《Heroes of Jorg》Chapter 7- Hell’s Cliff


Hey guys this is the final chapter for the weekend...

I live in Australia so right now it is Sunday night for me ahahahah. Any way i decided i am going to post 2-3 chapters every weekend, and am going to keep updating for the foreseeable future. I know its lame to ask, but i want my fiction to be read by more people, i worked hard on this and it suck that i got 2.5 stars.

Please tell me ways i can improve my fiction.

If anyone has free time, i am looking for PR and would like a partner i can discuss some of the ideas i have for this fiction...

Thanks for reading.


Galahad’s POV:

I was taken back by his suggestion for me to become his apprentice.

Me… I who couldn't save or protect my own family was being given a chance to become strong, extremely strong. I thought this may be one of the games GOD is playing. She warned about fate, but nonetheless keeps giving me opportunities to grow strong, stronger than anything on this continent.

“remember child, my training is not something that is for the faint hearted, it is not for someone who doesn't have resolve. I myself am the only one able to complete it in the whole of the continent.

But this training will give you a path to learn one the five Prime Fighting techniques. The unrelenting barrage that is the Spear God technique.”

The man had a proud look on his face, he was obviously a man of great power, and was offering him a chance of a lifetime.

“Will I get to kill the High Magus of this country…” I asked my silver eyes burning with rage, and wrath.

“Child, to kill such man you not only need an immense amount of physical power. As he himself is an “A” ranked Magus, but you also need societal power. I am assuming you don't want your revenge to be so boring as to just his death.”

“No I want him to feel humiliation, suffering beyond measure, and at the end of it I want him to come begging me to kill him, just to make it stop…” I was imagining various gruesome and ghastly ways to torture him emotionally, physically.

Luthor’s face made an unusual smile at that comment he was obviously, impressed.

“Boy you have 3 years before the ceremony of awakening, just from your mana alone I can tell you will be easily able to attend the top training academy in the continent. Make a name for yourself there, gain some allies, do not become a lone wolf. Become a leader, a force to be reckoned with and when the time is right you can easily kill anyone you want…” His face was stoic through out the explanation, but I could see a glint when he finished the sentence.

“Ok, Master you are now, my instructor, I will work hard and try to become someone worthy of being your disciple.” I said.

I slowly walked in tow with my new mater from the healing halls, to the main door of the castle. The castle, dubbed Lionsden, based on their family sigil of the silver lion, stood majestically. It was an enormity by itself making it not only intimidating, but also inconceivably large. There in the throne room waited, a family, of four, the man from before I had guessed to be the king of the human country, Uther Pendragon and his family.

“Father, I thought we would have audience with you privately, just family,” Uther said, I could see that he was somewhat annoyed by the attention I got from Luthor. I lowered my head not daring to look at the king.


“boy don't lower your head,” Luthor urged, I slowly tilted up to see that the king and the wife were scowling.

“I have decided to make him my first apprentice, disciple, he will become my family, so he should be your family from now too…” Luthor proclaimed, with a stoic and stern face.

“Father...wait you cannot be serious, this boy is from the slums, how could you accept him as a disciple. How can he have magical potential ?” Uther had a look of disbelief in him, he had hoped that this visit would help him cement his relationship with his father by showing him the talent his own son has.

“Father in Law, your grandson, Arthur is a splendid child, he should become your next apprentice,”the queen urged, pointing to a small child of the same stature, but had silver hair and blue eyes.

“You dare give me an order…I have not come for your permission, young lady, there are more than 5 “S” level experts in the human continent alone have them teach that child, I have chosen my disciple and will not be deterred..”

The whole royal family looked at me with eyes filled with disbelief, except for the boy, he looked quite giddy contrary to the family. He walked up to me eye filled with charisma, body oozing with confidence, and said.

“Hi I am Arthur, I guess from today onwards we are brothers, I am sorry for the pain you suffered, and hope your family finds peace n the next world. Rest assured once I am in reign I will expel this country of bandits!”

I was taken back, not one person except for Luthor had said they were sorry, I glanced at him, and this little boy may be the most mature out of the whole bunch of them. He then bowed gave a small respectful greeting to his grandfather and proceeded to stand next to his father.

