《Graphomurk》7.20 Star Wars: The Old Republic


Crossing the gates to the next world, I found myself again in empty outer space. This time there was no crisis, so I had time to study carefully the laws of this world. The magic here again did not work, the chakra worked without problems, the hybrid's psionic did not fail. But the technologies of the Ancient and of the Dead Space refused to work.

In general, I was happy with this situation, so I began to look around. It wasn't news that I was hanging out in the vast emptiness of space at the back of the galaxy. But what I discovered at the level of the astral plane, caused unpleasant associations. Another astral creature of infinite size lived there. And as soon as I came into contact with it to examine it more closely, it began to shrink around me, concentrating its presence. I had to surround myself with chakra-based barriers and hang around for a couple of hours waiting for the moment when this beast would lose interest to me.

What the hell is this? No matter what universe I go into, there must be some galactic-scale creature whose purpose in life is to eat the souls of ordinary mortals. Is this a law of nature?

A few hours later, I escaped the attention of the unknown animal and began a more cautious investigation of it. The results were not very encouraging. As it turned out, the magic here worked almost normally, but all the energy from the spells was immediately sucked out by this same astral creature. The chakra was also absorbed by it, but much slower, so that techniques based on it could be used without any problems. But autonomous fuinjutsu and barriers could not last long. The maximum is a few hours. Zergs psionics worked, but if I started trying to do something large-scale, the energy loss began to increase exponentially.

In general, it is possible to live, but the power of my influence will not allow me to overcome the scale of typical mediocre magicians or chakra-users. So, my cheats are disabled. Sad.

Having sorted out the existential questions, I focused on getting to the local civilization. Here I had two ways to move: either use Zerg psionics, or create a Stargate based on the chakra. But the second option required the presence of a beacon at the destination, so its applicability was small.

I've searched a couple dozen nearby star systems, but I haven't been able to find any signs of life. Looks like I'm in trouble. There are hundreds of billions of stars in the galaxy, and thousands of inhabited worlds. I can look for them for a very long time. I tried to scan the space in the psi range for distortions of space or active mental activity, but it was useless. The resident of the local astral dimension silenced everything and anything, leaving only the electromagnetic radiation intact.

All I could do was try to catch some artificial radio emission. Or try to detect inhabited worlds using the non-standard radiation spectrum of planets. Both of these methods were very unreliable, but I had nowhere to go.

After about a couple of weeks of wandering around the galaxy, I came across a strange flickering of one of the stars. It was a red dwarf about eight light-years away, and there were suspicious bursts of light in its orbit, uncharacteristic of the star's natural radiation. So, I immediately went there.

When I got to the star system that interested me, I found a very interesting picture. Around the red dwarf rotated a gas giant, in orbit of which was a satellite the size of the Moon, and already in its orbit flew the wreckage of the space fleet.


Apparently, eight years ago, there was a space battle here, and the flashes from which attracted my attention. The cause of this battle was most likely a colony on the surface of the moon. I couldn't find the colony itself, but the remaining craters were still glowing in the infrared range. Well, I think there's possible to find something.

As it turned out, it wasn't just me who thought so. Half an hour later, I noticed that one of the 'fragments' in orbit was clearly maneuvering, flying from one ship's frame to another. I immediately approached it and discovered that it was not a piece of debris, but a small space ship, with parts of the armor of one of the wrecked battleships attached to its outer skin. There were also three dozen washing-machine-sized droids flying around the ship, carefully examining every piece of debris they found and occasionally picking something out.

As I approached the ship, I scanned it for signs of life. And these signs were found in the amount of six pieces. Unfortunately, there was no question of entering the ship unnoticed, because if I just made a hole in this tub, the whole crew would have been in a vacuum. With a very good exterior reservation, there was only one compartment inside that had an atmosphere.

