《Graphomurk》7.22 Warhammer 40000


Then it was quite simple. I took control over the Orc, directly controlling his body, put on my own invisibility, and walked with my puppet to the bridge. There, the Orc gave orders to attack other ships and was able to damage their engines. Of course, they fired in return, and as a result, all five ships were suspended in the void of space, unable to fly away.

After that, I teleported to the desired space ship, where I found a fully alive captain. True, there was also a shaman who could sense my presence despite my invisibility, but the brute force was on my side, so the telekinetic spell took his head off before he could call to the Warp force.

Then I captured the orc I needed and killed everyone else. A thoughtful interrogation of the prisoner cleared up an important question for me. I couldn't count the Orc's long-term memory, because it was based on different physical principles than those of humans or the same spiders. The memory of the orcs was stored at a genetic level, so that when memorizing something, this information was immediately stored in the form of DNA. To 'open up' this code, I needed a computer, so the body of vritras became absolutely necessary.

Fortunately, the captain knew about the substances I needed, and it was possible to find them just in the laboratory of a shaman who liked not only to call spirits, but also to make different mechanisms. So, I grabbed the prisoner by neck and dragged him to the right place, simultaneously shooting all the orcs I met

Half an hour later, I was able to create a central vritras crystal, and then I replaced the necromorph's not-so-comfortable body with my own design. After that, in my body, I created a computer running on the architecture of the Ancients and began reverse engineering the orc's DNA.

An hour later, I had full access to his memory. The captain turned out to be a real treasure trove of information on local technologies. Besides, he knew enough about psionics to know that it could work without the Warp. Yes, it will be much weaker, but it will be enough for the orcs to create their own mechanisms in the Mass Effect universe. Which means I can use these creatures in my plans.

I took the captain's DNA and creatively reworked it, cutting out everything 'extra' from there, but adding the 'meaning of life' in the destruction of the Reaper. Then formed a 'mushroom fruit body' from which spores were to spread. Each spore could eventually turn into an Orc, thus beginning the cycle of enslavement of the Universe.

As a final chord I opened the Stargate to the world of Mass Effect directly into the Reaper's dead ship. I think the orcs will come in handy there. There is a good chance that they will infect this ship, and then transfer the infection to others. At least somehow it will hurt to Reaper.


Having dealt with this question, I came to the conclusion that nothing else keeps me here. So, I finally finished off the captain and with a clear conscience opened a portal next to the star, in the orbit of which was inhabited by people planet.

The planet turned out to be for the most part an agrarian world. I flew around it and chose to land around the neighborhood of the largest city. I planned to collect information from the bottom, so I took the form of a 'grey-legged peasant’, the good examples for imitation I noticed while still descending from orbit.

I went down into the forest and headed for the nearest village, which was a couple of kilometers away. During the trip, I was going to analyze the surrounding nature and more fully check the local laws of physics. But after a couple of hundred meters, a guy of about eighteen years old came out of the bushes to meet me, whose entire appearance expressed boundless arrogance and contempt for the 'peasant' in my face.

"Hey, peasant.” - He turned to me. - "Take me to the village."

Such luck, beast running to the hunter. I immediately threw a paralyzing spell to the brute and began scanning his memory. As it turned out, before me was the son of rich parents who were not the smallest bigwigs in the neighboring city. The guy was a student, and in the woods was not accidental.

The story of this mortal amused me. In the company of his pals, he went to the suburbs to take part in a small orgy in the bosom of nature. But he decided to go to the toilet, went into the thicket and... lost. And now for half an hour this idiot was wandering through the local forest, trying to get out to people.

I decided that this individual is a great way to integrate into the local society. I could well play his role and get the knowledge I need or to those who have that knowledge. So, I took a copy of his memory, assumed his appearance and put on his clothes. Making sure that now I'm indistinguishable from the original, I destroyed original, decomposing to a state of mucus. Well, let’s go! Now my name is Theodore Kvik.

