《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.01 Juuni Taisen



Awakening was... strange. One moment he was standing in a place filled with light, and the next he was in utter darkness. And there was something else. No, it's not that he has a body now, and not even that this body is lying on a hard-cold surface that literally bites into the bones. Smell! That's what bothered him. It was the smell of decay and death.

Rabbit opened his eyes, but saw nothing. He had to get up and grope his way somewhere. The cold musty air was imbued with the smell of decomposition, which he wanted to get rid of more than even from the permeating cold. Having difficulty docking up to the wall, he walked along it, leading with his hand in an attempt to find a way out.

Pretty quickly the door was found, and then he leaned on it with all his strength... he broke it out, along with the crumbling joint. There was a crash, and his eyes were blinded by the bright midday sun. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any discomfort. Only a clear understanding that his ability to see had temporarily failed.

Finally, after rubbing his eyes, the Rabbit was able to see, and the first thing he could make out was his hand. It was the dry, wrinkled stump of a half-decomposed mummy. He clenched his hand into a fist, opened it and grimaced at the hideous sight. Looks like he's a Lich now. A living dead that can raise the undead. Well, it could have been worse. What did the broadcaster say about rules? He needs to remember his words again. But it will be later, now he needs to test new strength.

The rabbit looked around and found himself standing in the cemetery next to the crypt. The sun was almost at its zenith, but it didn't make him feel hot or cold. Voices of quiet prayer were heard somewhere nearby. It looks like he won't have to go far to find the first volunteer. Smiling, the Lich walked through the cemetery and soon the silence of the place was broken by a heart-rending scream filled with primal horror.


The dragon sat in a chair and stared at the index finger of his right hand in a state of complete stupefaction. Or more precisely, to the dragonfly sitting on this finger.

"What the fuck?" - He couldn't resist to exclaiming. – “Yes, in English the words ‘dragonfly’ and ‘dragon’ very similar. But what type of relationship it has to dragons?”

As soon as he woke up in a room of a budget hotel, he immediately tried to feel some incredible power in himself. After all, the first thought that visited his mind was the realization that he had received the Sign of the Dragon. But he didn't feel any dragon-related abilities.

Only after half an hour of tormenting himself at least some superpower available him, he realized that he had the ability to create dragonflies. Just fucking dragonflies! Useless insects, unable to cause any harm to the enemy. Of course, he could control these dragonflies, even a thousand at once. Yes, he could see and feel everything that his 'minions' felt, and yet not go mad from an overabundance of information. But they were just insects. The maximum that can be performed is scouting!


Okay, he need to calm down. The Dragon took a deep breath and created another dragonfly, which sat on the index finger of his left hand. After comparing the two insects, he noticed that they were slightly different in appearance. A second later, he dematerialized the first dragonfly and created another one instead. Now it was clearly visible that one insect was blue and the other red. Once again applying the ability, the Dragon got a dragonfly with a shortened belly. Well, that's something. Now it remains to understand where are the limits of his ability to change the 'standard' configuration of the insects created.


All people called her ‘snake’ for her unique eyes. What a ridiculous joke of fate made her a Snake after her death. She had always thought that the afterlife was a fairy tale for idiots. But she's alive, and she's even taking part in some kind of fun competition. During that performance of the incomprehensible chum in the light-filled space, she still did not fully understand what had happened. But now, two hours after the resurrection, when the hysteria was over, she was able to assess her prospects.

She just needs to kill the other players in this stupid game, right? All her life, she loved to mistreat other people. All last life. But this one is unlikely to be worse than the previous one. After all, in addition to a young beautiful body she has the ability to enslave people with just a glance. She just understood it without any proof. However, in any case she should practice. And with this ability, she would be able to inflict such torment on other people that from one thought about it she almost experienced an orgasm. No, she needs to go and practice on someone, urgently.

Snake meticulously examined herself in the mirror and walked out of the apartment to the street. She appeared in this world in a small house on a quiet street. There were similar houses nearby, and there were almost no pedestrians in sight.

Then her attention was caught by a handsome young man who came around the corner.

"Hey, you come here!" - She commanded.

The guy came over and smiled sweetly, staring at her breasts. Yes, she has a body to be proud of.

