《Graphomurk》7.11 Dead Space 2


I appeared on the site much earlier than in the canon, so I decided to pass the time by watching the breeding process of necromorphs. Having comfortably settled in one of the cafes, I began to observe the entrance to the hospital. There was a large hall, playing the role of the square. Nearby were the paths of the local subway, in general, the place was quite lively.

The apocalypse will began in about three hours. At first, several people shouted from the aisle leading to the subway. The people around them looked at them as if they were idiots. A couple of dozen seconds later, a couple of bloodied citizens ran out of the same place. That made people nervous. But before the people realized what was happening, a dozen necromorphs ran out of the passageway and immediately began to tear people apart. Worst of all, a minute later, along with the reinforcements arrived two dozen infectors, who began to scurry busily around the neighborhood, turning the living and dead people into necromorphs.

Despite the general panic and monsters running in different directions, the first creature appeared to me in the cafe only ten minutes later. By this time, the customers had already fled, and the staff had hidden in the back room. So, the necromorph rushed right to me. I didn't disappoint him, and I ran to meet him.

I had magic, and if I wanted to, I could destroy this creature in a fraction of a second. But my task was different. Inside my body, I created a katana-like sword. Now I pulled it out, put a strengthening spell on the blade, and chopped the necromorph into a salad in just a couple of seconds. After that, I laid the remains directly on the table in front of me and began to investigate them.

Necromorph biotechnologies were extremely interesting. In fact, the body of the creature in front of me consisted of two components. Most of it was the normal organic matter of the human body. But the smaller one was a conditionally living organism that could transform organic matter into any desired form. What is most interesting, the energy for these transformations was taken by the necromorph from somewhere on the astral level of dimension.

After studying the necromorph, I began to investigate the process of their appearance. To do this, I caught the infector, break into the back room of the cafe and then forced the creature to infect a still-alive person in front of me. The transformation process surprised me not only by the transformation of the tissues, but also by the changes in the astral body of the victim. The energy shells of a human literally dissolved and merged with the body of a necromorph. Moreover, this astral body was common for all necromorphs. They could easily exchange astral energy. It seems that this is how Marker's motto 'We will be whole' manifested itself in action.


After finishing the research, I chopped the necromorphs into pieces and revealed that it didn't really hurt them at all. They just then went into 'energy-saving' mode, stopping moving. But the processes in their tissues have not stopped.

In fact, turning a human into a flesh tearer was quite energy-consuming. At the same time, only ten percent of the body was transformed. But the other ninety percent were turning into true necromorph flesh rather slowly. According to my forecasts, it could take up to two days for the complete transformation of organic matter.

Finally, I decided it was time to start the game and went to the clinic. There I went unhindered to the psychiatric ward and went down to the basement. You can't call a couple of dozen necromorphs an obstacle, can you? Finding the right capsule, I pulled out the main character of this story. He was in a state of non-standing, so I had to inject adrenaline to him to bring him back to consciousness.

“Isaac. Isaac! Wake up. We need to leave.” I shouted, trying to reach his consciousness. After all, I cheated a little by casting a healing spell on the patient. This had an effect, and within ten seconds Isaac was looking at me with a meaningful look.

“What's going on?” He asked me, looking at me and my suit. I was a military-style spacesuit. Now the 'helmet' has been removed and my face has been copied by Franco's face.

"Isaac, we have to go. Stand up.” I began to help the patient to stand up, without explaining anything in the best tradition of moronic American stories. "You're in serious danger. We are all in danger.”

"Where am I?" He began looking around. He also discovered himself in a straitjacket with his hands tied.

"There's no time to explain. We have to go." I continued to bent my line. "They're already here. Do you hear?”

I paused and pretended to be listening. Alas, the necromorphs did not want to play along with me, and therefore remained silent. So, I had to imitate the sound of the necromorph's bone blades making their way through the ventilation system. This immediately cheered Isaac up and made him jump to his feet. Before he knew what he was hearing, his body was already preparing to run.

