《Graphomurk》Chapter 6.07 - Star Gate
I turned to Apophis and leaned over to whisper in his ear.
"Do you still not wish to pray to me? Think of what you're giving up in your pride. You could rule the galaxy, and instead you lie here in thrall to the lower creatures and dying in painful death.”
“I won't bow before you.”
“Pity. Well, you still have time. Usually people begin to plead to the gods before death in the hope of finding salvation. Let's see if that's true for false gods like you. Will you appeal to yourself or to me?”
I stood up, showing a hungry shark's grin, and walked out, leaving the former God alone with his former 'first warrior'. I'm sure Teal'c will stomp that worm's ego into the mud.
When I got to the control room, I found an epic show: the labors began to water the hot gate flap with liquid nitrogen. After a few seconds, the evaporating nitrogen turned into gas, squeezed out all the oxygen, and all the people in the gate hall fell unconscious, suffocating without oxygen.
"You decided to kill yourself without waiting for Sokar?" I asked Samantha, who was rushing around in front of the closed door. At this moment she understands how idiotic this idea was. And even more idiotic was the fact that the heat capacity of liquid nitrogen was much less than the heat capacity of water, so that it was less useful than boiled water.
“Imhotep, save them!” She screamed.
“Is it a plea?” I said. “Or an order?”
“Please! Save them. I believe that you can!”
“Of course I can.” I was offended. "But your faith’s strength is only enough to shut off the liquid nitrogen hose valve.”
I waved my hand, but I didn't have to do anything. Nitrogen ended by itself, because the volume was not so great. However, I was not upset. Wanted a miracle? You got it. And the fact that it happened by itself, is not my problem.
“Listen up!” I shouted over the hubbub of the room. “I'm God! Believe in me and you shall be saved. Pray to me, and you will save those who are dying in the hall of the gate. Sing my name, and behold my power.”
People froze in shock from my rudeness, but one of the technicians threw doubts and began to repeat my name.
“... imhotep? Imhotep. Imhotep! IMHOTEP! IMHOTEP!! IMHOTEP!!”
Gradually voices became more and more loud. Ten seconds later, when my name was chanted by half of those present, the forced air ventilation was activated. Nitrogen started to go up, and replaced with the normal ventilation vent with fresh air.
“Behold!” I shouted again. “Your pleas were heard, and the emergency ventilation turned on. Believe in me, and you will be able to return the dead laborers to life.”
“Don't listen him! I turned on the ventilation.” Samantha tried to protest, but her voice was drowned out by the fanatical screams of the others.
- Imhotep! Imhotep! Imhotep! Imhotep!! Imhotep!! Imhotep!! Imhotep!!! Imhotep!!!!
I felt streams of Bahion heading towards me. But these believers were not initiated, so their whole faith energy is gone to nowhere. But in order not to disappoint the congregation, I cast a mass spell of healing that was brought back the laborers to life. Seeing how people are getting up, the believers rushed to them to tell about the miracle and spread the infection of faith in me.
While I was having fun, the gate flap heated to a bright crimson color.
“Mortals!” I shouted again, this time translating my words into the ears of every man on the base. “Believe in me and you will be saved. Repeat my name and I will protect you. Sing my glory, and I will bring down my wrath upon your enemies.”
They chanted like crazy. People obeyed the will of the crowd and began to repeat my name. Even Daniel and Jack succumbed to the mass hysteria. Only Samantha Carter and Tok'ra remained sane.
I used the jutsu of the ice based chakra element, and sent it to the gate. In just a few seconds, the gate flap cooled and covered with frost. I was impressed by the strength of the material from which it was made. In spite of this sudden temperature change, no part of them is cracked and deformed.
"Now, Samantha, do you believe in the power of the gods?" I asked. Even Tok'ra were impressed by this performance and walked around with bulging eyes.
“It... there must be a rational explanation for this.” She made one last attempt to deny my divinity.
