《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.06 Juuni Taisen



If the mummy could produce saliva, the Rabbit would already be spitting from irritation. The game has been going on for an hour and a half, but he has not been able to kill anyone. Yes, even the corpses of game figures captured by him were completely useless. The Snake lost her eyes, and with them her powers. The sheep had to kill a lot of people to get into power. But where to get them, if the inhabitants of the city have long become undead? Only the Northern part of the city is still alive, just where the power of the Rabbit itself does not reach.

With the Ox was even worse. Yes, he had the power of telekinesis. But his power was based on the brain and spinal cord, and the Tiger did not hold back during the fight, completely decapitating the enemy. As a result, the Ox's corpse was now barely able to hold itself in the air. At least Rabbit was able to adapt this stump to the search of a Dragon. After all, Ox’s corpse could detect a living being at a distance of fifty meters, simply by finding a zone inaccessible to telekinesis. So now the Ox was slowly searching the entire probable area of the Dragon's location. Slowly - because the speed of perception of information from telekinesis has also fallen. But at least now he was sure that sooner or later the Dragon would be in his hands.

The second pain in the ass was the Tiger. This melee maniac was incredibly fast and strong. He crumbled the zombie into a salad without any resistance, showing no signs of fatigue. In the last hour, he had already destroyed eighty thousand undead units, like a whirling knife of a blender. If this goes on, he will soon run out of subordinates. After all, this wasn't a million-inhabitat city, and right now Rabbit had about three hundred thousand zombies under his command.

Rat skillfully hid, sneaking from the attention of the undead as well as a Dragon. Fortunately, the zombies were able to find the Horse's corpse. The dislodged brains reduced the allowable distance for teleport, and new the Horse could only open portals a couple of kilometers away. But it deprived the Rat of the opportunity to escape through the portal, so it just needed to keep searching. True, the Tiger destroyed most of undead and this did not allow Rabbit to full control of the entire city, but especially for the Rat, he left an inviolable supply of zombies that will not allow Rat to escape.

After receiving another report from his minions, the Rabbit focused on the new opponent. At the very beginning, when he captured the territory of the Pig, he encountered mud golems. These soulless creatures easily destroyed his undead army without getting the slightest damage. After about half an hour, armed neutrality was established between them. The golems went where they want, and the zombies didn't try to chew the unyielding rock, because it has zero benefit.

Some time ago, one of the golems encountered a Tiger and proved that even this crazy mixer could be encountered. It is difficult to say, fortunately or unfortunately, but Tiger was able to escape from the grasp of the golem and no longer let them near him. But it seems that the owner of the golems decided to personally visit the Tiger, and therefore stepped into the territory controlled by the Rabbit.

The pig was quite clever. She hid inside one of the Golems, which was now moving slowly and steadily toward the Tiger. The undead were able to sense a living being inside this Golem, and now, the Rabbit was sure that it would not lose this goal. He must stop its movement at all costs and destroy it. Yes, the undead could not break through such defenses. But he has the strength of the Ox. It will be enough to take the blood of zombies and with telekinesis to throw in the mouth or eyes of Pig, and she will die immediately.


The Rabbit gave the command to the Ox to stop the search of the Dragon and fly to the Pig. The only annoying thing was that the speed of the Ox's movement was rather slow, so he just had to wait.

Another pleasant surprise was the appearance of the Dog and the Monkey on his territory. The first soared in the sky, posing as a three-headed dragon, but the second moved around the city, skillfully hiding even from the undead. Only occasionally his subordinates could feel the aura of a living person, but never could notice its owner. However, he will deal with them after he kills the Pig.


To move across the city, she decided to use a golem. She watched more than once anime, where the characters fought, being inside of huge mechanical robots, so she decided to use this idea. She created a golem of the largest size that she could create, and then made a small but comfortable space inside, placing an ordinary office chair there. Now she sat in complete darkness and observing surrounding area only the golems' senses. However, she did not suffer from claustrophobia, so she might as well be patient.

