《Graphomurk》7.19 StarCraft


Zeratul agreed with my arguments and even offered to personally steal the embryos, but I crushed this initiative in the root. I am interested in this d-bag only as a source of knowledge of protos. I think I'll have to find another candidate here to lead the hybrid army in the Mass Effect world.

The robbery of the most protected shrine of the protos passed without any problems. I created my crown of the disembodied shadow clone that followed the zelatul. He went on his personal ship to Aiur and made a small pilgrimage on the surface of the planet, and then quickly left.

Meanwhile, my clone reached the temple, penetrated the holy saints, and sealed in fuinjutsu a few embryos lying in the vault. No one in this world could feel the chakra, so no one even understood what had happened. And then the clone used Hiraishin and moved to me along with the embryos.

We spent the next six months together with Zeratul in the ass of the world, making experiments on crossing people, zergs and protos. With the help of the chakra, I created an entire research complex inside one of the asteroids. And since the asteroid was not even in orbit near the star, but just on its own inside the galactic nebula, it was almost impossible to detect us.

In my research, Zeratul could not help in any way, but he was a good test subject and a volunteer. Using the knowledge of the Ancients from the Stargate universe, I was able to achieve the desired result. The hybrids I created had zergs vitality, fertility, and the ability to change their shape at will, and from the protos they got unprecedented psionic power and physical immortality. The zergs, despite all their strength, lived a maximum of several decades. But the protos could live indefinitely. The same Zeratul had already sixth hundred years old and was considered by some protoses as a green youth.

Finally, there was that wonderful moment when I injected a special serum into my body. This substance force triggered the process of my mutation, and after a couple of hours the 'doll' hatched a new species - a hybrid of zerg and protos.

I stretched out my arms with pleasure, waved my tentacles, and chewed my mandibles. I think it's not bad. My psionic power was enormous, but at the same time the chakra was further strengthened. Now, I could consider myself as the strongest creature in this galaxy.

The next injection was given to Zeratul. He got a simpler version of the serum, so he became a 'normal' hybrid, which was nevertheless much stronger than any Zerg or protos. After the 'hatching' Zeratul immediately took human form and began to flaunt himself in front of the mirror.

I've never been attracted to this kind of nonsense. I could have been human too, but it would diminish my strength. The DNA of the protos and zerg was optimized for a certain body shape, so all these tentacles and mandibles were for a reason, and were psionic amplifiers.

In general, the psionics of this world were based on physiology. It was not a manifestation of the 'power of the mind', but primarily a power of the body and brain. I was not very attracted to this direction of development, but it was quite interesting as a 'last resort' option. Apparently, the psionics of this world were tied to special laws of physics, because I was able to create the working body of a hybrid by simply synthesizing it from the atoms of chemical elements. That is, there was no 'mysticism', but only banal physics and chemistry.


After we got used to our new bodies, the question arose about what to do next. I had access to the zergs telepathic network, so I could easily detect the location of the Supermind. But just attacking him with 'bare ass' would lead bad consequences.

The problem was the size of the Supermind, as well as the zerg army protecting it. Simply because of its mass, this creature reached a level of power comparable to me. And the myriad zergs might well delay me long enough time, on which Supermind can strike me with a powerful blow that would be very difficult to survive.

I needed a brilliant plan. No, in principle, I could do the same trick with the shadow clone that I did on Aiur. It could have sneak up to the Supermind's body, and then I would have teleported straight to it and slaughtered this 'mega-brain' like a pig. That's just it did not solve the problem with Zeratul, whose ability to solve the problems before him was close to zero. The only thing he could do well was to whine about his plight and get on my nerves. He had no equal here. But I don't think such 'superpowers' will help him to defeat Reapers. Which means I need another recruit.

As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Which means I should seek help from another main character in this story - Sarah Kerrigan. The past six months, events have not stood still, and Sarah was already dildomorphed in zerg. I found out for sure by 'eavesdropping' on the telepathic conversations of her new relatives. I think now is the time to visit her and make an offer that she can't refuse.

Taught by the bitter experience of the Supermind, I decided to approach Kerrigan with my proposal at a time when she would be close to defeat. And since the zergs are stronger than ever, this defeat will have to be provided by me.

Kerrigan was currently on the planet Char, where she was learning how to control Zerg forces. When I reached this planet, I discovered that there were already Terran troops under Jim Raynor. And literally with me in the orbit of the planet arrived troops of protos, going after Tassadar. Well, I guess I don't even have to work hard to get the result I want.

I took the form of a ‘Zeratul’ and contacted to Tassadar. As a result of a half-hour conversation, filled with a spirit of pathos and overcoming, I was appointed one of the commanders of the protos army, which was to destroy the Queen of Blades, as Kerrigan was called by the protos.

When the first protos force landed on the planet's surface, I joined them. After that there was 'playing in God mode'. Usually, the protos used the crystal deposits to quickly gather energy to summon buildings and troops from Aiur. But my psionic power allowed me to directly supply the equipment with energy. So, I quickly built the necessary technological chain and began to massively call on aircraft and void emitters.

Within twenty-four hours I had a huge fleet at under my control, having almost completely exhausted the reserves of this type of troops on Aiur. And then all I had to do was fly around the planet and destroy all life forms - zergs, humans and even the normal animals of this planet. But that wasn't the point. While the protos were fighting ordinary zergs, I cut out the game figures.