“Of course. Faith in me cooled the gate’s flap. This is the rational explanation.”
“No. Impossible! It's against all laws of physics.”
“You know nothing about the laws of physics. All your theories and assumptions you made on the basis of the phenomena occurring in the refined conditions of 'ordinary reality'. But as soon as something unusual happens, all your laws stop working. It's like studying the laws of chemistry and physics at room temperature and denying the effects of cold or heat on any process. Accept reality and acknowledge the power of the gods.”
Samantha only put her arms around her head and went into denial. Sometimes it is useful to abandon the mossy stereotypes of perception. Maybe, this might enlightens her, and she will be able to come up with a new physics. Or she'll blow her mind, and I'll have to bring her back, erasing the memories.
When the mass hysteria subsided a little, the management of the base gathered in the control room.
“How long can we hold the gate?” Hammond asked addressing to everyone, but only looked at me.
“Not so long. Soon the energy of your faith will run out, and the gate will begin to heat up again.” I answered.
“Even if Sokar cannot get through the gate, he has a ship.” Leader of Tok’ra expressed a very clear idea.
“Martuf is right.” Samantha supported him. “We can't allow an attack from space. We must send out Apophis from here.”
“We can't even if we want to” Jack said. "He is a war prisoner, and our greed will not allow us to send him to our enemies without any benefit.”
“I spoke to the President. He ordered to stop the medical intervention.” General said.
“But without another dose of drugs, he'll die of withdrawal.” Dr. Fraser was indignant. "We gave him a special synthetic drug every fifteen minutes. If we delay even half hour he will die in wild torment.”
“I know, doctor. This is our plan. The law does not prohibit the delivery of the dead bodies to their distant relatives.”
“Hey! I'm his son, the closest relative. I demand to give the body to me!” I was indignant.
“If Sokar doesn't get Apophis’s body, he'll destroy the Earth.” Martouf said.
"I will take Apophis’s body to Sokar’s planet, After, he will solve all questions about the corpse with me. I'm going to make a scarecrow from his body, and I will give the worm to Sokar.” I laid out my plan.
“Good.” General Hammond nodded. “All agreed? Doctor, then stop drugging him. Dismissed.”
Jack, Daniel and Samantha were against it, but no one would listen to them. When politics comes into play, usually the voice of reason is silenced first.
I went to the hospital and looked at Apophis. He turned his eyes, trying to see what was happening around. He heard people chanting my name and heard conversations in which they praised me and my power.
"As you see, father, faith in me creates wonders. Sokar’s attack was unable to threaten the Tau'ri. Nevertheless, they made the right decision by deciding to give your dead body to me.”
“Dead?” The half-corpse croaked.
“Yeah. All this time they've been poisoning you, and now you'll be dead within half an hour. It will be a painful and terrible death. But you still have the opportunity to offer me humble pleas. Then I will carry your corpse to Sokar, and then I will resurrect you and make you ruler of his empire. Come on, try it. Repeat my name with true faith in me. And your soul will be saved. After your death, you will go to heaven, where you will rule under my behalf.”
Apophis turned his eyes in panic. He didn't want to believe it, but my words were eating away his brain and mind.
“My death is necessary?” He whispered, letting out a tear.
“Absolutely.” I calmed him down in a gentle voice, stroking his forehead with my hand. "It is the only way you can establish your true faith in me. Come, father. When the horror of death consumes you, repeat my name, remember only me, believe in me, bow before me, become my slave. And you will gain power over the other slaves. That's how the world works. The ruler is only the most important slave. You cannot command other slaves until you accept that you are a slave. Because a free man is free from all society. He has power only over himself. Power over others requires recognition of a hierarchy where you simply cannot be at the top. There's always someone higher than you. Like me. So take my power over you and rule over the world. Repeat my name and you will be saved.”
