《Heroes of Jorg》Chapter 3- Growing


Heya guysss,

Thanks for reading my fiction, credits go to Jennifer Nielsen, who gave me an idea for one of the scenes. I hadnt realised that i didnt change the wording yet so now i have done it. Should be MOre Original now, that to GodSpeedKabuto for reminding me of my mistake. And also thank to Jennifer A. Nielsen for the roast scene thankyou.

Enjoy the story guys:


Galahad POV:

I was already 6 months old, and had gained numerous information about this continent; it seems that we are at the heart of the human kingdom, under the rule of a gentle and kind king Uther Pendragon. There are in total 4 kingdoms in this world for each of the races, but most of the land is unexplored due to the danger of the beasts of the forest, but the safe part in itself, by Galahads estimate is at least 5 times the size of all the land masses on earth combined. He sighed when thinking about the enormity of this world. He was even more excited to get strong quick so he can explore the world and become a protector of the weak.

I have highly ambitious hopes for myself; I also discovered a lot of information of the world by the talk of the worker at my mothers washing station, as they called it. It was dingy, disgusting and most of all had a high number people, who all day would scrub and clean clothes of the nobles in the city on the other side of the wall. Although it was not a terribly great place, I found it to be the place where information gathered the most. The servants were extremely talkative discussing the matters about the newest powerful adventurer to simple benign palace gossip.

“Did you hear, about the adventurer, Clifford Lionsmane, he managed to became a B level Adventurer, isn’t that amazing!!” a woman cried

“Oh a boy from our slums reaching B rank, what a commendable lad,” another said

I also learned that in this world there are paths a person can take in terms of building strength, the path of Magic, which was only limited to people who had a high capacity of mana, but others could train in the path of the warrior which, was what most would choose as most were not able to reach the level of mana required to train the path of the mage. The path of the warrior is said to be extremely tough as it requires relentless effort, therefore not many are able even reach the capabilities of a C level adventurer. The ranks are rated from F through to A where upon they change to S, SS and SSS. There has only been one man who had ever reached the rank X which is greater than SSS, and that was the greatest warrior and mage of all time, the one who is the protector of the beast country, and has apparently lived for 5000 years after gaining power, he was called the Wolf War God. His awesome power had caused the beast race to prosper, and flourish and under the protection of the war god became the strongest military power in the entire continent. (kinda inspired by CD lol)

When talking about Clifford the lady was talking about a B ranked adventurer; and achieving that is definitely commendable, in a single race there are no more than 20 or so B ranked adventurers, which shows the difficulty in achieving such a power level. The A to SSS ranked warriors could be counted on one hand. In the country of Orlanth the strongest fighter was named Luthor Pendragon, he had bested all the other kings of every country in a duel, using his famous Spear God technique.


I have started purifying my magic constantly since I have nothing to do except sleeping and eating. While my mother is working I would refine my magic uninterruptedly until I had to sleep because of the exhaustion. While refining the magic I noticed that the ambient mana around me would enter my mana core, and then get refined and the impurities would protrude out words escaping from my body back into the atmosphere. This technique according to the knowledge GOD had imbued in me is the strongest meditative technique that not only refines like common techniques but also strengthens ones body, it was called the World Pulse meditation.

Most commoners were not given the knowledge to refine their mana, and the people from the slums were not even given a chance to train, as they had to ceaselessly work to pay for a daily portion of food. I decided to rectify that when I grew to power. I wanted to create a wonderful environment for my mother. I loved her a lot.

She would always look after me, and try to act the role of the male of the house to make sure I grow without the longing for a father. She would read to me, and even play with me after her tiring day at work.

Thea was also wonderful, although at just the tender age of 9; she had an immense sense of responsibility, and would always look after me. She also had a dream of becoming an adventurer, being born in the slums, she already had no chance of becoming one as most cannot afford to overwork themselves and die from exhaustion and lack of food, but I would see her often sneaking out of the hut with a bow and arrow.