As a result, I had two possible options. Either attach to the outer hull of the ship, pretend to be a rag and wait until they decide to return to their base, or break in and read the crew's memory. Naturally, I chose the second option. The crew noticed immediately that someone was hacking the airlock hatch. They even tried to intercept me with one of the drones. But I managed to get inside and weld the carved part of the door back

As soon as I made a hole in the second door, blaster shoots flew at me. Five of the six crew members met me, so I immediately applied a chakra-based paralyzing technique to them. Alas, the crew did not consist of people, so the technique designed for the common man executed these five in a very painful way. After that, all I had to do was get to the control room and capture the humanoid who was sitting there.

It took me three days to extract the knowledge from the last alien's head. I didn't want him to die early and leave me with nothing. In the end, I managed to implant Zerg cells in his body, then perform a partial transformation and mentally subdue him.

As a result of this whole scam, I got the knowledge of the language and access to a navigation computer with the coordinates of thousands of inhabited worlds. For one thing, I figured out how the local galactic society works. All power here belonged to the Emperor Mark Ragnos, who ruled his Empire through proxies - his close Sith students. It looks like I'm in the world of Star Wars during the heyday of the Sith Empire.

In general, this world might be interesting enough, but there was hardly anything to solve my problems with the Reaper. Even the Sith and Jedi army would be useless. Local technologies are also not admirable, and there is another question, is these technologies will work in the world of Mass Effect? Therefore, there is only one thing left-to study the control of the local Force, for which I need a teacher.

I looked at the map of the galaxy and decided to visit one of the most developed worlds of the Empire - Ziost, which was also not so far away from me. That's just 'not far' it was by my standards. But for this ship the distance was insurmountable. Moreover, I was now in an uninhabited region of the galaxy, so the ship could only reach to a couple of space stations from here.


After thinking about this problem, I decided that I didn't need this ship, and it would be easier to get to the right place using zergs psionics. Therefore, I sent the 'garbage truck' in the direction of the local sun, waited for its destruction, and then flew to the desired star system.

Just a few hours later, I came out of hyperspace in the orbit of the planet I wanted. Here I was struck by the number of spaceships swerving back and forth. There were really billions of them. And moreover, all these ships flew at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second, sometimes approaching each other at a distance of a few kilometers.

Previously, I had read from the mind of a local native information that flights in the orbits of planets are controlled by a computerized system. But I could not imagine such chaos. If I try to just fly up to the planet, there's a pretty good chance that I'll crush into some ship at enough speed that will turn me into a pile of mincemeat.

As a result, I decided to follow one of the ships and get to the planet 'on its tail'. The ships were coming out of hyperspace at a certain distance from the planet, about the same place where I was now. So, I had no problem waiting for the next ship to appear and begin a maneuver to approach it. Five minutes later, I was flying ten meters behind the ship, holding on to it with the hybrid's telekinesis.

Despite the fairly decent speed, the flight itself lasted several hours, so I even managed to relax a little. But in the end, when we were almost close to the planet, it turned out that the ship I had chosen was not flying to the planet itself, but to one of the space stations that were in its orbit.

With a mental sigh, I waited for the right moment and detached myself from the ship, intending to enter the station 'through the back entrance'. I didn't have any documents, so I didn't want to contact the local police or immigration.

When I got to the station, I found myself near the living quarters. The building had a lot of 'windows' with transparent glass, behind which I could see the interior of the hotel rooms. To sneak inside, I had to work hard. I used the chakra of the Earth's element to 'seep through' the glass. Moreover, it was necessary to do it very carefully to avoid depressurization of the room. But five minutes later I was already inside and was able to enjoy a weak artificial gravity and a slightly downy atmosphere.

I found myself in a large room with a huge bed. There was only one way out, so I headed for it. But I haven't had time to make pair of steps as the door swung open and almost a man ran into the room. Almost, because his skin was red, and there were many horns growing on his head instead of hair.

The intruder saw me and immediately fell to his knees, bending in a bow.

"Great one, I beg your help. I'm willing to do you any service in exchange for protecting my life.” He said in basic galaxy language, which I had copied from captain scavenger's brain.

"Who are you?" - I asked, scanning the surrounding space.

