《Graphomurk》7.13 Dead Space 2


My fusion with Franco's brain had some interesting side effects. But I could be sure that Obelisk until the very last moment will not suspect me in a double game. Now I was going to get rid of ballast, and in the same time conduct an experiment. I was interested in Obelisk's ability to create necromorphs from ordinary corpses simply through remote exposure. That's how the first necromorphs appeared.

Now I was going to do almost the same thing, but on a live patient. I formed a clever spell and directed it at Strauss. He immediately began to convulse and vomit blood. In just a minute, he transformed to necromorph that I could control remotely. I have used other frequencies to influence through the astral plane, so that the Obelisk was not supposed to notice anything.

My new pet jumped up from the floor and screamed. Ellie and Isaac immediately started shooting him with their weapons, but I wasn't going to lose my toy. A small infusion of energy allowed the necromorph to fully regenerate. It was able to use the effect of 'telekinesis' which already known to me and attract the lost limb and heal it.

A little training in controlling the puppet allowed me to learn how to move the necromorph at such a speed that ordinary people could not shot it in principle. In the end, I sent my pet to the vent, where it became quiet. I think such radio-controlled model like this may be useful in future. I wanted to test in practice quite a lot more, and the' live ' necromorph was vital to me.

Further path no need to describe. Except that unlike the canon, we were not divided, but moved all together, easily destroying all opponents. Finally, we were in the government sector. Here we came across an unowned assault spaceship, in fact a small spaceship, even capable of superlight flights within the boundaries of the solar system. Fortunately, as in the canon, Isaac seated Ellie in it while he went to attack the Marker. His personal schizophrenia still managed to convince him that he needed to follow some great plan.

I didn't disturb Isaac, I just helped in his mental throwing. The most interesting moment was when we encountered soldiers of Tegmina. I managed to drag the hero to a safe place, and then banally sent my necromorph pet to attack. The prototype didn't disappoint me. Thanks to regeneration and superhuman speed, it crushed two dozen of elite commandos into a salad in just a minute. However, it used only physical attacks.


After passing through the blood-drenched barricade, we found ourselves in the laboratory where the creation of the Obelisk was actually going on. Then Isaac got to the brain-blocking device and drove a long needle into his brain through his eye, through which the effect was transmitted. To be honest, if I were in his place, I would definitely not have to dare to do this.

After that, the demon completely took control of its host and walked him straight to its new receptacle. However, demon’s control was not ideal, so from time to time the Marker entertained us with a clumsy but immortal necromorph, in order to create the appearance of 'overcoming'.

In the final stage, I shot Hans Teidman, who had finally lost his mind on the grounds of worshipping of Marker. It seems that the Marker’s control ability of people's mind very superficial. So, if the victim was going crazy, it was impossible to force them to do anything useful.

And now, the final scene of this theater of the absurd has begun. Obelisk began 'Convergence' with the goal of merging all necromorphs, and especially Isaac, into a single body of the Blood Moon. Meanwhile, Isaac and the demon clashed in a fierce confrontation of minds. Oddly enough, after unlocking the areas of the brain, the main character had the opportunity to have an impact on his parasite. Actually, it was more about merging astral bodies, so that now two souls were fighting for possession of it. And it seems that the crazy engineer has big chance of winning.

This is the moment I chose to make telepathic contact with the owner of the Marker.

"You will lose.” I began to speak, breaking the astral creature's concentration. "He'll consume you and win the game."

"Who are you? What do you want?" My interlocutor began to ask useless philosophical questions.

"I want your help in another game. There you will need to destroy one of your ideological relatives and at the same time all life in the galaxy. If you win, your victory will be my victory. And if you lose, it will be only your defeat.”

"What benefit do I get of it?" My future employee immediately started to bargain.

“A chance for another victory. Because you lost this game.”


While our conversation was going on, Isaac was able to twist the demon as a ram's horn and was one step away from destroying it.

"I agree to everything. Save me!!!" The demon shrieked, anticipating its demise.

“The Game Contract is concluded.” I passed the thought along with the concise contents of the 'contract'. The demon immediately agreed with my demands, sending the thought of consent.

After that, I broke into Isaac's mind and banally severed the connection of his soul with the astral shells. The demon immediately took control of the body and jumped to the huge monolith of the Obelisk. Just a second later, the flesh of Isaac's body turned into an amorphous slime of necromorph flesh, and the parasite merged with the Obelisk, hiding in its depths.

"I won!!!” The demon mentally squealed, immediately imagined that it does not have to fulfill the terms of the contract.

"No. I won it.” I objected, using a long-prepared Bijuudama.

This gift I formed the last four hours, folding the unyielding chakra into the desired shape. The explosion smashed the Marker to dust, along with the station and the asteroid itself. At the last moment, the demon was able to use the Marker to attach itself to Franco's mind. Actually, that's what I was counting on. It seemed to be a sort of emergency evacuation system, triggered automatically.

Realizing the current situation, the demon let out a heart-rending scream, spreading waves of despair. It seems that losing the game threatened him with terrible penalties. At least that's what I was able to read in his mind with magic. . Looks like there's just been a conversation between the demon and its player. And as a result of this conversation, the ‘incomprehensible entity’ agreed to my contract. After all, according to the rules, after losing this game, the demon should have been destroyed, but our contract gave a loophole for its participation in the next game, which in any case brought to the player some profit.

And then the most delicious thing began. The demon gave me a full description of the technology for creating his new body. Ancients I created a computer in my body, in which I launched a virtual simulation of the process of creating the Marker. After this model worked, I was able to analyze all the processes occurring in the monolith.

Moreover, by repeating the recordings of the demon's actions that I made when it first entered the physical Marker, I was able to get a 'master code' that gives full access to all the functions of the Marker.

The purpose of the Marker's existence and absorption of organic life forms was to enslave the souls of living beings. The Marker acted as a kind of trap for souls and as a storage of Bahion, which the demon used for its own exaltation.

All of the information about the structure of the Marker and necromorphs I kept in the memory of my soul, so that I would not lose it later. After that, all I had to do was try out this technology, creating a real Obelisk in the physical world. I didn't get involved in gigantism, and my Marker was only five meters high.

After the demon got used to its new body, I opened the gate to the world of Mass Effect and sent the Marker to the planet of the Batarians. I think that there he will be able to turn around in full power and start a victorious procession through the galaxy, or he'll be immediately devoured by Reaper, recognizing him as a competitor. Actually, I would have been happy with either options. I was not afraid of the potential union of these astral creatures, because the contract clearly stated that 'there should be only one survivor’. As long as Reaper was alive, I could at any moment declare the Marker as the loser. To keep up with the situation, along with Obelisk, I sent my shadow clone, which was to be my eyes and ears when I return to this universe.

When I had finished with the Obelisk, I extracted the next address of Universe from my memory. I hope it will be more fun. Because, I am bored of killing of stupid necromorphs in an hour.

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