I had also become more adept at World Pulse meditation; I am now able to hold it for almost 2 hours without needing to stop from exhaustion. The curious thing I noticed about my meditation was that after needing to sleep from exhaustion I would wake up to find myself extremely energized and ready to start purifying again. I wouldn't need to eat to fill up my energy either. It seemed that as I get more adept at World Pulse meditation more benefits I would reap. I would of course need to still eat but I could live with just the bare minimum of food intake.

I had started reading some of the books that Thea read for school, to further increase my knowledge. I was reading everything she brought home. I think my mother and Thea thought I was just looking at words out of amusement, but they never questioned me until today.

“Mama, I think Galahad really understands, what he is reading, I know he is only 9 but……” Thea said

“Thea don't be stupid he is only 6 months old. He is just curious, aren’t you my little boy she said looking at me……”

Inadvertently I nodded. Mother was immensely surprised at me. She looked at me for a good few minutes before saying anything.

“What!!!!! Gala you can understand me?”

I nodded again but this time with a little bit more vigor and with a calm cute little voice I said “ I understand you mother…”

There was pause after that, my sister and mother stared at me like I was some sort of a alien being. I was beginning to regret my decision of speaking out until.

“My son is a GENIUS!!” my mother cried

“Gala, you can understand me… how can you…” Thea said with a confused look on her face.


“Thea he is a genius, a prodigy, he will make a great scholar in the future. His voice is soo cute. I love you my little Gala.” My mother grinned.

“I am so happy I can finally talk to him… Mama, I love him soo much. I can now take him out and show him around right??” Thea pleaded

“NO he is still a baby Thea let him grow up…”

I couldn't help feel loved. These two people truly loved me with all their heart. I never felt so secure and safe. I wanted to cherish these people for the rest of my life. I vowed to never let anything hurt them and decided to train harder than ever before. Having fought in a war, even if it was a short period of time, I had started to be withdrawn and not made any friend scared that I might lose them the next day. My life of isolation, in the war had caused me to be introverted, but my new family, even if we were dirt poor loved me and cherished me. I am truly happy to be born in this world. I quietly said thank you to GOD and slept on the floor of our little hut nestled in between my mother and my sister.

10 years later: (Firemonth 5th day)

I was running jumping from roof to roof, trying to escape while dodging a cleaver being thrown at me. I had flowing dirty golden hair coming down to just below my waist, tied up in a long braid; I had a small but sturdy body, which showed early signs of small amounts of muscle. I was jumping across in the middle of the night, escaping. As I raced away from the market, with a stolen roast tucked under my arm.

I should have never done thievery before it doesnt seem to be something i am actually good at. I dodged the blade he had thrown at me, trying my best not to lost the slippery roast, that didnt seem to wanna stay tucked under my arm.

He was only a few paces behind now, chasing me at a better speed than I’d have expected for a man of his girth. He cursed very loudly, calling me a dirty street thief. He was catching up to me now almost gaining on me. I quicly made a sharp turn and the cleaver whizzed past me. I was only few cm from having my life literally cut short. I ran faster he gave me quite the motivation to.

And I might have made it, if not for the bald man sitting outside the church of Ymir, who stretched out his foot in time to trip me. Luckily, I managed to keep hold of the roast, although it did no favors to my right shoulder as I fell onto the hard dirt road.

The butcher leaned over me and laughed. “’Bout time you get what’s comin’ to you, filthy beggar.”

As a point of fact, I hadn’t begged for anything. It was beneath me.

His laughter was quickly followed up with a kick to my back that chased my breath away. I curled into a ball, prepared for a beating I wasn’t sure I’d live to regret. The butcher landed a second kick and had reared back for a third, when another man shouted, “Stop!”

The butcher turned. “You stay out of this. He stole a roast.”

“An entire roast? Really? And what is the cost?”

“Thirty Coppers.”

“I’ll pay you fifty coppers if you turn that boy over to me now.”

“Fifty? One moment.” The butcher gave me a final kick in the side, then leaned low toward me. “If you ever come into my shop again, I’ll cut you up and sell you as meat at the market. Got it?”

