《3D/2D: I Got Sent to a Fantasy World and Turned into an Anime Character?!》Prologue: Sojourn in an Empty Void


White. Endless white.

Within this solitary space, that could aptly be described as blank “stood” a lone “figure”. Highly unstable, “he” was constantly wavering between existence and un-existence. Like a candle at the mercy of the billowing wind.

But, despite this crippling condition, he still radiated a distinct aura of strength; an overwhelming presence. And will. Unyielding will. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why “they” feared him as much as they did.

As he was ruminating about idle thoughts (which was pretty much the only thing he could actually do in this blank void) another presence “entered”.

Unlike the first, this one did not give off that stifling aura of power. Still, “she” carried a distinct nature of her own. Serene – like the surface of an undisturbed lake; and no less majestic.

“So it’s you again. Why do you insist on coming back to pester me with your endless inquisitiveness? Are the ramblings of an exiled fool like me really that interesting?” the first one uttered with an annoyed tone.

She gave him a teasing smile and came nearer.

“There you go again with that attitude of yours. Couldn't you at least try to be a little less grouchy whenever I come to visit? I’m pretty much the only one who actually bothers you know.”

“Who do you think is making me this irritable?!” he exclaimed. He actually didn't hate her visits per se. Not that he would ever admit to that fact anyway. He was just worried for her. She wasn't supposed to come here. The price for getting found out was too high.

“My, my. Are you sure you want to keep that kind of attitude with me? I did go to the trouble of finding the main factor necessary for that plan of yours after all. A Counterpoint…”


An awkward silence followed soon afterward. He was visibly taken aback by the sudden announcement and countless thoughts raced through his mind like a river that finally flowed again after being dammed up for so long.

“…….You’re serious aren't you?” he asked in a trembling voice

Her smile deepened. She knew that would get his attention.

“You know me well enough to tell if I was being serious or not. Yes, I did find a suitable candidate. He might even exceed the initial requirements you set for your grand plan.”

A hint of amusement tinged her voice. She was elated that she was able to shake him enough to make him speechless. In all the time they've spent together until his banishment, he was the one who was always on top of things. Decisive and resolute; even in utter disgrace he kept his pride and dignity. It was one of the things she liked about him. She still did.

He was truly grateful for the news. But he still held some reservations about the matter. If it were true, then she would be an accomplice to the greatest of crimes, the gravest of sins.

“Why are you going this far? You know full well you will not be able to avoid their detection for long. And the price for this betrayal will not be cheap. This place isn't exactly paradise you know. You might even get it worse…”

A hint of concern came with his admonishment. He’d always had a soft spot for her. It was one of the things that kept him baffled even now.

“Would you be satisfied if I told you it’s because I care about you?” she said with nary a change in her expression.

“Spare me the thoughtless jokes.” he spat with a huff.


“___I wasn't exactly joking you know…” she thought – a slight frown marring her perfect features.

Letting lose an exasperated sigh, she conceded that there was little chance they’ll be able to be completely honest with each other. That was just how they were as individuals; always hiding their true thoughts and feelings with feigned ignorance or rough demeanor. And so, she decided to go with a convenient half truth. She spread her arms towards empty space and exclaimed.

“…As you know, there is only one thing “we” collectively desire above all else: Something interesting. It shakes our very core. It fills our very being. It reminds us of what we lost. And what we stand to gain.

It just so happened that my thoughts and methods for bringing this about began to diverge from the rest of “them”. It’s what attracted me to you. I mean, that IS the reason why they put you in here in the first place.”

She gave him a challenging look after explaining her motives.

The conviction in that statement could not be denied. He let out a sigh of his own knowing full well how, once she decides on something, she would stubbornly carry it through to the end. The fact that she was visiting him in this desolate “prison” despite the risks involved was proof enough.

“I assume from your tone that you’re just about ready to begin the plan?” he asked with a resigned tone.

“Actually, I've already made my move. There’s no stopping it now. Let’s see them try.” Her smile was back now. But it had hints of mischief mixed in. And traces of disdain.

Great anticipation filled him. Once again, after a seeming eternity of incarceration, he was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable feeling of utter excitement. The fire was re-lit and it would not be long until it blazed into a raging inferno that threatened to raze all in its path.

But he forcefully reined his emotions in check; which took no small effort. There would be time enough for drowning in the feeling of triumph. And that was after he actually did achieve all of his goals.

“___She’s always had a knack for riling me up…” he thought.

Giving off the impression of smiling bitterly, he fully composed himself once more and thought about what the commencement of his age old plan truly meant for him; for all of “them”.

“Will this prove to be the key to finally put an end to this delusional dream?” he asked with a voice tinged with longing. Yearning for that yet unfulfilled oath.

She looked towards the emptiness once again and replied in a soft and comforting tone.

“That remains to be seen. We’ll probably know soon enough anyway… We’ll make it this time. You’ll see… This time… for sure.”

And the cogs began turning…

-Prologue End-

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