"I am a Sith, a zabrak named Mao Kun.”

“Sith?” - I was surprised. – “Sith, who needs help in protecting his own life?”

"I know how pathetic that sounds, but it's true.” - The zabrak replied. - "There are Kaal assassins on my trail. I'm not very good at martial arts, but I can foresee the future. Among thousands of possible futures, I have found one in which I can stay alive. This was the option where I ask for your help.” - The Sith paused, giving me time to think.

A prophet? Interesting. If he was able to predict my appearance, then it means that his ability to control the Force is really non-trivial. And having a Sith obligated to me is pretty good. I think with him I can get everything a lot faster

"All right, I'll take you under my protection.” - I replied by taking majestic pose. Now I looked like a normal person in some kind of spacesuit, but without a helmet. - "So, when are you expecting the attack?" - I clarified an important point.

“Literally in a few minutes.”

"Ok, then get under the bed and don't come out until I call you."

Without protest, the Sith immediately lay down on the floor and began to crawl under the only shelter in the room. After he was out of sight, I put a chakra barrier on top of the bed, which was supposed to protect him, and at the same time hide him from all sorts of sensors and scanners.

Five minutes later, the figure of another humanoid appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a dark-colored combat suit with a helmet. After a quick look around the room, he pointed the blaster at me and fired. I didn't duck, but took a shot at the hybrid's psionic shields. At the same time, I used the Wind Blade based on the chakra, which literally split the opponent into left and right parts.

A second later, the wall of the room was pierced by many shots, which, like the previous ones, could not harm me. A moment later, another humanoid with a lightsaber ran through the door into the room. He immediately attacked me, showing good speed. I created a protos psionic blade in my hand and started the fray to test this mortal's abilities.

For a couple of dozen seconds, we fight at each other, turning the furniture in the room into charred fragments. In addition to his superhuman speed and reaction, the Sith demonstrated his telekinesis skills to me by trying to hold me back and put me under attack. But this telekinesis was very strange.

It took a few seconds to realize that I was not being affected by a Sith, but by the ubiquitous astral creature of this world. Somehow, the Sith simply forced her to follow his orders. Apart from this clever trick, the Sith could not surprise me, so this time I held him with my own telekinesis, and then completely tore him to shreds. My impact, in contrast to the action of the 'Force', was much more concentrated.

Then I ran into the next room, where three more humanoids and five more battle droids were waiting for me. Unfortunately for them, they didn't even have time to fire a couple of shots before I chopped them into cabbage. I scanned my surroundings, and noticed a living creature moving away from here. After him, I threw the technique of paralysis based on the chakra, which this time did not fail and 'executed' the fugitive, literally turning inside out all his muscles, including the heart.

"That's it, you can get out." - I called to my debtor, scanning my surroundings once more and removing the chakra barriers. By the way, only thanks to these barriers, the attackers' shots did not break the wall of the space station. They were all in spacesuits, but my debtor was dressed in ordinary clothes.

"Thank you, great one.” - Mao Kun bowed to me. - "May I ask your name?"

“Atman.” - I answered. - “Did your foresight of the future not answer that question?"

"If I hadn't asked, how would I have known the answer, even in advance?"

“Hmm... seems logically. Okay, what's next?”

"The best thing to do now is to leave the station and go to another star system. And during the flight I will be able to answer all your questions.”

“That's good. Lead the way.”

We walked through the corridors of the station and got into the parking area of spaceships. Local law enforcement officers met us fully armed, but did not make any attempts to detain or at least ask about anything.

"Why doesn't anyone want to arrest us?" - I asked the zabrak, looking at the squirming police. - “There was a bad shootout.”

“I think the assassins paid them to ignore the shooting and destruction. And in such cases, it is customary to issue such agreements so that the winner can benefit from it, regardless of which side he was on. This allows the station management to remain its neutrality and reputation.”

It was quite an original decision, although I must admit it was quite logical. After all, when trying to detain us, the station's management put themselves at risk, for one thing being forced to become allies of hired assassins who brazenly operate on their territory. As it turned out, all expenses were reimbursed in advance and there was nothing to worry about.