Apophis’s eyes tossed in delirium. He no longer understood what I was saying to him, although I knew that these words would remain in his memory forever.
“Amonet! Amonet, where are you?” He began to call his queen.
“She's not here. She gave herself to Sokar. She's the one who betrayed you.”
“No!!! Amonet, my love!”
“Your God's name is Imhotep. Remember this.”
Finally, I left the morally crushed worm to its own nightmares, then went to the break room. I have another half hour to watch TV.
I returned back to the hospital when the diagnostic spell showed the extinction of vital functions. Jack and Dr. Fraser were here. Five minutes ago, Goa’uld lost consciousness, and they were able to communicate with the personality of his host, and promised to arrange the funeral and send his soul to heaven. Now the worm woke up again and blazed with eyes while whispering:
“Help me.”
“No.” Jack replied ruthlessly.
“My host…”
“I'm afraid.” Apophis pleaded.
“Believe in me and be saved.” I reminded him.
In response, he flashed his eyes one last time and began to struggle in agony. And at that moment I felt strong flow of Bahion from Apophis. At the last moment of his life he believed in me. The flow was even stronger than from my most fanatical followers. Well, apparently this drama will continue. I quietly threw spell to hold Apophis’s soul, and continued to hold calm face .
“The Goa’uld is dead.” The doctor diagnosed. “But the host is still alive.”
Daniel came into the room carrying some ancient Egyptian rubbish. He placed these objects, and began to say something in ancient Egyptian. When he had finished, he gave a free translation of the text.
"I told him that the burial figurine would absorb his last breath and send his soul back to Egypt.”
A minute later, the man's heart stopped and he died.
"That's what I call savage barbaric beliefs.” I commented. “Now his soul is standing next to the body, and wondering why he is still here, and not with his family.”
“Can you see his soul?” Daniel was surprised.
“Of course. And look what you've done. Instead of entrusting his soul to a real God, you worship soulless idols. This piece of clay is not able to help the dead. You just gave him hope, and then you destroyed it, plunged his soul into the darkness of despair. So when Goa’ulds resurrect him, this man's suffering will be increased a thousand fold. Is that what you wanted?”
“Me... I wanted to calm him down.” Daniel began to defend himself.
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You deny faith in me, and yet you believe the most utter nonsense.”
Teal'c came into our room.
“It's time.” He declared. “We opened the gate.”
“Perfect.” I rubbed my hands. “Well, have a good time, and I'm off.”
With these words, I waved my hand and Apophis’ shackles immediately untied. After that, I grabbed his right leg, pulled him off the bed and walked towards the gate hall, dragging the body behind me. It was banging its head against the corners and getting stuck in the aisles, but my jerks kept moving it after me.
“What are you doing?” The doctor angrily protested to my indecent actions.
“This body belongs to me. General Hammond agreed. So it's none of your business what I do with him. I promised to give this body to Sokar, but I didn't specify that he will be one piece on that time.”
Dragging Apophis’s corpse through the corridors, I found myself in the hall of the gate. Teal'c followed me, his chest bursting with deep satisfaction. Truly, I understand him.
"General Hammond, thank you for your hospitality.” I said, passing by the local authorities and Tok'ra. “In negotiations with Sokar, I will let him know that it’s better not to touch my friends. Good luck.”
On this I passed through the gate, still dragging the corpse by the leg. At the exit I was met by the concerned Jaffa and my clone from chakra. Of course, I did not rush into the portal without looking, and let a scout to do forward exploration.
“Jaffa, kree!” I shouted with blazing eyes. “Take me to Sokar. Quick!”
Mortals ran from side to side, depicting violent activity. They immediately drove the shuttle to the gate, into which I climbed while pulling the body in tow. Jaffas stare with bulged eyes to my attitude toward the supposed God.
Five minutes later I flew into the ha’tak’s hangar. Sokar met me, surrounded by dozens of his warriors.