"Did you want something?" - The guy asked, still gazing into the neckline of her blouse, as if his life depended on being able to look at it without blinking.

“Yes. Get on all fours and bark.”

The guy didn't answer, but he did exactly as she asked, still looking at her with amorous eyes. She beginning to like it. However, it is not clear whether he really obeyed her, or is it just another maniac pervert?

“Undress.” - She ordered, and the guy immediately began to take off his clothes, ignoring the fact that he was standing in the middle of the street.


“He's pretty.” - There was a thought in her head when she was able to appreciate the muscular body. – “I think we should have a little fun first.”

An hour later, the Snake looked at the naked corpse with its throat cut and thought about what a fool she was. She gave the order to this idiot to kill himself, and at the same time did not guess that he will flood the whole kitchen with blood. It doesn't matter. If she wants to, she can get any house, as soon as she sees the owners. The main thing is that now she knew exactly what she was capable of.

The sign of the Snake gave her the ability to subdue other people to herself. Also, it was possible to instill in them any illusion, to give an order and to make them forget about it. And then, when the trigger event occurred, the victim obeyed the order. The only limitation to her ability was that she had to see her victim. The reflection in the mirror didn't count. But the window glass was not an obstacle. It remained only to find out the maximum distance of her 'hypnotic gaze'. If the distance is large enough, she will simply sit on a helicopter, fly over the city and inspire its inhabitants to kill themselves. She will win this game and get the right to fulfill any desire. Interesting, if I can make a wish to fulfill hundred wishes? Did they will fulfill all her wishes for the rest of eternity?


"Hey! I don't want to play your stupid game!!!” - A guy of about fifteen years old yelled, his voice rising in a high-pitched scream. - "Bring me back!”

Half of the city would hear the screams, but room was padded with white soft walls that absorbed all sound. Some figure looked through the transparent window in the same soft door, and again everything returned to the same state as it had been an hour before. And two hours before that. In general, the last half of the day. The Horse had no clock, so he had no idea how much time had passed.

At last, having finally lost his voice and beaten his hands and head against the walls, he calmed down and sat in a corner of the room, staring thoughtlessly ahead.

"I wish I could get out of here." - The Horse sighed.

And as if in response to his thoughts, in front of him in the air appeared a portal, behind which he could see a blind lane and flickering cars in the distance.

“Is it that simple?” - He asked himself in perplexingly, trying to understand what was going on.

After examining the portal, he breathed deeper, held his breath and jumped forward. Nothing much happened. Except that now he wasn’t in an isolator for violent patients in a mental hospital, but in a dirty alley of some city. And the first thing he regretted was that he decided to step into this mud with his bare feet. Perhaps I should have wish to go for a cleaner place.

In front of him immediately appeared a new portal, in which he could recognize a native chamber.

No, I'm not going back there. I want to... Before he could formulate a thought, the new portal showed him a view of a women's sauna, where at this moment a dozen very hot girls were bathing.

“No!” - The guy shouted, and the portal immediately closed. - "It won't be so easy.” - He said to himself.

He will have to learn to correctly articulate exactly where he wants to go.


He was standing on the roof of a skyscraper, and only one step separated him from the flight down. My head was empty, but my heart was happy. I wanted to do something crazy. At least take a step forward. But perhaps not yet.

The view of the city spread out before me somehow evoked associations with the game of Worms.

"I wonder why? Maybe that's why?”

The man stretched his arms forward, and in them materialized... sheep. A cute little lamb with touching curls that bleated piteously, shuffling its feet. He shook his fingers, and the sheep flew down from a height of a hundred meters. Only when sheep reached the ground, sheep didn't turn into a bleeding piece of meat, didn't break all her bones, but ran forward joyfully until she collided with a passenger car standing in front of a traffic light. At this moment, the cute lamb exploded, turning the surrounding area into chunks of concrete and metal, flying at high speed. After a couple of seconds, the smoke cleared, and I saw a mutilated car with charred bodies inside.

"Yes, that's the whole point! It's a game! It's heaven!!! I can blow up anything here. Art is an explosion!”

Mad laugh rang out over the city, unaware that soon it will have to face the most frostbitten bomber in the history of mankind.

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