Combining the donor's memories and a satellite image of the surrounding area, I figured out where the orgy was supposed to take place. That's where I headed. When I got closer to the right place, I started to hear some strange screams and moans that didn't quite fit my idea of an orgy.

When I got out of the bushes, I could see a very strange picture. Including Theodore, eight people were supposed to participate in the orgy. But if four of my 'friends' really had sex with each other, then three more moaned from being tied up to a tree and subjected to torture. Moreover, the two had their stomachs cut, from which the intestines were hung. At the same time, all three victims were still alive and conscious.


"Theo, here you are. We've already searched you.” - One of the girls greeted me which one of ‘cavaliers’ pumping her from ‘behind’.

Without getting out of the process, her ‘cavalier’ pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. But he didn't get a chance to shoot, because I hit the field with AOE paralysis spell. The four maniacs fell to the ground, and the three victims went limp in their bonds.

After that, I started searching the minds of everyone present, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. After all, according to Theodore's memory, no torture was planned. It didn't take me long to find out that four of those present were real Slaanesh daemon worshippers. And my donor and three others present were supposed to be victims. Right now, there was a ritual of calling daemons, for which it was necessary to simultaneously have sex and torture someone.

I once again examined this whole composition, and then decided to show my usual justice. The fact was that Theodore and the other three were not innocent sheep. They were responsible for bullying, rape, robbery, and even suicide. So, with a clear conscience, I formed a sword in my hand, and then began to cut off the heads of everyone present, regardless of which side of the 'barricade' they were on.

As soon as the last head was cut off, I felt someone's invisible presence. A second later the space was cut by a crimson glow and a daemon jumped out of the Warp portal. It was a naked woman whose body was deformed, assuming the features of some predatory creature. At the same time, I felt like a daemon was trying to influence my consciousness.

"Oh, dear, what an amazing sacrifice. Did you make this feast just for me?

With these words, the daemon’s finger picked up the blood from the stump of one of the daemon worshippers' neck and 'erotically' licked it. I mean, she thought it was erotic. But in my opinion, it was unhygienic and disgusting. Who knows what kind of drugs these cultists were poisoning themselves with? And then drink their blood? Br-r-r-r.

I didn't say anything more, but cast the paralysis spell again. Unfortunately, this time its effectiveness was very low. However, the moment that the daemoness froze was enough to jump up to her and cut off her both hands, along with the shoulder joints. Then I kicked her body to the ground and applied a stronger paralysis spell.

While the daemon was trying to escape or somehow get me, I began to study its structure. As it turned out, the body of the daemon consisted of some surrogate of matter, created with the help of Warp. On the other hand, this body emulated the living organism, so that it could be killed, breaking the connection between the material shell and the soul.

As for the last one, the few memories that I had study before, made it clear that I was looking at a desecrated Eldar. His entire mind was filled with images of violence and pleasure that permeated with Warp. Unfortunately, nothing useful could be found in his memory, because the daemon was not actually intelligent. It was only an evil spirit whose intelligence was somewhere on the level of an ape. So, I stopped the torture and cut off the daemon's head, watching as her soul was sent back to the depths of the Warp.

But before the body could take its last breath, another Warp portal appeared and five daemons jumped out of it. I didn't slow down, but ran toward them on the move forming battle spells. To be honest, this was the first time I actually entered a battle, using all my abilities to destroy the enemy as quickly as possible. Even necromorphs didn't get that much. Psionics and Warp energy gave the daemons some immunity to the effects of magic, but it didn't help them much.

To me was enough three seconds to chop the charred corpses of my opponents into cabbage. By the time I reached them, the magic had already inflicted fatal wounds on them. In general, after examining the result, I became convinced of my own immeasurable coolness. But before I could really enjoy my greatness, a large daemon jumped out of the portal that had not yet closed.

He was a humanoid with two legs, four arms and a goatee head. The lower 'hands' ended with giant claws, and in the upper he held the curved yatagan. The movements of this creature were pretty quick, and besides he actively used the local 'magic', putting up shields and throwing all sorts of nasty things at me.

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