“Who are you?” He asked, watching me carefully while I continued to dig out the jammed body out of the Shuttle. Finally, I yanked harder, and the body gained freedom, getting off with a broken neck.
“I am Imhotep, God of Knowledge and Architecture. Bow before me, because I am the true God.”
To the surprise of Sokar, all of his Jaffa and even subordinate Goa’ulds lowered their weapons and knelt down. I again used the magic to make people think that they always served only to me. A small, almost imperceptible suggestion changed the balance of power.
“Arrest him.” I pointed to Sokar, parallely disabling all his devices with magic. “Tie him up to the cross in my throne room. And help me take this body there.”
“What? Don't listen to him! I am your master! I order you to kill him!!”
But all cries of the former Lord remained unanswered. The Jaffa quickly tied him up, kicked his face with boots, and then dragged him after me.
“You got a nice palace, it’s so stylish.” I praised Sokar’s taste, Golden throne room in red tones with dark lighting. I created a cross with earth chakra element.
“Tie him there.” I pointed to my new subordinates. “Drop this.” The mutilated body of Apophis froze before the throne on which I had just sat.
I formed a healing spell and began to watch its work. The souls of the two dead was nearby, so after five minutes Apophis and his host was alive, healthy and young.
“Wake up, father. You believed in me, and I kept my promise.” Apophis opened his eyes, looked around and rose to his feet, once again studying the environment. "From now on, you are the owner of this ship and of the entire Empire of Sokar. And your opponent is helpless and is in your full power.”
“Jaffa, whom do you serve?” Apophis shouted, staring at me.
"We serve you my Lord. Apophis is our God. Give the order and we'll do it immediately.”
I rose from the throne and stood aside, watching, how the disbelief and despair in Apophis's soul give way to joy and exultation. He gave orders, listened to answers, and was increasingly convinced that the Jaffa were actually serving him.
Apophis took the throne and turned to me.
“Imhotep, now I believe you are God. It was a miracle. I'm pleased!”
“Sure, dad.” I insidiously smiled while answering.
“Sokar, you dare attack me. You'll be punished for that. I'll torture you for eternity!”
Apophis took from Sokar’s hand torture device, wore it on himself and began to torture his enemy, completely surrendering to the sense of superiority, omnipotence and permissiveness.
I used a disguise spell to partially escape from the perception of others. They saw me, they knew I was there, but they couldn't focus enough on me to make sense of their plans.
Apophis acted very passionately. For two hours he continuously tortured Sokar, and then went to rest in the sarcophagus, following his usual thousands of years of habit.
“Why did you do this?” The prisoner turned to me as I approached him and threw off the veil of invisibility.
“You hate Apophis, don't you?” I asked, looking into his Goa’uld’s eyes.
“And you want to make his life, hell?”
"Then you must understand, if you want to plunge someone into despair, you must give them hope for the future. Then his suffering will be a hundred times greater.” I looked at the bewildered Guarda. “When the right time comes, don't yawn. Who knows, maybe Apophis will really be able to subdue your army under control?”
I laughed ominously and stepped aside.
An hour later, Apophis reappeared in the throne room. He checked the condition of Sokar, sat on the throne and began to give orders to mobilize the army. The ships were linked by the confrontation with Her'ur, and now the new commander-in-chief was trying to build his own strategy of defense and attack.
Half an hour later Apophis was distracted from the current affairs and remembered about the prisoner. He rose from his throne and walked slowly towards the cross, playing with the torture device. I think, it’s time to start.
Dropping magic veil, I stepped forward, getting into the field of view of both Goa’ulds.
"I'm sorry, father, but your faith was enough only for that.”
“What?” Apophis asked dumbfounded, still staying in his pink coloured dreams.
“Your power over the Jaffa is over, and now, they serve Sokar again.”
The surrounding people seemed to wake up and began to look at each other, trying to understand what had happened.
“Release me!” Sokar shouted.