Then we quickly agreed to rent a 'space taxi' and immediately went on a flight, moving away from the planet at maximum speed.

Further communication with the zabrak was built around my desire to learn how their ‘Force’ works. He was able to show me a couple of tricks, but admitted that he was no good as a teacher. Instead, he asked me to meet his teacher, who was an ancient Sith who had mastered the Force perfectly. I agreed, and with a transfer at one of the stations, we headed for Korriban, the ancient capital of the Sith Empire.

The destination point met us with dry hot air and rays of the scorching sun. Even now, this planet was considered ancient, with tens if not hundreds of thousands of years of history. It was once the capital of the Empire. But thousands of years had passed since then, and now the capital was on the planet Ziost, where I had never been.

Now we were at a small spaceport, which was located in an arid desert area. The spaceship dropped us off and immediately took off.

"Where next to?" - I asked, looking around.

“Let's go to my house and then we'll go to the teacher's palace”

We took a local taxi, and in ten minutes we reached a small house lost in a network of canyons that crisscrossed the desert. There we boarded to Mao Kun's personal flyer and flew over the dull desert, where from time to time there were all sorts of ruins.

The flight took almost an hour. Eventually we landed in a small canyon near a strange structure, next to the canyon wall. Most of all, it looked like the entrance to a crypt, which was located in the thickness of the rock.

"Does your teacher live here?" - I asked skeptically, looking around at the completely lifeless surroundings.

"Well, I wouldn't say he lives...” - Mao Kun looked down, embarrassed. - “Actually, he's dead.”

"What?" - I was very surprised.

"My master is the spirit of the great Sith who dwells in his tomb.”

"Spirit? Originally. Come on, let’s introduce me to this spirit.”

We came to a huge closed stone door leading to the crypt. To my surprise, the zabrak didn't open the door, but got down on all fours and crawled in through a hole in the wall that looked like a rat's passage. I did not humiliate myself like him, but with the help of the chakra, I made a normal passage in the place of the 'burrow', which I marched with Royal Majesty.

"What?"!!! How did you do it?” - Sith's eyes widened as he saw how I walked through the big corridor. "This tomb is protected by Force. It is impossible to damage its walls or door!”

"It's a good thing that I didn't know about it.”

"If you are so good with the Force, why do you need a teacher?" - Zabrak asked. It finally dawned on him that I didn't look like a potential student. After all, I killed all the attackers.

"If you know too much, you'll die soon." – I answered with proverb. - "Your task is to introduce me to your teacher.”

"G-good.” - He agreed, stammering a little.

We went through a maze of underground passages and came to a large hall, in the center of which stood a sarcophagus. Lighting here was provided by dim lamps, made in the ceiling. Near the walls of the hall were tables and cabinets, crammed with various equipment and books.

"Teacher, please descend to your humble student.” - Mao Kun said loudly.

“Student?” - There was a dissatisfied voice. – “What have you forgotten here? I told you to get out of my sight.”

"Teacher, I was brought here by the duty of life. I promised to Atman I'd bring him here in exchange for saving my life.”

"What? Did you bring an outsider to here?”

A translucent glowing human figure flew out of the sarcophagus, staring at us, flashing his eyes viciously.

“This is the Atman. And this is Magnus Riemer, my teacher and the greatest of the Sith.”

The ghost examined me carefully, then looked back at his apprentice.

"By the way, why are you still alive?" - He asked. - "The last time I saw you, your fate was predetermined.”

"A couple of weeks ago, the probability lines shifted, and I was able to find a way to save myself.”

“So, come on, tell me what you did for this.” - The ghost calmed down sharply. I was also interested in this question, so I looked at Mao Kun with interest.

"First, I invaded to the archives of the Imperial security service...”

"What?" - Magnus interrupted his student. - "What did you do?"

"Secretly infiltrated to the archives of the Imperial Security Service on Illus.”

