《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》Chapter 17- The MC Treasure Makes an Entrance.


If the MC Halo has truly made a move -and this is assuming that I even have the MC Halo- then I believe that this is something I can take advantage of. If we leave Rucia alone, she probably won’t be able to get involved with this probably very important treasure that is probably really powerful and probably has lots of people after it. There were a lot of ‘probably’s in that sentence. Well, if we follow these types of clichés, then this will definitely turn out to be something important. However, I can’t be sure what era and what organization this came from. It’s even possible that it something that would make even God, the ruler of the entire Primal multiverse, to drool with greed. Though, I doubt it. There’s no way something so powerful could be on a weak planet like this.

I stand up and look in the direction the qi flow is coming from. It’s deeper in the cave, but I can’t tell where exactly, I’ll need to get closer. I approach the wall of the cave, but arrive at a dead stop before it. It is beyond the wall of the cave, which means I’ll probably have to punch a hole in there or something. Well, here goes nothing!


Ow… My fucking hand…

Damn, what the hell is this rock made out of? I think my hand is broken. Let’s see… I move my hand a bit.

“Yep that’s fucking broken...” I say in a strained voice.

With my hand broken, I don’t think I’m willing to hit the wall again. It was my right hand as well… Ah well, I have Severance. It’s pretty good, it is way better than those other treasures that I used to create. Even though Severance was a bit of a sudden job, I poured my heart and soul into making this thing. I wouldn’t worry about it’s durability, even immortals from another world desired my failure products, so this should have no problems making a hole in this wall. Even though I’m ambidextrous, I prefer to use my right hand; so to use my preferred hand, I start to absorb some of that refined qi and direct it into my hand. In this backwater known as Nephila, this technique to heal injuries isn’t widely known, for some reason. This healing shall take a bit, so I’ll dive right in to my angry rant on this world’s stupidity.


This is a basic technique that literally EVERYONE knows about. Hell, even before I reincarnated, I knew about this! It’s obviously not because I experimented on it, but because I understand that, in novels with any type of mystical energy, energy, qi or otherwise, can be used to heal if you use it correctly. What’s good about qi is that it does this in combination with your natural healing, increasing your natural healing rate by a certain percentage based on the quantity and quality of qi in your body. All one has to do is stimulate qi to actively heal your injured area. How it does this is much like stem cells from Earth. Actually, stem cells are here as well, but Earth is where it was really researched, so I’m giving it’s ownership to Earth. Anyway, qi takes the information of the DNA from nearby cells and turns itself into the appropriate shape and then merges with the rest of the bone, tissue or blood and becomes one with your body and will never change back.

This is different from the arcane energy I used to make my body because of some very minuscule differences. Arcane energy cannot properly be merged into a body unless the body is properly tempered and has reached a certain realm. Body tempering and energy improvement are separate, much to many cultivators’ displeasure. The only exception to this rule is the great milestones of cultivation, the earliest one being Beyond Mortal, which I have already passed. When a person finally becomes a cultivator and breaks into the Beyond Mortal Realm, then that person passes the first body tempering boundary, expelling impurities and changing the body into a suitable vessel to hold qi. Until one reaches the Immortal Realm, body tempering continues and both energy improvement and body tempering are done. After breaking through to the Immortal Realm, one can choose a path to take, body tempering, energy improvement or both.

Back onto arcane energy, the body can finally accept arcane energy once it becomes and Immortal Realm body. Not to be confused with an immortal body, those two are completely separate. Right now, my body is kept together because the arcane energy that makes it up is completely under my control. If it wasn’t… Let’s say that I’d have exploded into particles of glowing light that would be picked up by the wind a long time ago. No, seriously, it would be glowing particles of pure arcane energy that would either sink into the ground or be taken away by wind. It’s not pleasant.


Ah, I’m done healing. I removed Severance from it’s sheath and take up a stance in front of the wall. Moving my qi, I activate the blade function of Severance, causing a glowing yellow light to emerge from the broken part of Severance and completing the blade, making it look like one whole sword. I clamp both my hands on the handle and take a deep breath. I pull the sword back, and tighten my grip.

“Graaaaaaaah!!!” I shout as I swing at the cave wall.


As expected, Severance’s blade cuts right through the wall without any resistance. Because only part of the wall has been opened, I continue to slice through the wall until a gap big enough for me to fit through opens up. By the time a gap does open up, I’m out of breath from shouting too much. I’m completely serious when I say that.

I return Severance to it’s scabbard and turn around to look at Rucia. Because she hasn’t learned to keep her five senses active while she’s cultivating (not that I have either…), she hasn’t noticed my manic swinging and yelling. With a sigh of relief, I step into the hole in the wall. By just stepping in, I can already feel the amount of refined qi increase. My sense of adventure is tingling! Now, let’s go get this treasure.



“Ah, what the he...” I exclaim as I try to get up after tripping.




Is this…



“Well I feel retarded.” I comment.

C-can I just facepalm? Hand. Hand. Hand! Start working!


There we go.

“*Sigh*” I sigh.

Turns out that this little treasure was right in front of me this entire time. The other stuff I was saying about adventure was nonsense, please ignore it. However, there really is something down that way, although the way down is super dark, so I can’t see anything. But let’s put that aside and take a look at this shiny new treasure. I dig it out of the ground brush off the dust, taking a good, long look at it.

It’s a simple, dark red ring with seemingly no special properties. However, if you check on the inside of the ring, there is a small formation inscribed here to produce refined qi. It’s the most complex one I’ve seen so far, but 70% of the formations in the system’s archives are more complex than this. In fact, this formation would be at the level of an emperor formation expert here. Though everywhere else would probably have this formation ranked much lower.

By the way, formation, alchemy and all the other things like that have the same ranking. From weakest to strongest: novice, adept, master, grandmaster, origin master, lord, king, emperor, and immortal. These are all the ones that I’ve cared to remember, but I’m sure there’s more. This formation here was most likely inscribed by a formation emperor (the proper way to say it) due to the complexity and trademarks of the emperor level. Still, it seems quite complicated, even for a formation emperor. Something is wrong here…

“Or not.” I say as I discover something.

This formation was made by someone in the Immortal Realm. Imbued into the formation itself is immortal energy, which is the trademark of the Immortal Realm. I can positively say with confidence that nobody on Nephila made this formation. Most likely, it was made by a normal formation master, which is Nephila’s equivalent of a formation immortal. Yes, there is that much of a difference between Nephila and the outside worlds.

Well, with my current mood, I don’t want to crack the secret of this MC Treasure. It interrupted my adventure down into the deep unknown. Thinking this, I slip the ring on my finger and turn my attention to the path down. Smiling, I step down into the unknown.


Thought it was over? Well, you’re damn right, because this leads FUCKING NOWHERE!! Where the hell is my adventure you promised me?! Huh?! Answer me, bastard! Imma fuck your spine right out yer ass if ya don’t fuckin’ answer me ya bitch!

Oh my!

*Cough* Excuse my rude behavior there, I was a bit upset. Well, if this is how it’s going to be, then I just give up. Excuse me, I’ll return to my “girlfriend” and go hang out. Have fun, dead end.

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