“Don't listen him. I am your God!” Apophis worried.
Jaffas rushed between two possible masters. The first master is the one they have served their entire life, and the second is 'on authority' now. A second later some Jaffas rushed to release Sokar, others tried to shoot them, while others stood, pointlessly rolling their eyes. Gunfire of all against all, in which survived only three 'neutral' Jaffas. They moved their spears from side to side, pointing them to Sokar, then at Apophis, and then rushed to the rescue of their real master, untying him from the cross.
A dozen more Jaffa ran into the hall, alarmed by the sound of gunfire.
“Kill them!” Apophis commanded, pointing to the 'traitors'.
“I'm your God!!!” Sokar roared. “Grab them!”
Years of training affected the decision of the soldiers, and they attacked Apophis. He activated his personal shield and tried to grab Jaffa’s weapons. But he was surrounded, pushed aside, stomped to the floor and his hands twisted behind his back. The personal shield was not effective to resist hand-to-hand combat.
A couple dozen of Jaffa rushed at me, but I scattered them into bloody dust with a wave of my one finger.
“Imhotep! Help me!” Apophis shouted. “I command you.”
“You forgot the most important thing.” I answered. “I'm your God. But you planned to take all the power and overthrow me. Therefore, your faith in me has faded, and with it my blessing has gone. You're on your own now.”
Apophis flinched, but was unable to do anything. Sokar looked at me fearfully, and then approached his rival for a seat on the throne, looked in his face and gave the order:
“Tie him to the cross.”
While the Jaffa were following orders, their master came to me and asked quietly.
"So, tell me a reason why shouldn't I kill you right now?"
“Because you're still in my control.” I grinned arrogantly in response. "If I want, your whole Empire will be mine again. It was all a game to let my father experience the depths of despair and powerlessness. And I'm relying on you for that. Don't disappoint me, Sokar.” I flashed my eyes smugly. "And keep in mind that the planet Tauri is under my protection. Don't try to attack it. Or I will be angry, and then the fate of Apophis will seem like heaven compared to yours.”
“Why did you set this show up?” Goa’uld bursted with hidden anger, but even more his heart is tormented by fear. "Just to annoy Apophis?"
“No. I wanted to have some fun. I spent two months on important research, but in result was only an understanding that I, the God of knowledge, not able to know what I am interested in. That is annoying, you know. So I'm giving you free advice - don't piss me off. I need to have a word with my father now.”
I walked up to the crucified prisoner.
“Apophis, Apophis. You are so stupid. I gave you power over Sokar’s empire. But you were too stupid to know that miracles don't happen by itself. If you'd killed him immediately, you'd be the system Lord by now. But instead, you were tempted by useless torture and left your enemy alive. This is your punishment for not having brains. What am I saying? You’re a Goa’uld, a worm! You don’t have a brain! Hahaha!”
“I trusted you. I believed in you!” Apophis tried to justify himself. “Give me back my power, please. I'm your father!”
“It is too late. You've already failed your loyalty test. Although, maybe you will be able to pass the exam of allegiance to Sokar?” I turned to the Goa’uld who’s carefully listening to me. "What do you think? Can he convince you to make himself your right hand?"
“No chance. All he can count on is to be my representation in the most stinkiest prison that I can find.”
“I thought as much. Well, that's enough for today. Bye.”
With these words, I glanced to Apophis’s face distorted by fear and anger, took a step back and teleported to the gate with Hiraishin. There I killed all the Jaffas in the area, typed the address of the neutral planet and went there. Then I came to my planet, where I used Hiraishin to be on my ship. Home sweet home. Well, as they say, business and entertainment must be apart. I need to sit down and think again about what I can do to achieve my plans.
According to the results of the brainstorm, I came to the conclusion that I need to drink less, and went to sleep.
