《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》Chapter 29 – Core Disciple.


It’s done. It took a whole week, but my first life treasure is done. It’s a string, with loops at both ends. It isn’t a long string, nor does it extend, but it’s perfect for my future use. Now, there are eight more tribulations I have to deal with. Since it’s an even number, then I’ll be able to have the two bow limbs made from three treasures each, and the grip would be made from the remaining two. They’ll all fuse together once I break through into Foundation Building.

Actually, it’s more like fusing them is a requirement for breaking through into Foundation Building. Of course, I’ll be breaking through to Foundation Building and fusing them either way. I store my bowstring in the storage bag and inspect myself. I’m all sweaty for some reason. Is that what happens when you create a life treasure?

Naturally, I wash myself off in the river that runs by my living quarters. The cold water feels great on my bare skin. The water causing my abs to glisten in the bright light of the sun. My wet hair sticks to my head. I flick it out of my eyes, splashing water in the air as I stand.

“Oh my god…” I whisper, holding in my laughter.

I tried to make myself look like those people in beauty commercials, but I don’t think it worked. I’m good-looking, but I’m not a model candidate. With my performance over, I redress and head to the Hall of Might. I didn’t report my breakthrough to them immediately, so they might be angry. Or they could fell indifferent. I’m not sure, all I was told to do was to immediately report my cultivation advancement as soon as I made one. Well, I’m doing it now.

I was expecting… more. I told them that I made a breakthrough, they tested my cultivation, and then let me go. No reward, no “good job”, no paperwork, no meeting with an elder, nothing. I’ve made it back to my living quarters, and I laid down. I’m currently on my bed, staring at the ceiling. You’re probably wondering, “Y u b so sad?”, am I right? Well, I’m not sad, I’m pissed.


I’m greedy. As a person, that’s unavoidable. I’m not too greedy though, if they had given me anything I wouldn’t have complained. But they did NOTHING! Fucking, nothing! What, is it just common sense that you’re supposed to sit on your hands and wait until you get a letter from administration or something?! If so, then fuck me sideways and call me Lucile, because all of my years spent observing has gone to waste!

“Haah...” I sigh.

I just…

Fuck it, I’m going to sleep.

*Knock Knock Knock*

“Is apprentice-brother Ardven there? I have a message from Elder Wu Dai.” A voice said.

Hmm…? Someone’s at my door? Elder Wu Dai? Ah, he was the elder who tested my cultivation. I wonder, what does he want? Oh, this must be my reward, or “good job”! I get off my bed, shouting a “coming!” at him. Woah… that did not sound right. I open the door, and see a young man about my age wearing the robe of an inner disciple. He holds a bamboo scroll in both his hands and presents it to me.

I accept it and he takes his leave. Well, he was very… messenger-y, in my opinion. I unravel it, and read it. It’s very long-winded, but the gist of it was that I’m to get a promotion to core disciple, and I need to report to the hall of might to get my rewards. That’s what I expected. My cultivation is fast, and being at Vanquish Tribulations Realm at my age is practically unheard of. Though I would only be able to be promoted to a direct disciple if I chalk up achievements to my name, I’m bound to be promoted if I try.

I hop on my flying sword, and shoot off to the hall of might, ready to receive my due.


“This, is the sect’s artifact treasury. It holds hundreds of different treasures, the strongest being at Origin level!” A core disciple introduces the treasury to me.

There’s not much here that interests me, as my treasures are already satisfactory. Of course, my bow will further satisfy me. I don’t need any treasures that help with cultivation, as my cultivation is already to fast for everyone. I search the place, but nothing catches my eye. I do plan on taking something to support my combat abilities, but these are all too weak for me to use. Even though I should expect this, it still disappoints me.

Mm? A small, blood-red pearl that sits on top of a cushion draws my attention. Everything here has at least some aura, no matter how weak, but this does not have one. It must be know that any treasure emits an aura, as they all possess qi. However, this one does not. In my mind, there are only two reasons why this is. One, it is not a treasure, and is simply a blood-red pearl from the mortal world. Two, this treasure is so powerful, it has developed it’s own spiritual consciousness, and hid it’s aura. Only Empyrean treasures and above can develop spiritual consciousness. Even though I say Empyrean and above, it is extremely rare for Empyrean treasures to actually have spiritual consciousness. Only after millions of years can Empyrean treasures develop spiritual consciousness, and that’s only if they’re lucky. Either way, this means that this pearl is at least an Empyrean treasure. If number two is correct.

“I’ll take this one.” I say, holding up the pearl.

“Alright. Now that you have chosen your treasure, all you need is to pick a mountain for yourself.” The core disciple says.

“An entire mountain to myself...”

Would I even need that much space? Why, just why would someone need an entire mountain in their territory? It’s not like they’re going to start a farm, so why would they need it? It’s beyond me…

A while later, I’ve chosen the smallest mountain available and spruced up the place. It was dusty from lack of people, and a few spiders had made it their home. I nearly wanted to burn the place down once I saw all the millions of babies come out once I killed the mom. I won’t be getting that out of my head any time soon. I purchased food from the Food Hall and filled up the kitchen. It’s only at Foundation Building that you can stop eating for extended periods of time. At Jinxin Formation Realm, you can go without eating as long as you have qi in your body. But, that’s in the future, and this is the present.

I’m finally a core disciple, huh…

Fuck yeah! Now I don’t have to feel inferior to my own retainer!

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