《Heroes of Jorg》Chapter 8- Spear God
Hello guys croppingprince8 here,
sorry for anyone i have offended for using scenes from some of my beloved books, it was not my intention to anger anybody, i would gladly stop posting this ff if it offends anyone i am extremely sorry.
I have only used scenes of the meeting between "Gala and Leonel", and the notion of being stuck in thorns in my ff, which i have been inspired by the two wonderful stories.
"Demon King" by Cinda Williams Chima and
"Prince of thorns" by Mark Lawrence
I figured as the whole point of a fanfiction is implementing your own ideas into existing story to create your view of the particular world, i thought using a catalyst similar to that of those in the stories was justified. I did not belive that by using similar scenarios, to develop my story i would offend anybody.
If i have offended anyone i am extremely sorry, special apology goes to Malikus, who i feel i have particularly wronged as i may have upset him with my implementation of similar events from his beloved novels.
I can assure you that i have only used those two scenarios, and that the rest of my fanfiction is as original as it can be for a re:fanfic.
Please tell me if you wish for me to stop posting this fanfic,
and please tell me if you wish for me not to stop posting on this website
I will decide to post or not to post depending on the comments you give me, i have already thought of the story up to the chapters 40 and would really like to continue with your permission thankyou.
Please enjoy the latest chapter below.....
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Galahad POV:
We were at the top of cliff looking over the horizon, the view was beautiful breathtaking. I was standing close to edge gazing at the setting sun, its red tinge covering the city in a red blanket. Arthur was standing next to me, as always he had his wide grin on him, looking over the horizon.
“One day, Gala, One day I am going to rule over this place…”
“I know, Arty, I know.” I said, using a nick name I came up with, he didn't seem to like it but who cares.
“I want you to help me, I want you to become my sword, become my will, let us together make the most peaceful, prosperous city in the continent.” Arthur said, his grin turning into a determined smile, I had only seen this look on him once, When he vowed to dispel the human country of the bandits.
A promise he made to me.
“Arty, I don't even know what the future has in store for me, I don't know what our lives will be like later graduating from the academy in 10 years.” I said. To be honest, I did want to change this land with him, I did want to make this country into something that the other kings would be envious of, but…
I did not know if fate still had something in store for me, and if the past is any indication, it seemed to want to take from the people I most love, the people I want to protect. My mind was a mess I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell Arty anything, but I knew, at the same time GOD wanted me to do good in this world.
“Alright Arty, lets do this I will help you,” I said. I didn't know if I could escape fate again but next time a calamity occurs in my life, sure as hell I will not let anyone I love die, I will protect them, I will become strong, stronger than anyone on this continent, stronger than the SSS ranked warriors, and I will become stronger than the gods.
I looked at the distant sun, stretched my palm out to it and clenched my fists. I will become powerful I thought to myself.
We returned to the palace right on time, to find that Uther and Namean, had been waiting for us. I looked at Uther who had an unusually giddy and almost devilish grin on him. I knew that grin. I had seen it before, it was when he first proposed us a way to climb the cliff. I knew something bad was coming…
He congratulated us on completing the first task of climbing the cliff, he then continued to explain the next phase of training.
“Now that you have completed the first phase, we will move on, the next phase is exactly the same as the one before, you will be climbing the cliff with Namean giving some motivational pats on the back…”
I coughed when he said motivational pats, each of his pats, destroyed my shoulder joints, 5 ribs and ripped open some of my tendons, if it wasn't for my enhanced healing I might have died from my bones breaking off and lodging themselves into my heart.
“You will only do it while wearing these rings this time.” He handed to us two rings which instantly, tightly grasped our finger.
We didn't feel anything at the beginning until, Uther said, “gravitácie aktívny” me and Arty suddenly fell to the ground, almost getting pushed towards the floor by an unnatural force that was like the weight of the world was resting on our shoulders. I was on one of my knees with every ounce of my will to stop myself from eating the dirt on the floor. Arty didn't fare better under the immense pressure Arty held on for 10 seconds before he coughed up blood, and collapsed on to the ground. I couldn't hold on anymore, I slowly crawled under the immense pressure towards Arty, crawling with all my might, I needed to get that ring off him. I couldn't believe that his own father the king would do such a thing to his own son, I was about one meter away from Arty when I could no longer hold on and I was unconscious again.
I woke up in the healing halls, the Friar was looking at me,
“Boy you seem to come to this place a lot, have gone fond of this old Friar…”
I gave him a quick glance before frantically searching for Arty, he had to be okay, i would never forgive myself if another one of my beloved people passed away.
