《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》POV Chapter 2- Nicten Terminus


I am Nicten Terminus, the successor of the noble demi-human noble Terminus house. I have been blessed with the greatest talent in many generations, and was sure to do great things. My birth was heralded with the flight of azure phoenixes and the roars of True Dragons. My innate constitution blessed me with high Mental Force. In fact, it was said that I was already on par with Mental Force geniuses. Though I was born only at Free Soul, with some effort, I could break through to Soul Split and finally step above other geniuses.

My family had been cultivating since recorded history, and one of our ancestors even reached Star Lighting Realm. Though it was not Origin Realm, it was already close to the apex. Ever since then, more and more of our clan have reached the Spirit Sub-Realm. I have always been praised as the next clan member to be able to reach Star Lighting. Many other jealous clan members have tried to pull me down with their tricks, but none of them have ever been successful. However, our clan soon experienced a calamity that we were unable to escape from.

An elder of the Spirit Sub-Realm offended a Star Lighting senior. That ruthless Star Lighting senior was angered to the point of attempting to wipe the clan out. Thankfully, our ancestor left behind a grand formation meant to protect the clan. It held the senior off long enough for us of the younger generation to escape. Though I wished to fight, I was still only 15, and only in Beyond Mortal Realm. Though I had great talents, I neglected them because I was arrogant. With me being this weak, I cannot defend my clan…

I do not know what happened to the rest of the clan, but the senior did not chase after us. Whether it was because he was fended off or because he forgo the action of killing us, I do not know. Me and my fellow clansmen retreated far away, not daring to go to any other places held by the clan. Though I assured them that we would be safe as long as the clan protected us, they venomously showed their own stupidity and disagreed. I disregarded them, and continued to lead them to the clan without them knowing.

It had seemed that one of them caught on, and a small group of clansmen ambushed me and forced me out of the group. They were fools, ousting me, Nicten Terminus, was a foolish mistake. They will not be able to pay the price for rebelling against me. When I come back, I will be sure to punish them harshly. However, fate still has other things in store for me.


Though I managed to escape mostly unharmed I suffered a few injures and severe damage to my clothes. I did not wish to go naked and stain the great name of Terminus, so I search for clothes. It takes seven days, but I find a corpse of a demon beast that was in human form. It’s clothes are damaged and worn down, but it is still in better shape than my current attire. I quickly removed the clothes off of the corpse of the demon beast.

Though it really is below me to loot clothes off of a thing like this demon beast, I am truly in dire straits. There is one thing I’m curious about though. Where did it come from? There is most likely nothing here, and I cannot see any city. It seems to have been flung from some place, so I follow the path of it’s crash landing and then head in the direction it was thrown from.

“What… is this…?”

Insane… There is a giant crater, far deeper than I have ever seen. Inside is all black, as though scorched with a frighteningly hot flame. Here and there, I see rubble that resembled buildings. However, not even a mortal could live in any of these pieces. There is just too little of it left to even be called scrap material. I cannot even see any corpses from here. No, wait, I see…

… a whole stack… of bodies…

I throw up. I couldn’t help it, the scene was just too gruesome. This… this is just too much, who would do this?

How frightening…

{A few hours later…} -System

I walk through a forest close to the crater of the destroyed city. Although I should feel the effect of the injuries I received, all I feel is numb. Is it because of the…?

I throw up again. I just cannot remember that scene without reacting. I do not understand why someone would do that. No, just who would do that?

“Stop it.” I tell myself.

I need to stop thinking about it. What’s important right now is finding the clan and getting to training. First, I need to find food. Though I can without food for some time, I am starting to feel hungry. I search through the forest. Suddenly, I hear some rustling. With my senses, I can tell that whatever is making that sound is not trying to conceal it. It is something big, probably a bear or something similar. It should give me a good haul.

I wait for it to get closer, before I jump out and stab towards it with my sword. However, my target was not an animal, but a human. It turned to the side and jumped back. I felt my sword hit him, but it must’ve been a glancing blow only, seeing as how it doesn’t seem to have injuries. Though I am certainly regretting attacking a human without reason, I cannot let it show. I am Nicten Terminus, I must be proud at all times. I turn toward it, and it looks at me, holding a broken sword and standing on a tree branch.


“Hey, why did you dodge?” I demand of the human.

“Why wouldn’t I? Are you stupid or something?” The human audaciously retorts.

How dare this inferior human?! It should know just by looking at me that I am a noble demi-human, not one of his kind. I originally intended to work my way out, but now it seems that I need to eliminate this audacious human.

“It is an honor for you to be killed by the great me. Next time, don’t dodge.” I order him.

“Are you an- no, you are! You are an idiot! Here I thought you just had a simple thought process, but it seems like it is a stupidly simple thought process! They simple people are scary, but the only thing that scares me is your stupidity. At this point, I feel like giving up on the human race.”

This fucking human! How dare it call the great me an idiot?! It dares lump me with the inferior human race?! Death is what you deserve!

“Stop mocking the great me. You are inferior. You do not have the right to question the great me. Inferior human.”

The human looks at the top of my head, where my ears are. It dares only notice it now?! Not even caring about my exalted status, it leaves the tree branch and lands on the ground. Sprouting a confident smile, it walks towards me, broken sword in hand. Although it truly should pose no threat, as it is Beyond Mortal as well, I feel fear from the figure of the human. I unconsciously take a step back.

What did I just-?! How could I?! It is just a human, there is no need to be afraid. All humans are inferior to demi-humans, and I am greatly talented. This human is nothing but garbage to me!

“Inferior human, you dare challenge the great me?” I demand, mostly to regain my confidence.

“For fuck’s sake, stop calling yourself ‘the great me’, I know that you certainly don’t deserve it.” The human talks back to me.


I was about to make the first move, but it rushes forward first. Fast! It’s too fast for a Beyond Mortal! I try to rise my sword to defend, but my arm won’t respond. Why-?! It’s gone! The human has actually severed my arm! I grasp my arm and howl in pain. I can’t stop it, it is just too painful. I glare at him with my most piercing stare. However, the human just stares at me with indifferent eyes. How…

“You dare harm the great me?! You will pay!” I inform the human.

“How arrogant can one get?! If you value your life, then shut the hell up and let me give you a painless death.” It shouts in anger.

This thing!! It raises it’s hand and waves it in front of me. It seems to have done nothing, and I move forward all the same. However, that’s when it hits me.

It’s all hopeless. The clan’s already ruined. Our clan cannot stand against the wrath of that senior.

No! There’s still hope!

Stop kidding yourself. You remember the crater? That is the result of our clan’s folly. We foolishly thought that we were invincible under the heavens, and dared to offend a great senior. Now where are we? About to die at the hands of a no-name human. We aren’t worth anything. In the grand scheme of things, we are worthless. A disposable pawn.

Yes… It makes sense…

“Aah… I see… Death is sweet release.” I mutter to myself.

I use my qi to stop my heart.

Gah! What was I thinking?! My life-saving treasure was a one use only. Although I killed myself, it recognized death and circulated my qi and restarted my heart. Now, I can think freely again. Before… that was some sort of Mental Force attack. This… this human actually has such capabilities?!

Though I was convinced to kill myself, most of what was fed to me was indeed true. I am weak to him, so I must ask to be sheltered by him. If I can become his retainer, I can certainly rise. Although my arm was severed by him, I can reattach it if I get a healing pill. Therefore, I must have this senior take me as his retainer.

“Please wait, great sir!”

If he accepts me, I will be able to rebuild my clan!

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