"How did you do it?"

“Predicted which of the six-digit combinations on the code lock will be able to open it. It took a week of hard work.

"Wow! Not bad, pupil. Continue.”

"Well, I got into the archive and downloaded information about a secret operation where the Imperial Navy encountered fierce resistance from a religious sect. In this battle, more than fifty ships were destroyed on both sides.”

"They'll kill you for having that kind of information." - The ghost nodded in satisfaction.

"After that, I sold information about the location of this battle to the space scavengers.”

"And, of course, they immediately chatted it up.”

“No. I managed to find a team that was able to keep the coordinates in secret. Next, I ordered the transportation of fruit ‘Madaba’ to the one of the space stations on Siesta. At the same station, I rented a hotel room for three days, then sold information about my location to the Kaal clan. At this moment, the head of the clan was nearby and decided to finish me personally. Finally, almost before the attack, I met Atman, who agreed to protect me from the attackers in exchange for his training in possession of the Force. And since I can't teach him anything, I brought him to you.”

"Yeah, if I refuse to teach him anything then he'll kill you right now." - The ghost laughed angrily.

"Yes, sure.” - I agreed, grinning maliciously.

“Teacher! You wouldn't do that, would you? It would be the same as if you had killed me personally.”

"All right, all right. Calm down. And what lesson have you learned from all this history, disciple?”

"Uh-huh…" - Mao Kun thought for a few seconds. - "True Sith must not only be able to foresee the future, but also wield a sword to protect himself."

"Well, you figured it out. All right then, we'll start your sword training tomorrow.”

"Yes, master.” – Student said in low voice, apparently in anticipation of his future torment.

"So, Atman.” - Magnus Riemer turned to me. - "What do you want from an old ghost?"

"I'm interested in your Force-control principles.”

"Maybe you mean 'Force-control techniques'?" He frowned.

“No. I need principles. Principles of influence to the Force and how it can fulfill the will of the Sith.”

“It is ... a very unexpected request.” - The ghost thoughtfully stretched out, carefully examining me. – “Usually, everyone is interested in some super-techniques that can kill everyone with a single blow.”

"I have enough of this nonsense in my arsenal." - I shrugged it off.

"Yes, you killed the head of the Kaal clan.” - Magnus nodded. - "I personally trained him how to use the Force two hundred years ago. But back to your wish. Why should I teach you?”

The inquisitive gaze of the ghost squired in my face, trying to define my emotions.

"I'm offering an exchange. You give me Force-control principles, and I'll bring you back to life. Complete and 100% resurrection. Life in a young body, full of strength...”

"Don't tell me stories.” - Sith interrupted my ad. - "Even Force can't bring a man back to life.”

"The Force can't. I can" - I agreed.

"Master, Atman made a passage into the tomb right through the wall. And I didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of Force during the process.”

"What? Made a pass?”

With that, the Ghost darted out of the room. He returned five minutes later, grumbling.

"Who asked you to make the front entrance to my tomb? Now everyone who is not lazy will climb here.”

"If you become alive, I don't think it will worry you.” - I said.

"So, you can give me a normal body?"

“Of course.”



"Are you kidding me?"

“Of course.”

"All right, you got me. But I need proof.”

"I can kill your student and then resurrect him."

"Hey, Hey, I didn't sign up for this!" - Mao Kun immediately called out, retreating to the exit.

The ghost and I turned to him and stared thoughtfully to the test subject.

"Science requires sacrifice.” - I made an argument.

"To die young is written in your fate.” - Ghost agreed with me.

The zabrak ran away, but the door closed before his face, and I picked up the test subject’s body with my telekinesis and lifted him into the air, turning him upside down.

"No, I want to live!" - The guinea pig screamed.

"Everyone wants. This is normal.” - I agreed with him. - “He wants too." - I nodded at the Ghost.

After that, the zabrak suddenly calmed down and sagged. I studied the structure of his body and astral shells, then with telekinesis crushed him and turned his body into a pile of bloody mince, which fell to the floor in an unappetizing piece.

