《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》Chapter 6- A Nameless Dream and A Nameless Man.


So. Done wiping an entire city of the map. That felt pretty good actually.

… That was not something I expected myself to say. I never wiped a city off the face of the planet before, so I can’t say its different from previous experiences. For some people, killing others would make them feel sexually aroused while others will throw up. I wonder which side I’m leaning to? I mean, I don’t feel great about committing mass murder, but I’m not really at the point where I would never even think about doing it. Hmm. I guess I’d have to say that I’m leaning towards the ‘okay with it’ side, considering that I feel refreshed after doing it.

Either way, this monologue isn’t great for deciding on which direction to go. I didn’t exactly have a chance to snag a map in my anger. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back and take some from scattered rumble, charred corpses, possible survivors that will hate me and a giant crater. Yeah, there isn’t anything for me there. So, just gonna stay away from that.

System, is there anywhere I can go to sleep, safely? I’m tired.

{Continue to walk three miles in the direction you’re traveling, after you reach that point, more precise directions will be given.}

Oh good, there is somewhere. Let’s go, to a sleeping spot and hopefully a comfortable bed!

A cave?

{Correct. This location was determined to be the safest location for the user to rest and relax for a maximum of a week.}

Why a cave?

{This location was determined to be the safest location for the user to rest and relax for a maximum of a week.}



If it was a normal cave, then I wouldn’t have minded it at all. Key word there: normal. This cave is creepy as hell. Why is there red liquid dripping down the stalagmites, stalactites? Which is it again?

{Stalagmites are on the floor and stalactites hang from the roof. The red liquid is a fluid beneficial for Beyond Mortal realm cultivators.}

That’s less creepy now that I know what it is, but it still looks like blood. I’m used to war and jump scares, but knowing I’ll be staying in a place that has blood-like fluid dripping down the stalagmites, that’s something different.



I don’t care. I just need some food, water and rest. My basic human needs except for clothing are unfulfilled, making me the least depressed person in ten miles. I’m still depressed, just, those demon beasts whose town I destroyed is still within ten miles. I can’t call myself the most depressed if there are survivors there. Ah, whatever, I need to focus on this stupid cave. Hey system, can I use the blood to start cultivation?

{It is called Elementary Refinement Liquid and yes, you can use it to cultivate once morning comes in 19 hours, 12 minutes and 33 seconds.}

Wait, using console commands didn’t reset my time?

{No, you influenced the natural qi to do your will and did not change any part of your body while doing so.}

Oh, that’s nice. I don’t do anything to my body when I use console commands. Good, now all I have to do is take a long nap and when I wake up, I can cultivate! Hahahaha! As a person from the non-magical Earth, something like this is absolutely amazing! Even though I had controlled great power before, I never had the chance to cultivate in any way or experience a great battle. You know, the classic stuff.

No point in thinking about it now, I should sleep. I let out a yawn as I walk in the cave and take a look around. Seeing that it’s safe, I find a comfortable spot and lay down, exhaustion quickly bringing me into sleep.


...Huh? Drip?


What is that noise? It doesn’t sound like a liquid, but it still makes a drip sound? How weird.


Whoa, what was that one? Hey, wait, stop!


No… Please no…


Please… stop…

“…! …!”

Please don’t… Not him too…

“Stop it. You’re better than this. Don’t be stupid. Don’t you care about your friends? You know very well what your fate has in store for you. Stop running away from it.”

I beg you, anything but that. Please, please leave them alone. I don’t want that, I don’t.

“Then stop running.”

But if I stop… if I stop…

“If you stop, what?”

It’ll happen, they’ll all die…

“Wake up, øµ§£βψζω!”




I jerk up and roll forward, banging into the cave wall across from me. I’m breathing heavily, cold sweat dripping down my back. What… what was that?

{Error, identification of dream has failed. Unable to correctly analyze structure and purpose of dream. Most probable cause: aftereffects of reincarnation. Reason: only a body that sleeps has dreams, original form was unable to sleep. Reincarnation affected user in some way unknown.}

A dream… it was a dream. I can’t remember it well, but it was… scary. There’s no other way to put it. Even if I can’t remember everything that happened, the fear has a lasting impression. I’m trembling, I’m scared. Who was that? That voice? System?

{No voice has been identified within hearing range in the past 24 hours. No voice was detected in your dream.}

Not in my dream…? No, I definitely heard a voice, they were there, they threatened me… or something like that. I remember the voice, but not what they said. Am I going crazy?

{That assumption is incorrect, user is perfectly sane.}


I need to take a walk, just a small one. I need to get my mind off that dream. I walk to the mouth of the cave and look outside. It’s night now. It was midday went I went to sleep. I let out a sigh and pick a random direction to walk to. I’ll need to relax and meditate or something.

Now that I think about it, I heard my name in that dream.

I’m resting in the branches of a tree, staring at the moon. That was when it hit me. I can’t remember my name. My name from my previous life, I mean. I guess that’s a thing of reincarnation, you forget your name. I think it’s purpose is to help you cut ties with your past life and help you focus on your current life. How nice of them. But also cruel, seeing as how I need to think of a name for myself. Hmm… Give me a moment.

I decided to go with a rather simple name, and one that sounds cool. I can’t exactly have a stupid and boring name, now can I?

Leonidas. Nickname: Leo.

That will be my new name! What do you think? Cool right?

{You are not original.}

… Shall we ignore him?

So what if it isn’t original?! I’m terrible at coming up with names, alright?! I thought it was a nice name! Do you have any better ones?! Ones that are suited to this world?!

{Yes, please reflect on these names: Cino, Natos, Meliodas, Riel, Diali, or Lycar. Would you like more names? Y/N?}

Oh. They do sound better, I agree. Well, I’ll leave that alone for now. I’ll name my sword and see if I can get inspiration from doing that, even if I’m naming a sword and not a human.

Alright, I think I’ll name my sword now. To match what it’s power should be in the future, and the name of a move I have for it, I’ll have to call it something badass. Something that will suit it.


It shall sever the threads of reality and cut the ties of body and soul. At least, that’s what I plan for it to do. It can’t exactly do it right now. Well, I think I’ve had a nice walk, I’ll go back now. It’s been a few hours so I’m tired again, and I still haven’t gotten a good sleep. System, how long until I can cultivate?

{7 hours, 55 minutes and 42 seconds.}

Then a nap should solve everything. Please tell me when I can cultivate, do like an alarm thing.


Well, time to get a move on!


“Am I catching a cold? No way, I made my immune system strong so there’s no way I’ll catch a cold this early. Somebody must be talking about me then. I wonder who it is.”

(A\N: Something interesting has happened! A nightmare about the future? A random dream? But what could this mean? Even the system did not hear that voice in the dream. What a mystery, even to me. Also, did you like how I tied in the Special POV Chapter? I thought it was pretty good myself.)

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