《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.05 Juuni Taisen



When he decided to move to the center of city, he somehow lost sight of the crowd of zombies rapidly spreading through the city. Through his scouts, he could see that the zombies weren't just walking back and forth. No, they purposefully searched for survivors and bit them. Moreover, they somehow sensed the living at a short distance and if necessary, they broke down doors, broke through walls or climbed into windows.

After evaluating all this mess, the Dragon realized that the zombies are a real threat to him, simply because he does not have the countermeasures to fight them. A second later, he was literally scalded by the thought that if the necromancer got control of the body of the enemies he had previously killed, Rabbit could take control of his new abilities. Unfortunately, understanding this could not help him counteract to a such development of events.

At the moment, his only escape from the zombie hordes was to remain invisible. Even if he rushed to 'clean up the bodies' right now, he would still not be able to get to them before the undead. This was easy enough for him to estimate, given the speed of their movement. But as soon as the necromancer finds out his exact location, he will simply fill that area with corpses and sooner or later Rabbit will get what he wants. So, what he needed now was not to run to some unknown destination, but to find a place where he could hide from the endless crowd of dead people who could sense the living at a distance. Heh, it's easier said than done.

Fortunately, the entire surrounding area was already under his control. The dragonflies could see and explore any place in the area. And within a few minutes, he had a plan of salvation. Grabbing a crossbow, he ran out of the apartment and ran to his car. It was a heavy jeep, for which sluggish zombies were no obstacle. And there weren't any zombies around yet. They slaughtered the remnants of the living population on the north.

In just five minutes the Dragon reached to the Grand Conservatory, where ran into the main hall. His goal was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. If he climbs to it, no zombie will be able to get closer than six meters to him. Even if they walk through the rooms on the floor above the height of the chandelier will help it be below their sensitivity zone.

But before climbing on to the chandelier, he ran into the control room and pulled the switch, turning off the light. No one would see him in the dark. Quickly smashing the fuses, he ran back to the main hall. Here he used a crossbow with a cat to catch on the chandelier, and then slowly and sadly climb up on it. Finally, he was able to establish himself on the precarious crystal structure and tie himself to it with a rope. This will help him for a while. And then it remains to think and observe. If he just sat there, he would either die of thirst and hunger, or the necromancer would use the Sheep's abilities to level the city to the ground.


The events he had witnessed were beyond comprehension. Is there any balance in this game at all? Or has everything been bought for a long time, and the winner is determined in advance simply because he was given the strongest ability?

A swarm of devilish flies came and bit the Sheep, whom he was about to kill. After that, he didn't last a minute, yelling loudly and fighting off the attacking insects. Then the target froze, and the Monkey also froze in horror. Flies flew back and forth, leaving him with little chance of survival. There were too many of them. Here invisibility will not help, and he could not remain in disembodied form very long.


Fortunately, he was quick enough to dive into a technical hatch where pipes ran with hot and cold water. There were almost no insects here, so he was able to catch his breath a little. He had no desire to fight the swarm of flies. At least for now. Never ever. He noticed that the swarm had come from the South, so it made sense to go North to kill someone whose ability would help him to survive.

Oriented in the dungeon, he began to slide in the right direction, making full use of his ability to exist in an immaterial way. Half an hour later he came to the surface and was glad to see that there were no insects anywhere. However, other game figures were also not seen. After that, he spent another hour running around the city like an idiot, trying to find the Dog. He determined the approximate territory of his 'occurrence', but he could not find the enemy.

When he was desperate to find the Dog and began to think about how to find the owner of the stone demons prowling around the city, he saw a three-headed dragon flying in the sky. The Monkey even stumbled as he ran and almost sat to the ground from this sight. The dragon clearly didn't have any aerodynamic qualities, but it stubbornly refused to fall. However, quite quickly he added one plus one and guessed that this is the Dog which received the abilities of the Rooster. He also flew pompously even before the game.