"Well, can he consider him as dead?” - I asked the ghost.

He flew to the corpse of his student and poked at it with his hand.

"Completely dead" - He agreed.

"Now look carefully.” - I held out my hand and shouted. – “Fuinjutsu: The Great Resurrection!”

The chakra flowed from me and formed a complex seal around the corpse. The dead organics began to move, returning to their place on their own. Within ten seconds, the zabrak's body was fully restored. At the same time, with the help of zerg’s psionics, I restored the astral shells of the soul and attached them to the body. This was similar how the Supermind resurrected his subordinates.

The body shuddered, sighed loudly, and then went into the cough.

"Damn it! It was... very... unpleasantly.” - Mao Kun wheezed, examining his hands.

“Nonsense. After the third or fourth time, you get used to it, and death doesn't bother you at all.”

The living and dead Sith stared at me with a clear reverence in their eyes.

“Student, go for a walk and take rest. It is too early for you to know what I am going to teach Atman.”

"Yes, master.” The zabrak nodded gloomily. He gathered up his disfigured clothes, which I naturally 'didn't resurrect', and trudged to the exit.

“So, let's start training.” The ghost came to me. - "Sooner you know everything you need, sooner I will come back to life.”

"Oh, you'd be surprised how fast I can learn.” - I grinned.

First of all, I was trained to feel the Force. By this the Sith understood the sensation of contact between the astral body of an adept and the astral body of a local creature of cosmic scale, which I decided to call ‘the Force’. Naturally, I felt this Force without the slightest effort.

And then went the principles of influence to the Force with the help of own astral body. Here it was more difficult, but I trained my control of astral body in the world of the Stargate when studying ascension techniques, and then honed my control when studying necromorph control technology. So, I was able to achieve the desired result pretty quickly.

The Force was controlled by the transferring of special mental images, as well as... emotions. Sith’s narration 'hate gives me strength' meant that the Force, laced with strong emotions, performed much more willingly.

In general, using Force was based on the exploitation of its unconditioned reflexes. Just as a person's hand twitches when you prick it with a needle, so the Force reacted to external stimuli, forming various special effects. At the same time, the Sith had to constantly maneuver and control the situation like a bullfighter. The force could absorb an unwary user and dissolve their astral shells. For a few minutes this gave great power, after which the human soul went to rebirth.

Surprisingly, it took Magnus only seven hours to give me all the basic skills. I didn't have to learn how to control my astral body. It was enough to understand exactly how to manage the Force. And there I could achieve the desired effect with the help of my astral body, psionic power or even with chakra.

When we had almost finished my training and were repeating the material I had passed, I felt strong 'oscillations in the Force'. I saw the astral creature shake a lot of spasms. Her body literally tore apart, squeezed into tight lumps and wrapped cunning knots.

“What's going on?” - I asked.

“This is how the battle of two strong Siths looks like.” - Magnus Riemer frowned.

“Teacher! There... there...” - Mao Kun burst into the tomb.

“What's going on” - The ghost asked annoyingly.

"Emperor Mark Ragnos died three days ago. They decided to bury him on Korriban, not far from here. And during the funeral, two of his strongest disciples began a battle to find out which of them would be the next Emperor.”

Meanwhile, the intensity of passions in the astral increased. Now I felt not only 'spasms in the Force', but also her pain, her irritation and hatred towards those who dared to awaken her.

"I think your Empire is now doomed to destruction." - I expressed my opinion.

"Why?" - The ghost was surprised. - "This is not the first or last Emperor to die. And battles of this scale, though rare, have also happened before.”

"You have angered the Force. And I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to reduce the number of Sith in the galaxy so that they don't bother her with their swarming.”

As far as I knew the history of this universe, it was during this battle that two people from the Republic arrived to Korriban. After that, the Sith Empire decides to conquer the Republic, but will get on the teeth and self-destruct.

"You speak as if the Force is a living thing." - Mao Kun retorted.