Waking up, I began to remember the events of the series. If I want to study the ascension process, I need to meet with Oma Desala, a former Ukrainian woman named Sona Tse Salo. Because every Ukrainian know, origins of Ancients are Ukrainians. Oma lived still in those shaggy times, when Ancient only began to explore this galaxy, installing the star gates here.
I know of places where it would be possible to meet her, I can enumerate Abydos, Chulak and Kheb - a mythical planet, in the future, Harsesis will be born - child of Apophis. I knew the all gate addresses that Jack entered into the computer. The Kheb was among them, but I didn't know the exact address I need. To clarify this I needed Bratak, mentor of Teal'c. Required information could be found in his memory.
I've ordered the ship's computer to go to Chulak. All my surviving Jaffa were the inhabitants of Chulak. I entrusted them with a special mission - to find the former first warrior of Apophis, jaffa Bratak. For one thing I planned to get rid of already bored me subordinates. I can take care of myself, and I can use clones instead of scouts and messengers. Instead warriors I will hire servants, because servants can do clean up and cooking better than my harem.
By transferring Jaffa to Chulak, I gave each of them a transmitter with which they could contact me. After three days of hovering in orbit, I received a signal that the target was found. I teleported to the transmitter, focusing on the chakra fuin placed on it.
On the planet I was on a narrow street of a city. It was evening outside, and the sky only glowed a little in the west. There was no one around but my Jaffa.
“My God.” The scout bowed. “Bratak is in the house across the street. Yonder.”
I immediately cast a network of tracking spells. The search quickly ended. I mentally scanned the data from the magic video cameras and recognized the face of the target.
“You did a good job.” I answered to Jaffa. “Tell the others they can stop searchings. Take these coins and give them to your brothers in faith. When each of you takes one of them in your hands, you will receive a reward for your service to me. You are free. Farewell.”
With that, I cast an invisibility spell on myself and teleported closer to the target. In copper coins were invested fuinjutsu seal, which contained a hundred gold coins. It was 'severance pay'.
Entering the house where Bratak was feasting, I put everyone to sleep and began to view the memories of the rebel Jaffa. I found the address of the Kheb in them. Not to waste time, I teleported back to my ship and my clone went to the gate, where he typed the address of the Kheb and walked into the portal, carrying a hyperspace beacon.
I reached the planet I wanted in an hour. Teleported down, I was near a large castle in the Eastern style. The gate was open, and I passed through it without hindrance. I casted two protective spell based on chakra and magic, so I was hoping that they did not recognize me as Goa’uld. Although much is not expected.
I followed the path to the main house. Only through it I could get into the interior of the Palace. I went inside and quickly found a local resident. My experience with Orlik has taught me how to detect entities like him.
The ascendant appeared before me in the form of a Chinese monk in orange robes. It was not an illusion, but a material projection. Something similar could create my parasite. By the way, parasite sensing the ascended, began to scratch the seal that close entrance to its hole, just as the cat scratches at the door, sensing that the hostess butchering fish in the kitchen.
"Greetings, my immaterial friend.” I said hello.
“You seek unity with Desala?”
“No, I have my own harem. I'm looking for knowledge about the ascension. I am Imhotep, God of Knowledge.”
In parallel with the conversation, I launched diagnostic magic weaves, which were supposed to tell me who I was dealing with. Judging by the lack of reaction, the ascended not perceived the magic .
“Don't put barriers between yourself and place where you stay.” Monk said some sort of clumsy.
“In life, I follow a simple principle: what I see is mine. The whole world around me belongs to me, it is a part of me, and therefore there are no barriers between it and me.”
Apparently, the local warden did not like my answer, because he almost visibly frowned.
“By the way, do you have a name?” I asked.
"It is not the name that defines a man, but he himself.”
“I understand, not a fool. I call you ‘dude’.” I gave out rap-ditties in the style of eight-tail jinchuriki. “You know, dude, I'm interested in your unearthly wisdom, with which you rolled to such life.”
"You must trust to the world, and then it will lift you up.”