For the next fifteen minutes, the Monkey tracked down the dragon, watching as he unsuccessfully tries to fry the local shit-demons that had been summoned to this world by another black wizard. That's not how he imagined this game. He believed that there would be warriors who possess weapons and martial arts in battle. Instead, he has to fight the sorcerers who are sending all sorts of misfortunes to the city. Well though the Dog is a monster, but it is quite clear and obvious enemy.


He had to spend almost an hour to give his body the desired shape. He even had to climb into the sewer for this. The stench was terrible, but he hoped that no one in their right mind would look for him there. After all, the sewer was filled to the top with real shit, which he had been swimming in it all this time. At least he didn't have to breathe anymore with such body.

Finally, having achieved the desired result, he remembered the resulting shape, turned into a giant worm, climbed to the surface and then became a real Dragon- Gorynych. Now he could soar in the sky, spitting red-hot plasma to the humans.

However, pretty quickly he realized that the people walking around here were strange. They were natural zombies, hunting for the living people. The strangest thing is that the habitat area of the undead was clearly limited. Flying into the territory of the Pig, he discovered another miracle - strange figures walked on streets, which consisted of liquid mud or even the same shit in which he had recently bathed. Attempts to burn down these aliens did not bring results. He spent some time trying to track their movements in order to find their owner, but this idea was not successful.

Worst of all, he felt that a Monkey was constantly prowling around him. Except that he couldn't find the vile macaque. Sight, hearing, smell - he used all his senses, but could not find anything suspicious.

When he got tired of just flying in the clouds, he went down to try again to find the Monkey. For this occasion, he even grew a couple of dozen eyes all over his body, hoping that the macaque would decide to appear on sight, which could be assumed by observing the position of his heads.


The pain that pierced his neck came as a complete surprise. He did not notice any sign of the presence of the enemy, but at the same time clearly felt how his flesh was dissected by the blade of the sword. Invisibility! That's the Monkey's ability. The dog immediately flooded the surrounding area with streams of fire. Even if the Monkey is invisible, it is unlikely to be immune to fire.

When he tried to regenerate the severed head, he was surprised and horrified to find that the wound would not close. It is unknown what weapon or ability the Monkey used, but it was able to block his limitless regeneration. The dog decided to go higher and take care of his health, and then start searching for the Monkey. Only a second later, a sharp pain shot through his back, and one of his wings fell to the ground.

Fortunately, his ability to fly did not depend on his wings, so he immediately rushed to sky again arranging a branch of fiery hell at the bottom. Once in relative safety, the Dog was able to independently pinch and 'drop out' the stump of the neck. The wound was in the already dead part of his body, after which it was a matter of minutes to regenerate the head. He did the same with the wing. But after that, the question arose what to do next. Whether to fly to look for an easier target, or once again try to catch the Monkey 'on the live bait'.


As the Monkey watched the monster fly through the sky, He sighed bitterly. At first, it seemed to him that he had a chance of success. His sword had inflicted a wound to the creature that was in no hurry to heal. But then he made a mistake. Deciding to weaken the dragon, he cut off its wing, hoping that this would cause it to fall to the ground. But the result was the opposite. The dragon soared into the sky, and then managed to heal. Now he fly circles directly over the Monkey, clearly looking for him and sometimes spitting fire in the most 'suspicious' places.

In general, he can try to lure it 'on live bait'. To sparkle here, to appear there, to make this flying lizard go down and suddenly strike a decisive blow. The only question is where to strike this blow. The left head definitely doesn't fit, because he already chopped it off. Here he need to chop off all three heads at once... or none of them. Maybe he's got vulnerable organs inside his torso? If he could change his body at will, he would place the most vulnerable organ in his chest, hiding behind strong ribs. With such size, he's not even sure he can get his katana to his heart.

With another sigh, the Monkey decided to try. If he can't kill this monster with the next blow, he'll go look for a simpler target.

