《Soulstorm》Chapter 1 Return to a normal life


Chapter 1 Return to a normal life

“Something wrong?” asked the nurse as she saw my pulse quicken. I shook my head and tried to clear my throat. “I just remembered.” I said, trying to switch subjects. “Oh, sorry.” she replied, clearly thinking she triggered it.

“Nah, its okay. Rather what happened after I got hit?” I asked, wondering who paid for my stay and who called the emergency hotline, as I don't have many relatives and those that still live are rather distant, both emotional and regional.

“In short terms you were quite lucky, not only did you not receive any lethal injury, the driver also was unable to drive away and I bet he would have if he had been able to. Instead he had to call an ambulance, his father and an advocate. It was our snotty little town wannabe celebrity that hit you. His father was and still is furious about his sons misbehaviours and he paid for your treatments and as far as I know he also announced that he will compensate you for your pain and damage. So in short you managed to get a debt on one of the more decent rich persons in this country.” she explained.

While she explained my “luck” I examined her a bit. She looked late 40 with quite a common face and build, all in all an unspectacular person. What was more interesting was that her soul, it doesn't seem to leave the boundaries of her body, while I could will mine to leave it with a few tendrils, but it was a strange feeling and taxing to the mind.

As she finished her explanation I felt relief, relief that I don't have to worry about money for now and could take my time to get fit again. It seems I found a sliver of luck in this misery.


After talking a bit more with the nurse, about rehab and what is to come, I felt quite exhausted and decided to do what was my right as a sick person, to sleep.

Hours later I was woken up by a doctor, who came to make a check-up. As he finished and wanted to leave he told me I had a guest waiting and he would send him in. Guessing correctly I awaited my guest.

It was Mr. Heiss the owner of the biggest company in this country and father of a very unfortunate son, whose misbehaviours have been revealed or also known as my almost murderer.

He seemed a bit anxious as he started to talk. Which was understandable since he came here to discuss whether I would press charges against his son, which would end in quite a bit of jail-time for him, or if I would take his bribe and let it pass.

Inwardly I already decided that it would be wiser to take the bribe, as it would allow me to recover in peace and doesn't require me to direct my attention from recovery to the law court and the process, although I probably could milk more from him if I did.

Let's just say that his offer was convincing and I lost all my worries concerning my future monetary situation, rehab was also included in the deal. I felt like his son didn't deserve such a father that did everything to cover up his vile deeds.

After we came to a satisfying conclusion and after signing some papers, he left. The rest of the day passed without any major incidents, except additional check-ups and a brief meeting with a rehab trainer.

The next day, my rehab started and I finally learned the extend of my amyotrophia and the wounds I received. It wasn't as bad as I first though, I could stand, although only for a short time. None of my tendons was severely damaged in the accident, although some shortened due to being bed-bound for 18 months. The scars I received would also fade completely. My body was actually in quite a good condition, “So what caused my coma?” you may ask, the unpleasant answer is a blunt head trauma. I got really lucky my skull didn't break.


Anyway with that day an arduous month of rehab training began. In this time I learned quite a few things about my strengthened soul, for example I could use it to asses more of my body's strength.

I could use it to synchronize my muscles better, while also using more of them at a time, that came with a price of course. There is a reason why one can use only ~30% of a muscle at a time, in normal circumstances. The reason is wearout.

What an irony I learned a way to strengthen myself but by using it I destroy what I want to regain.

At least muscle-damage induces its regeneration, but it still hurts like the self induced torture it is.

Another thing I learned is redirecting my body's resources, it is a tricky job, but I can use that to hasten my rehab, although I have to eat like a glutton. Overall I gained really good control over my body and a sense I could use to detect almost all living organisms. The smallest were still out of reach though, but I could track an ant on the floor without looking at it. The reach of my new sense was only about 10 meters, which was limited by my ability to process what I felt, maybe I could reach farther, but I would have to focus on that alone and my 'field of view' would shrink.

After the month of rehab ended, I could finally take care of my everyday business on my own again.

And so I finally left the hospital and my first stop on my way home was a bank, where I confirmed the transaction of the bribe. Satisfied I got some money and went grocery-shopping, shuddering at the though of what horrors await me in my refrigerator.

It is strange how one can miss such normal things such as shopping, how witnessing death can change ones view on a normal live.

Returning to my apartment, my arms full with grocery I entered. I was shocked. It was cleaner than before I left. And then I saw a letter on my desk. It was from Mr. Heiss and explained that state. They searched for clues of any relatives or friends while I was in coma and then they cleaned the apartment. At first I was shocked of that intrusion in my private life, at second though it was the logical thing to do and so I shrugged it off, inwardly thanking the guy that saved me from the anger of growing fungi civilisations in my fridge.

After making pasta bolognese for dinner I settled down in front of my PC and planned what I should do from now on. I still had to strengthen my body, I was still weak, but at least not an invalid. It wouldn't make sense to resume my studies and I don't even know if I even could do that, since so much time passed. Honestly I don't think I needed them anymore, I studied to get a good job with good income, which I don't need anymore.

And so I came to the conclusion that from now on I should dedicate my life to my hobby's. Martial arts, gaming and a long time dream: forging. And of course studying that strange soul-sense.

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