《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 6 - Unknown Language


Is he gone? I don't have the feeling of being watched anymore. FINALLY, I don't have to act stupid anymore. I thought he would be bored if I kept the act going ALL the time.

Mmmm but what do I do now...

"Brushu dobo dade ka?"

Huh? no no no no please no.

"Huko des juu disloo ta"

Are you FUCKING kidding me!??!??! what do I do now????? I don't understand shit!!! NOOOO! it will take me up to a year just to understand that language.

A man 'probably a guard' walks up to me and says.

"Doko juae mata sora deshta bono?"

Mmmm... what to do... Ah!

I point to my throat.

"ahhhhhh dujus kousa tuu ma?"

I didn't understand a word but I know it was on the lines of 'ahhhhhh your throat hurts?' or 'ahhhhh you can't speak?'

I nod


He throws me a shirt way too big for me but it hides everything.

Then he walks away... wait he walks away? I mean thanks for the shirt and all but- oh he probably wants me to follow him right? is that what he said when he handed me the shirt?

I follow him, hopefully, I'm right.

As I'm following him everyone looks at me with hateful eyes.

They are probably thinking 'what the hell why does he get to skip the line?' or 'why was the kid naked?'.

If that person or I assume a god since he sent me to this world, if he was not watching me I woulda just made something to wear out of leaves or something I mean hey it's better then nothing right? I'm glad he got bored of me, he probably thought I would die soon enough, that's why he left 'probably'. thought it's a nasty feeling being watched 24/7.


As soon as I reach the gate the 'guard' pulls out a white orb the size of a basketball and sais.

"Brolu hestu"

Yeah, sorry buddy I don't know what you said. But I assume I have to put my hand on it, right?

Just in case I raise my right hand and point using my left hand.

He nods

I bet this thing shows if you committed a crime or something.

As soon as I put my hand on it, the orb turns green and a piece of paper comes out of it and lands on the 'guards' hand. The orb turns back to white.

He looks at the paper then smiles.

"Ushoto soma ta oizo to"

He hands me the paper.

Yup, don't understand it... But I see 11 on it so I guess it showed my name my age and if I committed a crime?

"Gusho to lola tu seata gota frot maz tana ikota tora"

Then he smiles.

I don't know what he said 'obviously' so I just nod.

I walk into the town I look back and the guy has a puzzled look on his face. He probably wanted me to stay so he can search for my family with him? or he's expecting a fee to enter? I don't know I gotta learn this language as soon as possible.

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