《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.07 Juuni Taisen



The acquired ability of the Dog was quite useful. He could regenerate any damage, could change the shape of his body and anatomy. But most importantly, with this ability he was able to regain his youth and vigor in just a few seconds. Now he will definitely not be suffocated just because he ran a sprint for a couple of dozen kilometers.

But the joy was premature. Before he had time to try out the new ability, he immediately lost it. Suddenly he was gasping for breath, and he with great difficulty managed to get to the surface and catch his breath. And after this dubious attraction, he had to run away from the zombies for a couple of minutes. Only by finally dropping the undead from the tail, he was able to return to see what happened to the Dog. Couldn't he just come to alive, could he?

As it turned out, he could. More precisely, the Dog did not come to life, but turned into a zombie, and now in place of the 'egg' was some kind of disgusting shapeless mass, which literally absorbing the 'ordinary' zombies that poured into it. It was not yet clear what would come of it, but it was unlikely that he would be happy to know the answer to this question.

So, the Monkey silently cursed the unholy necromancers, then ran away, wondering who to as his next target. And next time, he will destroy the corpse. It's not even funny. As soon as he was able to kill someone, someone else took all the benefits.


The dragon watched with some doubt the results of the Dog's conversion to undead. Maybe he was in a hurry to make that decision? Because the output was some formless biomass, happily devouring other zombies. And how do you want too destroyed it?

Once again examining the result of the necromancer, he decided that it is necessary to destroy this abomination as quickly as possible. However, it was not clear how to do this now. The mass was like a fermented dough. It spread out in all directions, absorbing all available organic matter. What's next? It will fill the entire city and turn into a Blood Moon?

Looks like he need to solve this problem radically. In general, he needs to destroy the Rabbit. If he hides inside this creature and feeds the entire city population to it, then there is no way to kill Rabbit at all. Except that the organizers of the game left somewhere here a piano in the form of an atomic bomb. They might have. Possibility is not zero.

And at that moment, the sign of the Sheep in his mind gave out information that such a possibility really exists. In the very center of the 'no-man's-land' was the room where the nuclear charge was installed. And the power of the Sheep could detonate it. Well, that's great. Only, perhaps, it is not necessary to rush with such measures. Because he will have to personally activate the five-minute countdown.


It was difficult to navigate through a city filled with undead and devil flies. At least the flies did not meet as often as during their attack on the Sheep. However, the Monkey did not relax and was sure that if even one insect noticed him, then they will immediately fly so much that instead of the day will come night.

He was able to get to the Tiger quite simply, focusing on the position of the zombies. They all looked in the same direction, and even walked quietly forward. After running a few kilometers, he found with disgust that now the zombies go knee-deep in some vile slurry. Then he heard a strange sound, and just three hundred meters later he went to the square, where he found an enchanting picture


A naked man in a gas mask, covered with a thick layer of blood and mucus, ran back and forth, turning zombies into mincemeat. At the same time, he moved so fast that the Monkey only realized it was a human when he stopped to allow the undead to come closer. The entire area was littered with guts and meat for at least a meter. But it didn't bother the tiger, because with his speed, He could walk on water if he wanted to. And if he started waving his arms, he would fly.

Only looking at this spectacle, the Monkey wiped the cold sweat and got away from there. He didn't understand why Tiger with such abilities would engage in such useless activities, but he was secretly glad that this monster in human form wasn't hunting him. He is banal will not even be able to get close to the enemy.

No, it's better to go look for Rat, which is probably hiding in some hole. Because here he has an important advantage. In a state of disembodied existence, he can see through obstacles. Accordingly, he can easily see Rat through the walls and ground. On the surface, everything must have been checked by zombies for a long time, so he needs to look under his feet.


Rat had already lost count of the time he had spent in this basement. Now he lost even the ghostly chance to escape, because the ability to open portals suddenly disappeared. Only once again remembering the answers given by the Broadcaster, he realized how he screwed up, leaving the corpse of the Horse on the roof.

Right now, he was just lying on a thin mattress and checking his future about once a minute. And so, after another check, the line of the future ended with his death. Quickly jumping to his feet, he began to go over the options for future events, but all of them ended with the same result.

All the lines gave about the same picture. First, he did not see or hear the approach of the enemy. Second: in most cases, the attack was from the back, but if he was standing with his back to the wall, then the attack was from the front. Third, he was killed by a sword, usually cutting from shoulder to waist or decapitating. The direction of the blow was determined by the banal convenience of the attacker. Fourth: when the Rat fired back, at the time of the attack the enemy tried not to stand in the line of fire.

The rat tried to shoot at the enemy, evade, and even escape into the street, but the result was unchanged. Finally, in one of the lines before his death, he was able to touch the opponent with his hand. After replaying this moment several times, he found out a few things. First, the enemy was invisible. Second, it was immaterial. And most importantly, it became material only at the moment of impact. And then the Rat just a couple of minutes was able to develop a plan that ended not with his death, but with the death of a Monkey.