“Sir, please tell me where is Arthur, I need to see him, please sir,” I pleaded.
“Child you worry not for yourself but for others…hmmm…maybe you have what it takes to heal people, child you want to learn healing magic. Also do not worry he is fine, the king would never let anything happen to his heir, he dotes on him too much, ahahahah,” he looked at me and continued
“Boy you were affected by 100 times your own gravity, I have never seen someone withstand that, even our king who was called a genius at that time instantly fell unconscious, to see a boy withstand it for 1 second is a miracle but the kings son withstood it for 10 seconds, that was unheard of, he would become a terrifying existence…” he then looked at me, as if I were an enigma something he could not understand an outlier of sorts.
“But you boy, you managed to not only withstand it for a whole of 30 seconds, and you were able to move to try and help your friend. Boy you may be the most abysmal, terrifying and paradoxical existence in this whole continent, you would make a great change to this world child, I can feel it…” he looked at me with awe and a hint of fear.
I couldn't blame him, I felt as though my body was healing itself continuously, and was being destroyed at the ame time by the pressure, I felt a though once again my regenerative abilities grew, they were steadily becoming faster and healing at a greater rate but, with this just one horrifying experience it seemed to have exponentially grew becoming almost 50% stronger.
“Boy to be honest, I didn't even need to mend your broken blood vessels or clear out the various blood clots that I had to do for the young prince, your body seems to heal itself continuously, child I have never seen anything like it. What are you?”
The atmosphere was getting rather, intrusive for me; I did not intend to reveal my history to anyone on this planet let alone, someone I barely knew. I slowly tried to slip away from him edging to the bed.
“Boy you need not tell me your secret it is fine, but child I was wondering if you are interested in healing magic. I feel as though you may have a knack for it what do you think..” The Friar said eyes filled with determination.
“I do not know friar, if it helps me save people I more than happy to learn it, I would like to become someone able to protect the ones I love.”
“I can see resolve in your eyes child, let me tell you healing magic is not something meant for the faint of heart. It tests your very limits of your soul, when doing healing magic you take on the ailments of the person you are healing, and imbue them with your own mana, to help accelerate the regenerative properties. What do you think child do you have resolution to learn this magic.” He questioned me.
I thought back to the thousands of soldier who I had fought beside, their open wounds, their blood oozing from the mounds of flesh that would be taken out just from a simple barrage of bullets. I thought back to stench, the gore, the disgusting sight of the rotten bodies of our comrades we had to burn, just so we would not catch any diseases. I thought back to various times when a soldier would sleep never to wake up as he had gotten an infection, from the slightest of cuts and the army could not afford the luxury of a tetanus shot.
I had not only gone through the military just as a soldier, but prior to it I was a medical students studying how to save people. That to me was the epitome of humanity, to be able to save a life, the look a person would give you just because you relieved them from immense pain.
This man was willing to teach me such sacred magic, the magic to save a life, the magic to reduce your loved ones pain. I nodded.
“Friar, please teach me ways to save a person,” I said, my resolute tone caught the Friar of guard even his aides, and apprentices did not have such unyielding eyes, full of drive.
“Come to me later tonight after your training with Lord Luthor, I will introduce, you to the ways of a healer.” He said before walking away. I was sure I noticed a skip in his step; I guess there was no demand for healer in this world, I thought.
“What took you so long child !” Luthor yelled.
“Sorry, master I was talking to the Friar and the time got the better of me, I am ready to receive any punishment you deem necessary,” I said.
“Alright run around my estate 10 times and come back, before the hour passes, if you are unable to come I will cancel todays training!” he said.
I ran faster than ever before, I did not want to fall behind, every lesson gave me an opportunity to further my dodging capabilities, I had just been able to move my body effectively and build up enough stamina to dodge 900 projectiles of rocks of all different sizes, but that was no reason to slack off, the more resolutely one trains the more progress he would have I thought.
The estate of the Pendragons was not something to be squandered about, it was immensely enormous and the whole estate would have a circumference of about 10 kilometers, but my body’s power had grown exponentially from the pressure from the ring and my previous time of just finishing ten runs in an hour, had changed to being able to do the whole course in less then 45 mins.
