《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 11 - Herbs


Well then, Let's grab those herbs Immediately. I saw a bunch of them in the forest next to where I killed that goblin.

Those herbs were dark gray that's why it's so easy to remember.

I hear extremely loud laughter behind me. That I had to block my ears.

As I walk down the street. "I can't wait to get some decent clothes later. I'm getting tired of all these eyes on me... For god sake I don't even have shoes, let alone socks."

I reached the gate and I see the same guard that helped me out yesterday.

"Hey-" I don't know his name..."Hello there sir, thank you for the shirt yesterday."

"Oh, hey it's you from yesterday your throat is fine today huh? So what brings you here?"

"Oh, I accepted a quest from the Adventurer's guild to pick up some herbs"

"Ah!, I see, you are old enough, but be careful there's a bunch of wandering goblins nowadays."

"Thank you, I'll be back soon."

"Good luck."

I retrace my steps to where I came from. Took me 4 hours. Since I don't know 'Exactly' where I came from.

I found the spot where I killed the goblin.

"The herbs aren't here...? Did I make a mistake?"


Name : Jake

Race : Human

Level : 2

Titles : None

Exp Remaining : 300

HP : 100/100

MP : 10/10

Strenght : 2

Dexterity : 2

Stamina : 5

Agility : 6

Vitality : 10

Luck : 0

Intelligence : 10

Wisdom : 15

Skills : Inventory(LV1), HP recovery(LV1), Sneak(LV1), Appraisal(LV2)

Unique Skills : Extreme Growth(LVMAX), Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body, All Language Comprehension,

Stat points : 0

Skill points : 1

"This isn't fucking funny, my luck is normal but it's like I have '-10 luck'. I don't care once I level up again I'm raising my luck to 5."

"Fucking hell, I'm fucked. Should I go to a different city? Ahhhh..."


Let's just search for some maybe I can find 30 who knows.

2 hours later.

"I haven't found 1! 1!!!!!!! What is this bullshit? is it an uncommon herb? or a fucking Unique treasu-"


"Holy shit!"

Skill acquired 'Crisis detection(LV1)'

A goblin appears, it was hiding in a hole and it was covered in leaves.

'Inventory' I take out my knife and parry the strike the goblin made.

Huh? why am I so calm in this situation?

The goblin rushes me with his knife trying to pierce me.

I side step. I'm not falling for that again.


'Miss'? even that happens huh? No time for that.

I use my knife and pierce his head. The goblin drops on the ground and dies.

'50 XP gained'

"I feel bad killing this thin-" The feeling instantly disappears.

"What is happening to me? My mind always calms down immediately when something happens."


I appraise everything and I found what is happening.

'Gamer's Mind

Calm's the mind'

I'll have to wait when my appraisal level is higher so I can get more information.

"Right now it's level 2 if it was level 1 I bet would it say something like 'Gamer's mind, the mind'"

Anyways, the goblin dropped 35 copper coins but this time no knife.

"How weird the goblin's body is still here. Let's wait awhile."

5 minutes later.

It disappeared now, wait could it be that it takes awhile to disappear because it gives me time for me to like take body parts and shit? Like say I kill some pig and just leave it there, it will disappear but if I take it and cook it or place it in inventory will it not disappear? I have a lot to experiment in the future.

"Oops, I forgot I have to find the her- wait, what's that?"

I look inside the hole that the goblin made to surprise attack me. And what was filled inside surprised me.

"I... don't know what to say..."

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