But as soon as he made this decision, as the dragon irritably waved his tail and flew to the side, where now collected four game pieces at once. Apparently, he decided that there he would have a better chance of killing someone. The Monkey had to run after him, straining his old body. After all, he has been running around the city for hours without having a minute to rest, so even his incredible endurance cannot cope with the load.


Rat sat in the basement garage of one of the buildings and sighed. Since his success early in the game, fate has given him a few kicks that have lowered his conceit below the plinth.

First, it turned out that the ability to move through portals is incompatible with his foresight of the future. He couldn't see what was on the other side of the portal, even if the exit was located only a meter away from him. The lines of the future in which he passed through the portal ended immediately. If he himself passed through the portal, then all the active lines of the future that he was watching were already completed. Of course, it only took a couple of seconds to view events in fifteen minutes of real time, but the fact was important. He could not know how his attempt to pass through the portal would end. And what it might end up with, he knew perfectly well, because the example with knocked out brains still stood before his eyes.

The second problem was the appearance of hordes of insects that can kill a person with a single bite. At the very beginning of the battle, he decided to pay a visit to the Rabbit. But as soon as he took a step out of the portal and scanned the next seconds of the future, he saw that all these lines in a few seconds end with a painful insect bite, after which comes an imminent death.

It was only with the utmost concentration of consciousness he was able to create a portal under his feet that threw him back into the safe zone. And then one of the dragonflies slid through the portal behind him, so he had to strain even more to see the line of the future where he had shot this swift insect with a pistol. For the next ten minutes, he rolled around on the floor, trying to ease a severe headache. Having somehow moved away from the consequences of his literally ill-considered step, he hesitated to use the portal at all without extreme necessity.

Further study of the lines of the future showed that a significant part of the city is now under the power of the 'Lord of the insects', and any attempt to get there ends in death. At least the habitat area of these insects was clearly limited and did not shift. However, the situation can always get worse, right?

The third blow to his ego was the invasion of zombies. All those people who had recently been walking the streets or hiding in houses now rose up as undead that prowled the city in search of survivors, while having the ability to sense them at a distance of several meters. The rat was barely able to find a shelter where the undead could not penetrate. Or rather, where the undead hadn't thought to go yet.

When he finally decided to get out in one of the lines of the future, he noticed that the undead crowds were wandering in the same direction. After making a suicidal car ride through the crowds of the dead, he saw a masked man tearing the crowd of zombies apart with his bare hands. But the worst thing was that in this line, he was killed not by zombies climbing into the car, but by the same man. In an unthinkable way, he crossed the three hundred meters that separated them in a second, then looked into the Rat's eyes and smashed his head with a fist.

All of the above clearly showed that he could not fight such monsters in principle. After all, he was just a pathetic mortal, albeit able to foresee the future. But no matter how much you dodge, if you don't have the strength, you can't avoid death.


Hunting the Rat suddenly become a problem. For a start, he couldn't even get out of the Ox's territory. Part of the road was blocked, and when he finally found a clear path, his car was rammed by suddenly appeared car racers. No, it certainly did not come as a surprise to him, but even the most remarkable reaction of the driver is not able to sharply change the direction of movement of the car. Only then did he guess that at his speed he could have just got out of the car, tossed the racers aside with their car, and then go back to car and go further without even pressing the brake. But an unrepaired car was the least of his problems.

As it turned out, he was hit on purpose and the car was driven by a natural zombie. Even after the Tiger tore off his head, undead did not give up trying to punish the offender. And his 'passenger' was able to surprise him even more. Showing unexpected speed of movement and distraction of the Tiger by the headless body rushing to him, passenger got his hand and tried to bite it. Actually, he bit it but it didn't hurt his hand. However, the sleeve of the jacket was damaged, smeared with saliva. But when the zombie realized that his teeth were powerless against this opponent, he spat. Only a perfect reaction allowed the Tiger to avoid the saliva flying directly into his eye.

