《Try Reincarnation, They Said. It Would Be Fun, They Said.》Chapter 2- Hey System, He Has a Point You Know...


So, that happened. Seems ‘God’ was either trying to play mind games, or really didn’t know my gender. Because I was most certainly a dude before. But now I’m… genderless. No gender for me it seems. I’m glad to be alive, so what’s this feeling of defeat? Oh wait, my manly pride. I still had that?

Who the hell am I kidding, I’m so pissed. As a man, I had pride in my gender and I want to keep that pride as it may be the only thing I can actually be happy about having! I can’t say anything about the size of Jr, but I certainly thought it was at least average. What the hell god?! You’re a dude too right?! WHY?!?!

Alright, rambling finished. Now to check out what the hell is going on in my new life. I immediately turn my attention to the closest area of, well, anything. Oh yeah, I am basically in control of this entire planet. I can control the terrain, weather, even the ozone layer! But I don’t think it’s ozone as I’m not too sure that it is made up of the same stuff.

I wonder if I can look at the atoms of the atmosphere? Seeing as how I can do anything I want besides blowing up the planet, it might be possible. Let’s take a peek.


It seems I really can look at the atomic structure of these things. Ah, wait. What was ozone made up of though?

{Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms.}

Wait? What did I just do?

{As a benefit of becoming the supreme being of this planet, you now have access to the system. In your terms, it can be considered google. Including all of it’s branch products as well.}

That’s amazing! I am now have my own google apps that allows me to obtain any information in this world! That is one of the most overpowered things ever. Because knowledge is power. I understand that much. Wait, I forgot! All google products… *Gasp* Even…!

{Unfortunately, the system does not provide services like YouT*be.}


Freaking out of date products, there’s nothing good about outdated models when the new stuff is so much better. Damn. I require an update!

{Your request was denied, you do not have the status nor contributions to request the system to change anything.}

You have ruined my fun.

{And you have ruined my life.}

… Was that programmed?

{That assumption is correct.}

There is some high-tech stuff in the universe. I mean, seriously, you crazy immortals are freaking amazing, making something like the system. And it answers any questions you have. This thing is great.


{Would you like to rate your experience with the system? Y/N?}

No, I don’t do ratings.

{If you leave a rating, there is a possibility of your request of a YouT*be similar app being accepted.}

What do I rate it out of?

{Please rate out of five, with one being the lowest and five being the highest.}

Five of five, no question.

{Thank you for leaving a rating. Note: Your request has been denied once again.}

Can I lower my rating?

{You can leave a rating one heaven cycle later.}

Ooh! A new term. What might a heaven cycle be? And why is it called that?

{In your terms, 1 million years. A heaven cycle is called that because every 1 million years, the rulers of Heaven have heavenly fire descend on all universes that have cultivators and eliminate veritable amounts of cultivators to lower the population.}

...That’s too long. That is way too long! That is also way too harsh! Why kill all those cultivators? What did they do to you?

{The cultivators killed are only those who have not surpassed their tribulation to immortality, also know as the immortal tribulation, and some of those who are capable, but not currently cultivating. The reason is to limit the burden on the universe. If there are too many cultivators that are not strong enough to leave their universe, those who have not surpassed their immortal tribulation, then this universe will not be able to hold them all. For a better description, please consider this example; like a boat with too many people, it will sink into the Primal Void and fall apart, killing everyone residing in it. To answer your second question; there is nothing in particular cultivators in general have done to the system or those who made this law at the time.}

Primal Void?

{Your question is too general to provide an accurate answer. Would you like the simple explanation or the long one?}

For now, simple one please.

{The space that this universe resides in is the multiverse called Primal. Primal is separated into three different levels. Primal Void, Primal Chaos, and Primal Firmament. The level that universes such as this one is the Primal Chaos. The Primal Void is the bane of all mana, qi, essence, universal energy, etc. If this universe falls into the Primal Void, then all the universal energy that holds this universe together would disperse, destroying this universe. This is because of the unique void energy that is produced in and only exists in the Primal Void. Referring back to the previous example pertaining to boats and cultivators, cultivators can be considered to have a special weight. The more cultivators that have not transcended their tribulation, the more the universe is weighed down. If the universe has too much weight, it will sink into the Primal Void and be destroyed before it can leave. The Primal Void, even among cultivators with great attainments, is considered mysterious and unfathomable as some universes can still exist in it. The universe you reincarnated from was a special universe residing in the Primal Void.}


Guess I can't really go back no matter how hard I tried now. Why was my previous universe safe from destruction? It was in the Primal Void, so shouldn’t it have been destroyed?

