《Graphomurk》7.21 WARHAMMER 40000


When I came out of the portal, I felt about the same as an ordinary person would have felt in my place. I felt a sharp drop in air pressure, boiling of blood and lack of oxygen. What the hell? I'm a Zerg! For me, the vacuum is a natural environment. I tried using psionics, but found that it didn't work on the word at all. There was not even the slightest indication of it. That seems to be the problem.

The body of a hybrid of zerg and protos could live only at the expense of psionics. It was even used for metabolism at the cellular level, so without it my body was unviable. I only had a few seconds left before the body died completely. In this state, I had no time to think, so I did the first thing that came into my head.

Recently, in the world of Star Wars, I was learning to control the Force using my astral body. But in addition to controlling the Force, the astral body could be used to turn organic matter into the body of a necromorph. That's what I did almost on reflexes. After all, the full program of the Marker was recorded in my mind, so I just had to activate it and reproduce the desired sequence of astral actions.

Fortunately, this universe was compatible with necromorph technology, so within five seconds I felt like a corpse that didn't need psionics, oxygen, or any atmosphere to survive.

Having made sure that right now I would not lose touch with my material body, I focused on studying the laws of this world. As it turned out, I panicked for nothing. Magic and even the chakra worked here. Apparently, being in the previous worlds has disrupted my reflexes on the use of magic.

Surrounding myself with a protective spell, I delved into the study of the local continuum. Here the technology of the world of Dead Space worked normally, but for the most part the technology of the Ancients from the world of the Stargate failed. The Mass effect, as in all previous worlds, did not work here, because the particles of the 'zero element' were unstable.

Only I was going to look around to find out in which corner of the galaxy I am, a spaceship came out of a portal of unknown nature very close to me. Or rather, a thing that almost resembled a spaceship. Almost, because it looked more like a giant double-barrelled shotgun of incredible caliber, crossed with a revolver. And the whole thing was more than three hundred meters long and bristled with a lot of smaller guns.

Before I could pick up my jaw, another ship came out of the same portal, whose design challenged all the laws of logic and physics. It was a hybrid of a submarine and a sword. Moreover, it had several protruding blades on its sides, which could surely be used to ram and cut down the enemy ship. I've never seen more idiocy thing in my life.


No, I saw. This idiocy turned out to be the third spaceship. In shape it resembled an elongated egg, and its entire surface really bristled with a lot of guns. Compared to him, the first ship was virtually unarmed. Seriously. This creation of a mad genius was more like a sea urchin.

I can't even describe the next two ships. This whole fleet by its own appearance, terrified the enemies, tearing apart their logic and common sense. After the fifth ship appeared, the portal that glow the crimson light closed and the ships drifted. I used this opportunity to get close to the ‘sea urchin’ under invisibility and teleport inside.

I chose a place to penetrate next to the ledge in the hull, which could well be the captain's bridge. At least, this was hinted at by a series of huge windows from which the light was pouring. I found myself in the hallway, although it didn't defy logic with its appearance, still looked like a 'steampunk' style.

Looking around, I made sure that no one noticed me. But from the nearby corridor around the corner there were strange sounds, most like the noise of a typical fight. Still under the spell of invisibility, I soared to the ceiling, and then flew to the passageway and looked into it.

As I expected, there was a fight in the narrow corridor. But the first thing that caught my eye was who was fighting there. They were two huge green orcs, pummeling each other with fists, knives, and what looked like firearms. They were either saving ammunition, or they had already shot everything, but the mixture of a pistol and a grenade launcher was used only as a club.

Finally, one of the orcs managed to catch another and blew his brains out with his mini-shotgun. The loser lay down to rest, and the winner walked briskly right under me and headed for the bridge. I waited the lucky guy go, then went to the loser who decided to brainshtorm.

To my surprise, the brainless Orc was still alive and had no intention of dying. Literally before my eyes, the wounds were closing, and no more than half a liter of blood ran on the floor. I decided to read his memory to get a better understanding of the situation on the ships, but unfortunately, I was only able to access the memories of the last ten minutes. From them I found out that the second orc was the captain of the ship, and now he is going to negotiate with other captains about the capture of a neighboring human colony.