"Yes, it is. And you are like mosquitoes that bite her and make her wave her arms to fulfill your desires.”

"Do you see the future?" - Magnus asked me.

“Not really. I'd rather know how it would have ended if I hadn't been here.”

"But since you're here, can you change everything?" - There was a note of triumph in the ghost's voice. - "I foresaw the fall of the Empire long ago. But your appearance gives us a chance to make things right.”

"Well, basically, I can resurrect you now. You will go and kill these two fools and become Emperor. But how are you going to counteract the Force?”

"I will not oppose it. I will start a war for the throne that will kill most of the Siths. After that, the anger of the Force will subside and I will be able to take power into my own hands.”

"Yes, you can even introduce the 'Bane rule of two'.” - I grinned.

"What's the rule?" - Magnus asked.

"There should only be two Sith in the world - a master and a disciple. When a disciple surpasses his master, he must kill him and become a Sith Lord.”

“This philosophy doesn't look practical.”

"Of course not. This is just religious heresy that will on one day lead the Sith to degeneration.”

"Okay, let's focus on the current tasks. You said you could resurrect me right now." - There was an impatience in the voice of the ghost.

“I can do that. However, it will take time. I'm not sure we'll have time to finish before the winner is determined in the battle.”

"Don't worry about that. Sith of this level can fight for days and nights. I don't think they'll calm down for a couple of days.

“Okay. Then we can begin. After that I will destroy these two upstarts using your instructions. Let's consider this as my exam. And if I can't defeat them, you'll regret being resurrected.” - I promised grimly.

I thought that if I was going to ruin the local history, it would be on a big scale. Therefore, I decided to give to the Sith the body of a hybrid when resurrected. Of course, with some restrictions. For example, he will not be able to reproduce or change his body. But in general, this should give him enough power to make the entire history of the galaxy to go to another way.

Three hours later, I sighed with satisfaction and looked at the results of my labors. Before me stood a man, whose face could only belong to the Emperor. Magnus Riemer's psionic powers were also enormous, although he didn't have a chance to fight me.

"How does it feel?" - I asked.

“Extraordinarily.” - Magnus replied, walking back and forth.

“Keep it. This body has a power that no Sith can match. Now I will accept your appearance and go to destroy the pretenders to your throne. I will communicate with you telepathically, so that you can tell me what to do and observe what is happening with my eyes.”

“That is good.”

I concentrated and used the chakra to move to the battle field where my shadow clone was watching the fight. There was a wild fight between two irrepressible Siths. The air was filled not only with dust and rocks, but also with huge rocks. Lightning and torrents of fire pierced the space, and somewhere in the center of this storm, the figures of two Sith flied.

For the first fifteen minutes, I was just getting used to controlling the Force on such a scale, and then I rushed forward, attacking both opponents simultaneously. The battle immediately became even more enchanting. The poor astral creature whined and moaned, but could do nothing about the orders given to it.

I only used Force control and did not use the chakra or psionics. Gradually, I got used to attack and evade, simultaneously controlling the actions of my opponents by Force. Magnus Riemer's experience helped me here. After all, I not only resurrected him, but also got direct telepathic access to his consciousness, memories and experience. Although it looked like to him that he was giving me advice, in fact I was squeezing out his combat experience of using the Force from his mind.

After about half an hour, I was fully mastered with the passed material and decided that the two pretenders to the throne can already be killed. Problems in this matter arose because the Siths perfectly controlled the Force, and therefore prevented any attacks directed at them in advance. To deprive them of this advantage, I decided to simply exhaust the Force in the vicinity of the planet. In this case, the power of the Siths will abruptly go to zero, and I will be able to piss them in hand-to-hand combat.

The most efficient way to waste energy, of course, was to create matter. As they say, E=mc2. I began to materialize millions of tons of gold, under which I tried to bury two opponents. For the first half-hour, this did not have much success, but then the exhaustion of the Force in the surrounding space became obvious. In the air no longer flew rocks and boulders, and the Siths themselves did not hover in the space, but were forced to push off from the ground from time to time.