{Your universe is special in that it rejects any form of universal energy. It only accepts energy formed inside itself or the Primal Void. The Primal Void does not reject the energy created in your universe, but confines it inside of your universe.}

Interesting. Are there other universes in the Primal Void that have not been destroyed?


That was direct. Guess I need to elaborate. Why are they still existing? Have any universes that sunk into the Primal Void still exist in there?

{Universes that exist in the Primal Void have either been born from the Primal Void, or have been formed from remnants left by the destruction of universes that have fallen into the Primal Void. To answer your second question; Not in their original state.}

Alright, please record all that information you gave me in Google Docs.

{The system does not have the app ‘Google Docs’.}

Oh, of course. Wait, I can actually remember it all? That’s pretty nice, reincarnating improved my memory. Also, Primal Chaos? Primal Firmament?

{Your questions are too general to provide an accurate answer. Would you like the simple explanation or the long one?}

Simple again please. Just for now.

{The Primal Chaos is the realm where universal energy is produced to form universes and valuable treasures. There is no other special function of the Primal Chaos besides being the optimal environment for universes to reside. The Primal Firmament is where the most powerful cultivators who have surpassed their tribulation in Primal often reside. Divine energy and arcane energy are the most prominent energies in that realm. It is made up of very few divine worlds. Universes that have produced enough immortals in the Primal Chaos have a chance to transcend to the Primal Firmament and become a bridgeworld, where they can serve as a gateway from the Primal Chaos to the Primal Firmament. Bridgeworlds have a chance to ascend once every heaven cycle during the ascension trails. If they complete the ascension trails, they will become a divine world, where the inhabitants will finally be introduced to divine energy. The bridgeworlds that have ascended to divine worlds will have the same privileges as natural divine worlds.}

That’s… a lot to take in. My head hurts from all this info. Anyway, I have an idea what is going on here. I have just a few questions.

{The system will answer any and all questions as long as they do not breach regulations.}

How did Primal form? Simple version please.

{A Multiverse core was created by an ancient expert who was able to jump planes of reality and turn fiction into fact and fact into fiction. He was the absolute coolest person ever and you should prostrate yourself before his very mention, as he is so much better than all of you noobs who can’t measure up to him. Also, subscribe to his YouT*be channel.}

… Was that programmed?

{That assumption is correct.}

Figures. Did he also create the system?


That makes sense then. Alright one more, how was all the information you gave me discovered by cultivators? Simple as possible please.

{The creator of Primal gave knowledge of cultivation to the first inhabitants. Eventually, one cultivator transcended their tribulation and saw universes ascending and falling into the void over the course of his life. He was also given an order by the creator of Primal to try and prevent universes from falling into the Primal Void. All the other information was given by the creator of Primal.}

Right. Question again. Was the order to prevent universes falling into the Primal Void for fun or for serious?

{For serious.}

Just one question then.

{The system will answer any and all questions as long as they do not breach regulations.}

If the creator seriously didn’t want any universe sinking into the Primal Void, then why did he give cultivation techniques to the inhabitants in the first place? Actually, why did he make the Primal Void in the first place if he didn’t want any universe being destroyed like that?


I-It’s not like I want to answer your question or a-anything. I-idiot!}

You tsundere…

{-I-idiot, i-it’s not l-like that!}

… Was that programmed?

{That assumption is correct.}


I love this world.

(A\N: Yes, that entire info dump came from our MC wanting to know what the atomic structure of ozone was. I surprise even myself sometimes. Also, tsunderes. And no, this is not supposed to be an American trying to write a wuxia novel. It has some elements like that, but it is not a fully wuxia or xianxia style novel.)

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