《Graphomurk》7.18 StarCraft


Yes, it was my 'knight move' against the protos. I didn't expect that I could fool them by living parasites. After all, it was a standard zerg tactic, and the protos learned to counteract it. But in this case, I was hoping for a 'accident'. Because it was quite difficult to dig out the dead organics from the cracks. It was easier to disassemble the ship and assemble it back at the factory than to clean it right in space.

My expectations were met. Of the mutalisks charges, only one percent was charged with chakras. And of all the parasites that climbed on the ships, less than one percent remained intact. But even this ten-thousandth part was enough for me to track the position of a couple of dozen ships.

To my surprise, after clearing the planet, the protos fleet scattered in different directions, and I faced the difficult task of choosing a direction. After scanning all the options, I chose one that was in an area far from the zerg habitat. I hoped that the security procedures there were a little less strict, so the chances of the protos not being able to detect my presence would be higher.

My zerg army got to the next star system from the one I needed. Then there was only one overlord in the company with me. The infected ship was found orbiting a planet whose surface was full of strange life. But most importantly, I felt the presence of protos, which the zergs sensed on the level of instincts.

But besides the protos, there was something very strange about it. I directed the overlord to one of the sources of strange sensations in the psi range. My technique of masking based on the chakras has been fairly effective, so that even the zergs could not feel me and my transport. The protos were no better either. So, no one attacked me, and I was able to study the ruins of the ancient city carefully.

Looks like I came across the remains of the zel'naga temple. There were no protos around... with the exception of one invisible individual who was making its way through the maze to one of the temples. Such a luck! I got out of the overlord, swooped down to this 'frog traveler' and fell like snowball on his head. More precisely, as icicle.

The stun technique worked without misfiring, and I began to investigate the resulting specimen. The protos' cellular structure was completely different from that of the Zerg, so I couldn't get their DNA on the spot. With a sigh of regret, I decided to search the individual's memory and find out where he was going.

To my surprise, I found myself in the hands of Zeratul - the dark Templar. Here he would explore the temple of zel'nag to find a means to fight the Zerg. The strongest 'love for the Motherland'was imprinted on Zeratul's mind. He was willing to do anything to save the Protoss. But there was something else.


To my surprise, in my hands was himself a Zeratul - a dark templar. Here he was going to explore the temple of zel'naga to find a weapon to fight the zergs. In the mind of Zeratul imprinted the strongest 'love for the motherland'. He would do anything to save the protos. But there was something else.

His soul was clearly a game figure. I could read the memory of Zeratul, but the consciousness of the embedded soul was beyond my control. Therefore, I decided to bring protos to consciousness and talk 'heart to heart'. According to the available memories, the last couple of weeks he was in a state of confusion and depression, which did not fit with his previous story. I tied up Zeratul, put additional paralyzing techniques on him, and then brought him back to consciousness.

"What?... What's happening?” Zeratul muttered, opening his eyes.

"You are my prisoner.” My eye sparkled.


“No. My name is Atman. I'm from a neighboring fairy tale, flew to you on my way.”

"What?" Why did you attack me?” Zeratul finally realized that he was tied up and couldn't move.

"I need a protos to conduct inhuman experiments." I didn't try to hide my intentions.

"What? Heck. No! What a stupid game.” He began to whine. "I wish I'd become a zerg. I didn't like playing for the Protos on Earth yet. Now I became a zeratul, who in the script must sacrifice himself to save his race. And now I was captured by an unknown creature for some experiments. You're not Orochimaru, is it?”

"PHA-ha-ha-ha!"- I laughed. - “No, not Orochimaru. This butcher is not worthy to be called a true Scientist.”

"Wait, do you know him?"

"We met earlier. In one distant, distant galaxy. Let's better focus on your destiny.”

“Oh... And what kind of fate awaits me?" - Its looks like the local Zeratul has already accepted his fate and expecting me to start performing an autopsy right here.

“There are different options.” - I began to seduce his innocent soul. - "For example, I can transform you to hybrid of protos and zerg, then you can subdue a swarm of zergs and continue playing on their side.”

"Judging by your eyes, it's not going to be free" - My almost recruit guessed.

