident of his relative safety, because nothing gave out his location. The sense of direction toward the enemy gave too much territory as a possible location. But now the Rat was somehow able to sniff out his approximate location, and Dragon seems to be able to track him down and draw the right conclusions. The most disgusting thing was that he had no way to deal with golems, which easily destroyed the undead and possessed unreal strength.

However, before that he tried to fight them only with his bare hands, which was really stupid. So, he should have armed the undead with something like picks. In addition, a wave of Dog flesh can bury any golem under it, nullifying their strength advantage. It's time to turn on brain, and not just hope for his 'superpower'. He has hundreds of thousands of performers of his will, and they should be used as effectively as possible. So, perhaps, enough to spend a valuable resource, entertaining the Tiger. Especially since the Dog's flesh has almost covered the desired territory, and it's time to move on to the next part of the operation.


At first, he didn't understand what exactly had changed in the zombie's behavior. Only after making a dozen more passes in their boundless crowd, he realized that the undead were no longer trying to go in his direction. Instead, they just stand still, and a significant part of the area is now completely free of zombies.

At the same time, none of the game figures were in hurry to even approach the Tiger. Maybe he too hard pictured a ‘berserker’, scaring away all possible opponents? After looking at the square again, Tiger was forced to admit that what was now very simple for him, for ordinary people had to look like a real horror. Apparently, the rage of the fight did not have the best impact on his ability to strategic thinking.


His senses told him that the Rabbit and the Rat were about in the same place, and the Dragon was heading in their direction. Maybe they decided to fight without him? But this is the perfect time to finish off the revealed opponents.

After looking around, the Tiger leapt to the roof of a nearby building, routinely dismembering nearby zombies. Glancing in the direction of the Rat and Rabbit, he saw something that even his head's hair stood on end. An endless ocean of flesh. Moving, gurgling, and twitching. From the square where he had been all this time, the city looked completely normal, except for the crowds of zombies. But then everything was literally sinking into the vile slurp as far as the eye could see.

How could he even miss the appearance of such thing? If he had been running around the city looking for an enemy, he certainly would not allow such abomination to surround himself. Was it his... laziness that caused this state of affairs? He chose to stand in one place rather than seek an encounter with the enemy.

Well, he would think about that later. Returning to the square, the Tiger cleared a small area of corpses, then crouched down... and jumped vertically up. Having soared to a height of a couple of hundred meters, he was able to assess the true extent of the disaster. It wasn't that bad. The white mass surrounded him from all sides, but the width of the ring did not exceed three hundred meters. He can jump over it. And then he should visit the Rabbit and start cutting out the zombies exactly where he can find a real enemy.

Apparently, the destruction of the undead did have a positive effect. Now he felt stronger and faster than at the beginning of the game. In the start of game, he was stronger than any man could have been. Now he was stronger than anyone could have imagined. He felt that if he wanted to, he could jump a kilometer or even two. He just needs to find a suitable 'launch pad'.

And the best way to jump is right over there, next to another ring of flesh. There's probably a Rat inside it, so he can take a second jump inside and make a total destruction of everything and everyone. With his speed, he could turn this part of the city to rubble in just a couple of minutes. Stop waiting. It's time to attack the enemy and find out if they can oppose him at least something.

As usual, the Tiger came out of acceleration and began to fall down. Now he will prepare a foothold and will jump in the right direction.


The increased concentration of dragonflies in the air alarmed the zombies, which also began to rush in different directions, trying to be the first to get the Rat. Dragon could see all parts of the city, so it was obvious to him that the Rabbit's plan was to fill the entire territory with the Dog's flesh and banally prevent the Rat and Tiger from escaping.

Unexpected jump of the Tiger in the sky showed how much he underestimated this enemy. Obviously, he was going to simply jump out of the trap that surrounded him, and the first jump was used for scouting the area. But the idea that immediately came to the Dragon's mind turned this situation into a win-win situation for him.

He wasn't just looking for the Rat for the last ten minutes. His dragonflies checked every scum in this part of town. Before that, he believed that Rabbit had decided to choose a method of disguise called 'merging with the crowd'. Just pretend to be one of the many, and no one's going to find you. But what if the Rabbit looks different? Now the zombies resembled rotten dead, although in the beginning they looked almost alive.

What if the Rabbit was originally an undead, i.e. an ancient corpse? Then it would make sense for him to hide in some place where there is enough space to fit one corpse. The dragon knew for sure that the Rabbit had somehow moved around the city. If he didn't do it with the crowd, then he was driving. Now the traffic stopped, but he could see quite a lot of transport on the streets which sat zombie drivers.

There were several such vehicles in the part of the city he was investigating, but the first thing that caught his attention was an ice cream truck. This is a refrigerator, which is convenient to transport corpses, so that they do not decompose on the warm summer air. Dragonflies could not get inside the sealed truck, but they could penetrate the cabins, body and trunks of all the other cars. So, Dragon was almost entirely sure that he had managed to find the place where Rabbit was hiding.

