《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》POV Chapter 1- New Happenings on Nephila, Rudren Steinverg.


I can say that Nephila is a predictable world. Nothing can ever happen here besides cultivator battles, and there are never any good treasures that appear here. Of course, for the residents of this world, treasures such as these are magnificent. But they have no idea the vastness of the Primal multiverse. These local bumpkins are so full of themselves. Especially those old men at the Origin realm. They think they’re the strongest beings on the world. While it may be true for this planet, it still angers me knowing that they think they are at the pinnacle when an immortal such as me stands in front of them.

My fellow disciple and I are supposed to observe this world and collect data on the cultivators. This is the most disappointing world I’ve been to. I’ve seen worlds that have only produced a few immortals, but this is something else. There isn’t even a World Turning expert among them. World Turning is a level achieved by all cultivating planets, but Nephila seems to be a different story. The elders told us that a reincarnation happened here, and it was special to the point where the reincarnator could affect the world from birth, but I didn’t think he would be able to remove World Turning experts from the planet to the point where no one remembers them.

It is possible that there was simply no World Turning experts existed in the first place, but…

No need to think about what is unchangeable, Nephila is most definitely ranked last. We only need to stay here a few more days and then we will be able to leave and report back to the sect. What a pain. However, it’s inevitable.

Finally the day has come when we can leave! This planet has nothing of interest to a cultivator in the Immortal Realm. Not even World Turning experts would be interested by anything here. I’m surprised that Origin Realm experts even started wars about these treasures.

We begin to take our leave, erasing our traces of visit from the minds of mortals and cultivators alike, not that any of them could stop us.


As our shuttle begins to leave, intense natural qi fluctuations begin rippling around our Immortal treasure.

“W-what’s happening?” My fellow disciple demands in anger.

I activate my heavenly eye technique and see something I never expected to see on this disappointing planet.

Sol Treasure Formation.

Treasures that normally only form from the concentration of qi reaching a max in solar systems. A planet’s qi should only ever be able to form Terra Treasures, which are a level below Sol treasures. And… so many of them too.

At least thirteen Sol treasures are being formed at the moment. Thirteen Sol treasures at the same time. Thirteen! Sol treasures! Same time! What is this madness?! An elder in the sect at God Realm could do this, but… but this is Nephila! The last ranked planet! Why would there be a God Realm senior here?! There is no reason for such a strong expert to be here, and if that expert had mortal ties here, they would all have probably severed by now! Did this senior have a debt that needs to be repaid here?! If the senior is honoring a debt to a cultivator, then he must be extremely talented to reach God Realm before a mortal cultivator’s life expires! This is not a person to offend!

The Sol treasures that form are of all different types. One is a bow, another is a spear, and other is a weirdly shaped… Well, what the heck do you call that?

The treasures all hover there, floating as if there is nothing better to do. My fellow disciple has used his heavenly eye technique as well. He notices that the treasures floating outside are indeed at Sol level. I see his expression brighten. It seems he hasn’t reached the same conclusion as me.

“Fellow disciple Rudren,” He shouts excitedly. “Aren’t those Sol treasures? Why have they formed on a planet that isn’t a bridgeworld? We should take them!”

He begins the fly towards the treasures, but I grab his arm to stop him. This idiot, isn’t it obvious it isn’t natural.


“Fellow disciple Altmer, is it not obvious that this is not natural! An almighty senior must’ve made these treasures for a reason! If we touch them, we might incur his wrath!”

Altmer’s face blanched as he realizes what he was about to do. He obediently flies back down onto the ship and waits for what will happen next. It doesn’t take long before we hear someone.

“Geez, I can never get these things right, can I? These things are failures, not even close to what I had made before. Seems it was a stroke of luck to even make something stronger than these. Well, I guess they can just go to random areas, maybe someone will find them and use them.”

The voice seemed to come from every direction, as if there was no one speaker. This… truly a powerful expert. He even called Sol treasures failures! Apparently he has also made something stronger as well? Powerful. It is best not to get tangled with his business. I prepare to try to stealthily guide the ship out of Nephila, but Altmer decides to ruin my efforts.

“Senior!” Altmer shouts in the air, intent on talking to this mysterious expert. “You said you have no use for these treasures and that they are failures! I hope you will not mind if this junior asks you for these treasures if you do not need them!”


Why?! Why would he risk angering the senior for a few Sol treasures? A senior this powerful could rampage as they wish in the sect! Why Altmer, why?!

“Sure, I don’t care what you do with them.”

“Many thanks senior!”


Did Altmer just… succeed?

The senior really let us have these powerful Sol treasures?

The treasures float to the front of Altmer, where he immediately collects them. He once again bows and thanks the senior, as I am still unable to move in shock.

We have reached the sect, finally. The senior seems to have not followed us and indeed kept his word. He let us take the treasures with no strings attached. He was quite an eccentric senior, but no doubt powerful. We gave our report to the sect and told them about the senior and the treasures he gave us. Some elders personally came to see us after the report we submitted. They inspected the Sol treasures and confirmed that they were indeed at Sol level.

Although I never got to thank the senior, I still am deeply grateful in my heart.

{3 year later}- System

I leave closed door cultivation and decide to go to the Pill Hall to buy more pills for divine power. Recently, my cultivation has made a breakthrough to the True Immortal Realm, and it is all thanks to the Sol treasure weapon the senior from Nephila gave me. Because of this treasure, I was able to battle those who were levels above me, refining my techniques and Dao. In truth, it is thanks to my fellow disciples who agreed to spar with me. But the only reason I was able to even fight them in the first place was because of the Sol treasure.

Someday, I must truly thank that senior.

{Back on Nephila.}- System


The ‘senior’ that required deep gratitude from Rudren sneezed loudly. He sniffled and wiped his nose. He looked around in confusion, wondering what made him sneeze.

“Am I catching a cold? No way, I made my immune system strong so there’s no way I’ll catch a cold this early. Somebody must be talking about me then. I wonder who it is.”

In reality, this phenomenon of sneezing when someone talks about you is a universal law set in stone by the creator of the Primal multiverse, Primalcore himself.

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