《Graphomurk》7.10 Dead Space 2


Coming out of the portal, I found myself in the distant orbit of a yellow dwarf. There were no objects near, so I decided to focus on checking the laws of nature that were different again. I was happy to find out that the magic works here, although not as effective as expected. Chakra was still unmanageable. But the laws of physics were something of a middle ground between the world of Stargate and Mass Effect.

Overall, the situation was pretty good, so I could focus on figuring out what kind of world I was in. Scans of the radio range immediately revealed the presence of a powerful source of radio signal relatively close to me. Well, by cosmic standards. In the same direction was a gas giant with a system of rings.

I used a already developed chakra-magic-stargate template to move ten million kilometers forward and to the side. It was immediately clear that I was now further away from the source of the signals than I had been before. Initially, I appeared only a couple of million kilometers away from it. Using the triangulation method, I calculated the position of the signal source and moved directly to it.

This time I was a hundred kilometers away from the asteroid orbiting the gas giant. The asteroid's diameter was close to fifty kilometers, and a space station was built on its surface a couple of dozen kilometers in diameter. The movement of spaceships here was not very busy. I only saw one ship docked at the station. No more spaceships were observed in the space around it.

The distance to the station was small, so I used an anti-gravity spell to start moving slowly toward it. This spell's efficiency was not enough for a large acceleration. However, I was in no hurry. A couple of hours later, I hit the station at a speed of about a hundred kilometers per hour. Immediately, an electromagnet in my body was activated, which securely fixed me to the metal cladding.

I took the form of a man in a spacesuit and flew near the station, pushing off from it with my telekinesis. This spell required the presence of a nearby 'support points' for its work, which was performed by the station itself and my body. Pretty quickly I found some kind of technical hatch and got to it. I couldn't open it properly, but found open emergency doors right under it. After that, I tritely cut a hole in the hatch, leaked into it, and then the emergency doors closed behind me.

I also shamelessly hacked the next hatch, and then found myself in some technical rooms. Here I quickly found a computer console where I could read the inscriptions in English. Well, at least the station was built by humans. I tried to connect to the computer directly, but without knowing the basics of data communication protocols, it was difficult to do.


Fifteen minutes later, my picking on the computer interrupted by the arrival of a female technician. I immediately hid and hid, waiting for the prey. The technician went to the hatch that I had disfigured, leaned down to the hole, and began to swear, cursing unknown pests. At that moment, I crept up behind her and penetrated her with my memory reading spell.

A minute later I knew that I was in the Solar System on a fragment of the planet Titan, the year was 2511, and the station docked ship 'USG Ishimura' class 'Planetary Ripper'. That was enough to identify the world I was in. It was created based on the game Dead Space. And the 'main villains' here were necromorphs and their owners Markers.

At the moment, the necromorphs’ invasion into the station hadn't started yet, so I had time to prepare and decide what to do. However, judging by the woman's memories, the situation at the station was already extremely tense and almost every second person became psychotic.

Having found out everything necessary, I extracted the identification system from the woman's body. A special chip was implanted in the body of every citizen at the age of fourteen, which served as a passport. In order not to raise the alarm too early, I broke the victim's neck and threw her corpse into one of the storage rooms. Anyway, all the people on the station will be killed by necromorphs or when the Marker explodes, so I didn't see the point in keeping anyone alive. The 'best' thing that could wait this woman was to sit in the closet until the necromorphs discovered her. Fate is worse than death, in my opinion.

After that, I took the appearance of a male technician in a standard spacesuit and headed toward the living quarters, using the chip to open the doors. At the same time, I checked activity on the astral level for signs of the Obelisk's impact. There was something like that, but I couldn't understand anything concrete.

After ten minutes of wandering through the dark corridors, I came out into the hall, where there were three people. Two of them were wearing the tech suits I already knew, and the third looked more like a boss in a business suit.

"What do you say, Franco?" The boss said to the man who was now poking at the panels next to the half-open doors in the wide aisle. I stopped to listen to the conversation. With my abilities, twenty meters was not an obstacle in this matter.

"It's a diversion.” The technician spoke without interrupting from the repairs. “Someone intentionally broke the solenoid and the solenoid of the gravity compensator. Sarah, can you give me the pliers?”


The second technician was a woman who pulled the tool out of the drawer and shoved it into her partner's hand.

“How long will it take to repair?” The boss asked.

“I can do it in half an hour. Maybe faster.”

“That's good. When you're done, contact me. We need to help one person get to the computer. Something doesn't work for him there, and I need a report from him tomorrow.”

“We'll do it.” Franco agreed.

"Well, I'm off.”

The man in the business suit headed for the elevator while I mentally rubbed my hands together. Judging from the conversation that had taken place, this was time when playing a scene involving Franco Delisle - the same guy who released Isaac Clarke from stasis in a psychiatric clinic. This means that the 'invasion' is about to begin, and I have a real chance to get to the very beginning of this story.

After waiting five minutes, I applied a scanning spell and made sure there were no other people around. I walked calmly toward Franco, who was still busy with repairs. Sarah was standing with her back to me, so she didn't notice my approach.

I decided to take on the role of Franco, but to portray a more ‘cooler’ version of him. I also had to somehow trick the Marker into believing that I was under its control. The last task was complicated by the fact that I basically had no brain, and I was not going to remove the magic protection to give an incomprehensible artifact access to my vritras body. So, I decided to rent someone else's brain.

Approaching the victim, I opened the vertical mouth from head to chest, pulled Franco towards me, and then 'bit off' his head and upper body. Sarah screamed at the best-of-nightmares spectacle, but she couldn't escape because her body was bound by a paralysis spell.

I opened the man's body and extracted his head, spine, lungs and heart, liver and kidneys. All this I moved inside my body, and then began to get rid of all the 'extra', spitting out bloody lumps. I think it was even more terrifying than the necromorph's attack. After a couple of minutes, I got rid of all the bones and other unnecessary tissue. I only needed a brain, but in addition to it I had to take a 'life support system' that could support its operation for a day.

Finally, I settled all the parts of poor Franco inside my body. Simultaneously with this operation of transplantation, I dressed on the astral shells of the donor, and also exposed his soul, covering my existence with it. The last step was to take the form of Franco and connect my senses to his brain, giving the impression that he was perceiving the world as usual. Also, with the help of magic and direct influence on the brain, I subdued Franco's mind, actually making him believe that everything I do is actually done by him.

"Sarah, don't be afraid of me.” I said to Franco's lover. "I'm your favorite Franco."

"No, I don't think so. No! Don't come. You're not him." The girl tried to crawl away, but her legs and hands did not listen to her.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do it. I hope you can forgive me in the next life. I must save him. Save all of us!”

With these words, I picked up a piece of pipe, went to Sarah and stuck this 'weapon' right into her eye, piercing her head through. Her corpse jerked and fell silent. Franco watched the scene with my eyes. On the one hand, he wanted to cry and on the other he knew that all this was for the common good.

This point was not revealed in the game, but Franco Delisle was a unitologist. He had an extremely important task: after the necromorph invasion, he had to free Isaac Clarke and deliver him to the Church of Unitology, so that Diana, the head of the Department, could take him out of the station, and then use him to create new Markers.

By killing Sarah in front of him, I created a hole in Franco's mind that the Marker was quick to exploit. As a rule, this alien artifact used images of deceased relatives to influence people's minds. For Franco, this was supposed to be Sarah.

I used magic to hide the bodies, then went straight to the main hospital. Franco had a detailed plan of the hospital in his head, including the location of the stasis capsule with Isaac Clarke. So, all I had to do was follow the route.

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