The only major inconvenience was the ventilation system. She had to stop at a hardware store on the way and get a battery-powered fan. So now she was breathing relatively fresh air, which was supplied to her through special pipes that went out on the Golem's head. If only it wasn't for the stink of rotting zombies, everything would be great.

As soon as she entered the territory controlled by the undead, the zombies immediately pounced on her, clearly scenting a living creature inside. But all their efforts were in vain. She sent waves of sharp blades across the Golem's surface, which instantly sliced apart any zombie that approached her. And the special design of the valves in the ventilation system guaranteed that the vile mucus flowing in the veins of the undead instead of blood, will not get on her dress or God forbid to her skin


From a state of near-despair, he was distracted by the strange behavior of the Ox's corpse. He stopped the search and flew towards to his former territory. The Dragon immediately used the dragonflies to find out the situation in that direction. In the zone of his control everything was unchanged, but a little further north he could see a huge golem, wandering through the undead on.

The picture was amusingly reminiscent of the battle of the ogre with the goblins. The golem was more than three meters high, so the zombies looked like dwarfs in the background. And the coordination of movements left them to be desired. Golem simply walked forward, oblivious to the crowd of zombies, while they broke on his feet like waves during the storm, leaving a shapeless mess of hideous appearance behind the giant.

This was a real chance to somehow turn the situation. It seems that their creator is inside of this golem. Probably a Pig. If he can kill her before someone else does, it will give him a real opportunity to cope with the invasion of zombies.

With an impatience that turned to exasperation, the Dragon watched as the golem approaching the edge of his control over the dragonflies. He also watched the corpse of the Ox, slowly and sadly floating in the air. It looks like the Rabbit was somehow going to use it to get to the Pig. So, after he kills the golem’s owner, he will need to have time to intercept the Ox, and then prevent the Rabbit from getting to the Pig's corpse. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.


With a nervous sigh, the Dragon rubbed his temples softly and began to make a plan.


She kept moving toward the Tiger. The streets in this part of the city were packed with zombies, as if there was a demonstration in support of democracy and the fair distribution of oil revenues in a third world country. In other words, the zombies could not fall because there wasn't room for them to do so. She had never imagined that so many people actually lived in the city.

Suddenly, an insect landed on her face and bit her nose. She screamed, slapped her face and crushed the vile thing. What the fuck is this? Before she could fully understand what had happened, she felt suffocating. Immediately ordering the golem to close all air ducts to prevent the appearance of new insects, she darted around the confined space of the cabin. There somewhere was a first-aid kit.

She turned on the flashlight and found a plastic white box with a red cross, which she picked up in one of the pharmacies. She quickly rummaged through the pills, bottles, and boxes that were there, and realized that she had no idea what to do with them. On this her mind became clouded, and her head fell directly into the first aid kit. Her last thought was regret that she had died with a such stupid death. Not in battle, unable to kill a single enemy, she died from the vile bite of a venomous creature that had made its way into her indestructible fortress through the only vulnerable spot. Oh, she should have taken an air filter from the hardware store.

Her thoughts stopped there, and she died.


At first, he didn't even understand what had happened. The golem suddenly stopped, sank to the ground, and then took the form of an indestructible monolith. After a few more seconds, it became clear that the same thing had happened to all the other golems. Then it occurred to him that the Pig had just crossed the border where dragonflies were constantly flying in the air.

Dragon!!! Again, the damn snob had managed to get to his goal first. No matter, he uses poison, which means that the Pig's body must be intact. Now Rabbit just need to get to her corpse and transform her into the undead.

That's just attempts of zombies to break through the stone monolith did not have success. Even after the master's death, the golem was invulnerable. But they look like they're made of dirt. Maybe he should try using construction equipment? A quick search of the zombie minds immediately gave him a picture of a tool shop. Here he will need a long drill for concreate.