I returned to find that master was quietly meditating, trying to find ways to train himself to make himself stronger. I learned from master that after reaching the level of an “S” rank warrior or mage one would no able to no longer be able train in the usual method of just continuously practicing but they would have to meditate hoping for a sudden insight in a method to train or enhance their power. Luthor in the past was famous for finding a meditative method that had given him such insights into his Spear God style that he would be able to create a spear capable of defeating any other normal “S” ranked warrior or mage from just any old object. His most famous battle was the, dubbed the “battle of the stick” where he defeated the king of the demon country with just a stick on the ground, and with just one movement of his hand.
When he saw me his eyes suddenly opened and I noticed that there was a swirling mass of green and brown dots encircling his eyes.
“Gala you seem to have returned quiet early, I am surprised your power seemed to have grown not in a small amount. You must be a peak stage “D” level warrior now…a boy of 10 reaching such a stage that was never heard of, “ he said, he seemed to have a hint of pride in himself, he must surely be proud of his apprentice.
“Now that you are able to dodge every projectile your foot movements seem to have the necessary skill to start learning the Spear God style.” He said
“Finally, master it has been long overdue, learning that Arty is already learning some of the advance moves of the Sword God style was aggravating me a little,” I said chuckling.
“Alright put this ring on your finger,” He said, handing me the same ring that Uther had given which almost destroyed every blood vessel in my brain.
“Master, I haven’t done anything wrong, I do not understand why Arty and I had to go through such immense pain. I am not questioning your intellectual authority I would just like to know your thought process.” I inquired.
“Boy, this ring is not a torture devise, it is ring that was made by an artisan friend I met on the shores of the endless sea, right south on the border of the human country. He was not big in stature but he had best skills as a crafter and an artisan I had seen on any being in this continent.” He said.
I concluded that this so called artisan must have been a dwarf from the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, he seemed to have somehow ended up on shore and befriended master. Of course I could not tell master that, the secret of this world, and its knowledge is not something that I should be possessing.
He continued, breaking my train of thought saying “This ring child is imbued with strong gravity magic, and can only be activated by an earth style magus, when activated it would increase the amount of gravity on a person by a degree of your choosing. Uther under my advice tested you by increasing your gravity by 20 times your normal rate. I was surprised at your resiliency you withstood it for 30 whole seconds, if a normal boy of your age went through that he would die in an instant..” he said not batting an eye.
“Master with the possibility of our death, why would you risk such a thing, I understand if it is me, but your grandson went through the same thing.” I said, I was somewhat angry at master for almost killing my friend.
“Child, you are not to address me with that tone; I would never test you if I was not sure of your survival, you are of utmost importance to me. We have in our employment an “A” level light style magus, the Friar of the healing hall. Although light style magic is extremely destructive able to disassemble particles at the highest level, but the Friar not only trained in its destructive path, but also in its restorative part as well. He has reached such lengths in his healing techniques that he is able to even regrow a severed arm if he pleases.”
I was stunned, light style magic was the basis of restorative magic! From the image god had given me I had assumed that light style magic was destructive beyond measure. I had seen the phoenix use it destroy the ground it walked on just from its collateral damage. I saw that the power the phoenix would use, unlike the power of Jormungandr which would consume the life out of the world itself, the phoenixes power would meld with nature not disturb it, the magic would not pass through obstacles it would destroy its existence completely, to maintain balance to erase its enemies.
“Anyway getting back to your training child, I have given you this ring a starting now every 5 months I will increase the gravity that's on you,” he said.
“gravitácie aktívny” he muttered the same chant Uther used. I felt the gravity increase on me, it was almost 3 times my gravity right now, but there was no such drastic increase which sever the various membranes in my brain.
“Child you will do each and every activity you do from now till the end of your 3 year training wearing this ring, you will train, and you will redo the hells cliff again until I see that you have the body of a peak stage “C” level warrior. I will only take it off for 1 week when the two of you go to the forest in the west to acquire your magical beast companion,” he said.
“Gala the 5 prime fighting techniques are not something of a complete book of how to fight with that particular weapon, each style only consists of 7 stances, and you would have to pair it with the royal technique of the particular weapon passed down from the royalty of each race’s first blessed king to learn it. For example the human Sword God style that young Arthur trains in is not a manual on how to fight with a sword, but is to be learnt in conjunction with the royal fighting techniques in order to learn how to properly use the power of each of the stances. Each of the stances are an ultimate attack of the sort if your normal royal sword fighting was a common attack, the 7 stances would each be an ultimate. Most noble families have 2 or 3 ultimate attacks at most, maybe 5 if they are of a high noble house but what makes the 5 primes it special is that the each of the 5 prime fighting techniques’ stances in itself are equivalent to the combined power of the 5 ultimates of a high noble house. The 5 prime fighting techniques use not only brute force but also use, insights into the laws of the weapon to further become destructive in force.”