The algorithm was simple. Take a steel corner, sawed off from the metal leg of the table, and put it on his right shoulder, then cover with a jacket. Stand face to the front door, hunch to hide the asymmetry of the shoulders and start muttering some nonsense. In his right hand, hold a pistol loaded with explosive cartridges. The hand itself is placed so that the gun covered with a jacket is under his left hand and the barrel is pointed back and up. Wait for the right moment and shoot, while shifting to the left. As a result of all these actions, the bullet hit the Monkey directly in the forehead, and he blocked the sword's blow with iron. Bingo!


And then he just reproduced this sequence of events and received a well-deserved frag. Only after he discharged to the enemy's corpse a whole clip of a gun, he was able to somehow calm down. In those fifteen minutes, he had mentally died almost a thousand times. The last details of the plan were completed only thirty seconds before the appearance of the Monkey.

A little calming down, Rat took care of preserving the achieved result. In other words, he decided to burn the corpse, so that it certainly did not go to the necromancer. Fortunately for him, there was a gas boiler in the house. He had to work a little with tools, and then with an axe, but in the end, he was able to chop the corpse into pieces, string them on steel rods, and then place this disgusting 'barbecue' in the heating chamber, where the gas was burning. After that, it was only necessary to light the fire and set the maximum intensity of fuel supply. Of course, he could not burn the entire corpse, but the head, spine, heart, liver, and most of the meat were now 'smoked' in the oven.

After completing this bloody ritual, he considered what to do next. Disembodiment and invisibility, along with the foresight of the future, allowed him to move freely around the city. The fastest way to move was to run inside buildings. There were not many undead, and he always managed to determine its presence in advance and bypass from the outside. Dragonflies were far more dangerous, but he could predict the future and always follow the lines where he wasn't bitten.

According to his 'internal radar', he, Rabbit, Tiger, and Dragon are still alive. He couldn't kill a tiger in principle. The last attempt was enough to understand that he cannot oppose anything to Tiger’s speed. Although such an ability will be very useful to him. Moreover, in complete with the existing ones, it would guarantee his victory.

All he knew about Dragon was that he controlled dragonflies. During this time, he probably got a lot of abilities, and without scout, there is no point in going to him. And even after exploration, this candidate is questionable, because it is enough for him to increase the concentration of dragonflies in space, so that he could not even approach him.

And then there's the Rabbit who controls the undead. He doesn’t know what else Rabbit can do. His 'inner radar' combined with the prediction of the future showed that the Rabbit was closer to him than the Dragon. So, it was worth starting exploration from him, and then he will see. At least now he had a sword, a pistol, and the certainty that if he chose to strike, the blow would be sudden and deadly.


Despite the fact that the primary goal for him was Rabbit, he decided to start with an attack on Tiger. The reason for this choice was simple. He regained control of the Snake's ability, which means he can subdue the Tiger just by looking. In theory, everything sounds simple, but in practice there were questions.

Most of all, the Dragon was afraid of the Tiger's speed and reaction. How much time he needs to look at a person to subdue them? Will he have time to enslave the Tiger before he knocks him out of the golem? Of course, the material which consisted the mud golems was extremely strong. If desired, it can even make the top layer soft and sticky, so that the first blow of tiger with a bare hand will lead him into the trap. But what if he's not exactly an impenetrable dummy and can plan his actions a little bit?

If the Dragon had been in his place and noticed the opponent looking at him from inside the golem, he would have just taken a steel rod and put it in the opponent's eye. Yes, you can use bulletproof glass. But it will not help much if the opponent has time to deliver a hundred blows with the force of a jackhammer in a second. No glass can withstand such loads. And it is not a fact that the material of the golem will also be able to withstand the right impact.

He may be overestimating his opponent, but it's better than finding a metal bar in his head at the last moment. What other options are there? The easiest way is to look from a position inaccessible to the enemy. For example, he can fly up a kilometer. This pile of muscles certainly will not get there, and cannot throw something with sufficient accuracy. In general, this may work, but first he needs to understand whether he will be able to fly. And it would be nice to check the Tiger's reaction to the appearance of the enemy. If the Tiger does not respond to the appearance of a decoy, then he can try something from the simpler options. And if he reacts, then there are also options. He need to think about it and conduct a couple of experiments.


Once again running across the square to destroy a hundred or two zombies, the Tiger carefully looked around. To everyone else, his behavior was supposed to look crazy and chaotic, but in reality, he was following a clear plan. Having no ability to track an enemy other than a sharp eye, he decided to set a trap with himself as bait.

Now, as he shredded the zombies, he looked around carefully, registering all the changes in the world around him. Fortunately, his ability completely relieved him of fatigue, both mental and physical. In other words, he could accelerate at any moment, and a second of immobility would be an hour of rest for him.

All this time he was waiting until someone tried to attack him. He was confident in his ability to dodge any attack, and then he was going to instantly get to the opened enemy and stampede him in all possible ways. For this purpose, he even prepared several steel pipes and axes in the neighboring building.

He could crush zombies for days without stopping, and he didn't get tired of it. After all, every blow he dealt was a blow of mercy, a repose for a lost soul. At this point, he has clearly found out that it is enough to destroy the brain and spinal cord and heart to guarantee the rest of the zombie. He conducted a thousand experiments, and this dependency has never failed. In any case, when he will attack the enemy, he was not going to hold back. After his attack from the enemy will be only bloody mince, mixed with mince from the surrounding zombies or at least with the debris of neighboring buildings.

