《Heroes of Jorg》Chapter 11- The Meeting
Heyya Guyssss,
Author here, so sorry for anyone who are really looking forward to the academy arc, i still havent finished the training arc so i think the academy arc will start in about 2 chapters or so.
I am quite sorry if the pacing of the story is not to your liking but, tbh i really hate fictions which give their characters powers that are way too op way too quickly. So i will make this fiction loooonnnng and pleasant.
I want to ask you guys on better way to get more people to read my fics. Right now i am hoping to have at least 50 followers for both my fictions and if you have any ideas please tell me.
I think i figured out that i stuck at writing synopsis so if anyone wants to help that would be awesome....
Dont forget to rate and stuff (i dont think i say this enough lol)
and still looking for a PR
Check out my fictions:
http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1658 - Avalon
http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1556 - Heroes of Jorg
Galahad’s POV:
I was now 12 years old and about 5 foot 4 inches with my braid as always right beneath the base of my spine. I was vigorously training, and was seething with rage and anger. I have only felt this way once before, same time last year. I didn't have my white cotton shirt on, instead I was bare back, training in the compound away from the castle. I swung Longinus to a straight slash downwards, and then did the compressed air attack back. I was practicing the first stance of the Spear God style, Stalwart Spear.
My body was profusely sweating and the sweat quickly turned to steam from the intense heat my body was releasing. I was only 12 years old, but had a layer of muscle on my body. The muscle was not big bulging like Uther, but was compacted and tight, filled with explosive power. I was doing sweeps and kicks at an invisible opponent. I figured out that my meditation allowed my brain to evolve in such a way that it could project the image of an opponent of my choosing, and help train faster. I always thought of Luthor when doing my self-practice, and he would beat me every time. I no longer have the gravity ring, me and Arty graduated to a state where 20 times our gravity will not affect us. Only an “A” ranked earth mage could affect us with gravity anymore.
I was furious, as today the High Magus has come to visit the Pendragons with a legion of other Nobles to celebrate Arty’s birthday. It was my birthday too but we celebrated it this morning with a cake, I was extremely happy with a small celebration, as even having a delicacy like cake was somewhat of a banquet to me. Luthor has already left giving me the book with the spear god style, which I have completely memorized and burned straight away. He has left to do some training trying to achieve the ‘SSS’ rank. My training with him had finished, as I am quite proficient at the royal spear fighting, and was steadily progressing in the first stance. I could now beat Arty, who had also reached similar proficiency with the sword. I could only beat him because of my unnatural stamina due to my regeneration.
It burned my insides to think that the High Magus bastard was so close but I could not even touch him. The first time he came on Arty’s 11th birthday, I was willing to put my life on the line to at least try to injure him, I was at the ‘D’ level as a warrior the same as Arty, but no where close to touching a ‘A’ rank like him. Luthor had to strike me unconscious to get me to stop.
But I now have more control, and to release my anger I was training, training a lot trying to block out the lights and the blaring music that was coming from the majestic hall, in the Lionsden castle. I was releasing my anger, through training and released a baleful aura around me. As I was training I heard a small little scream that was almost completely blocked by the music but I could with my trained ears hear a small stifled yelp.
I returned Longinus; quickly and swiftly jumped over the hedge, to see a small girl with her foot stuck, in between two giant rocks I left during my previous training session; in a twisted way, presumably broken or sprained, her leg was throbbing. Her face was covered with mud and her red dress was caked with it as well. She was crying and screaming but no one seemed to hear her. The girl had beautiful flowing luscious brown hair, similar to that of my sisters paired with her unnaturally bright red eyes. She was absolutely stunning I thought, not even bothered by her muddy face.
I walked closer to her, slowly pacing so to not alarm her. She noticed me, but then had a puzzled look on her face, before she blushed beet red. I noticed that I was not wearing a shirt, but I didn't have one on me so I pretended to not notice and crouched next to her.
I looked at her face; from the gaps in the mud I could see her skin was clear and milky, looked so supple. I quickly stopped my hand from reaching out to brush the mud off.
“Do you need a hand,” I said using the Leo dialect, that Queen wait Mother Lorelai was teaching me.
“Yes, I am Reina Valdergrath, heir to the Valdergrath house. Please help me and I am sure my father would handsomely reward you,” she said with a meek voice afraid I would do something to her, or refuse to help her.
I couldn't help myself from laughing this little girl in her dirty, and muddy state was asking me to help her and offered a reward in return, the whole sight was comedic.
Reina’s POV:
I hate that boy! He is such an imbecilic idiot thinking he could do that to me. I was truly angered by Arthur’s actions. It was his birthday and we had come to celebrate. I came hoping to further my relationship with him, in hopes that our future marriage will be smooth. I was his fiancé after all. Our betrothal was not public information, as uncle Uther was afraid that the other nobles would perceive it as showing favor to one house.
I wore my best dress, a glittering red dress, with ribbons and even a small red crown. I was beautiful my mother said. We walked in through the castle gates, to see an awe inspiring beautiful hall, lit with chandeliers and filled with people from Noble houses. There were musicians, and dancers. It was a truly similar to a celebration. Arthur was right in the middle of a big group of children, mostly girls and was quite enjoying their company that he failed to see me even come in.