The whole family were taken back by the magnetism this boy had he hadn’t cared, that I was from the slums, or that I had stolen his position, as the disciple of the strongest man in the country. I knew then and there that this man would become a great king, a great man, and a great friend. The queen and the king realized their foolish ness laughed and said.

“I guess my son is destined to learn the human technique of the 5 prime fighting techniques,”

The family soon enough warmed up to me, Uther, Lorelai, and the little girl named Lily, were quite generous towards me, they were the most powerful family in the human kingdom but they never showed their superiority towards me. Through out the dinner I ate like an animal, gouging anything and everything like there would be no tomorrow. The family bewildered at my eating prowess and coupled with my small body, wondered where all the food went?

That night I was told that from tomorrow onwards my training would start, and I would live in a small outhouse in the palace courtyard, as per my request I do not want to be seen by anyone, during my stay of 3 years, from there I would go to the academy.

……………………………………………… END OF ARC 1

Galahad POV:

Uther called up Arthur and me to the training grounds, the next morning, I stood there ramrod straight while Arthur was rather calm, and had an excited face on him.

“Hi Arthur, Galahad, from today onwards I am going to be training your body to the extreme, your training will consist of excruciating pain, and will challenge both your mind and your body. Training will go from 4 am every morning, till 6 pm then, you will go to your respective Masters, to learn your weapon and combat.” He had a wide grin on him, he seemed to be enjoying himself.


“My job is to make you pansies, into warriors of at least a rank “C”. You will train, and strive until this is over, and then you will completely be in the hands of you Masters.”

He then pointed at a distant cliff, about 10 kilometers away, he pointed at it, and said, you will run there and climb that mountain, by 6 pm today or else there will be no food, and as an extra bonus…

He suddenly closed his eyes as if to say something telepathically and a roar of a lion flowed down the distant cliff and in a blur it came running right next to, Uther, he patted the giant 20 foot tall lion and scratched it under its chin, it growled and rolled onto its back.

“This is the legendary, magical beast Silver furred Steel Lion, his name is, Nemean I had him since I was about 12 years old. All noble children when reaching the age of 12 would get their magical beast companion, from the Endless forest of the west. Most children are too scared to venture into such dangerous lands so they get experts to go get a baby magical beast, and help them make a contract of binding. Our house of Pendragon are not cowards, so at the age of 12 both of you will venture into the forest by yourself and find yourself your beast. “ Uther explained

“Galahad, now you are also an honorary member of the house of pendragon,” Uther said looking at me.

I nodded, seemingly with no reaction, but I was happy, I had a family again.

“But for now, he is in charge of ‘motivating’ you guys, OK” Uther continued with cruel smirk on his face.

Arthur came close to me and said,

“I heard that the magical beast my father owns is a peak stage “A” rank beast, his one bite would make us into a meat paste.”

A cold tingle ran down my spine as I thought of the possibility of becoming this Lions lunch. I looked it his sharp canine teeth, coupled with his 10 foot tall ice white appearance and, his sharp steel like silver mane, he was truly an awe inspiring sight. I nodded slightly and decided to run as fast as I can, to get away from that thing.

We both started running, and we ran like hell, both of us knew that the lion wouldn't kill us, but we still didn't want to be on the business end of that paw. Surprisingly, Arthur was able to keep up with my speed, we ran so fast, and in just about an hour reached the base of the cliff. Arthur and I started climbing with all our might, slowly scaling this cliff, by finding small crevices in the giant rock. I reached about 10 metres up the cliff before I lost footing and fell down, making a loud thud on the ground.

I slowly crept back up, before I heard another loud thud and Arthur came down, he grinned at me. I swear to god this kid, is a freaking monster. Suddenly when I went to help Arthur up, a large paw hit me square on the side, and I went crashing right into the cliff. I remembered what Uther warned me about. Arthur shot me glance to keep going up and not worry about him. I scaled up the wall not stopping this time I got a bit over 10 meters before falling again. I continuously did this and before I know it my muscles were screaming, I felt as though the weight of the world was weighing on my muscle, I could feel the small tendons and muscles tearing away, but I couldn't stop, I relentlessly climbed every time my will broke, I remembered the image of my mother, sister and their lifeless corpses, I would rise again and again.