He will no longer allow the necromancer to steal his ability. In the meantime, it was left to pretend to be a stupid berserk and look carefully around. The sharpness of his vision guaranteed that no one would be able to sneak up on him unnoticed.


The last acquisition of Rabbit was incredibly successful. A dead Dog has lost the ability to regenerate its body, creating organic matter from nothing. But instead, he was able to absorb the flesh of any other undead, using it as building material. And most importantly, thus way the barrier was overcome, which does not allow the Dog to increase indefinitely in size.

After evaluating the result, the Rabbit decided to turn the Dog into a boundless sea of flesh. The ability of this body to dissolve any organic matter played main role. After all, there was an interesting question: can this type of undead 'dissolve' the Tiger's flesh? He was resistant to gross physical damage, but here worked a completely different physics, so the result could be anyone. And even a small chance of success would pay any expenses.

In addition, the earth near the Tiger was now covered with a thick layer of dead bodies. More precisely, a thick layer of defragmented undead. Yes, they could no longer move actively, but the Lich's blood still soaked through them. This means that all this biomass can become food for his new pet, which does not require even the slightest effort to digest.

The only serious problem was the slow movement of the Dog's flesh. But here the Rabbit had a wonderful helper in the form of a dead Horse. In just a couple of jumps through the portal, he will be able to deliver the Dog's brain in the vicinity of the square where the Tiger settled. And there he will figure out how to use the Dog in the best way.


He moved cautiously through the city, careful not to betray his location to zombies or insects. Bypassing the Tiger, he headed to the Rabbit. Exploration in the lines of the future showed that the necromancer surrounded himself with a crowd of zombies that occupied almost all the available space around. They stood on the street, filled the rooms inside the houses, hung on their outer walls and nearby pillars.

This situation was repeated at every step inside the circle with a diameter of about a kilometer. Obviously, the Rabbit was trying to protect himself without giving out his position. However, outside the circle, the density of the 'population' dropped sharply, and there the Rat could find safe places where being in material form, but under invisibility, was safe enough

From such places, he predicted the lines of the future, where he fought his way into the 'circle of zombies', where he made an 'exterminatus' of all suspicious targets. He did not particularly hope that he would be able to kill a Rabbit with a random blow, and paid more attention to the undead's reaction to the direction of his movement.

If he was moving in a direction opposite to Rabbit's approximate position then the zombies attacked him rather sluggishly. But if he chose a direction that gave the impression that he was breaking through to the necromancer, then the zombies began to run and jump twice actively and literally peered out of all the cracks.

Gradually shifting the 'starting point' of the probability lines around the circle, he got closer and closer to Rabbit, while remaining safe. He had already managed to determine the approximate location of the enemy, and now he need to understand exactly where the enemy was settled, and most importantly, how to kill it, while remaining alive himself.


The experiment with flying, alas, was unsuccessful. When trying to create a balloon filled with vacuum from a mud golem, he found that the strength of the walls rapidly drops when reaching a thickness of less than three centimeters. One centimeter 'wall' in strength did not differ from ordinary ceramics.

Leaving this idea, the Dragon switched to the idea of deceptions. Under his control, several golems moved to a part of the city where there were no undead yet, in order to capture a few dozen living people. He was going to put them inside golems like vehicle and let them go ahead, distracting Rabbit and Tiger.

In order for the minion control radius to reach the desired area, he had to go to the eastern part of the city. At the same time, he did not want to lost control over the situation around Rabbit and Tiger, so in any case the area must remain under his control. There he had five golems and billions of dragonflies trying to get into all the rooms. More precisely, where it was possible they had long ago penetrated, and now carefully watching their surroundings.

The death of the Monkey had not escaped his attention, and now the Rat moved in the direction of the Rabbit, diligently avoiding the possibility of detection. But the Dragon, taught by bitter experience, gradually began to replace the previously called dragonflies with a new modification with an improved sense of smell. And there were results. Not immediately, but he could detect the Rat's scent. After all, there were no living people left in that part of the city, so no one could make anymore fresh sweat.

The source of this smell was moving through the city, encircling the densest cluster of undead, which the Rabbit settled. In principle, the Dragon could try to get the Rat right now, just filling the entire space with his insects. If he collects them from the rest of the city, this will be enough to literally bury the desired area under a meter layer of dragonflies. But far more than the Rat, he was interested in the Rabbit's location.

At the moment, he had no idea where the necromancer was hiding. Of course, he could follow in the footsteps of the Tiger and start just cutting out all the undead in a row, but at his disposal were only a little more than a couple of hundred golems, and it would consume very much time. Such a quantity is not enough to securely block the desired territory. So, by tracking the Rat's movements, he planned to figure out about rabbit's position.

And as soon as the Rat tries to move on to active actions, he will send to intercept his dragonflies and golems. Here the main thing is to have time to kill the invisible enemy in first and not let Rabbit capture the corpse.

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