I nodded. The man paid the butcher, who stomped away. I wanted to look up at whoever had saved me further beating, but I was hunched in the only position that didn’t send me gasping in pain, and I was in no hurry to change that.

I quickly got myself up, slowly turning as to not hurt my shoulder, the man was still above me i could see. I turned to see his face when i noticed.

“speaker Tristan” I gasped

I felt sorry for myself landing in such a bad situation, getting saved by the one wealthy man my mother knew. If he were to tell her, she would surely, be disappointed.

“Galahad, what are you doing son?” he questioned.

I sighed.

“Its mothers birthday” I said in a small voice.

It truly was my mother’s birthday today. We haven’t eaten meat in a year and I really wanted to celebrate her birthday. She had been fired from her work at the washing station, for apparently ruining one the princesses, dresses. I was there when it happened and had known for a fact that the dress was tattered even before arriving at the station. It had been a month since then and, now my mother does odd job here and there to pay for our daily food. We were in a truly saddening situation.

My body injuries quickly healed themselves; even the broken shoulder had no longer left nothing but a dull ache. I am always amazed at my astoundingly fast regenerative capabilities; it is possibly from the Phoenix soul that is merged in me, or because of the strengthening aspects of the World Pulse meditation; which now I am able to maintain for at least 6 hours.

“common son lets go to your mother, I need to have a chat with her…” the speaker said.

I bemoaned my actions more and more…

Arthur’s POV

My life was what you would call perfect it has been 2 years since my birth, and I have been living a sort of lavish lifestyle I had not even dreamed about in my previous life. I would wake up whenever I want and always have a meal that is fed to me by a plethora of maids everyday. I had loving mother who would loved me more than life itself, and a father who would shower me with gifts in compensation of his unavailability in my life; not that his absence bothered me in the least, and mother would always speak of him so I did not feel detached to him at all.

I spoke my first words saying “ I love you Mama” which sent my mother in to a shocked state as she had never heard of anyone speaking when they were only 8 months old. She was so happy, she was in tears. I was since called the genius Prince of Orlanth. I loved being in the spotlight, I cherished it, I relished in it. This finally gave me reason to practice magic. I wanted to be more of a prodigy; I wanted to be called as the greatest prince of all time. An unparalleled genius.

I started practicing magic according to the knowledge embedded in me by GOD, according to her, I had to get into a meditative state, and focus all my energy into the region where my heart is located.

I then sensed a swirling mass of mana crashing against my heart. I refined it trying to bring it to a gentle mass of pure energy without all the impurities. I soon came to know that I had a huge amount of mana in my mana pool, and refining it requires me to meditate for a long time. I could only maintain the meditative state for 10 mins before I had to stop, due to exhaustion, but I continued and refined before going to sleep.

I had also started training the way of the sword. My mother begged me to wait until I was older but I would not stop. I wanted to become matchless, a supreme. Sir Reilly, an A ranked swordsman was hired by my dad to teach me swordsmanship. My father was delighted to have such a driven son, as he should be. I was amazing.

I had started to build up my stamina, everyday by hitting a wooden dummy in a sword vertical sword strike 100 times a day; this was more than enough to tire me out, I was only 2 years old.

I forgot to mention it but my mother is pregnant again. I was ecstatic at the prospect of having a sibling. I had one, as in my previous life, a baby brother, who I had failed to protect in the war.

He died gruesomely not of some battle wound but due to whooping cough he developed due to the disgusting, and sickening aspect of the trench warfare.

8 years later(Earthmonth 9th day)

Today was the day I was going to meet my fiancé apparently all royalty had to have a predetermined marriage partner. I was not thrilled to say the least about the idea of my life being dictated by someone else, but at the behest of my mother I gave in and decided to meet the girl. I wasn't the only one who was unhappy about meeting a future marriage prospect. Lily, my baby sister was in tears saying that an evil girl was taking me away.