Further events have shown that the zombies turn ordinary people into undead with a bite. Or even with the help of a banal spit in the eyes or mouth. As soon as any of the liquids released by the zombies got inside the human body, the person died in agony, and just a minute later rose in the form of undead.

After putting a couple of zombies to rest with his bare hands, Tiger remembered that he should be able to use telekinesis. But only recently the force that obeyed him disappeared without a trace. It took him about ten minutes to realize that the reason for this might be that the Ox’s corpse had risen in the form of undead. He ran back to the scene of the battle and made sure that the corpse was not there. He couldn't find Ox’s corpse. No matter how he ran around the neighborhood, disemboweling zombies, the he didn’t find the desired corpse.

Having curbed his anger, the Tiger decided to deal with the source of the problem, that is, the necromancer. Apparently, it was Rabbit, which was now somewhere in the center of the Ox’s territory. That's just an attempt to find the cunning undead was not successful. After all, a circle with a diameter of a kilometer is too large a territory. In addition, the Rabbit began to gather the undead around him, so that the Tiger, no matter how much he racked his brain, he could not think of a way to find out the location of the enemy. All his strategist talent was enough for was to start destroying all the undead. And when there are no zombies in the area... he'll think about what to do next.

And then began a real meat grinder, in which he grinded in mince the entire population of the city. He stopped only once to go to a construction store and get a mask to protect his eyes and mouth. Although it was a relatively fragile thing, wearing it, he didn't have to worry about accidentally inhaling a drop of zombie blood. His hands were so strong that no zombie could actually scratch them.

The endless carnage continued for more than an hour. He had already slaughtered more than a hundred thousand people, but the flow of undead did not think to weaken. But then he was surprised by the appearance of a new enemy. A humanoid figure made up of mud pushed through the crowd of zombies. When the Tiger struck it, he almost fell into a trap. As it turned out, these Golems were no less durable than he was, but they were much stronger. It was only by opening his fist in time he was able to pull his hand out of the stone grip. Despite their strength, the golems were too slow. Convinced that he could not hurt them, he just began to avoid a new opponent, not allowing them to come closer than a couple of meters.

Another problem was the swirling insects. For some reason, they did not cross a certain border, but when he got into their habitat, the dragonflies tried to sting him, impotently scratching his skin with their stings or trying to get into his eyes. That is why he preferred not to enter their territory, since even with his reaction it was difficult to notice poisonous sting flung to his eye, accelerated to a hundred kilometers per hour. Even the mask, which was supposed to protect the face, did not protect from the insects’ long and strong stings.

The endless battle with the zombies all lasted and lasted, and the Tiger has already begun to come to the point that there is no sense in this battle. If this continues, sooner or later he will get tired, make a mistake, and the cunning necromancer will win over him without even showing himself. It was necessary to change something, but what exactly remained a mystery. In general, he saw only one solution - just to run away.


Although he was unable to prevent from turning into zombies the game figures which he killed, he was able to neutralize the biggest threat from them. The Snake's ability was too dangerous. Not even for him personally, but in general. Therefore, by the time the undead reached her corpse, the dragonflies had already devoured the Snake's eyes. And without eyes, her power could not work in principle, because it required 'direct look'.

It was even easier with the Sheep. His strength depended on the number of killed people. And as soon as the Dragon took this power to himself, the 'counter' of victims was reset, and the Sheep became no more terrible than a monkey with a grenade. Yes, it is better not to approach him, but Sheep will not be possible to blow up the whole city.

That was the end of the good news and the bad news began. The zombies still could not detect him, but they were already wandering around the hall, reacting sharply to any sound. Also, dragonflies noticed a headless corpse flying in the air, the trajectory of which indicated that it was busy searching for living people. And he had some success, because a couple of masked 'lucky ones' were found by zombies and turn them into their own kind. Of course, the speed of this flying corpse is low, but sooner or later it will get him. Then what to do?

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