《Graphomurk》7.23 Warhammer 40000


Our duel lasted almost a minute, until I found a spell that could overcome the daemon's defenses. After that, I neutralized his shield, jumped close and chopped off all four hands. The daemon tried to bite me with its goat face, but in response I opened my mouth and bit off most of its face. The creature fell to the ground, bleeding and writhing in agony, and I cast a paralysis spell on it and began scanning its mind.

Alas, even this 'mini-boss' could not please me with the presence of at least something useful in his brain. So, I focused and tore his soul out of his body. I wondered if I could isolate this soul from the corrupting influence of the Warp. Since no other daemons were around, I was able to deal with this issue without being distracted by external events.

After about fifteen minutes, I was able to break the connection of the soul with the Warp, and then purge it from all its emotions. In addition, I 'cut out' a piece from the astral body in which all the memories of the daemon were stored. After that, I had an ordinary Eldar soul in my hands. I created some astral shells for this soul, and the Eldar regained self-consciousness.

"Please imprison my soul in Tear of Isha." - I heard a faint telepathic message.

"What is a Tear of Isha? How can I create it?” - I asked.

In response, I received a complex image of how to use psionics, Warp, and ritual magic to create the desired item. I had to load my 'on-Board computer' with analysis of this information, but within five minutes I knew how to achieve the same result using magic. More precisely, I knew how to properly perform the ritual of creating Tear of Isha. But how it works was not clear from this ritual.

As a result, I created a clone from the chakra that performed all the necessary actions. Nothing unexpected happened, and in my hands was a diamond the size of a fist, inside which was an extremely complex psionic structure. After that, I brought the Eldar's soul closer to the stone and could watch as it was drawn inside, completely isolating it from the world around it. Hell, I wanted to scan his memory.

Sadly sighing, I put a stone in my pants pocket and looked around. Once a beautiful field now resembled a branch of hell. It was all splattered with blood and littered with pieces of corpses. I had to do the restoration of the landscape, destroying all the extra organics. Five minutes later, there was no trace of the bacchanalia that had happened here, so I turned around with a clear conscience and headed to the nearest village, where the daemon worshippers left their transport.


As the car drove quietly toward the city, I considered my future plans. I need Necrons and Eldars to fight the Reaper. But it was not so easy to find both of them. Here I either need to find where they are continuing their battle and fly there, or try to find their lair. Necrons have obelisks, and the Eldars have their Craftworld. Of course, with my ability to find them will not be so difficult, but it is desirable to have at least an approximate search area.

In all this thinking, I didn't even notice how I got to the city. The sun was almost down, hidden by clouds, and the streets were dark. I assumed that the murder of the daemon worshippers would not be known for some time, so I could spend some time searching for information on behalf of Theodore. Only when I passed the next police station, the way ahead of me was blocked by a barrier, and a local police officer approached the car.

“Checking documents. Get out of the car.” - He asked me.

I frowned, but decided to really get out. I still need the car, and it will be easier to deal with the situation, having the freedom to maneuver. As soon as I slammed the door, the police took a step back and pointed the gun at me. Theodore's memory suggested it was a paralyzer

"You are accused of worshipping daemons.” - The cop shouted.

I was surprised by this accusation, but even more suspicious were the intonations of the policeman's voice. As if he didn't believe what he was saying. I immediately cast a memory scan spell on him and studied the result. It turns out that a police officer is just another daemon-worshipper. And he decided to arrest me, because he became aware of the death of four of his 'associates'. It seems that the daemons were able to sense their death and notified their leadership. Well, I didn't really want to pretend to be a mere mortal.

"You worship daemons yourself." - I replied to the charges, scanning my surroundings and calculating how many people I would have to destroy to get rid of the witnesses. - "I can feel the filth coming from you. Judging by the smell, you recently sacrificed a girl.”

I could really feel Warp's influence on the human’s astral shells. And the phrase about the victim, guided by the memories of the police. The cop became pale and looked around, also calculating the number of witnesses. There were three other policemen and a couple of civilians with us.