Finally, the amount of available power dropped to almost zero, and the three of us descended to a golden field that stretched from horizon to horizon. Tellingly, it was not just gold, but a scattering of coins, with my portrait on one side, and the Imperial coat of arms and some abstruse phrase on the other. In total, I created more than a thousand different templates, and made sure that some of the phrases were less common than others. It will be a paradise for numismatists. Heh-heh-heh.

"Who are you?" - The pretenders to the throne have finally deigned to address me. Before that, they tried to pretend that I am not exist here and only teased each other.

"I am your new Emperor, Magnus Riemer.” - I introduced myself.

“Magnus Riemer died more than a hundred years ago.” - Naga Shadow apparently retorted to me, whom I identified by a neat beard.

"It was a temporary misunderstanding.” - I shrugged my shoulders. "Stop talking. It's time to die.”

With that, I formed a psi blade and charged into the fight. Unfortunately, my interlocutor died before he even realized what had happened. He tried to block my attack with his lightsaber, but suddenly, when it collided with the psi blade, the lightsaber exploded and electrocuted its owner. Apparently, the problem with the sword arose because it was an old model, connected to the power supply on the belt with a cord. As a result, the Sith couldn't dodge next attack and was sliced into a salad by me in less than a second.

"Wait, we can make a deal.” - Ludo Kresh went back on their words.

"Not before you die." - I promised.

The second opponent was not holding a new-fangled lightsaber, but a classic metal blade imbued with astral energy. After a couple of tentative skirmishes, Ludo Kresh made sure that his sword was holding my punch and began to press down on me, using all his skill with the blade.

During this duel, I decided to check what would happen if I lower the concentration of Force in space below zero. Roughly speaking, 'zero' was a state of astral creature, in which it could only lie flat and flutter sluggishly. But with enough stimulation, even in such conditions, it could affect reality by 'devouring' itself. It took a lot more effort to make an astral impact on this thing, but I didn't have a problem with that.

As soon as the Force finally lost its strength, it began to actively draw energy from all available sources. And the most accessible in the area was the Sith’s astral body. After a minute of fighting, the glow in his eyes faded, and he began to move like a stale zombie, barely able to stand.

"What are you doing? Wait!” - The Sith tried to appeal to my conscience, but he couldn't find one.

“Waiting”. - I froze as I continued to rape the Force.

“Please, mercy...”

Ludo Kresh was drying up, turning into a mummy. The force drained him of all his juices and his very soul. I waited another minute and was able to watch as the Sith's astral body was finally destroyed by the Force! Finita La Comedia.

I mentally wiped my sweat and teleported to the tomb to my 'teacher'. He greeted me with a dying wheeze. Although the crypt was two hundred kilometers from the battlefield, even here the Force was exhausted beyond the limit.

"Why are you wheezing?" - I was surprised. - "Fill your body with will and cut it off from the Force. It's elementary.”

After a couple of seconds, Magnus sighed lightly and rose to his feet.

“What have you done to the Force?”

"Uh - m-m-m... how to say... exhausted her?


"In general, I used more power than available.”

"That's impossible! In this case, the Force simply drinks the adept.”

"That's what happened to my opponent. It was funny. And to protect yourself from this is quite simple. You can see for yourself that cutting off yourself from the Force solves this problem.”

"Yes, but if you do that, you won't be able to control the Force.”

“I can do it easily. You just need to use a different method of influence.” - I looked at Mao Kun, who was lying on the floor, wheezing. He too was able to temporarily wall off from astral influence, but could not recover as quickly as the zerg-protos hybrid. – “Okay, I'm done with you, I already learned everything I need, it's time to say goodbye.”

"Where are you going now?" - Future Emperor of the Siths asked me.

"Knowing too much can shorten your life"

"So, to live forever, you have to completely erase your memory?" - The Sith chuckled.

"Exactly! No brain - no pain. Happy to stay.”

After that, I activated the prepared chakra-based technique and opened the Stargate, then boldly stepped into the next world.

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