I could feel the phoenix soul’s regenerative capabilities, as my ligaments and body broke the regenerative capabilities were slowly working faster and at a greater rate, the change was miniscule but slowly it was becoming stronger. On the other hand Arthur was also striving to go higher and faster but his body was not as powerful as mine and fell after the 80th try or so.

I went up to his unconscious body; I saw that the lion was winding up its paw to strike me again, I quickly carried him onto my body wrapped his arms, which were swung over me in a piggy back position, before pinning his two arms together, and using my other arm I started scaling up higher and higher. I tried and failed continuously and so as to not hurt Arthur I used my body to cushion the fall, I eventually went unconscious…

I woke up in a warm bed, in the infirmary again, the Friar was looking over me saying that Arthur and I had been unconscious for 3 hours and it was almost 6 pm now.

I quickly woke Arthur up before rushing towards my Master Luthor’s compound which located behind the castle. Luthor looked at me with a surprised look on his face, and came up to me.

“I didn't expect you to come on the first, day I myself on that regiment was unconscious for 2 days when my father had me go through the same thing.” His face had a curious look on him, like when a mad scientist found a specimen he likes.

“Ok, son I will now teach you one of the 5 prime fighting techniques of Jorg. I myself trained in this technique, since I was a child and it of the 5 fighting styles is called the most powerful in overall strength. This technique not only, increases ones strength but also increases, ones speed. Of the 5 primes it is the most versatile and the most all rounded style.”

He slowly led me to the basement room as he talked. The basement was locked by a huge door, and was only able to activate when Luthor infused his man into it. The door opened and I could see that the room was completely dark, and only glowed with a faint blue fire, that barely illuminated the room. Luthor led me to the northern end of the square shaped room which had 3 spears resting on the wall.

One was a golden naginata with archaic runes running down the shaft.

Another was a black, pitch black halberd with similar archaic runes that were written on the bladed edge of the spear.

The third and final spear was pure silver, a trident it almost glowed even in the dim lit room. Unlike the other spears it had only one magic circle that was in the biggest central pike and right in the middle prong of the trident, unconsciously I was drawing near the the spear with my hand outstretched. The spear was approximately 10 foot high and was towering over me. It had a strange energy emanating from it. I could sense that these spears were not ordinary by any means, but the silver one intrigued me.

“Pick one Galahad!” he said “All these weapons are Artifact grade weapons. They are weapons I assembled after travelling years across the western forest. Each of them were in a lair of a “S” level beast, I do not know where they came from but they are most precious.”He said.

I was shocked he was ready to part with such an item, just for the sake of his disciple.

“Why are you giving me such a thing master?” I questioned

“HAHAHAHA,” he bellowed. “ I would not part with them if they were of importance to me child. These artifacts, although invaluable are only as strong as the user. Once your blood touches the weapon, it would become strong enough for you to wield it efficiently. It will grow stronger together with you, as your strength improves so will it, as you grow the weapon will grow with you, if you become a “S” ranked warrior than it will become a weapon powerful enough to withstand an onslaught from another “S” ranker.”

“I myself have had my spear since the age of 10, same age as you, that does not mean these weapons are available to all nobles, no these type of weapons are only available to those with an “S” ranked warrior in their rank able to get them from the forest.” He said.

“Now choose before I choose one for you,”

I went up to the silver trident held it in my arms and bit a small hole in my thumb to run my blood into it.

The spear which was almost 3 times the size of me before slowly shrinked, becoming just over my height, I could hold it freely, and its weight was not as heavy as it used to be. I tried to twirl it around and play with it.

“This spear is now bonded to you, it is your companion, treat it with care, and respect. Consider it your extension a third arm of a sort. It will be inside your body, and you can call upon it at anytime you want. My grandson also has a similar weapon but it seems he is swordsman like his father.” He continued.” Name it boy, it is now yours and your alone.”

“Longinus,” I said, thinking about the famous spear that killed god from my past life, “I will name this spear Longinus.”

