《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》Chapter 4- Whenever I Hear ‘New Body’, I Always Think of Captain Ginyu.


The reason I thought that I could form a body because of someone compressing qi to the point of it solidifying it, was because I can’t take over a body. Two reasons. One, unless the person is an immortal, they won’t be able to handle the power that I have. Two, it goes against my morals. Yes, even after watching seven years of a World War, I still have morals and a conscience. I was born on Earth during peaceful times, it made me rather soft.

Anyway, back to body forming. My consciousness shifts to where these people are solidifying qi. With my coming, the qi starts to solidify faster. This is because I’m basically the ruler of all the qi on Nephila, so I can stop this or speed it up. Obviously I sped it up. Qi flow becomes extremely smooth and qi solidifies into an even bigger lump of pure power. The expressions of the wizards, as I will now call them, brighten instantly, but soon most turn confused. That makes sense, the very nature of qi is to be spread out. Relations between qi is like the relation between two positive poles on a magnet or the relation between a son who wants to kill his dad and would seriously do it if given a good reason. They naturally are against getting closer. Seems those wizards understand that much.

Now, there is enough qi for me to make a new body! I slow down my perception of time, so that everything looks like its moving in slow motion. I quickly stop the qi condensing formation and force the solid qi to stay together and form into the shape of my new body. Obviously I’m not going to look the same. New world, new me. First, my figure. Obviously male, I don’t gender bend for real life. I’ll be slim, about the same as the famous ‘enviable nerd physique’ but without as much muscle. You’ll still be able to see my abs though. Hehe, I already look pretty good. I’ll be about 6’ with black hair that reaches to the back of my neck and covers my eyes slightly. Purple eyes that seem to glow with mystic light, nice face that makes people want to open up. It isn’t as easy to get someone’s life story as they make it seem in fantasy novels, so I have to do what I can to get that information.

Clean shaven, as per usual. Actually, lets go with no visible body hair at all, it makes me look sexier. For the manhood... we’ll just say that it is average size (I’m not too sure what average size is here and I don’t want to look at other men’s, that’s just weird). Now, unto the less important things like clothes. Plain white, but comfortable t-shirt, normal, but easy to move in blue jeans, very dark blue jeans that are almost black. Black boots to match my jeans. That badass looking overcoat that cool MCs wear, except with dark purple lines going down the seams that make it look even cooler. Finally, the most important thing of everything I’ve done so far. Glasses! They’re gonna be normal with a deep blue frame.


What? Do you have a problem? I was rather attached to my glasses in my previous life, of course I want them in my next life. And yes, I did make it so that I need the glasses. My vision will actually be rather bad without my glasses in my new body. Anyway, time to finalize. I slow down my perception of time even more to make sure I can get everything quickly. I get information from the system about organs, blood veins, meridians and all those important things need for a human body to function properly and smoothly.


I can relax a bit. I’ve done everything I can think of. Oh wait! I quickly increase the strength of my immune system. I want to be disease resistant, I’d prefer not to miss something important because of a cold. Right, other improvements as well. Better natural regeneration, faster neurons, improved nervous system for smooth and fast information transmission, general brain improvement. Let’s see…

Background? No, I’ll think of that later.

Familiar? No, I think I’ll go it alone for now.

Treasure? Oh! I did nearly forget that!

Right, treasure. I think I’ll go with two, one for long range and one for close range. For my long range one, it’ll be a bow or hovering ball I think. Actually, I have a better idea. I’ll cultivate normally, like any other person. I’ll have my nine tribulations, which will give me nine life treasures that I can turn into a true treasure. Alright then! I’ll have my OP close range treasure for my start, and my true treasure will be long range.

Despite my desire to be original in my weapon choice, I choose a sword. But to be original as possible, I choose a broken sword. It’ll miss half of it’s original length, putting the blade just a bit over a foot and a half long. Except for the first day, this treasure will be ‘sealed’ until I reach immortality and become the strongest person on the planet. The blade of the sword will be translucent and cracked at the place where the upper part of the blade should be. The hilt will be like a normal bastard sword but leather wrapped and dull red in color. Scabbard of the sword will be on my back to prevent the coat from whipping around in the wind too much. Of course the scabbard will be meant for the full sword to provide the best effect of badassery.

Alright, preparation completed! Now, new body, become mine!!