He was moving this way now, so that he could control these surroundings more completely. After that, he was going to attach with his golems this truck and see how the undead would react. The Dog's flesh was spreading around quickly enough, so he had to hurry before the Rabbit realized that it could be used as a shelter. After all, it is enough just to 'dive' into this slur to hide from the eyes of Dragon’s observers.

At the moment, the appearance of a Tiger on the scene of action was highly undesirable. He could destroy the Rabbit first, banally due to the speed of his movement, which would be a complete failure of all plans. Dragon assumed that by gaining the power of the Rabbit, the Tiger would be able to turn himself into an undead if necessary, which would make it even more difficult to kill an opponent. In addition, the Snake's eyes only worked on living creatures and were powerless against the undead. And this is his only trump card in the fight against the Tiger.

That is why the Dragon decided to make a bid to neutralize the Tiger right now. At this point, he will reveal his location to enemy, and may not be able to hide from the attention of the enemy. But in reality, it was his only chance to gain enough advantage in the game to guarantee his victory.

Concentrating, the Dragon 'opened' the body of the golem in front of him, opening the view. At the same time, long spider legs lifted it above the building, revealing a panorama of the city. As soon as he got used to the bright light of the sun, he noticed a small dot shooting up into the sky on a parabola. The tiger flew in the air, heading straight for the other two opponents. And right now, he was moving relatively slowly, and most importantly, he could not change the direction of his movement.

The power of the Snake focused on the target and enslaved his mind, simultaneously putting in an order and setting a program of action.


Tiger's unexpected 'leap of faith' put Rabbit in a state of shock. It came to him that attempts to catch this flea in a such primitive trap had not had the slightest success. All plans should have been changed immediately. And in the very first place was the preservation of his own 'non-life'. Hunting the Rat absorbed too much of his attention, so he noticed the threat from Dragon very late. Now it was necessary to distract the enemy somehow, and then cover the entire area around with a thick layer of the Dog's flesh, thus safely hiding inside it.

He didn't dare do it previously, because he didn't have complete control over Dog’s ability to absorb organic matter. Dog 'ate' everything that came into contact with it, and the Rabbit was afraid that Dog would digest him as well. Most likely, after such a 'transformation', his action will be considered as a ‘suicide’ and will be recorded as a loser. Rabbit was not going to lose in any case.

At the moment he still had 'a last chance'. In the basement of a nearby house, a dead Horse was waiting for the right moment, ready to open a portal at the first order to evacuate a Rabbit from the back of a truck. Of course, several ubiquitous dragonflies were also hidden in the basement, so his 'evacuation' would not go unnoticed. But there wasn't a single golem nearby, so he'll have time to make a decision and move again if his main shelter will be revealed.


Tiger soared into the sky, looking carefully around. From his attention and perfect memory did not hide the appearance of a strange golem a kilometer away from him. And most importantly, he was finally able to see the Dragon. Perhaps now it made sense to change the priority and get to him in the first place. Control of poisonous dragonflies will allow him to take control of the entire city and quickly find the remaining opponents.

But before he could even begin to descend, the Tiger's mind was hit by a mental blow of incredible force. Even under maximum acceleration, he couldn't resist it. All he had to do was protect his ‘inner self’ with the barriers of his will, watching as his body began to move independently, following the Dragon’s program. Tiger felt that he still had one more attempt to break free from the shackles of someone else's will. But after that, he will have only a fraction of a second to be able to destroy the Dragon. So, no matter how furious he was from the beastly anger that overwhelmed him, now he had to lie low and wait patiently for the moment to attack.

Meanwhile, his body landed on the roof of the house, piercing it through. However, this did not prevent him immediately rush forward, on the move tearing off the head of the nearest zombie. As quickly as possible, he ran towards the goal indicated to him. Along with the order, he had a detailed map of the area in his mind, so he didn't waste even a fraction of a second to orient. After several hundred meters on the roofs of houses, he descended to the ground and made another epic leap, breaking through the ring of flesh.

The target was almost at the edge of a space that was free of the vile slime. It was obvious that the vile creature of the necromancer was trying to cover the same target, but with his speed of movement, it didn't matter. Jumping to the truck, he tore off the roof, revealing the contents.

And there, in addition to the usual three zombies, was an old mummy, which had already almost half fallen into the portal that opened directly below it.

But the orders given to the Tiger covered such development of events, so he carefully picked up Rabbit’s body and pulled it back out of the portal. At this speed, any impact on the target caused physical damage, but it was enough to preserve the overall integrity of the body and not damage vulnerable organs: the brain, spine and heart.

After making sure that the target didn't disappear into the portal right now, he lowered the acceleration coefficient, snapped a more comfortable grip on the sluggishly struggling body, and ran toward the nearest golem. Golem was already waiting for him and even cleared the space around from the attacking zombies. The upper part of the Golem opened like an 'iron maiden', where Tiger unloaded the Rabbit's body. The Golem's invulnerable stone flesh closed, and the Tiger froze in standby mode, only occasionally distracted to tear to pieces the approaching zombies

After only two seconds of real time and an eternity under acceleration, he realized that the Rabbit had lost. Apparently, the golem had turned Rabbit into mincemeat, thereby giving the victory to the Dragon. Inwardly, Tiger was filled with anger, but no emotion showed on his face. Now his body stood waiting for the next order from the Dragon, and his soul was preparing for the final duel of will, waiting for the Dragon to come to him. After all, to give him the next order, he will have to see him in person. And the Tiger was able to influence his actions in such a way that now he was frozen between the carcass of the golem, the billboard and the wall of the house, so that Dragon could only see him when you came close.