“I'm sure. But I am interested in the technical aspects of this process. I mean, the Ancients achieved ascension through technology, not through all this trifle talking, philosophy, and faith in Oma Desala.”
The smile faded from the monk's face, and he looked at me gravely.
“This path is forbidden now.”
“I'm not going to follow this path. But as a God of knowledge, I must know about it.”
“Your heart is filled with pride. Only in humility will you be saved.” The monk began to drive his philosophy to me again. No, I can't bear more such talkatives. I have studied all these religions and philosophies well enough to know what the preachers meaning.
"Believe in me and you will be saved.” I objected, rising into the air and surrounding myself with a Golden radiance. “Mortals like you can not understand the wisdom of God. Your way is to worship me. My way is to take care of you. Just as the shepherd takes care of every lost sheep, so I think of your good. Open your mind, put aside doubt. You will find peace of mind and joy of heart in me. Let Oma guide you on the path of devotional service to me.”
The monk lost the ability to speak from such a sermon, not expecting from me such impudence in the usurpation of the role of the enlightened. At this point, I cast a ‘subordinate spell’ on this monk. Spell gently entwined his consciousness, without affecting the typical patterns of thinking, but instilling boundless confidence in me. I have seen that this monk has great power. But not being able to sense the magical energy, he couldn't resist my power. In the same way, a peasant controls a bull by passing a ring through his nose. No matter how strong the bull is, he always follows where the rope pulls him.
Further communication with the ascended was a real torment to me. He strove to utter some profound phrase, instead of explaining everything in normal words. Apparently, in ascending process his language center suffered, so he could not communicate normally. Nothing, you'll be cured.
A couple of days later I teleported my harem to the planet, setting them in a castle with all the amenities. I sunk the Ha’tak in the ocean, where it was await my orders, for one serta search of deposits of naquadaq in ocean. Anyway to ascended this metal don’t need.
Life on the Kheb began to please me. The climate here was mild, the nature beautiful, the harem was under hand. The farming and harvesting, there were no problems because my simple robots of Ancient and magic was in my service. I can say that now I have a real vacation.
In parallel, I studied the ascended, pulling out of his mind information about the transition to another plane of existence, existence as the ascended, their society, rules and so on.
As it turned out, this individual was not Ancient. He was an ordinary monk in China since Qin Shi Huang. One day Oma Desala visited him and gave him the keys to the ascension. After the death of old age at the age of ninety-six years, the monk went into the energy form of existence. After some time, he settled on this planet doing 'processing' candidates for ascension.
As a rule, on this planet lived those whom Oma considered worthy to go to the 'second stage' of spiritual development. Such personalities were few, but from time to time they appeared. So my presence was not particularly outstanding. Even personal harem did not cause special complaints.
So I lived on the planet, burning day after day. Of course, I spent a lot of time and effort researching the ascended, but I didn't bother much either. A couple of times during this time, she visited us, Oma Desala, but I successfully disguised myself as a promising believer and did not cause suspicion.
Interrupted this sinecura telepathic call from Jack on my ties with him. I would even call it a ‘cry of despair’. So squeezing as sausage. Like it's not supposed to be anything important now. I scanned his mind and quickly located the address of the gate they had recently passed through. Then I teleported to the gate on the Kheb, went to the right address, and there immediately teleported a couple of kilometers to the Hiraishin seal on the Colonel.
“What's going on here?” I asked, looking around. I found myself in a meadow, where here and there in picturesque poses lay shooted Jaffa. Additionally there was corpses of earthlings.
“They... they killed each other.” Jack replied, staring at me with a mad look.
I went ahead and looked into the cloth tent with a claim to Royal execution. Inside was Teal'c corpse with hole in his head, Sha’re with her chest charred, and Daniel with a similar hole in his kidneys. The latter was still alive, though on his last legs.
“Save her.” He whispered, looking at his wife.
