《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.04 Juuni Taisen



The game had not yet begun, but the opponents were already looking at each other, trying to find a victim for themselves. Monkey was no exception. Next to it were the territories of a Rooster and a Sheep. Now he sat with binoculars on the roof of the tallest building, almost near the point where the borders of the three territories met, and trying to decide where to go.

He had noticed the Rooster about five minutes ago. He was flying proudly over the roofs of houses, so it was difficult to get to him. But the stupid Sheep, on the other hand, had destroyed all the more or less decent buildings on his territory and now seemed to be heading in the direction of the Snake's territory. Perhaps it is necessary to go after Sheep and catch two enemies at the moment when they will be busy with each other. In general, he is not afraid of explosions. The Sheep won't blow himself, will he? He will move under invisibility and in immaterial form. When he is close to the enemy, he will automatically fall into the 'dead zone', which his opponent will not be able to blow up, unless Sheep decides to commit suicide. And then he will guess the moment and cut off Sheep’s head with one strike.

After waiting for the game to start, Monkey switched to a disembodied state and jumped off the roof, slowly gliding down and forward. In fifteen seconds of flight, he reached the ground and ran as fast as he could to his chosen victim. He could have used transport, of course, but in that case, he would to spend most of his time in the real world. And many of the roads in the Sheep area were littered with ruins of houses, so that running was now the fastest way to move around the area.


Sheep chose the Snake as his first victim. In nature, snakes are afraid of sheep because they cannot bite through the thick skin on their feet, while sharp hooves do not leave them a chance to escape without injury. Following this logic, he decided to attack his 'natural enemy'.

And how can this Snake can be dangerous? Poison? Ha-ha-ha. He's not going to get close to her. It will only be enough to roughly determine her location, after which he will simply create a mortar and cover this area with thermobaric charges. His power allowed to create not only exploding sheep, but also any weapon that was supposed to explode.

But to be honest, the sheep were also extremely useful. These small, sneaky creatures were almost immortal and could dissect the city, looking for the victim. Alas, he couldn't control them directly. But he could see through their eyes and send a remote command to detonate.

Waiting for the game to start, the Sheep ran towards the Snake, and ahead of him ran whole flocks of sheep. Several passers-by caught in the path of this living avalanche were mercilessly blown up. After all, for every killed person, number of his curly-haired army will be increased by one. So, he devoted yesterday's day to cleaning the starting location. As he ran, he created six sheep instead of the three he had used up, and focused on choosing a direction. Judging by the feeling, the Snake was already close.


She was sitting in her lair on the top floor of a high-rise building. It was a penthouse with huge windows that gave a great view of the surrounding area. She had powerful binoculars at hand and a phone in her hand. Now all the inhabitants of this part of the city were under her control, looking for a potential enemy. They had two order: to announce the coming of the other game figures, then try to kill them. Thus, in any case, she will know in advance about the appearance of the enemy. And then either they would be killed by her minions or they would fall into her eyes and become a victim of hypnosis. Her ability would work at a distance of two kilometers, which made it even more dangerous than a shot from a sniper rifle. The weapon still needs to be able to hit, but for her it is enough just to see her victim.


The arrival of a flock of sheep baffled her. At first, she didn't even believe the observers' report. But then she looked through the binoculars and saw small, nimble sheep running around the city, wreaking death and destruction. To her displeasure, the sheep were not living creatures, so it was not possible to seize control of them. The game figure itself was still hidden from her view behind the walls of the houses. But if he continues to walk in the same direction, he will soon come to a small square with an adjacent square, where she can use her ability of absolute submission on the stupid Sheep.

From savoring the imminent victory, the Snake was distracted by a strange rustling sound. Turning her head, she went to the open window on the opposite side of the building and looked out.


The Dragon's experiments on changing the dragonflies were resulted with unbelievable success. No, he couldn't turn them into real dragons. And even failed to radically increase their size. But he managed to make two relatively small changes.

First, dragonflies have a long and strong sting. To be more precise, the modified ovipositor of female individuals was used as a sting. But the second, most ingenious solution was to change the metabolism of these insects.

What's wrong with that? Nothing special, except that the hemolymph of dragonflies was now no different in composition from the hemolymph of the larvae of Diamphidia beetles. This type of insect was the most venomous animal on Earth. Even the smallest drop of their blood was enough to kill a huge elephant. And dragonflies will inject into the victims' bodies not a small drop, but a very large one.

Thus, he in result created an endless army of winged killers, able to enter any room and sting a person, even if he was dressed in a chemical protection suit. With such advantage, it would be foolish not to use it. And this morning's ability to determine the direction of the enemy was manna from heaven.

So as soon as the barriers fell, billions of his dragonflies rushed in all directions, stinging all the people in their path. And along the lines connecting the Dragon with all the other opponents, flew especially large swarms. Sitting in an inconspicuous apartment in a high-rise apartment complex, he controlled his army, carefully searching every suspicious room. Dragonflies are easily penetrated into the ventilation of buildings and getting to the interior. Some places remained inaccessible, and he planned to explore them later. Now it was important to strike as massively as possible and collect the maximum number of Zodiac abilities.