The plan that he came up with in just a fraction of a second was successfully implemented. Following his orders, the Tiger reached the Rabbit at maximum speed and 'fed' Rabbit to the golem. Dragonflies noticed that the cunning necromancer almost escaped with the help of a portal. But the effect of surprise and the speed of the Tiger prevented an emergency evacuation.

Dragon did not dare to kill the Tiger first and then kill the rabbit personally, because during this time Rabbit would surely have disappeared inside the flesh of the Dog, after which even the gained the ability of the Tiger could not guarantee victory.

Right now, he was heading towards the motionless Tiger, while dealing with the inherited ability to raise the undead. All zombies, including the Dog, turned into ordinary corpses. So now if he wants to 'revive' them, he will have to do it by himself. But there was a good side to the news. He could raise undead using any of his minions as a 'conductor', i.e. a dragonfly or golem.

The path from his current position to the Tiger was long. It will take at least five minutes for the golem to carry him to the desired part of the city. But now he is moving at a speed of more than sixty kilometers per hour. Unfortunately, the orders given to the Tiger were quite simple due to lack of time, so he did not have time to give him the order to get inside the golem. Instead, he ordered Tiger to stand in one place and protect his life from obvious threats. The zombies next to him had already passed out, but there was a threat from the Rat. The tiger might have consider the golem as a threat, because there were no instructions on this matter in his mind.

And then, the dragonflies controlling the space next to the Tiger translated him a picture of the little small glowing ring that appeared next to the nose. A fraction of a second later, a stream of blood and brains burst from the back of the Tiger's head, indicating that it had just been brainwashed by a pistol. Nobody don't live after that.

Almost immediately, the Dragon realized what had happened. Rat used the portal to shoot directly into the Tiger's nose. The gas mask on that person's face, of course, could not stop the bullet, the Tiger's 'invulnerability' did not seem to extend to the internal organs, which caused the bullet to dislodge his brains without encountering any resistance.

Without reflecting on the unexpected defeat, the Dragon immediately sent dragonflies to raise the Horse and Tiger through them as zombies. And while the magic was doing its job, the nearest golem literally 'collapsed' on the Tiger's corpse, hiding him inside itself. He may not be able to get these powers for himself, but the Rat will not get Them either. And then he will figure out how to deal with this enemy.

Now he no longer has the point to go in the direction of the dead Tiger, so it is necessary to do the opposite and keep the distance between himself and the Rat, who managed, by the way, to get away to the other side of the city. All his strongest abilities can operate remotely. The invisible man will not be affected by the Snake's gaze, because he will not see the target banally. So, he can send an army of undead to hunt for the Rat, set off a swarm of dragonflies and finish him with invulnerable golems armed with grenade launchers created with the help of the Sheep forces.

And all this time the corpses of Tiger and Horse will be in a safe place inside the golems, not giving the Rat a chance to become stronger.


The fact that he can use portals not only to pass through them, the Rat realized only when in the next line of the future, he felt this power returned to him. Alas, all his attempts to get out to see what was happening there ended in death from a venomous bite after fifteen seconds at the moment of immateriality was switched off. It wasn't enough to get to Rabbit and kill him, because he had already checked every possible place within reach.

When the necromancer died in the next line of the future, and the possibility of creating portals returned to him, the Rat decided to run away to the other end of the city, as the Horse once did. But then an obvious idea occurred to him, which for some reason he hadn't thought of before.

He can foresee something coming out of the portal. He doesn't have to go through the portal himself. It will be enough to open a portal with a diameter of a couple of centimeters and shoot through it. In addition, the portal can be opened, focusing not only on a specific location, but also on any more or less clear image. Previously, Rat personally saw Tiger in one of the lines of the future. So, he can open portal next to him and shoot right in his eye. Or even in the nose. If the invulnerability extends only to the skin, it will immediately kill the seemingly invulnerable enemy.

Just a few lines of the future have shown that a shot in the nose is guaranteed to kill a Tiger. Without hesitation Rat implemented this plan. But within a second of the Tiger's presence mark disappeared, Rat realized that he didn't know who had killed the Rabbit. If it was the Dragon, he gained the power of the necromancer and will be able to raise the Tiger as the undead. So, he needs to destroy Tiger's body before then.

That's just busting the lines of the future showed that it is not necessary to rejoice in the victory. Tiger's abilities were not immediately apparent to him, but ten seconds later. That's just during this time the Dragon had time to raise the corpse of the Tiger in the form of the undead, and all the awakening abilities were disabled, without having time to change anything in his body. Moreover, the ability to create portals was also disabled at the same time, so Rat chose to open a portal to another part of the city where the dragonflies were not visible, and jump there no longer caring about predicting the lines of the future.

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