I walked to the group, and tried to get Arthur’s attention. But he only gave me small nod before going on to flirting with the other girls. They all revered Arthur, how could they not, he was a prince, who was charismatic, witty, and most of all extremely handsome. His medium length silver hair paired with his bright blue eyes would have any girl feel weak in the knees.
“Happy birthday Arthur, I trust you are having a nice time,” I said.
“Thank you lady Reina, hope you have wonderful time here.” He replied.
He then went back to chatting with the girls giving them flirtatious winks and grins. None of the boys seemed to mind and deemed Arthur to be their leader, laughing at his jokes like bunch of sheep following whatever their leader does. Arthur was making every girl blush, and was paying no attention to me whatsoever. Arthur readily avoided talking to the boys, he seemed less than interested and actually showed quite a lot of disdain towards the Heir of house of Aerie. Why did I wear my favorite dress for this idiotic jerk I thought trying continuously to start conversation with him.
I was visibly infuriated my father told me that that's just how boys are and that I should take it easy. I grew up my whole life knowing that I would become the wife of the king and that I should compose myself as a queen should have. I had to take rigorous learning’s, in politics, law and even learn various dialects. I was even told that I had to be a strong queen so my father has started teaching me the Valdergrath rapier techniques. I was extremely proficient with the Rapier making fighting and dodging beautifully. My father said I was a genius born only every 100 years, and that I would become a great beautiful warrior queen.
I was even more annoyed. Why cant he take my side, I dressed up for that idiot. I sneaked out through the back gate into the gardens, trying to cool myself off. I was only 12 years old why was I getting so worked up about it, I thought to myself. I am not like those idiotic noble daughters fawning over the prince’s every word.
I slowly walked through the compound, through the beautiful gardens, and the winding paths. The Pendragons were said to have one of the most beautiful gardens in the entire kingdom. I was visibly enthralled by the beautiful vista’s. There were luscious green foliage, the beautiful clear waters that gave of a slight misty vibe. Slowly I walked mesmerized, and small Glowflies raised up, it was picturesque the Glowflies reflection in the clear waters coupled with the scenic vistas. I hoped I had come with the idiot Arthur it would have been truly romantic.
I was so mesmerized I didn't notice that there were 2 giant rocks blocking my path. And put my leg right in between them, I took another step and my leg twisted in an exceedingly ugly manner, and I felt a sharp pain going from my ankle. I saw that the bone had broken, and screamed unable to bare the pain. I was stuck and in a lot of pain. I fell down unable to endure and my dress became exceedingly dirty, the dirt had gotten into my dress. I was scared now the picturesque view before no longer captivated me, tears were streaming down my face. I tried to wipe of the tears and the dirt further stained my face. I was scared, dirty and in a lot of pain.
And then I saw him…
He had a long golden braid, which swayed side to side as he walked and he was not wearing a shirt. He had an extremely handsome caring face, and his bare body I could from the faint glow from the Glowflies see that it was quite slender, but had a layer of muscle that was covered in sweat. But the most remarkable thing about him were his beautiful silver eyes, they were warm caring but at the same time felt like they could pierce through my very soul.
Compared to my own sorry state, I was quite embarrassed and blushed beet red.
He crouched down next to me and asked.
“Do you need a hand,” he surprisingly used the Leo dialect considering he wasn't wearing anything of expensive value.
I was scared he would leave me or even kidnap me, he didn't look like an evil boy but I couldn't be sure. I quickly composed myself maybe my name would have some effect on him. I needed his help.
“Yes, I am Reina Valdergrath, heir to the Valdergrath house. Please help me and I am sure my father would handsomely reward you,” I said trying to instill some fear into him.
He chuckled trying to stifle a laugh. Before bursting out laughing.
“Hahahaha,” he bawled.
“Wha…”I muttered.
Arthur’s POV:
Today was my 12th birthday and we were having a banquet to celebrate all the noble houses were invited, and I was sure as hell excited to finally meet some of the other nobles I will ruling in the future.
One after the other a horde of nobles came with their children in tow. I saw all the beautiful mothers and wives of the nobles and used it as reference to try to imagine what their children would be looking like in the future. I was delighted to know there are many of these girls were quite beautiful. I was gonna have quite the bit of fun in the future. I would also rule them, and I needed to cement my relationship with them now so in the future they won’t cause trouble. The girls were surprisingly easy a few flirtatious looks and grins were more than enough to have them faun over me. I myself found it easy to bond with the boys as well, they never looked at me as friends and would always look at me as leader, I would crack a joke and they would laugh regardless of whether it was funny or not. It was actually quite amusing to be the popular one.
I then saw Reina walk in with her family, the Valdergraths. She was beautiful to say the least. I was going to talk to her when followed by the Valdergraths, the house of Aerie arrived. These were the bastards who killed my friend’s family. They walked in and went to greet my father. The twins of the Aerie house, Leonel and Lucrezia walked towards the group and conversed. They were quite the enigmatic duo. Leonel with his medium length black hair, his playful and piercing gaze, would stir quite a lot of the girls hearts. Lucrezia was what you would describe as the ideal ice cold beauty, who thought way too highly of herself, she would not give me any attention always scanning the room trying to find something interesting .I was quite angry with them, thinking of Gala and did not even give them a glance.