(Longinus: looks like the spear the guy is holding. The spear from Mu Alexius djinn equip Magi http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/magi/images/c/c8/Mu_Djinn_Equip.png/revision/latest?cb=20130310201738)

He then led me outside.

“Ok Galahad, even before I teach you techniques of the Spear God style, you need to have a firm grasp of your body, and its capabilities, you need to able to dodge and spin from any projectile and you need to be able to sense any and all onslaught with relentless barrage of dodges.”

Suddenly a rock flow towards me hitting me right on the jaw, blood spurted from m mouth.

“what was that for !!!!” I yelled.

“Dodge Galahad, dodge,” he urged

Another rock hit me on the arm, and before I know it rocks were coming from all directions hitting me and bruising me all over my body, couldn't take it anymore, the dimly lit room made it harder for me to dodge as I could barely see the oncoming onslaught of rock projectiles. I closed my eyes and tried to perceive my surroundings, I managed to dodge ten of the projectiles before the onslaught stopped.

“Galahad, that is it for today, go back and rest, today must have been hard for you. Remember you will graduate from this stage of practice after dodging all of the 900 projectiles.”

I gasped I had been hit by 900 rocks how am I able to stand I thought…

Arthur’s POV:

I was glad to find out that I would not be grandpa’s apprentice, as I was rather fond of the Sword God style I have been learning, this style was passed down from the first human blessed by Ymir and is one of the 5 prime fighting styles. I learned that gradpa had gotten hold of the Spear God technique from a magical beast in the western forest, and was told that this was the technique that the beast kings used to train.

I was shocked to learn about Galahad’s past, I learned that his family and all his friends were killed right infront of him, by a group of bandits sent by the High Magus. I was shocked hear that. I would often see the man at numerous parties held by my family, and he would always be friendly to me.

During the training session on the first day I was even more shaken to see that he was able to keep up with my pace in running and climbing, in fact he was faster, stronger and more resilient. I smiled at him after our first fall from the cliff before I saw him getting ploughed by that asshole lions paw. I was surprised, I was sure that Galahad would be unconscious if not completely broken, but to my surprise, he stood up and continued to climb.

I didn't want to get left behind, this was the first time I had found someone capable of keeping up with me. No he was better than me, I strived my muscles ached but I didn't give up, but my body failed me eventually, and I was unconscious on the base of the cliff.

I was woken up by Galahad at the infirmary when he immediately rushed to grandpa’s place to continue hi training. I groaned and moaned and slowly walked towards Sir Reilly to continue my sword training, I was already proficient with the sword and had the for perfect so I would just practice my Sword God style, to perfection slowly delving into the advance moves.

I was thinking about the incidents that happened this far, and was told by Friar, that Galahad had carried me for twenty reps on his back so that the lion would not hurt as I lay on the base. I knew this man would never, betray me, he would never abandon me, he was my brother.

Throughout the Sword God training I kept thinking back to the manner in which Galahad approached each and every task with tenacity, I didn't want to be inferior to him, I pushed myself harder, and never gave up. I swung my sword down, making a whistling sound as it went down.

The main crux of the sword god style consisted of being able to deal damage while, dodging escaping and, misleading the opponent. An expert of the sword god style would not have a single cut on him at the end of the battle and his blade would stay clean, throughout the ordeal. It was even rumored that a person who has surpassed the realm of an expert, would be able to split mountains, and cause distortion in space itself with a swing of the sword. This level was never achieved by anyone except the first ever human, blessed by the goddess Ymir.

I did, the first stance swinging forwards at an extremely high speed, then I swung to right while coming down from the top. This was the first advance level stance of the sword god style, to mislead the enemies into thinking that a downward slash would occur but mid way you change the direction of the swing instantaneously cutting across your opponent.

I practiced and continued practicing, the sword god style was extremely taxing on the muscle in the arms, they would need to be able to swing and parry in any direction at any time. I strived hard, and was aided from the meditation, which instilled my body with endless energy each time after the meditation.

Uther’s POV:

I was listening to Namean as he explained to me in great detail of how hard the boys pushed themselves. I was surprised to find my son had climbed almost 80 times before falling on the base of the cliff unconscious, I myself had fallen unconscious on the tenth try was deemed an extremely strong boy in mind and spirit.

