《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》Chapter 5-You Know How Main Characters Always Are Helped By The First People They Meet?


I have a moment to think about changing myself into a demi-human, as I think that might be interesting. I still have little bits of control over the qi in this world, but it won’t be long until that changes. Besides, my body still hasn’t full solidified itself. I need to make sure that I don’t accidentally explode, my body is made out of qi after all. Qi reject being close to each other after all.

Actually, allow me to correct myself. My body is made out of arcane power, which has similar properties to qi, just much more effective. Arcane power naturally wants to stay in gaseous form and stay away from other arcane power... Ions? Particles? What would you call the measurement of cultivation energy? Anyway, arcane power is more malleable than qi. Qi would’ve been too hard to form into a real body, so I purified it into arcane power and then made my body. Arcane power still takes some time to change, so that’s why I gave myself a day with the full power of my sword, to make sure nobody has the chance to disrupt the last step of my body formation.

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why I want to be a demi-human. Humans are naturally curious, so why wouldn’t I want to at least try? But, on the other hand, I really do like being human, unlike some other people who hate the human race. Humans are more numerous than demi-humans, and demi-humans are indeed treated differently from humans, but...

In this world, demi-humans are like nobles, unlike what most people would assume when they think about demi-human racial differences. Demi-humans have great affinity to magic, longer lives and racial traits that help with cultivator battles. Some rare variants even have abilities that allow them to fight those who are a level above them. Now that I think about it, being a demi-human would really make me annoyed with people who want to recruit me. I also, as a commoner from Earth, would not like to be treated as a noble. Lets stay human then.

Well, shall we get going?

Goddamn! I was not expecting this! A strong bloody smell assails my nose, even the divine fart smells cannot cover it up. I’m currently staring down the stairs of the basement level, if where I am wasn’t already a basement. Bodies of cultivators, which can be considered unrefined treasures to some, are strewn and stacked all across both the stairs and the floor. There are, what, hundreds of bodies? The area is pretty big so I wouldn’t doubt that. What the hell though?

During the World War, it was mostly just lots of people killing each other, people self detonating and backstabbing. But I never saw anything like this kind of body hoarding. People mostly just up and killed them, took their treasures and sometimes burned and buried the bodies. This… this is just something else. I guess there are times where peace is worse than war. I check the closest body, right next to my foot. All the qi that should be left in the body of a cultivator who still has their flesh is gone. So, they drained their qi to power the formation? Or was the formation meant to extract the qi from their bodies? If it was to be collected by the formation, then, based on the average cultivation of these corpses, it probably wouldn’t be enough to fully build my body.

Well, even though I hate it, no point in thinking about it now that I’ve killed them all. Well, they deserved it anyway, seeing as how they dared to attack me. Huh? Was that pride I just heard? No, I must have thought wrong. Anyway, time to find some documents. Documents here, however, aren’t on paper. Their on jade slips, like most other wuxia/xianxia novels. So, instead of documents, jade… slips. Why do I feel kinda… disappointed?



I suck in a deep breath and let it out. The outside is great! Although when I was back on Earth I would’ve said something different, but new life, new me! I’m a lot different from before. Anyway, getting back on track. Where should I go? Actually, I should prepare. Prepare for what, you ask? My eventual meet with other sentient indigenous creatures of Nephila. A background would be the first thing on my list. Thankfully, I have a thorough understanding of this world’s common sense. I have watched from the sidelines long enough, gathering information and biding my time. I know what I should do and what I shouldn’t. I can do this! I can successfully blend in!

{3 days later…} -System.

What was that I said a few days ago? About blending in? Oh right, I thought I could. Seems I’m in prison now. Blending in should’ve been simple, given my expertise ({*Snickers*} System, did you just laugh? {That assumption is incorrect.}). Who would’ve thought that, out of the few places I wasn’t paying attention to, this place hated humans?! It’s outrageous! I mean, what the hell?! The human race is widely accepted throughout this entire planet, why the hell does this place hate them?! What the fuck did humans ever do to them?! System?!