{You are currently attempting to sever your current control over the planet and it’s qi. This means you will not be able to fully control the planet’s laws and functions until you reach immortality for your new body, except for certain exceptions that can be explained later. You will still have access to the system’s archives. Are you sure you want to change bodies?}



My world instantly becomes much smaller as I transfer into my new body. I can no longer see at all. I can’t feel anything. I’m not aware of anything at all. It’s as if I’m dead again. Oh please don’t let me be dead again. System?

{Functions of the system have been locked. Verifying credentials… Credentials verified. Access has been willingly limited to information archives only. Unlocking information archives… Information archives successfully unlocked. Adapting to new host… Successfully adapted. Establishing set parameters… Parameters successfully established. The system is currently functional within established parameters. What do you require?}

Am I still alive?

{You are.}

Oh thank god. So, what’s currently happening to me? Why can’t I see or feel anything?

{Your consciousness is currently being transferred to the body you created. This process will not take long to complete. To answer your second question; your perception of time has slowed down to a ratio of 1:9,001 seconds, because of this time warping on your perception, you are experiencing the feeling of your conscious being transferred much slower than normal.}

Oh, forget to return my perception of time to normal. Better do that right now. As my perception of time returns to normal, I start feeling things again. Qi flow, air currents, clothing, boots, my body. Finally. I can feel sensations again. All those things that I missed. All the things I needed. Thank god. My eyes are still closed to add to the badass effect. I inhale deeply and then exhale. Then the smell assaults my nose. Blood, that’s what it is. With the amount of qi here it should smell like a deluge heavenly flowers and divine farts, but what I smell most is blood. I slowly open my eyes and look around at my new surroundings. The wizards are still in the same place, but have become so shocked that they forgot about the qi gathering formation. All the solid qi immediately disperses into the air, but the wizards are still too startled at my appearance to even react to that.

I’ll break them out of their stupor so I can get some answers. I think I’ll start with a question…

“Hey,” I said, trying to sound friendly. “Why does it smell like blood? Or is that just me?”

One of the wizards snaps back to reality and pull a spear from… somewhere? I think it might be a spacial ring or something similar. He points the spear at me with both fear and rage on his face. Hey man, what the hell?

“Kill him!”

WHAT?! Bro, what the fuck?! Why do you want me dead?! What the hell did I just do wrong? System, this time I’m actually asking you the question! Why do they want me dead?!

{Based on data gathered from the actions of these people, the most likely conclusion is that they are reacting in a way as though you have interrupted an ‘evil’ ritual and you are the hero for justice. This conclusion was put together based on information gathered from ‘fantasy novels’ you have read. There are 7 other conclusions that have been generated. Would you like to hear them? Y/N}

No thank you, not right now. Currently the wizards are charging me! I need to clear up this misunderstanding right now!

“I think there might be a misunderstanding, I’m not here to interrupt your evil ritual! That is, if it is an evil ritual.”

“Quickly, kill him!”

Okaaaaaaay, seems head wizard wants me dead, no matter my excuse. Well, shit. I had hoped to understand what the hell these guys were doing. Seems that my plans have just gone out the window and into the dog crap in the neighbor’s backyard.

I grasp the handle of my new sword, which I still haven’t named. I pull it out and turn in a circle, holding the sword in front of me. An invisible ripple of power spreads out from spin slash. It instantly bisects all those who are charging me. The formation that I used to get a body rumbles and dims, out of power. Makes sense, I killed those in control of it. The head wizard just stares in shock at the death of his subordinates. Good, he knows my strength now. Hopefully he’ll open up.


Before I can even get a question out, head wizard roars and jumps at me, spear thrust forward. Goddamn! Please chill, I just want some answers that’s all. It’s not like I’m your archenemy. I sigh and lean to the left, just enough to dodge his thrust. I sadly look at him and bring my sword down, the invisible ripple decapitates him. Propelled by his momentum, his corpse smashes into the wall on the other side. Well, there goes any chance of information now that he’s dead.

These guys weren’t tough, and very normal in fact. Still though, it’s weird. These wizards have only just reached Mystic Soul level, they shouldn’t have access to this type of formation. Too bad I haven’t started cultivating yet, otherwise I could’ve done a Soulsearch2 on them and gotten information. Speaking of cultivating, I need to start so when my one day time limit is up I don’t get screwed.

Now, time to search this place. I can still smell blood and divine farts3.

1(A\N: Captain Ginyu’s special move, he’s from Dragon Ball Z.)

2(A\N: Mind reading, except it makes people a vegetable.)

3(A\N: Yes, these shall be a thing.)

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