“How did you come to this?” I asked, casting a mind-reading spell on the only living witness.
The picture that appeared in my mind slightly clarified the situation. Daniel entered the tent and started a conversation with Goa’uld. She in response decided to torture him to death. Daniel used my fuinjutsu, but I didn't consider a couple of things. First, Sha’re not just paralyzed, she literally numb, frozen with outstretched hand. The very same moment Daniel twisted from recoil use of chakra. Some of this energy passed through his body, so he fell to the floor in a fit of pain.
At that moment Teal'c entered the tent. He looked down at Daniel and with a clear conscience slapped a charge from his gun to Sha’re into her heart. Daniel, of course, could not stand this, and in anger began to shoot to Teal’c, once in the vest. He responded with a shot to the stomach. Almost losing consciousness Daniel made the last shot to the forehead of the former Jaffa. The contest of skull and bullet ended with the victory of the last, and Teal'c, after brainstorming, decided to die.
In the end, Jack slipped in to the tent, saw the whole ‘Achtung’. Daniel gave him the important task of praying to me, convincing him that only I could save them. Right, bitch. What can I do? Being would never forgive me death of two main characters.
I cast a soul-holding spell on all three of them and turned to Jack.
“Get that meat to the Earth. I'll deal with them there.”
Once again scanning the surroundings, I noticed that share's soul was in the first stage of ascension. I suspected something like that, but I couldn't let it happen now. Another spell isolated the soul’s attempts to escape. Sorry, not on my shift.
Running up paratroopers grabbed the corpses and the wounded soldiers. We had to fight off another Jaffa attack on the way to the gate, but I did not hold back. Magic quickly turned two hundred mortals to ash.
On the Earth, I ordered to take the bodies to hospital. Daniel was already dead by now.
“What happened?” Dr. Fraser rushed to me with questions.
“They died.” I diagnosed it. “However, in their case it is not lethally.”
The first thing I did was Sha’re. I didn't need people remembering all that was done by Goa’uld named Amonet. First, I removed the snake from the body. First one fainted from the shock fuinjutsu, and then are unable to get out, choking with in its bearer. I disposed the worm. After that, I activated the resurrection spell, scanning the subject's memories in one selectively erasing them.
When she regained consciousness, she immediately began to call Daniel and ask where her child. Already unavailable to her memories, I realized that just a half hour before of my 'call', she sent the child to the Kheb. We missed the nurse, because she just did not have time to get to the castle.
Daniel was next in line. It was all very simple, because the body and soul were perfectly preserved thanks to the appropriate spells. Returning to life, he immediately rushed to his wife, with whom he began to hug, kiss and copulate. But last event did not happen, because there were a lot of witnesses, and the lovers got shy.
I decided resurrect Teal'c at last. His brain was torn to shreds, and Goa’uld ran away as they dragged him to the gate. I didn't keep track of the worm. I had to send my clone to Abydos to find a suitable symbiont.
When he awoke, Teal'c looked at me and said,:
“My God…” What? Maybe I connected something wrong in his brain? But another diagnostic spell is not revealed any pathologies. Meanwhile, Teal'c continued. “Oh ...Imhotep, let me serve you.”
He got out of bed and knelt down.
“You recognize me as your God?” I asked.
“Yeah. You are God! Your power is immense. After death, my soul was near my body, and I saw all the miracles that you did. It's not technology of Goa’ulds. This is the true power of the deity.”
"I'm glad that you finally realize my greatness, but I don't need slaves, warriors, and admirers. I returned my Jaffas to Chulak long time ago. You can just pray to me and continue your service as a member of the SG-1 team. By the way, can you tell me why you killed Sha’re?”
“She was Amonet. Every false gods must be destroyed. Their very existence is insult to you.”
"Only I decide, what is insult me and what doesn't insult.” I snapped.
“Of course, my God.” Teal'c bowed his head even lower.
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