I wrote off the inaccessibility of memory to brain damage and decided to pretend to be this orc so that I could gain the other orc's trust. The necromorph's body was quite plastic, so I absorbed part of the Orc's body and assumed his shape, even imitating his clothing and weapons. In this form, I went down the corridor and caught up with the captain, who was walking slowly, almost near the door to the bridge.


The winner orc heard my footsteps, turned around and immediately prepared to fight. He asked me something in orcish and then rushed at me with a wild yell. That was the end of the attacker's success and he was pinned down by my immobilization spell. I tried again to count the memory of a healthy orc, but I didn't success. I was perfectly aware of the contents of his short-term memory, but the older memories were not available to me. Fortunately, with direct mental contact, there were no problems with understanding the orc’s language. So, I could ask him questions and get answers.

The first thing I decided to do was make sure that I was exactly where I supposed. It really was Warhammer's world. The Orc knew of the existence of Humans, Tau, Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons, and of course, Warp daemons. There were other races, but for the moment they were completely or mostly destroyed.

The second question was the study of the nature of Warp. Although the captain was not a shaman, he was able to draw strength from Warp, which he was able to demonstrate. I tracked its effect on reality and found a whole layer in multidimensional space filled with this strange energy. Just a couple of minutes was enough for me to understand that Warp is a concentrated Bahion.

I immediately drooled from the realization of what I could do, using Warp for my own development. But before I could even reflect properly, I felt how my consciousness had thrown out into the layer of reality where my communication with the Being usually took place. This time my slave owner wasn't here, but someone else was present.

"I'm the Judge of this Game.” – Proclaimed incomprehensible powerful deity. "Warp of this world is my property, and you are forbidden to consume a single drop of this substance. Do you understand me? This is my Bahion!!!”

“Understood.” – I agreed. - "I'm not going to use your Bahion "

I specifically highlighted the word 'your Bahion' to make it clear that the restriction, in my opinion, only applies to the Bahion that has already entered the Warp. The Judge seemed to be satisfied with it, because he nodded and disappeared. After that, I felt myself again in the usual three-dimensional reality.

I took a deep breath and went back to studying the nature of the Warp and local psionics. As it turned out, although the orc used Warp to influence reality, Bahion itself was not spent. Rather, it acted as a catalyst that allowed simple thoughts to affect reality. However, the concept of this effect was not so simple, so I will have to study the local psionics carefully. In the meantime, I have come to realize the essence of this phenomenon and have returned to more pressing issues.

I was not satisfied with being undead, so I planned to create a Vritras body for myself in the near future. But it needed not only organic matter, but also silicon, aluminum, and titanium. I tried to find out from the captain’s memory where to find these materials, but unfortunately, I failed. The orcs preferred to make equipment from iron and sticks, so these three chemical elements were not observed in the area.

The next step was to find out the coordinates of the planet that the orcs were going to attack, and I thought about what to do next. The captain was already late for a meeting with the leaders of this raid, so I had to hurry. The problem was compounded by the fact that I could not accurately portray myself as an Orc. They somehow inexplicably felt my 'foreignness' and could not accept me for their own even in a state of intoxication.

I decided to infiltrate human society to get the information I needed. This automatically meant that I had to do something to stop the Orc invasion. After all, it will be much more difficult to get into the command system during combat operations.

After interrogating the prisoner again, I found out a few things. First, I can compel the Orc to give the command to attack other ships. This is guaranteed to disable them for at least a couple of weeks, which will allow me to get to the planet 'on my own' using magic. Secondly, the captain of one of the ships, the same 'shotgun', was a much more educated person than my prisoner. He was the head of this clan alliance, so if I wanted to know more information, I should have interrogated him. And thirdly, the orc was sure that on the same ship I would be able to find the chemical elements I needed, because there is a laboratory of a strong shaman.

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