“The blessed kings of the first generation were extremely cautious to not let their descendants learn their legendary 7 stances if they were deemed incompetent. I myself was deemed unworthy to learn the human Sword God style as my father deemed me unworthy..”
I was surprised by the severe restrictions placed on the information of fighting techniques in this world. It seemed that if not having a noble house it is incredibly hard to have any sort of higher-level training methods, no wonder no one from the slums could ever ascend to the realm of an “A” ranked warrior. I was also surprised that Luthor had been “unworthy” by his father’s standards.
“Gala the Spear god style contains 7 stances like all the other 5 prime fighting techniques, I will only have time to demonstrate to you this stance as I believe even with your talent you will only master it in 3 years, the Spear God style does not allow for skipping stances to get to the most powerful 7th stance. I will give you the book I was given to practice this style once you manage to perfect this stance. I will also teach you the royal Spear Fighting style of the magical beast royalty, which will take up most of your training time.”
I was puzzled how had a human like Luthor managed to get a hold of such material when he clearly is not a magical beast.
“Master, how did you manage to acquire such a rare book when you are clearly a human…”
“Hmmm…Gala trust me it was not easy, I was ummmm…”in favour” with the princess of the magical beast, and she had given me the two books to me as ummm… as a “gift”” Master had never looked so flustered to me he was always stoic and never showed emotions, but he seemed deeply embarrassed at the story. I knew what he had meant by “in favour” and just laughed inwardly at my masters deceitfulness.
“Okay let us start learning the royal spear fighting style, observe carefully,” master than proceeded to do various fluid and almost, acrobatic movements using the spear in an offensive and defensive manner, switching between left and right hand continuously; he would do thrusts kicks, and flips to wield the spear gracefully and beautifully, he would change his centre of gravity to match his movements, and would make a beautiful whistling sound where the air would distort itself.
I was surprised to find that many of the techniques were some that I was adept at which I learned from my old world, a Spanish martial art style called “Juego del palo” which was something of a mandatory requirement when joining the army. It was a form of stick fighting, where we would use a heavy pole to battle each other relying on fluid acrobatic movements. My instructor would often praise that if it wasn't for the war I would have been at the level of a national champion.
“ to get accustomed to the spear first you are to swing the spear o a downwards slash, straight down for a 1000 times on each hand prior to the lesson everday.” I was perplexed by his astonishing deman.
“Master that is truly quite hard, would I not be able to practice the Spear God style due to exhaustion,” I pleaded.
“Yes Gala you would not be able to, but id so then so be it if you cannot handle such a thing than you are not ready for learning or even practice the royal fighting style, let alone the spear god style. But I will still show you the 1st stance when you are adept, and feel as though you are ready you yourself, practice it,”
“Anyway, Lets start practicing the spear god style, I will now demonstrate to you the first stance, I will only do it once so observe carefully…”
I opened my mind, I had long ago discovered that I could memorize any and all information I saw or read, so I was sure I could emulate his movements. He slowly pushed his left leg back, holding his azure blue spear, that vaguely resembled the spear the chinese used during my time. He then slashed forward at immense speed while in mid motion he let his left hand which was holding the spear at the lower end go, and while using only his right hand holding the spear backwards did a backward thrust which seemed to cause a force of pressurized air to go backwards. I noticed that throughout the technique his mana was not used at all he had created enough thrust to make a pressurized air cannon type attack backwards merely with his movements.
“That is the first stance of the Spear God style child, it is called, Stalwart Spear. This technique can not only deal with the opponent in front of you but can also behind you, it would enable you to enter any fight, with confidence of not getting ambushed. If you are sure that there was no threat from the back then you would do the same except do a complete backwards slash, and create the same air pressure pocket, but directly in the face of your opponent.” He continued.
“These are all the skills I will bestow to you, I will not teach you again but I will spar with you whenever you feel as though you are ready and give you feedback on your progress…”
I decided to train myself hard, I decided that I would take a break from my meditative trance and slowly train the 1000 swings at night on each hand when I feel fully rejuvenated. I knew that even if I break my concentration 4 hours in the meditation, I would feel fully refreshed, and be able to practice again for another 2 hours before having to sleep again.
After having seen the techniques and stances Mater ordered me to leave and said that my training for today was over.
I then quickly headed to the Friar’s Healing Halls hoping that he would be there.
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