{This is a city of demonic beasts. Because of their natural distaste towards humans and the fact that you were exceedingly suspicious, they decided that they should arrest you on the spot and ask questions later, possibly never. To make matters worse for you, this city has a long history of mutual dislike of humans.}


{Status effect: Hysteria, identified. LOL.} (Read in monotone)


{No promises.}

These programmed responses are just too amazing. They know when to mock you, to joke with you… to mock you. Ah whatever, I need to start cultivating soon. Too bad I can’t cultivate until the week time limit is over. I needed a week to make sure that there is no problems with my body. Then I can start cultivating.

System, why do you think those wizards decided to do that ritual here? Aren’t they humans too?

{Incorrect, the ‘wizards’ were, in fact, demon beasts. They most likely decided to do the ritual here because this was where such a thing would be most likely to be accepted, considering all the corpses you found were of human cultivators.}

Oh? They were demon beasts? How interesting, I didn’t even notice. Wait, don’t demon beasts need to be in the Origin Realm?

{That assumption is correct for higher tier demonic beasts. The ‘wizards’ were some of the lowest tier species known on Nephila.}

So they were low tier demon beasts? I guess I understand why they were so weak even with their Mystic Soul cultivation. Hey system, any ideas on how to break out of this prison?


Huh? Why not?

{Your cultivation is insufficient to break to defeat the guards outside. Adding on to the fact that most of the demon beasts that guard you are at least mid tier, you have no hope of escaping without external help.}

So I’m screwed then?

{That assumption is correct.}

Time to wait until something convenient happens then…

{Day of the trial, he is soooooo screwed.} -System + Programmed Response

So, why am I on trial?

{Because you are determined to be a spy, albeit a bad one.}


I ain’t even a spy, so why am I on trial?

{Because they assume you to be one.}

How can I get myself out of this situation?

{Besides killing every single guard in the city (which, may I add, is impossible for you now), you have no chance at even escaping three feet.}

Wow, real encouraging there system.

{Those words were not meant to be encouraging.}

Goddamn it. Do I have to die like this? With a system that doesn’t get sarcasm, not even a friend to talk to?

{Technically, you wo-}

Shut up please. I don’t want to hear it.


Damn, damn, damn. I’m stupid. I should’ve been more mindful that just walking in doesn’t work like it does in fantasy novels. I never thought my speaking skills, although already bad, would’ve gotten worse over the years I was here. What the hell have I done to deserve this treatment? Bad karma in my past life? Don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical.


Fucking shite! Why the hell do I have an accent?! No, calm down me. Calm down. What to do now though…?

Ah! System, how many times can I use ‘that’?

{You can use it three times, if you wish to use it to escape, I suggest you see if there are any options of possible escape left before using ‘that’, as you call it.}

Good, good, good. I have a chance! A chance to live.

{End of the trial, because the other stuff is deemed ‘boring’ and 'unnecessary'.} -System

“Human spy,” The demon beast judge roars, “You are to be put to immediate execution!”

“Oh come on!” I shout, “I haven’t done a single thing! Why the he-”


“Quiet, your punishment has been decided, human.”

The person who is keeping me in check demands coldly. God these beasts are real demons. I haven’t done shit and yet they want me dead. Assholes. Guess I’ll have to resort to ‘that’, even if I don’t want to use it. I gave myself three chances to use this, as it is in accordance with the ancient laws. Seems that I’ll be forced to use it without truly living on this planet for even a week.

A few minutes later, I’m forced down to my knees and my head pushed onto the chopping block. In the background, I hear a dragon roar, but for some reason, nobody pays attention. I guess it’s normal. As the priest gives me my last rites, eight divines something or other, I quietly open the menu to ‘that’ and give a small smirk. The priest finishes giving the rites, and the headsman turns to me.

“Any last words, human?” He asks.

Why the hell do they say ‘human’ after they address me? Do they need to remind themselves that I’m human just in case they forget? Is me being a human able to make them not feel guilty about it?

