《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.02 Juuni Taisen



“'I wonder what is the correct name for ape?” - Thought the almost old man, examining his wrinkled face in the mirror. – “Macaque? Gorilla!? Monkey? Yes, the latter is the best fit.”

Despite the hideous appearance of his new body, the Monkey felt perfectly fine. Nothing hurt anywhere, nothing pulled, and in general the body was agile and fast. He looked around and his gaze fell on the katana lying on a special stand near the wall. It might have been taken for a museum exhibit or a prop, but he knew that with these weapons he could kill any enemy. Taking the blade out of the knives, he looked at the amazing blade of blue metal with reverence.

Taking the sword in his hands and standing in a position, he prepared to strike, imagining himself as a ninja... and suddenly froze. The whole world around him faded into a semitransparent illusion. The Monkey went to the wall of the room, held out his hand, and it passed through the illusion without the slightest resistance.

“What am I standing on then?” - He asked, and looked down. At the same time, he fell through the ceiling and landed on the concrete floor of the basement. After examining the intact and solid ceiling, he scratched the back of his head and headed up the stairs.

After a couple of hours, the Monkey drank delicious green tea and summed up his research. He could become invisible. Could pass through walls, and most importantly, he was an excellent swordsman and could ride around the countryside as well as a real monkey. He could remain invisible for as long as he wanted, but the 'disembodied' mode lasted a maximum of fifteen seconds, after which it took five seconds to cooldown. Three seconds of disembodiment mode required only one second to cooldown. In a disembodied state, he could fly, starting from any 'material' object.

In general, he liked this set of abilities. However, to be able to properly use them, he must know the surroundings well. So, it was worth a walk around the city and see how people live here, and beautiful juicy schoolgirls in particular.


"Yes, my lover told me that I looked like a rooster. Is bitch jinxed me?” - grumbled a smart-looking guy in multicolored clothes with a rainbow mohawk on his head. In his ears, lips, tongue and nose glittered a brilliant piercing. His eyes and lips were painted, and his fingernails were painted bright red. The Rooster could no longer look at himself in the mirror. First, he had already broken a large mirror in the hallway, and secondly, to see this squalor was beyond his strength. How did he even get into this faggot?


With difficulty regaining his peace of mind, he focused on the promised superpowers. He had a typical set of superhero powers. Flights and pyromania. Straight dream of Herostratus. In his case, the proverb 'let the rooster in the house' took a direct and figurative meaning. The house in which he appeared stood on the outskirts, and just beyond the fence began the forest, climbing up the mountain. There Rooster decided to hone his pyromantic sorority skills.

As it turned out, he could create fire from his hands and also control the flow of fire at will. Besides, he didn't have to be afraid to burn something important, because at any moment he could extinguish the fire within a radius of hundreds of meters. Levitation did not cause much delight, but at least to break into bloody mince when faced with an obstacle he did not threaten, because the speed of flight in principle did not exceed the speed of running. It was quite difficult to maneuver and evade a potential enemy in the air. So, he was only to hope that the enemy would not have a sniper rifle with which to shoot him would be easy.


With a long yawn, the Dog, as he decided to call himself, put his head on his paws and wagged his tail. No, after all, this form is not very comfortable. Where are the fucking tentacles??? From the back of a huge Dog the size of a horse, came out six sprout and began to wriggle from side to side. It didn't look like a tentacle, even at first glance. Rather, a revived blood sausage.

The Dog has a power to transform himself into any living creature of his choice. But there were two original forms: a man and a dog. There was still an intermediate version in the form of a werewolf from horror films, but it was too clumsy. The hind dog's paws were not suitable for movement on two limbs, and huge palms with claws on their fingers did not allow normal running on four legs

So, he decided to create another form that was more secure, faster, and most importantly, dangerous. After a few hours of experimentation, he transformed to a huge armored creature, firmly standing on four legs. A long-elongated crocodile's mouth gaped with hundreds of teeth, and eight tentacles grew out of its back, ending with 'grabs' and having a hidden sting. The effectiveness of the poison had yet to be tested, but the instincts of this body said that a second blow would not be necessary for an ordinary person.