"How dare you?" - He shouted. - "I am in duty. This is a slander against a representative of the government!”


I was about to finish this farce when a new character appeared on the scene. A figure in a combat suit leaped from the roof of a nearby building. Judging by the appearance, he was a space paratrooper who specialized in reconnaissance and covert infiltration.

"Night watch! Everyone gets out of the dusk.” - He said, running up to us and pointing the gun at the cop.

“What?” - I couldn't help myself.

Meanwhile, the rest of the polices and a couple of civilians came out into the lighted area where my car was parked.

"So, you're saying he worships daemons?" - The space marine asked. It was hard to tell to whom he was talking to from his voice and posture, and his face was completely hidden by his helmet.

“Yes, Yes! He is a daemon-worshipper.” - The cop screamed, pointing his stun gun at me.

After that, the helmet turned in my direction, apparently waiting for my reaction.

"Yes, I can feel the filth in him.” - I said.

“Interesting.” - Spacesuited figure drawled, thinking about something.

"Why are you standing there? Grab him!” - The policeman yelled, sweating profusely. His hands were shaking so much that he almost dropped his weapon.

In response, the space trooper snapped out of his reverie, grabbed the cop's arm, knocked the weapon out and slid his limb behind his back, grabbing his throat with the other hand and pressing it against his chest.

“Grabbed.” - He said, with a sneer in his voice.

"You... what...?" - The policeman croaked. His companions stood with bulging eyes, trying to understand what was happening. Apparently, the space paratroopers represented the highest authority here, so they didn't even think about resisting him. - "Anuma Uras Kas!" - Meanwhile, the daemon-worshipper shouted.

In response to his words, a portal to the Warp opened nearby, and a daemon leaped out. But as soon as daemon saw the space marine, he immediately jumped back at a speed of ten times faster. After that, the portal closed and the policeman howled in a voice full of despair.

“I am Erebus Talon, a member of the tenth squad of the Space Marine of the Night's Watch Order, sentencing you to death for your association with the Warp daemons.” - The space marine solemnly announced, and then literally tore off the policeman's head. Well at least the splashing blood flew past me, sprinkling the ground and frozen in horror civilians.

After that, Erebus walked in front of the horrified witnesses of this scene, looking them in the eyes. When he didn't find what he was looking for, he turned and started walking toward me.

"What's your name?" - He asked me.

"Theodore Kvik." - I replied, scanning my companion at the same time. The suit was an interesting design and there was so much electronics in it that it was difficult to even understand what it was for.

"So, you can feel the filth?" - The space marine continued the interrogation.

"Yes, I do. In near range. I have recently developed this ability.” - I tried to make a more or less logical excuse. If I can enlist the help of this daemon fighter, it may make be easier to get access to information.

"That's good. According to the Code of Astartes, I'm temporarily recruiting you to the tenth squad of the Night's Watch Order. I need your help in eradicating the filth of daemon worship that has plagued this world.”

"Uh-huh...” - I managed to say, trying to decide whether I should agree or whether it would be easier to eradicate the space marine and all the witnesses.

"Don't worry, I won't send you into battle.” - My new 'commander' misunderstood my hesitation. - "I need your help in finding people who are desecrated by the connection with Warp. If I don't cut out the filth now, this whole world will soon be consumed by hordes of daemons.”

"All right, I agree.” - I nodded. - "But after we're done, I have a request in return."

“Wonderful.” – Erebus did not give attention to my words. – “So, get into the car and go to the city center. Along the way, I'll tell you what we need to do.”

With these words, the figure in the combat suit walked around the car and somehow managed to fit into the passenger seat. I sighed, sat on drivers place and continued driving, thanks to the quick-moving cops who had already removed the barrier.

Along the way, Erebus told me that he had been sent to this world to check out rumors of a thriving cult of worship. He was a psionic, able to read the thoughts of most people. After spending a few days in the city, he was able to reach the cell of members of the cult. But the conspiracy here was at the high level, so that the members of the cell only knew each other. The police officer was the last clue, and after reading his memory, he couldn't find any new traces.


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