“Yes actually.” I say, my voice filled with some pride. “This Lord’ll be damn sure to remember all of you and what you did. False accusations and bullshit discrimination towards this Lord. Count your days until this Lord personally ends them, as they’ll be quite valuable for you. This Lord isn’t normally this much of an asshole, but you all have successfully pissed this Lord off. If you had just stayed in your hole like you beasts should, then you never would’ve incurred the wrath of this Lord!”1

The crowd has a stunned silence, I assume it’s because their shocked that a mortal human dares utter such arrogant words. After the short stunned silence. Half of the crowd erupts into laughter and the other half starts booing. As expected. I scoff at their reactions and the headsman raises his blade. I guess I should use that now.

“Console commands, activate.” I whisper.

As the headsman’s blade swings down, it passes through my neck as if it isn’t there. I back flip and land on my feet, bindings already torn off. As soon as I land, I give a roundhouse kick at the headsman, my foot cutting him in half as if it was a blade. The crowd is once again silent. The soldiers react quicker however. One calls for reinforcements, while the others rush me; however, even for these guards at the Sky Stepping Realm, numbers are nothing in the face of true power.

{Commencing switch to POV of random demon beast guard...} -System

With emotionless eyes, the prisoner raised his hand and pointed it at my comrades who are attempting to kill him. I don’t know how this human did it, but he managed to escape the headsman without any qi fluctuation. None! We should’ve Soulsearched him to get this technique, but its too late know. He draws back his hand and sweeps it forward. Once again no qi fluctuations are felt from this man, but instead, the ambient qi that is present everywhere moves instead! How did he do that?! Before I can reach an answer, however, a sharp blade of ultra condensed qi shoot out from that simple arm sweep.

In but a second, all of my comrades charging him are now dead.


T-this man, no this monster! How did he do that? He has no visible cultivation base. Even those old undyings at Star Lighting Realm can’t do something like controlling ambient qi like this. At least, not without emitting some sort of qi fluctuations. And if this human senior2 was such a person that is above Star Lighting Realm, why would they willingly let themselves be arrested and almost executed like this?

The human senior was indeed powerful. Even if he isn’t above Star Lighting Realm, he is powerful enough to kill all of us with ease. I quickly throw down my weapon and drop into a dogeza3.

“Pleaseforgivemealmightysenior!” I scream, desperate.

I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to read this anymore! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!

“No.” The emotionless answer reaches me.


I stand up and grasp my weapon, ready to face this senior, even if it means my death. I won’t die in submission.



{Transferring to author’s POV…} -System

A head flies into the air and lands not too far away from the body it was separated from. It was the head of the only man who had a chance to beg for his life before his city was turned into Demon’s Folly Crater.

“*Phew* Boy, that escalated quickly; I mean that really got out of hand fast.”

1(A\N: In Chinese culture, they have different ways of saying I. They sometimes address themselves as superior beings with things like ‘this young master’ or ‘this king’. I decided to use this to make our MC seem very arrogant. Suited for some ‘last words’ of a supreme being. *Chuckles*. By the way, I haven’t studied this, just taking it from other wuxia novels that I’ve read.)

2(A\N: I know I’m doing lots of things from Chinese novels, but I really do feel like they fit nicely. For those of you who don’t want a true wuxia novel, don’t worry; I’m just using terms that are used in those novels, I’m not copying their style. Back to the real topic, senior is a respectful way to address someone with higher age, higher status or higher cultivation than the person speaking. Junior is used to address those who have lower age, lesser status or lower cultivation. This was borrowed from wuxia novels.)

3(A\N: Japanese pose of self degradation, basically getting on hands and shins and throwing your head onto the floor and screaming unintelligible stuff. That thing Sora does to Shiro in ‘No Game No Life’ to apologize about the fact he’s against incest.)

(A\N: If you can’t tell, I will be using the system’s “quotes” to transfer points of view.)

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