《Soulstorm》Chapter 5 Surveying the changes


Chapter 5 Surveying the changes

I was the first of our small group to wake up, but since there was no need to wake them up I let the others sleep and used that time to further investigate the changes. Foremost the mist. I sit down and let all other my senses escape me, while fully concentrating on my soul.

The first thing that I noticed was of course the mist and then the souls of my companions. I noticed that they grew stronger and that there was a tiny flow of mist strengthening them. It seemed like it searched everywhere for a place to stay. The soulstorm was akin to a river that washed everything away that wasn't heavy enough.“I have to search for other people.” I though to myself.

Back to investigate the mist. Strangely most of the normally colourless mist had acquired a colour. Something I only saw if the soul was connected to something. I tried to absorb that coloured mist and noticed that the resistance from the absorption was bigger than from the normal mist. I also notice that it got physically colder as I investigate the changes I created. Could it be that the souls bound themselves to energy?

I wanted to try another experiment and took a piece of paper from one of the office tables. At first I failed with my attempt to gather soulmist around the paper, because I never really tried to manipulate it I only now noticed that I could only manipulate the mist if it was close to my soul. The range sucked. Only 3 cm.

But if I cant brute force it, I still can try the smart way and so I create a web out of my soul, which greatest gaps were still in my control zone. Then I surrounded the paper with it and started to pump soul mist into the sphere. At this point I didn't hold the paper by hand anymore, but instead made a ball with it and laid it down on an ashtray. As I collect more and more souls I notice that the mist slowly changes its colour to a more reddish hue. And then the paper bursts in flame.


“Its still a long way to go to a glorious fireball, mainly because I have no idea how to throw this soul mist, without it dispersing, but at least I don't need any lighters.” I though while releasing my net and watching the mist disperse.

“What are those tendrils and that mist you are playing with mister?” asked a childish voice behind me. Startled I turned around, only to see Emelie, the daughter of the small family, watching me intently. Her brother, Thomas, is still sleeping soundly.

“The waves I created woke you up right?” I ask. She nods. I think about it for a minute and come to the conclusion that the only reason, I didn't tell the whole group all about my experience concerning souls, was the reaction I got when I asked about their near death experiences. Since she could see it first hand I decided to teach her a bit about it.

“Try to concentrate on the sensation, which showed you what I did, and imagine how you pull the colourless mist in your body, don't take the coloured it could hurt you. There should already exist a small stream flowing in your body, which could show you how to do it right.” I explained.

As soon as I finished speaking she closed her eyes and tried to follow my instructions. I observed her with my soul and tried to guide her. Only after I collected a large lump of mist and force fed it to her soul did she succeed and was able to feed herself.

As I opened my eyes I saw Sarah watching us, as we sat across each other on the floor. “Thanks for teaching her how to meditate, she always loved those martial arts cartoons.” she said, misunderstanding that what I taught her daughter. “Hmm I have to show all of you something later, maybe it will teach you all something about what happened yesterday” I replied.


I returned to my 'meditation' and test some more things, until I hear how our two sleepyheads wake up. Then we begin our day by removing the barricade on one of the doors. While the others make a simple breakfast consisting of boiled potatoes I checked the depot for intruders and was relieved to find nothing out of the ordinary.

While eating breakfast I swore to myself to find and make a few of things, firstly a grindstone and an oven, to make bread, secondly chickens to get a source of proteins and lastly other vegetables than freaking potatoes, they may sate ones hunger, but they lack diversity in their taste.

After cleaning the few dishes that we found in the restroom/kitchen. I gathered everyone around me to demonstrate to them the might a soul could have in this new world. But all I could show them was a tiny flame, that seemed to defy all logic as 3 of the 4 could only see a small flame floating between my hands, seemingly without source and without anything feeding it. And the flame seemed to be cool to the touch, it actually cooled down its surroundings.

I created it by using the room temperature to separate CO2 into its components and then reverse that action. That lead to a conversion of heat to light. It was absurdly taxing and utterly useless in a fight. But it was convincing, convincing enough for the two adults to listen to my story about souls and the storm. I too taught them how to strengthen ones soul. But I didn't expect much from them right now, I am far ahead from them when it comes to soul-strength and it still seems impossible to defend myself with my soul alone.

As we concluded our small training session, we decided what we would do today. The small family would take the axe I found in their shack and forage the neighbouring houses for anything useful, while I would go into the city and scan the surroundings and the situation there.

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