But before he could give the order to the nearest minion to check the contents shop, an alarm came from the Dragon's territory. Golems appeared in the building of the Great Conservatory, which immediately began to crumble the undead located there. And a few seconds later, literally melting the walls, a Golem of a very strange design burst out of the building. For a few seconds he tried to figure out what it reminded him of, and then recognition came. Three-legged robot Martians from the War of the Worlds.


Unlike the slow golems of the Pig, this combat vehicle moved at the speed of the car. A little out of control, the golem crashed into the wall of the building, but did not bring it down, and again literally melted, turning it into the already familiar 'mud', which slowly flowed down, freezing in strange patterns. After passing through the building, an eight-legged haymaker spider came out. Its body was the size of a minibus, and its legs were long and very thin. However, these legs easily withstood the weight, allowing the spider to run at a speed of almost a hundred kilometers per hour.

At first, the Rabbit thought that the Dragon's target was the Pig's corpse, but the direction of movement was slightly wrong. A minute later, he realized that the first target was the Ox. The Ox's flight speed was less than half that of the spider, so there was no chance of escaping the pursuit.

Rabbit decided to prepare for the battle with the Dragon. Yes, the purpose of the attack has changed, but the strategy remained the same - to splash the blood of zombies in the eyes. The current abilities of the Ox are definitely enough for this. The Dragon itself is going towards his death. After all, he can't live without breath, can't he? If the Rabbit could, he would be sweating right now.

It was such disappointment when the Dragon destroyed his minion from a safe distance. Dragon simply 'scooped' a piece of the building with one of his legs, formed a small golem from this material, and then banally threw it to the flying target with the speed of an artillery shell. If the Ox's body had been intact, it would have been easy to stop or deflect the flying object, but now he lacked the strength to do so.

To Rabbit's surprise, the Dragon did not destroy the Ox’s corpse. He did smart move. In flight, the small golem transformed into a net that wrapped around the Ox from all sides. After that, the 'projectile' in one precise movement destroyed the corpse's spine and the remains of the skull. At this point, all telekinesis 'ended' and the already useless corpse collapsed to the ground. The necromancer had only to marvel at how the Dragon had guessed about such details of the management of other people's Signs through the undead.

And then something even more amazing happened. Tricky, actually. The dragon placed the Ox's corpse inside of the golem, which began to bury into the ground. Now the idea of this cunning and insidious opponent has become clear. If he simply destroy the corpse completely, the power of telekinesis would return to the Tiger, making him even more terrible enemy. Instead, the Dragon decided to leave the Ox in nominal control of the Rabbit, but to make it useless to the necromancer and inaccessible to the Tiger. After all, now to get to the corpse, he will need to conduct an excavation. And we can say for sure that the depth of fifty meters is more than enough to guarantee the safety of the sarcophagus.


Surveillance of the Dog bore fruit at the moment when this monster crossed the invisible border of the territory of the 'Lord of the flies'. Here, confident in its own invulnerability, the creature flies into enemy territory, and after a dozen seconds begins to yell furiously and spread waves of flame around it. The monkey couldn't see where the flies had stung the Dog, but it was obvious that they had found the vulnerable spots.

The dragon almost fell to the ground, but was able to orient himself and flew out of the insect habitat. But then something happened that the Monkey was subconsciously afraid of all this time. The devil flies overcame the restriction and rushed to catch up the Dog. By this time the dragon the was already on his last breath. The dying flesh peeled off in huge clumps, falling to the ground with a vile sound. The fire circling in the air did not allow the insects to approach, but they were huddled around, leaving no hope to sting their prey once again.

The Dog has fallen almost to ground level, growing thick scales and turning into some semblance of an egg. Apparently in this state, he was going to cope with the poison in his body. Judging by his behavior, he is close to losing consciousness, so now he is trying to take a form in which he will be invulnerable to insect bites. But in his misery, he had forgotten that he was being followed by a far more dangerous enemy.