“Yeah. In return, you will help me with my game. I will send you to the world of Mass Effect, where you will help me kill the Reapers.”

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Isn't that against the rules?”

"No, of course not. The laws of the game for the most part resemble the laws of physics. They comply with not because they are supposed to be complied, but because no one can break them. So, do you agree to become my subordinate?”


"Are there any other options?" - Zeratul asked listlessly. - “Please read out the entire list.”

“Another option - I will autopsy you for the organs, and all your memory will be thoroughly researched by me, after which you will die in wild torment and go straight to hell.”

"That doesn't look good. Is there a third option?”

“No.” - I categorically rejected this assumption.

"Okay, I agree, only...” - At this point, Zeratul fell into an unconscious state, from which he emerged a couple of seconds later. - "Um! I've talked with my player, and he wants you to help me destroy the Supermind. After that, I can temporarily go to your world. And you will have to give me an artifact that can bring me back to this world at my will.”

“Hmm...” - I thought. - “Destroy the Supermind? Overall, it shouldn't be difficult.”

"You think so?" - Zeratul asked. – “This is a slightly different scenario than in the game. The Zergs are much stronger in this world. I mean, there are a lot more of them. Almost half the galaxy is already occupied by them, and the protos are hiding in all cracks, in an attempt to stay alive.”

“Nonsense. Once I become a hybrid, the Supermind won't be able to oppose me”

Actually, I didn't think that I needed to become a hybrid to destroy this arrogant upstart. My experience of destroying planets and galaxies has shown that destruction is what I do best. But before I run to perform tasks for another player, I should take care of my own development. Who knows, maybe in some future world I will need the ability to create zerg, protos, and hybrids.

"Since we've agreed on everything, why don't you untie me?" - Zeratul asked.

"Not so fast.” - I besieged him. – “First, we will conclude an official contract according to the rules of the game.”

We spent the next half hour discussing the terms of the agreement. Zeratul 'suddenly' felt that there was a smell of frying, so that for each item he traded until he lost his pulse. And after the recovery of the pulse came to his senses and still exposed the conditions from his player. But in the end, he had to accept all the conditions I had put forward. After the contract was signed, I untied the body of my 'assistant' and removed the paralysis technique.

"What's next?" Zeratul asked, rising to his feet.

"According to my plans, your autopsy is due to take place.” I chuckled

"Hey, that's not funny. We already agreed on everything.” Protos began to retreat.

"There was nothing in the contract about restriction to perform your autopsy.” - I grinned maliciously. – “Ok, relax. We need test subjects to conduct experiments. Where will it be easiest to catch a couple of your relatives?”

"Catching is not a problem." - He shrugged it off. - "Just what are you going to do with them? After all, for thousands of years they have been trying to create a hybrid with protos. And they didn't succeed, because after growing up, protos can't change. The structure of his body is rigidly set at the level of DNA and cannot change. You will need a protos embryos to perform your experiments. And it's not that easy to get them. The Zerg have never managed to do this in their entire history. I think that means something.”

"What kind of embryos?" - I asked.

In response, Zeratul gave me a lecture on how protos reproduce and how their society works. In short, the only source of the new protos was the special temple of zel'nag on planet Aiur. Like a hive, it produced ‘protos embryos’ that then could be grown to adulthood. In protos society, there were many clans that differed from each other in appearance and abilities. This was due to the fact that each clan had its own 'program' for growing embryos.

Each clan had the right to receive a portion of the new embryos. This right was considered as sacred, and even apostates like the dark Templars continued to receive their share of offspring. Of course, the priests of the temple 'excommunicated' very stubborn maniacs, but in general, a separate clan was in charge of this institution, which preferred to always remain out of politics. Otherwise, today your enemy will be left without offspring, and tomorrow it will be you.

Each clan kept the embryos as the apple of the eye, and in case of probability of falling into the clutches of zerg, all of them were ruthlessly destroyed. Even the transport of the embryos had always taken place exclusively through the warp gate, so it was impossible to intercept a ship with them.

Based on the results of my brainstorming, I have come to the conclusion that the easiest way to get the samples is to rob the Central temple on Aiur itself. Yes, there was the strongest security. But on the other hand, the security protocols were less paranoid, so there was a better chance of getting what I wanted.

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