His plan was to guarantee a quick and clean victory. Alas, reality has made its corrections. As it turned out, the distance of control of dragonflies was limited. Once they had to fly further, they just dissipated into the dust. Fortunately, he was able to destroy two enemies at once. Snake and Sheep were not far from each other and fell under the same wave of dragonflies.

The Horse managed to escape before the dragonflies could reach him, then immediately died, probably killed by a Rat. But with the Rabbit, everything turned out to be quite sad. At first, the Dragon didn't even understand why people in this part of the city didn't want to die of insect bites. Only after looking closely through the eyes of his minions he could understand that all these people were already dead. A crowd of zombies sprawled around the city, which with equal success attacked the dead and the living people, after which the bitten victims rose in the form of the undead. There was still hope that the Rabbit itself was quite alive, and he could be killed with poison, but no matter how many dragonflies attacked everyone, the Rabbit did not even think to die.


Another potential victim, a Tiger, managed to escape before the dragonflies got to him. After considering the situation, the Dragon decided to move to the Central part of the city. From there, he can cover almost the entire territory with dragonflies, which should add him a couple of more frags. Once there, he would have enough strength to engage the survivors in a direct confrontation.


Waking up in the morning in the arms of two girls, Ox for a while pondered what strategy to use in this game. He categorically did not want to chase cowardly rats all over the city. It would be much more convenient to sit in one place and wait until someone comes to him. Still, his power gave a guarantee that no one would be able to get close to him unnoticed.

Yes, telekinesis didn't work on living people. But yesterday, he 'robbed' a repair shop, extracting more than a thousand balls from bearings. Dispersed by telekinesis, they were guaranteed to destroy any enemy who dared to get within fifty meters. He was not afraid of weapons like pistols, because a small 'experiment' with the police showed that his telekinesis is able to stop a bullet after a couple of meters of flight. And no one will come to him at such a distance alive.

Having come to this conclusion, he found a solution that will allow him to win without bothering with fruitless searches of the enemy. Stretching up, he began to get out of bed, thus waking his girlfriends.

"John, where are you going?" - One of them said plaintively. - "What about the morning blowjob?"

"We'll have fun later.” - He answered, pulling his underpants. - "I need to go to the supermarket.”

"What did you forget there?”

"I want to buy some fireworks.”


The Tiger stood on the top of the hill where his house was, and looked doubtfully into the distance. It was still more than an hour before the game started, but some idiot was sitting on the roof of a building in the Ox's territory next to the force field and started fireworks. This action had been going on for half an hour, and it was impossible to misunderstand it. It was a challenge. Well, we can assume that the challenge is accepted. At least he won't have to track down the prey. Sure, it could be a trap, but what can they do? No matter what the bull's going to do, this fight will be his last.

Five minutes before the start of the game, the Tiger was standing in front of a glowing protective field, and in front of him, just fifty meters away, stood a muscular giant of European appearance. The road on the other side of the barrier was littered with broken bricks and debris. The source of this disorder was a collapsed building nearby. Perhaps it was some kind of trick, but the Tiger was sure that even such battlefield could not affect his fighting abilities.

And now, the barrier was gone. The wind immediately brought to him the smell of dust and broken bricks. The two opponents continued to stand still, studying each other.

"I am the Ox warrior, challenge you to a fair fight!" - His opponent shouted.

"Tiger accepts your challenge.” - He shouted back.

For another second they remained motionless, and then the Tiger charged forward, intent on finishing the enemy with a single blow. But before he had taken a dozen steps, the Ox’s insidious plan was revealed. The construction debris was a cover for a lot of metal balls and throwing knives hidden under it. And now all this iron was in motion, trying to pierce or flatten him.

But Tiger didn't even slow down to evade the blow. Steel bounced impotently from his skin, unable to even scratch it. Only his clothes were damaged, but he was a true warrior, so he would continue to fight even if he was naked. In combat, there is no place for embarrassment and morality.

Alas, while the bullet-fast balloons couldn't hurt him, they could throw him off course. Under a hail of blows, his body was swept aside and knocked to the ground. The tiger was strong... but not heavy. Immediately even more accelerated, he jumped to his feet and in just a few jumps came out of the attack zone. Apparently, the Ox had a limited range of telekinesis.

Remaining at a safe distance, the Tiger began to think about his next move. Obviously, his opponent could not influence him. But Ox could well affect matter nearby. If desired, the Ox could banally bury the Tiger under the rubble of the same debris of the house. Ox simply did not expect that his 'weapon' will be powerless in a direct hit.

To confirm his thoughts, the Ox concentrated all flying debris next to him, creating a kind of tornado, then quickly headed towards the Tiger. Tiger had only one chance to catch the enemy by surprise. If he enters into the telekinesis zone, he will not be able to get back.