The monkey closely followed the behavior of the flies and noticed that at the moment they are mostly circling next to the dog, not trying to get into the buildings. So, he sneaked into the apartment next to the dog that was finally curled up, chopped up the zombie that was found there, and then started watching, waiting for the right moment.

As he had hoped, the fire surrounding the Dog began to weaken. Insects were already hovering near the surface of the 'egg'. Then there was a final flash of fierce fire that burned the entire swarm, and then the fire was extinguished completely.

That's the moment he chose to make one punch. Leaking through the wall that protected him from the fire, he ran up to the Dog and with one swift blow cut him in half. After that, without losing a fraction of a second, he went into a disembodied state and disappeared under ground.

The plan was a hundred percent successful. At the edge of his eye he noticed that inside the meter-long egg was the brain, which he cut almost in half. And just a few seconds later, he felt new forces pouring into his body. The first thing he realized was that he no longer needed to breathe. So, he just froze in the thickness of the earth, where no one could get him, and began to research what kind of ability he was able to get.


Alas, according to the law of Universal Meanness, a narrow white stripe is always followed by a fat black stripe. Having successfully finished off the Pig and dealt with the corpse of the Ox, he found that in his clutches flies another beast - the legendary Dragon-Gorynych. Judging by his feelings, it was either a Dog or a Monkey.

As soon as this fire-breathing reptile was within range, he attacked with all dragonflies available in that area. No matter what ability has this creature, it was not immune to the most powerful poison in the world. At least the dragon roared, began to pour streams of fire into space, and then lose chunks of flesh, clearly trying to get rid of the poison.

Attempt to escape failed, because now the Dragon was inside a mobile fortress that could move across rough terrain at the speed of a car. Then his pathetic imitator began to fall, and attempts to burn everything in a row also became more and more sluggish. In the end, he took the form of an egg, apparently hoping to be able to develop immunity to the poison. But no one was going to give him time, because the Dragon was approaching the scene at full speed.

And suddenly for his disappointment, the ‘egg’ suddenly fell apart in half, as if cut by an invisible blade. The dragonflies that searched the area couldn't find anything suspicious... except a faint human smell. The sense of smell was not included in the list of senses enhanced during the development of dragonflies, and apparently in vain. Just in case, having memorized the smell, the Dragon promised himself to return to the solution of this problem later.

Now it was necessary to decide what to do with the corpse of the Dog. His feelings indicated that the Dog disappeared from the map of the city, which means that he is definitely dead. At first, he wanted to destroy the corpse, but then decided that it would be better to give it to the necromancer. In general, a large animal is unlikely to be able to harm him. But the invisible killer who took the 'frag' from under his nose must be punished.

Looking around, the Dragon decided to first regain control of the abilities of the Snake and Sheep. And after that, he can think about which of the opponents and in what order should be destroyed. However, the location of the corpses of game figures he tracked constantly, so destroy them is not a problem. This means that Dragon can start thinking about his next steps now.


The Lich howled out loud, scratching at the truck's body with his fingers. Why is he so unlucky? For the umpteenth time, he'd screwed up everything he could. The snob Dragon got the power of a Pig, and now started hunting the Snake and the Sheep. And there was no doubt that this hunt would be successful. In addition, someone killed the Dog. Suspiciously, the Dragon did not attempt to destroy his corpse, which led to the idea that he intentionally left it necromancer. And no matter how angry the Rabbit was, he not going to give up this 'gift'. In his situation, any handout will come in handy.

However, he clearly understood that a meat carcass, even capable of regeneration, is unlikely to be able to stop a Dragon or even a Tiger. Although in the latter case, it didn't hurt to try. The Tiger's invulnerability and speed will definitely come in handy. So, he ordered the nearest zombie to infect the dog's corpse and then glue both halves of its body together. Who knows, maybe he can make something really useful out of this material?

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