《Graphomurk》Chapter 8.00 Juuni Taisen




This time the beginning of the game was very strange. I found myself in a large circular room, and I felt like a ghost. The floor, walls and ceiling of the hall were white as snow, giving the impression of a glowing infinity. Without psionic I wouldn't have guessed it was a hall. I was surrounded by a power cocoon that kept me from moving. All I could do was stand there and wave my arms.

A few seconds after me, other people began to appear in the room. Or not exactly people. One of the figures looked like an orc. I looked at myself and made sure that I looked the same as at the end of the previous game. That is cool and fashionable with a slant under the higher elf. Gradually the room filled up, and it became clear that everyone present was standing around the perimeter of the circle, facing the center. Finally, as the twelve figures appeared, another blurry human shape materialized in the center of the room.

“So, welcome to the game Battle of the Zodiac.” – He said, seems he is Judge of this game. – “I will explain the rules. Each of the figures will receive a human body and a Zodiac Sign on this body, which grants one superpower. After that, the figures will be on the battlefield, which this time will be... a city of twentieth-century!” - Judging by the outrageous tone of voice, this is not a judge, but a TV broadcaster. - "The city is divided into thirteen zones, separated from each other by barriers. All participants will be given one day to prepare for battle and study their ability. At the beginning of the battle, the internal barriers will be removed and the figures will be able to move around the city.

A model of a city divided into hexagons formed in the air in front of me. According to the numbering, the twelve hexagons with the signs of the Zodiac formed a kind of gear, and in the center was a neutral zone. Meanwhile, the Broadcaster continued to explain the rules.

“When one figure kills another, it receives the Zodiac sign of its victim on his body. Naturally, along with the sign to him also passes the corresponding superpower. But be careful. If figure one killed figure two and figure three killed figure one, then the third figure only gets the first sign. The sign of the second figure will be eliminated from the game. The goal of the game is to kill all the opponents. The winner's figure gets access to the memory of all the other figures during the time they spent in the game. Also, the winner's figure will get the right to fulfill one wish! Yes-s-s!!! Today's stakes are unrealistically high. I remind you that according to the rules, all the lost figures will be thrown into Hell, where they will experience the most terrible torment that is possible to experience, after which all their memory of all incarnations will be erased."


Damn, this reminder ruined all mood. For them it's a show, but for us it's a fight for survival. The struggle to avoid a fate worse than death. I looked at the other 'running cockroaches' and saw different emotions in their eyes: fear, incomprehension, perseverance and of course hate. It also felt hate to the organizers of this circus.

“So, everything is ready to start the game. Do game pieces have any questions about the rules of the game? Questions ...”

"I got!!" - I shouted, interrupting the Broadcaster, who seems to have uttered the phrase only because the rules required it. I felt the irritation coming from this bastard.

"What's your question? Keep in mind that if it doesn't touch the inaccuracies of the rules, I'll punish you.”

My, my, how scary.

“You said that at the time of the figure's death, his sign passes to the enemy. What are the criteria for determining whether a person is alive or dead? What happens if a person comes to life after death? Will his sign come back to him or stay with the new owner? If it comes back, can I make revive someone's corpse, so and kill him again to get a sign for myself?”

"Hmm... Well, the questions are to the point.” – Broadcaster even more displeased, apparently broken off with the appointment of punishment. - "Almost. How exactly are you going to resurrect other game figure if using of all types of magic other than that granted by the Zodiac Sign is forbidden in the game?”

Pff! Ignoramus.

“Possible to do artificial respiration, connect to a life support device. Or maybe someone will have the ability to necromancy? In general, I would like to hear a clear explanation of what exactly is considered as the moment of death.”

"All right, I'll explain.” - Broadcaster calmed down. – “Our Players are also interested in the answers to these questions. The moment of death is considered the state in which the game figure finally loses control of its body. In other words, temporary clinical death is not considered as a death. In other words, as long as you control the original body of the game figure, you control the Sign granted to that body. But as soon as the control ends, the sign goes to the one who killed this game figure. If the death occurred as a result of the influence of several figures at once, The Judge determines the killer by his personal decision. Is that clear to you?"

This question has probably a trick. Because the Broadcaster's explanations answered all my questions, even though it wasn't obvious.

"Yes, thank you for the explanation.” - I nodded.

"Anyone else have questions? Nobody has question.”