I was extremely proud of my son, he was gifted beyond measure and would one day make a splendid, king, and than Namean told me of how Galahad had done almost a hundred, and had done the last 20 with my son on his back, afraid that the lion would hurt him if he was still.

I was extremely delighted at this boy, he was kind and caring towards someone he had met only once before. But what truly scared me is that this child had done something that no one could have done he scaled the wall a hundred times, although not getting farther than 10 metres above the ground, he had done the last 20 with another child on his back and while using only one of his hands to pull himself up.

This kid was a monster, he was strong, abysmally strong, that scared me. IF he has such potential at a young age what would become of him in the future. I was filled with awe when I thought about how powerful he would become.

Galahad’s POV:

That night I again sat with, the royal family to have dinner. Lily slowly ate and told us about her stories of learning, our worlds history from the tutors. I found her to be delight I had never had a little sister before, and her cute appearance paired with her childish personality I would just melt from her cute ness.

After finding that me and Arthur’s hands were too bruised from the exercise regiment, the queen shot a hateful glance at her husband, before slowly moving close to me and Arthur we were sitting next to each other. She then proceeded to feed us by hand.

“Queen… no I cant let you feed me,” I said hurrily backing away.

“You are now part of the family son, so you are my son, I will not be able to tell the world that I have such a splendid son, as you are to remain secret, but that does not mean I will be any less of a mother to you, “ she said a motherly look on her face.

I was instantly taken a back to the times my mother would feed me as a child, how she would not let anyone have me, in fear that they would take me away, how she would always give me more food than herself, so that I would grow strong. Unconsciously tears were streaking down my face, and I saw that the queen’s eyes were filled with sympathy.

“Thank you……mother,” I said unable to hold back my tears, and she tightly hugged me, telling me that everything’s going to be alright. Arthur smiled at me and said that him and I were brothers now, and we would always be brother. I was crying my eyes out, and the whole family were looking at me with eyes filled with sympathy.

That night I continued to train my Worlds Weight meditation, I felt that my bones and muscles which were torn had now been almost regenerated and were not bigger but had twice as much power condensed in them, and they were more hungry for the elemental energy around me. I continued to train everyday, and I continued to meditate every night, I was unstoppable and no one would hinder me on my road to revenge.

3 months later…

Galahad’s POV:

I was scaling up the cliff almost at the top, my muscles were burning with pain, and my fingers felt like they would break at anytime, Arthur was directly in front of me, climbing up the path, we had vowed to finish this climb today, we were going to finish this hell today.

My muscles were searing with pain, my eyes were blurry, I could see that Arthur was almost there with just one steps away from the edge, I willed my self to keep going, this cliff was approximately 100 metres high and we were going to finish climbing it, both of us 10 year old boys, something like this is unfathomable to almost all other children of this age.

The day was extremely dry and sweat poured down my back, the cliff was extremely dry and powdery and made it harder for us to hold on.

We were almost at the edge, when all of sudden, Arthur lost is footing and slipped falling down, he had a look of disbelief in his eyes…

We were so close…

That damn lions paw hurt like a bitch but, we were slowly getting used to it, but it didn't mean that we wanted to get hit by a “A” ranked beast.

I quickly grabbed him by his leg, holding onto the cliff with one of my arms, which were threatening, to tear off under both of our weight. I felt my regeneration work, as my torn muscle began to grow and fix themselves.

“Arty I am going to swing you up okay…”

“Alright, Gala,” he said using my nickname, that most of the royal family used. It reminded me of my mother and sister but instead of sadness it gave me resolve, resolve to fight on, resolve to become stronger.

I swung him with all my might making him land directly onto the top of the cliff. I was happy one of us had managed to climb it. I felt my hand slipping from the immense stress, I was not disappointed but I was sad that we couldn't finish it together.

Abruptly, my arm was caught I saw that Arthur had instead of resting, grabbed my falling self and with all his might pulled me to the top.

We both lied faced up on top of the cliff catching our breath. We looked at each other and smiled. There was an unspoken brotherhood between us. We would face anything and everything together. We were, slowly but surely becoming stronger, becoming fiercer, and becoming brothers…

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