With the maximum speed of perception, the Tiger imbued his muscles with internal energy and rushed forward to him with all available speed. In this mode, he moved faster than the speed of sound. If the Ox's telekinesis could work on him, then Ox would certainly be able to stop him. But the living organism did not obey this force, and therefore the Tiger was able to break through the seemingly frozen tornado to the body of his opponent. By this time, he was completely naked, because his clothes had been torn off by the counteracting force of telekinesis. But in the end, everything was decided by one blow. His fist went through the Bull's head without even noticing the resistance, then his body slammed into the opponent, breaking all Ox’s bones.

A moment later, the iron tornado flew apart, leaving on the ground a pile of bloody mince. Next to the corpse of the Ox stood the blood-covered Tiger. Here he looked around, drew attention to the right hand covered with blood and brains, and then the blood began to roll off his skin in response to his newfound telekinesis. Well, that was an impressive fatality.

Turning around, Tiger headed for the car left in a nearby alley. New clothes were waiting for him there. There was no point in staying here, so he planned to go north to get around the city clockwise and deal with all enemies one by one.


The battle necromancer lay in the refrigerator of a looted store and controlled his army of undead. With his physical capabilities, there was no point in dragging his frail body anywhere. His power was magic, and his offspring had inherited all of his abilities completely.

After a series of experiments, he was able to create zombies that can reproduce. The Lich's enchanted blood could be infinitely divided and regenerated by the power of death. So, it was enough for the zombies to just bite their prey, and human just in a minute later transformed to the undead. At the same time, even a dead body could be infected. It didn't matter to his spell whether the victim was alive at the time of the bite. Moreover, it was not necessary to bite. They could spit in your eyes or add saliva to your food. As soon as his blood came into contact with the internal organs of a person, the transformation was unstoppable.

Another important ability was the ability of the zombie to sense the energy of life and death. Not far, of course. Three or four meters. But it was enough to find those who tried to hide.

As soon as the barriers fell, the crowds of zombies that he had transformed the entire population of his part of the city began to spread across the city. Moreover, many of them drove cars to increase the speed of distribution. From time to time they stopped, bit passer-by gawkers and continued the race.

Rabbit hoped that his creatures could kill at least one of the game figures, but the opponents seemed to have died out. The territory of the Dragon nearby was filled with the corpses of people, and the air was filled with biting bugs that could not harm his undead. The territories of the Ox and Tiger were untouched, so the zombies made a bloody feast there. Only a few minutes after beginning of the game, it became clear that the Horse, Snake, and Sheep were dead. After a minute Ox and a Rooster followed them to the other world. He has not yet been able to find the Tiger and the Dragon, although the chances of finding them were still not zero. It turned out that almost half of the participants were already dead, and he did not get a single frag.

Fortunately, when one of the zombies got to the corpse of the Ox and turned it into an undead, Rabbit felt that his puppet was different from the rest. This was not just a zombie, but a telekinesis-possessed zombie. After a moment, he remembered the Angel's words and realized that by controlling the corpses of the dead, he also controlling their abilities. After that, his subordinates purposefully began to search for the corpses of other game figures. Pretty quickly, he got the power of a Sheep, and then found a Snake on the top floor of a high-rise building.

To his chagrin, the control distance of the zombie was limited, so he was not able to capture the entire city, but soon enough under his control were the territories of the Tiger, Dragon, Ox and Snake, as well as part of the territory of the Sheep, Rooster, Pig, Rat and Horse. But now it was not clear what to do next. In general, he understood that it is necessary to continue the search for the Tiger and the Dragon, especially since the Dragon had not left his territory. But how to reach a Rat or a Pig? To do this, he had to move himself.

With a mental sigh, the Rabbit get out of the cozy refrigerator and moved into the back of the truck-refrigerator. There was a zombie driver, so there shouldn't be any problems with the ride. But the chances of running into the enemy in this case increased. To somehow confuse the enemy, Rabbit sent zombies in cars to cruise around the city in different directions, and he began to slowly move to north, trying to find the location of the opponents.


By the time the game started, she was able to create and maintain one hundred and sixty golems. Actually, not such an impressive number. After running around the city, the golems began searching for other players. But the first enemy they encountered was a crowd of zombies. Of course, the undead could do nothing to the golems. They effortlessly crushed, tore and hurled opponents who were as clumsy as they were. After a while, she gave the order to just ignore the undead and keep moving. Because otherwise, this confrontation threatened to continue until she turns the entire population of the city into mincemeat.

About an hour later, her servants were attacked by a Dragon. It was a huge flying three-headed lizard that poured everything with fire, incinerating the inhabitants of the city, regardless of whether they were alive or dead. Alas, the golems in principle were not designed to fight air targets. At the same time, the dragon was in no hurry to land on the ground, just roasting her minions from a distance. Dragon’s efforts were almost zero, because the best he could was lightly brown the surface of the golems. No, if she kept her servants on fire for half an hour, they would have a good chance of falling apart or turning into a terracotta army. But the Dragon's patience was not enough, and he flew away in search of less heat-resistant opponents.

Soon, her attention was distracted from the dragon by some movement in the area of the Ox’s territory, so she forgot about the 'crane in the sky' and decided to focus on the 'tit in the hands'. One of her golems found the Tiger fighting with crowd of zombies. So now it was necessary to get close to him and guess the moment to start the attack.

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