"What's going on?" He made another attempt to convince me into answering.

But I didn't have to explain anything. A necromorph ran from the hallway to the room. Before he could do anything, I swung the sword a couple of times and cut it to pieces.


“Questions later. You don't need to ask questions, you need to run!" I gave my valuable instructions.

"Untie me.” Isaac demanded. How restless he is. He can’t be a real hero of the action movie. They should do what they are told and not grunt.

"Quiet! They are already here.”

I left the poor guy to squirm, trying to free his hands, and I went to the hallway. There I had to fight with five necromorphs. At the same time, my victims were not only these creatures, but also wiring in the wall, after which the entire basement plunged into darkness.

Isaac listened as I fought in the dark with necromorphs, and then there was complete silence. I crept noiselessly behind him, and then spoke in his ear.

"I'm here."

"A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!"!!! The patient shouted, jumping almost a meter. But I didn't let him run away, grabbing him firmly by the shirt.

“Quiet. We have to go. I will guide you.”

Then we crept through the dark corridors, reaching the stairs up. Along the way, I cut down five more necromorphs, adding gray hair to my companion, who only knew about the presence of danger by the sound of dissecting flesh and the death screams of the creatures.

By the time we reached the main hospital rooms, the patient was ready to listen to my extraterrestrial wisdom. I dragged him into the staff room, where there was a device that allowed him to wear an airtight spacesuit on a person.

"I think you should change your costume." I said, untying Isaac's hands. "And then I'll tell you what you need to do."

My 'partner' did not answer, but silently went inside the device. He came out already tooking a shower and dressed in 'sanitary uniform'. However, in local realities, nurses wore spacesuits that could stay in a vacuum for some time. In fact, it was a standard spacesuit technique of a rather original coloring. Most of the costume was white, and a large red cross was flaunted on the chest and back.

" So, I dedicate you to the Order of the Crusaders. Carry your cross through life with dignity.” I said encouragingly.

"What?" Isaac did not understand. He looked at himself and found an ornament on his chest.

"Anyway, listen to me. You were found in space three years ago. All this time, the government has kept you unconscious. Also, they extracted all information from your consciousness on how to create a new Marker.”

"What? But I don't know how to create it!” The patient protested.

“You know it. Before the destruction, the Marker recorded information in your brain about how to recreate new Markers. Now these areas of your brain are blocked. While you were sleeping, the government created a new Marker right here on the station. I am a secret agent of the Illuminate Order. My name is Franco Delisle. My task is to destroy the Marker. And you're the only one who can help me do that.”

“What's going on? No, I don't want anything to do with that. Just get me out of here.”

"It is impossible, Isaac. There is no escape. You must help me destroy the Marker. Only you can save the Earth and all mankind from necromorphs.”

"Why me?" Why me again?” My patient was hysterical.

I had already scanned his memory, so I knew he was a game figure. However, the soul had already been in this body for five years, so he should be a hero of the third part, where the entire Earth would be destroyed. So, there was no point in feeling sorry for someone else's figure.

"Because you are the chosen one. The Marker had chosed you. And now, only you can decide his fate. And for one fate of the whole world.”

I paused. Isaac didn't try to say anything either. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. A voice from the intercom broke the silence.

"Isaac, are you here? Please answer. This Is Diana. I want to help you escape from the station.”

The engineer immediately rushed to the wall panel, where he pressed a button. According to Franco's recollection, it was a voice-stationary terminal.

"I'm here."

"Isaac, I'm so glad you're alive.” The head of the local Church of unitology began to hang noodles on his ears. "I detected your signal through the station's surveillance system. You must get to my shuttle. Then we can leave this place and go to Earth.”

"What should I do?" A foolish mortal grasped at this straw.

"I sent the route to your IC. You should be able to walk through it. Try to find some weapons. And for God's sake, be careful, Isaac.”

At this point, the connection was cut off, drowned out by hiss.

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