The Aerie house was often regarded as one of the three main houses of the Human country of Orlanth. The Pendragons, The Valdergraths and The Aeries.
I then kept talking and conversing with the girls, and the boys. I didn't even notice that Reina had left, not that it bothered me but when I saw her comeback with her dress covered in mud, I guessed that she fell while taking a walk.
“Are you okay lady Reina,”I said going up to her.
“None of your concern Arthur,” she said and with her parents quickly left the banquet.
What was her problem?
Galahad POV:
I couldn’t stop from laughing; this girl in her sorry and pained state was ordering me. I quickly regained my composure and looked at her leg, trying to see the damages. I saw that the leg had swollen quite a bit and the blood flow was cutting off due to it being stuck in between the boulders. She probably isn’t able to feel her leg anymore. The boulders were what I used to train now each weighing about 250kg.
“Looks like you got yourself hurt,” I said.
“Help me you idiot, how long do you expect me to stay in this sorry state,” she pouted.
“Alright let me see,” I used each of my hands, to slowly push the two boulders, at the same time using each of my hands for each boulder. Away from her and her leg slowly fell to the ground.
She was awestruck at my power. It isn’t everyday you see a boy of 12 pushing two boulders away of that weight. I slowly crouched down carefully observing her leg.
“What are you doing, quickly call someone over,” she said frantically.
“Ok don't panic alright, I am going to touch your leg.” I said.
“Wait, why would you do that,” she said thinking I might hurt her.
I slowly moved my hand and touched the swollen region in her ankle. To my surprise the injury was surprisingly drastic. Well she did stick her legs in between boulders and tried to pull it out. My mind went into to overdrive. A small line of light magic, seeped into her bones covering them observing anything wrong with them. I quickly analyzed the injury, referring to my prior knowledge:
Talus Fracture:
The talus bone is one of the most important bones that make up the ankle joint. The talus is a compact bone that sits between the calcaneus (heel bone) and the tibia and fibula (bones of the lower leg). Much of the talus is covered with cartilage, a smooth, slippery substance that provides cushion and allows these bones to move more freely against each other. Because the talus is a primary connection between the bones of the ankle, a fractured talus can severely limit the ability to walk and bear weight.
As it is only a small fracture in this case, properly aligning the Talus bone and accelerating the healing properties should work.
I quickly cut of the sensory nerve and aligned the bone properly and accelerated the healing properties.
“zrýchlil regenerova” I whispered
Her leg instantly felt better and she was thoroughly surprised. I picked her up princess style and set her down on the bench next to the clear water lake.
“How dare you touch me you im..im..imbecile,” she muttered blushing so much she almost looked like a small tomato. That gave me the giggles a little.
“So young lady, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be inside.” I asked.
“Yes, I should be but I don't think I can walk yet,” she muttered. She probably still thinks she is injured.
“Why don't you try walking,” I asked.
She slowly got up visibly surprised; she then started jumping up and down pacing back and forth. What a strange girl I thought.
“How did you heal me,” she asked, full of confusion.
Oh shit. I healed her, if she find out I can do magic, that will be troublesome to say the least. Holy moly I messed up big time. I quickly got up and ran away swiftly jumping back over the hedge and disappearing into my room in the compound.
“Heeeyyyy where are you going, At least tell me your name,” she called.
I gave her no answer...
Reina’s POV:
I quickly rushed back into the banquet, I had washed my face before at the clear waters so I was no longer in as much a sorry state that I was. Arthur came to me to try and help but I was still mad at him.
I could see the other noble girls stifling a laugh, but I didn't care. I asked my parents and together we left. I was still confused. I didn't know of anyone in history who was able to do healing magic at the age of 12, and he had done it with no visible reaction to himself, unlike a Friar who takes on the injuries. For that matter magic in general was prohibited to anyone under the age of 13. I didn't know what’s what anymore. In the following days I asked my father if he had known any boy who had a long golden braid and he said no saying no one in the Pendragon family had golden hair. No one in the whole castle had golden hair.
I didn't know what to think. Who is that boy? Why can’t I get him out of my head? Every time I close my eyes I would see his hauntingly beautiful silver eyes. I started to believe he was my guardian angel, his golden hair and his silver eyes, I could be right I thought.
Who is he?
Galahad’s POV (the day after the banquet)
I didn't tell anyone about my meeting with the Valdergrath girl. I didn't want to cause Lord Uther further complications. I was sure she would forget about me.
But today I wasn't that concerned of that girl. Arty and I turned 12 years old yesterday and turning 12 meant magical beasts. Today is the day Arty and I are going to find our magical beasts from the forest of the west and it was going to be awesome…
Hey guys didnt want to spoil before, so i didnt ask but..
What do you guys think Gala and Arty's magical beasts should be gimme a good suggestions will ya.
I already thought of something different for Gala but Arty i am not sure yet.
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