This time, the Broadcaster didn't pause between sentences, giving no one a chance to ask a new question. Judging by the echoes of emotions from other participants, they had questions, but their Players forbade them to ask anything. The Being is such a ‘democratic slaveholder’ that anything I say will only do him benefit.


"Now, let the Game begin!" - Broadcaster exclaimed.

And immediately after these words, the whole world went dark.


Rat was in shock and bewilderment. In this game, he did not feel the presence of the abilities that he had received in previous games. All usual ways of perception had been cut off, and now he felt himself as blind and deaf. He opened eyes and looked around the richly furnished room. Is this the presidential suite? Raising hands to eyes, he saw a thin hand. Now he was lying on a tucked-in bed, and was dressed in a strange suit.

Getting up and looking around again, the Rat went to the mirror and studied his reflection. He saw a fashionable coxcomb with slicked-back hair. Judging by the face, this body was no more than seventeen years old. It sucks!

He looked at the desk drawer next to it, and had the impression that if he opens it now, he would find a gun there. Opening the drawer abruptly he actually found a colt of the ninth caliber and a pack of cartridges to it. Was that his superpower? Some form of foresight? What nonsense is this? How with such ability he can win???


The Ox took a shower, and for one examined his body. He knew subconsciously that he had received the sign of the Ox. And this body fully corresponded to the description of this Zodiac sign. Now he was such perfect muscles that even Schwarzenegger could envy.

As he ran his hand through the water again, He noticed that some of the drops were following his palm, deviating from their normal trajectory. It took him only a few seconds to realize that he now had telekinesis. As soon as he thought about it, a full description of what the Ox Sign had given him came to mind. It was telekinesis, which could control any non-living matter within a radius of fifty meters.

After playing with the flying streams of water, the Ox turned off the shower, with telekinesis shook off all the water and went to the main hall of the apartment in which he appeared. Stomach reminded that it would be good to eat. The refrigerator in the kitchen was pristine, so it was only necessary to visit a restaurant, since there was enough money in the wallet.

Walking along the street and looking around, the Ox was surprised at how many people were walking around. For some reason, he thought that there would be no other people in the city. But now, he like an icebreaker dissects the crowd, towering over the small Japs by more than a head. Most surprisingly, he could read and speak Japanese. Finally, he caught sight of the sign of a cafe and all the extra thoughts left his head. Now he need to eat well, and then he can pick up some girl. The body hinted at such needs with an unexpected erection


The spacious hall of the classic Japanese dojo was filled with the sounds of shadow fighting: trampling two bare feet on the wooden floor, the whistle of dissected air, shouting and exhaling while performing kata. A wiry man in his forties in a white kimono and the same pants tested his skills and abilities of his body and by performing a set of Roaring Tiger style moves.

The art of hand-to-hand combat appeared in his mind as soon as he entered this dojo. As you might have guessed, he got the Sign of the Tiger. The ability that came with this sign was not just a martial art. His entire body now possessed incredible strength, speed, endurance, and strength.

Also, he could enter a state of acceleration in which the falling coin seemed to him almost frozen in the air. At the same time, he could read the text on this coin, being a hundred meters away from it. This was beyond any human abilities.

What about hearing? Tiger listened and heard the rustle of leaves on trees, the hum of cars somewhere in the distance... the sounds of hand-to-hand combat in very close distance. He walked quickly through the wide corridors and came to an open area paved with stone. Seven people were engaged in martial arts here. They demonstrated the techniques of hand-to-hand combat that he already knew, although compared to him these fighters moved like sleepy snails.

"Teacher! Have you come out of meditation?” - He heard a ringing voice.

Turning his head, Tiger saw a boy of about twelve years old, who was now diligently cleaning the floors in one of the rooms. The door was open, and the student could see him first. Yes, it is the student. Now tiger was beginning to remember that he had been in this dojo since childhood. And this kid in front of him is his adopted son Sajiro.

With a shake of his head, Tiger dismissed the memory. No, this is just the knowledge given by the Sign of the Tiger. Knowledge of the previous owner of this body. When the game starts tomorrow at noon... all the inhabitants of this city will be doomed. The best thing he can do for these people is to kill them here and now, so they don't face the horrors of the Games of the Gods.

The Tiger's gaze became stern, and he looked around with new eyes, calculating where he would bury his 'disciples'.

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