“Arthwur don't leabe me,” she muffled tears streaking down her long black hair. She had inherited my fathers black hair but had inherited my mothers bright blue eyes. She was so adorable; I had grown quite attached to her, I had always been there for her, my parents were quite afraid that I would be withdrawn with the newfound attention on Lily but seeing me taking care of her continuously all their worries were for naught.

I arrived at the entrance of our castle with my mother and father on either side of me. There they were 2 stone lion sculptures, guarding the gate, our house sigil also was that of a silver lion, and as the gate lowered I saw a young dashing noble, accompanied by a brown haired beauty, with beautiful red eyes. They woman was dressed in a tightfitting red dress, adorned with pictures of small hawks, while the man was wearing a nobleman’s cloak with the same red hawks. I deduced that my fiancé was the daughter of the house of Vadergrath whose sigil was the red Hawk, a high noble house who provided the kingdom with the army and the military support.

I then saw a small girl no taller than me, standing right in front of the two with her back straight, legs spread wearing a small red dress, and her arms crossed, looking at me, with her head tilted up, and her gaze running down her nose. She looked to be sizing me up.

I then turned to my mother, who gave me nod urging me to go greet the young lady. I complied and walked up to her. Giving my cutest smile and bowed.

“Hello lady Reina, I am Arthur Pendragon, the heir to the Throne of Orlanth and your fiancé”

“I have not approved of you” she said. Her voice trying to sound authoritative but her cute voice seemed to make it sound almost playful.

I chuckled. I liked her. She was tight willed, and strong, and if her mother is any indication she would grow up to become stunningly elegant woman.

After the small exchange the Valdegrath’s came in and we started exchanging pleasantries. My father was extremely excited to see our two houses are joining; he seemed to be sworn brothers with Lord Valdergrath who attended the Prestigious `

“Boy, this is my eldest daughter, I cherish her more than life itself, can you give her the happiness she deserves,” he inquired releasing a small amount of killing intent on me.

“Honey he is just a boy, how could he understand such words.” Lady Valdergrath said taking sip from her tea.

“ If I grow to love her lord, I will keep her in my heart and protect her from any and all dangers.” I proclaimed.

The room was stunned; I gave a small bow to Lord Valdergrath before slowly creeping away and stood behind my mother. Lord Valdergrath burst in to a loud laughter, he bellowed at my father.

“Uther you have raised a nice son there, I was hesitant to give my baby away but, now if he wins her heart I am ready to hand her over. Hahahaah…” he continued laughing overjoyed.

Reina then blushed beet red. Looking at me, I gave her another cute confidant smile. She slowly shuffled behind her mother losing all the imposing confidence she exhibited before. The Valdergraths soon left and the castle returned to its usual rhythm.

In the next second a huge horn was blown once, this usually signifies an attack, the horn was blown again, vibrating the whole of the inner capitals atmosphere, two consecutive horns usually indicated a return of a noble of the house of Pendragon or a return of a family member, the horn then blew again and the whole of the castle then suddenly went into a fit, they were re-arranging furniture, my fathers expression suddenly went deathly pale, my mother was pacing up and down right behind the door, her expression also deathly pale. I was quite surprised, I had known what the third horn signified, and it signified the return of my grandfather the most powerful man in the entire continent of Orlanth, Luthor Pendragon. I had not yet seen him, not even once.

The whole family and all the maids and servants then exited the castle and waited in front of the castle’s massive door I was standing behind my father with mother and Lily, and then I saw a silhouette of a man running at a alarming fast speed from the far horizon, taking long strides and almost gliding towards the castle, I then noticed that this man was carrying a small boy in his arms, ‘princess style’, the boy’s head had dropped backwards and looked lifeless.

I remember this day not for meeting my fiancé for the first time, not even for meeting one of the most powerful beings in the continent for the first time, my grandfather Luthor; no I remember this day as the day I had met my sworn brother, my greatest friend, my most powerful ally, and I had not known then but my most powerful enemy… Galahad Veilantif.

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