Almost every Queen who led her pack was someone else's game piece. And in order to prevent their rebirth by Supermind, I destroyed not only their physical bodies, but also their astral bodies. As I had expected, the Supermind could not resurrect a 'pure' soul devoid of astral shells.

By the time I got to Sarah Kerrigan, she was fully aware of her prospects. Even the combination of her forces with the remnants of the Terran forces could not threaten my army in any way.

"Greetings, Queen of Blades. Hello to you, too, Jim.” - I said hello to the sweet couple. All their troops had already been destroyed, and no one could prevent our communication.

"Who are you?" - The queen of the zergs asked.

"Some people call me Zeratul. But I'm actually an unaccounted factor in this game. You do realize I can kill you here and now, and that's where your game ends?”

"Yes, I do.”

“Wonderful. Then I have a suggestion for you. I will keep you alive, help you destroy the Supermind, give you a power greater than anything you've ever seen before, and then... I will send you to another world to fight against my enemy. And if you win, I will allow you to return to this world and continue your game. Do you agree?” - Kerrigan gritted her teeth and nodded. - “Wonderful.”

"Is there anything you want to offer me?" - Jim Raynor asked.

“To you?” - I measured him with a contemptuous look, for one scanning the consciousness of an ordinary person, deprived of even the rudiments of psi-abilities. - “I can kill you, so you don't have to suffer. Interested?

"Uh-... no.”

"Well, that's what I thought.” - I looked back at Kerrigan. - "Well, if you agree, then we should conclude a contract, and then we can start discussing plans to destroy the Supermind."

There was no trading for each point of the game agreement, so we managed it in just five minutes.

"So, the plan will be like this. Kerrigan sneaks up to the Supermind and gives me a signal. After that, we and Zeratul will teleport to the scene. Next, I will bind the Supermind with telepathic opposition, Zeratul cuts its physical body to pieces, and Kerrigan took controls over zergs to prevent them to interfere our battle.”

"I will not be able to approach the Supermind, because it will know my intentions as soon as it touches my consciousness.” - Kerrigan frowned.

“Nonsense. I'll block some of your memory, and you won't remember our plan until you're near the Supermind."

"Hm... It might work, but then the question is, why should I even go to him? The supermind is too paranoid and is unlikely to allow me to get close to it for no good reason.”

"That could be a problem…" - I thought for a moment.

"We can tell him that Kerrigan found the zel'nag artifact.” - Zeratul suggested.

“We can say that, but where will we get this artifact?” - The Queen of Blades objected. - " I don't think we can fool the Supermind by just telling him something like this.”

"We can dig up an artifact on Mar-Sare. At least one is there.”

I liked the idea of Zeratul. Moreover, it solved the problem that even at the very best, the Supermind might not allow Kerrigan to get too close. But the zel'nag artifact he would want to see in person. So, I can put a Hiraishin tag on it and be on the scene at the right time. And Kerrigan will be able to control the zerg and from a distance.

Another positive thing was the fact that Jim Raynor was the sheriff at Mar-a-Sare, which meant he could help us find the artifact without attracting too much attention. Zeratul and I took the appearance of humans and went to Mar-Sara, while Kerrigan escaped from Char to present these memories to the Supermind as an excuse.

A couple of weeks later, I found the artifact we needed. Jim hired miners, who in just a few days dug up the artifact. Then I put a Hiraishin tag on it and gave Kerrigan a telepathic signal that everything was ready for the start of our scam.

The Queen of Blades appeared at Mar-Saru with an army of zergs. She easily broke the resistance of people and took the artifact for herself. Actually, there was almost no resistance as such, because after the protos cleared this planet, there was very little population here.

And then I subdued Kerrigan's consciousness and temporarily blocked the necessary pieces of her memory. Afterwards, inspired by her 'success', Kerrigan contacted Supermind and informed him that she had found the artifact. Naturally, he demanded to immediately deliver this artifact to him, and our plan entered an active phase.

As I had expected, Kerrigan was not allowed to go near the body of the local boss. Ten kilometers from the body of the Supermind, the artifact was taken by the queen controlled by him. She scanned the artifact, studied it in every way possible, and made sure it was safe to its owner.

Then everything went according to plan. Zeratul and I teleported to the Supermind. I immediately launched a mental attack, destroying the Supermind’s astral body, while Zeratul began to shred his physical body using lightning and his blades. Kerrigan received a code signal from my shadow clone, after which she 'remembered' our plan and began to subdue the zergs and prevent the Supermind from calling them for help.

The epic battle was over in just five minutes. Weakened by physical injuries, the Supermind succumbed to me for a second, after which I literally tore its astral body, depriving it of any hope of rebirth in this world. And as a 'control shot' I charged in his already corpse bijudama, which tore the former ruler of the galaxy to pieces.

After Kerrigan had more or less calmed the zergs and take control over the planet, I transformed her into a hybrid. After that, the usual zergs of one of the swarms were turned into hybrids. Finally, Zeratul, Kerrigan and a small subordinate army passed through the stargate, going into the world of Mass Effect. I opened them a passage to one of the planets in the Terminus systems, where there were almost no intelligent inhabitants, so their appearance there should not attract much attention.

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