The strangest thing about this metamorphism was that his body would produce an arbitrary amount of organic matter. He could have been the size of an elephant, or he could have pretended to be a bologna. A similar range of variation was most baffling. All that remained was to repeat Dumbledore's phrase 'this is magic, Harry' and forget the question.


Another advantage of the new body was a frenzied regeneration. In the kitchen, he found a large butcher knife with which he managed to chop off his hand. After a couple of seconds, he grew a new one. After performing a session of masochism, he littered the table and trash can with copies of his left hand, and did not feel the slightest discomfort or weakness. It seemed that he would be able to regenerate, even if he left a piece the size of just a fist. Naturally, he was not going to check the limits of his survival, but it was worth considering when planning a fight with the enemy.


"Tell me, is this a type of hint?" - The girl spoke irritably, standing in the courtyard of a two-story mansion. - "Yes, I don't like cleaning, washing or cooking. But is that a reason to make me a Pig? And what kind of ability is that? The epitome of the saying 'a pig will find dirt everywhere'?

There was no limit to the Pig's irritation, and she splashed it out in speeches intended for an unspecified circle of people. And taking into account the fact that other people were not around, it is not clear to whom, but definitely not to herself.

In general, she got not the worst ability. The first is the creation of mud golems. Kind of hints, huh? And the second is the ability to transmute matter, which allows her to transform any material into… mud, of course. What else could a pig turn gold into?

The mud golems themselves were quite strong and durable. They regenerated all the damage in a matter of seconds. Their movement speed was not great, but they could take down any enemy simply by jumping on them and then devouring them. The standard golem shape resembled a shit-demon.


Yes, that hideous creature of foul-smelling substance with two arms, two legs, an upright torso and a semblance of a head. Fortunately, she was able to give to the mud any shape, as far as she her imagination. This is how tumbleweed golems, Jabba the Hutt golems, and even Dewdrop golems appeared.

She could easily control a hundred Golems at once, see with their 'eyes', feel with their hands, and so on. In general, if necessary, she could obtain the effect of direct presence in the body of her golem, while still being able to control her original body. The Golem's control distance didn't seem to be limited in any way. At least she was able to easily stage an invasion of the shit-demons in her assigned part of the city.

The power fields surrounding the area looked like translucent glowing planes. Ordinary residents of the city also could not overcome this obstacle, which gradually resulted in panic in the streets, mayhems and riots. The pig could not tell how much of this hysteria was caused by the golems roaming around the city, but its attempts to restore order only led to the fact that it killed about fifty criminals. As it turned out, the golems were very strong. No, not like that. They were VERY strong. A golem the size of a man could juggle trucks.

Unfortunately, she could not make a flood of mud in the city. Although the total number of Golems didn't seem to be limited, but when there were more than two hundred of them, she felt a headache. The size of a single golem could not exceed the size of a small truck. She so wanted to just bury this city under a kilometer layer of dirt, thus solving all the problems with determining the winner, but alas. Well, she'll show her true to everyone. After all, her army is simply impossible to defeat.


The fact that he is not all right, the Horse guessed just before the start of the game. He had been prone to mood swings before, but this body made him an inadequate nutcase. He may feel depress, may fall in inexplicable rage, may gnaw fear and the envy is not clear for what. What he never had was a normal condition.

"Damn these freaks!” - He shouted into the void.

Again, he's having another tantrum. Now it is clear why his predecessor was in a mental hospital. Maybe some pills can help him If he cannot get rid of the fountain of emotions, then he won't have the slightest chance of winning.

The clock on his arm sawed, marking the approach of noon. A second later, he realized that his ability to open portals was no longer limited by the part of the city that had been assigned to him. Okay, now he needs to get out of here, and then need to find a pharmacy.

He concentrated, opened the portal that led to the other side of the city, and did not hesitate for a second to step into it.

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