《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 12 - Too Much!


What I found in the hole was a massive amount of Jermeth herbs.

"Massive? more like limitless, I can't even feel the bottom of this hole!"

Do I have '1000 luck'?

After I kept taking and taking the herbs and putting it in my 'Item box' it reached 'Jermeth Herbs 148/1000'

"Even though I have 148 of them it still isn't done!, Way too much!"

Why did the goblin collect a massive amount? is this why it's uncommon? It's probably this goblin's fault.

After collecting the rest it reached 182. But what I found after grabbing the rest was surprising.

7 Baby goblins. All sleeping. Goblins grow extremely fast so they probably just recently... I see, the one I killed earlier was its mother right? Did it try to kill me because I was getting closer to them? Yeah, right, I doubt it last time a goblin attacked me for no reason at all.

I decided to kill these 7 goblins. I mean they will try to kill humans eventually right?

With that, I cut their throats silently.

Skill acquired Assassination(LV1)

50 XP gained.

50 XP gained.

50 XP gained.

50 XP gained.

50 XP gained.

Level up!

50 XP gained.

50 XP gained.

I'm really surprised, I mean, I thought I would get like 5 XP or something, not the exact amount for killing an adult goblin. But Assassination? from killing baby goblins that were sleeping? That's a little embarrassing.

Alright, now I got 5 stat points and 2 skill points! I'm gonna save the skill points for later.

Ok, 5 stat points on luck.

Luck : 5

"I put points in luck because it could be useful in the future! It's a HUGE waste to put it in other stats since I can train them myself!"

Wisdom Increased by 1.


"Ohhhh this changes everything... I don't have to put points in wisdom as well? I mean I will in the future since it will be harder to increase right?"

While I was talking to myself, all the goblins disappeared .

"If I defeated some high-level monster in the future I better dismantle it quickly for resources and stuff."

Anyways time to go back to the city. BUT, I'm not gonna walk the I'm gonna run my fastest there the entire time. I might collapse but I'll get some stat points so its worth it!

30 minutes later.

Stamina Increased by 2.

Agility Increased by 2.

At the end of the line of people tryna enter the gate everybody watches me.

"Oiii is something wrong??? is there a hoard coming?

"Really a hoard????"

"N-no *Pant* *Wheeze* no hoard no...... no nothing sorry *pant* *pant*"

"Then why were you running like crazy? is there something chasing you?"

"NO! I'm just... tryna see my limits, ok? there's no danger. Once again sorry."

Everybody lets out a breath of relief.

"Geez, I though some big monster would show up, man..."

"No, ok? no high-level monster was following me I was just 'training' ok?"

"What do you mean by 'level'?"

"Huh? ah nothing my mistake"


I wait in the line like everybody else until it's my turn.

"Hi, sir, can I enter?"

It's a different guard.

"Show me some identification."

"uhhh" ....! "Here you go." I show him my guild card.

"Mmmm, Alright next!"

I didn't know I can pass with my guild card. Then, how did I enter last time? I know I put my hand on an orb and it showed I wasn't coming here with malicious intent then I was allowed to enter. But was that enough?

"Ah!, probably cause I'm 11 and the guard thought I wasn't tryna do something illegal, considering I also came here naked..."

Wisdom Increased by 1.

It's a good day today.

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