《I Got Reincarnated as High Human with Creation Eye》Ch - 2 Blessing of the World and Love Gods


Although, I don't know if she is a real god or a self-proclaimed one, but I need to ask her about this place, and why am I here. By doing so I'll get my answer. As I was thinking that the glow covering the the body of the goddess began to form in shape.... There I saw the goddess, the self-proclaimed one.

"How rude na... You are still thinking about it, then I'll just have to show you! How gods looks like. Ah, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. Don't fall for me after seeing my divine form."

*giggle* giggle*

I think I'm starting to get a headache, really now... What am I suppose to do with this self-proclaimed goddess, and if she is really is what she what she exclaims to be, then are all the gods like her? Or is she an only exception.

Well I don't know how she looks like in her divine form, but she is actually a beauty wonder what her god mode looks like.

Like a sun she began to glow brightly, transform into her divine form. Which made me think..... She truely is a goddess....! She is tall with slender waists and well-proportioned body, her long blue hair with procelinskin and colorful green-blue eyes, somehow looks divine to me right now. Certanly anyone will fall for this self-proclaimed goddess.

However isn't her looks kinda too much erotic.... Clothes in her divine form is kind of revealing too much. I need to focus myself, i'll not give in! Even if you show me this! Yup I won't!

"I can say you are god... Me not being able to move my muscles, certainly I feel pressure crashing down on my body. But, do gods really like to reveal their skin? And if it's just used as a way to distract my attention, then i'll like for you to revert back to your original form. Because I pretty much like your original form."

Self-proclaimed goddess, maybe hearing my request she changed to her usual form. Wearing a cute Japanese bunny tea party dress in blue (this dress doesn't have any ears and tails its a casual dress). She really looks cute in this dress it suits her well.

If I was alive I would surely like to make this cute animal like goddess my wife. The way she calls herself onee-san is kind of unique and lovely, and last but not the least her smile.... It is dangerous weapon for me, it makes my heart pound.

After erasing those thoughts I focused at her. I can see she her face is bright red and she is tremble a bit. It's makes me really curious. I wonder if she caught fever, or is suffering from something. Whatever it is.... It looks quiet painful. Observing her red face I ask her but the answer she gave me in return is really odd.

"Y-You should not play with a maidens heart you know! Thinking such things... w-what will you do if I fall for it you will have to take responsibility okay!!"

What is she saying.... do gods really have maidens heart. I don't really get it but if she asks for my help in the future, I'll definitely help her as I'm acquainted with her now. But I don't have confidence even after I got this power. Will she really get in trouble? Maybe she will.. Taking her appearance in divine form and the way she talks she will definitely get into trouble even if she is a goddess. Hmm... Really who was it that gave her job the of a god.


"Well, I don't know what you mean by responsibility. But I'll definitely be by your side when you need me even if I don't have that much confidence in myself. As a proof why don't we make a promise? Dosen't look like a bad idea does it."

It certainly isn't bad I can enjoy her company again in the future. Walking at my direction she stopped in front of me and began to talk in a playful manner.

"Ara, did you fall for me *giggle* there were many who did even among gods but they were not worthy at all. .....I have made up my mind~ I choose you Haruhiro, you are the one chosen by the [Universe Eye] you can't be a bad person, right?"

I don't know how things will turn out but he is the [Universe Eye] chosen one. Because of my mistake he died and got summoned here by [Universe Eye] and became the existence we [God] wish very hard o even take a look at. And as I read his mind it made me feel hot as my heartbeats increases. I'm strating to get embarrassed because of his thoughts. In my whole life this is the first time I have seen someone with such simple thoughts, and because of it i'm getting restless. I haven't felt this in my entire lifetime. And to think that I would feel this for the person I mistakenly killed, it's making me feel shame thinking about it.

He is looking here I need to calm my mind.

"Ahem, as a goddess it's wrong. But it's my dicision, so there won't be a problem. I'll bestow you my [Blessing] as you have been recognised by this onee-san, how do you feel *giggle*."

What will she do if someone took her words in a different way? And don't go casually crossing your arms around mine, others would surely mistake your action thinking of it as an invitation. As I was thinking that I notice something was wrong.

Glancing at her face carefully she seems to be actually embarrassed, and was trying to hide it from me. Does she think I can't notice such a simple thing. Really I can't hold my laughter if she acts like this, she it too cute....! God I want to embrace her till I drop dead, it is my real wish.

Oh, I completely forgot about it but I need to ask many things regarding this place and about my companion [CEye]. I smile wryly thinking I forgot to ask about it.

"Ahem, there is something I need to know about this place and about my companion do you know anything about it goddess. And one more thing.... What do you mean by 'I'll bestow you blessing' and 'as a goddess it's wrong', isn't it supposed to be a job god does. But you are telling me in a way that says it's not."

If I'm right i'm supposed to get [Blessing] from a god and reincarnate on another world, but it's really odd, I'm already in another world. It's a bit different from light novels.


"You seem to have some strange thoughts mixed up but I can't say your thoughts aren't wrong. It's just that I'm God of Love not the World God. Bestowing Blessing and Reincarnation is one of the things World God does and he is the one to oversee the world. World God was supposed to come here but for some reason he is late *giggle* *giggle* I can guess why, and so can you, right?~~"

"And this place was created to summon the 'chosen one' and you were summoned here by the [Universe Eye] after your death. When you were summoned many gods including World God was surprised seeing the turn of events which was created by me (well I can't say I was about to get punished by the World God *giggle* after all it was my mistake you died. But I'm happy, I got to meet you after all) so I came here to check on you."


I nearly forgot but she, the goddess was the reason for my death. Now that I think about it's kind of funny but I'm happy because of her mistake I got to meet a cute and bold goddess. And my companion [CEye].

World God huh.. Must be a superior god, even his name signifies that. And if a god of that caliber is taking his time, it must have been something big and there is only one thing I can say, as a big event.

"I wonder why you chose me.... You have the power to do anything. Create, oversee and protect, these three things are the minimum you can do but I really want see your maximum capabilities. Will I be able to unlock it, how many years will it take or will my life end at that time."

"Goddess what happens if the owner of the Creation Eye dies, will it search for a new owner."

I'm curious about it and who knows even a god can come after my life, so I need to be prepared at all times. Even if I die I don't want my spirit to be extinguish like a puff of smoke. It sure will be difficult at that time.

"You shouldn't need to worry, even if you die you'll be resurrected by Universe Eye, and it is part of your body. To tell you the truth *giggle* even gods fears the being chosen by Universe Eye, because are an immortal being which can easily manipulate or annihilate gods."

I really got shock after hearing that and began to think. Am I gonna be alright with it, am I worthy to even walk on a path higher than [Gods], am I worthy to be even chosen by [CEye]. I only wasted my life all those years without fulfilling the role that was given to me when I was born. My mom and dad... I left them halfway by dying will they be able to live without me. Thinking about these things tears began to flow from my eyes.

Seeing me in this state [Goddess] embraced me as she understood my thoughts. I don't know what to do so I embraced her and cried at my useless self who couldn't do anything.

I separate from her and said my thanks to the [Goddess] seeing me in this state she *giggle*.

"It sure was a feast for my eyes seeing you cry like that, I'll remember this moment and treasure it~ I will use it to tease you when you reincarnate on another world."

"And when you were crying I got a message from the World [God]. Guessing from his voice he seems to be happy?! Did something good happen to World [God]! Ah~ *giggle* *giggle* so that how it was~ well I guess it was the right choice I think for [God]s to decide seeing things through, only by doing so they understood him."

I sure made fun of myself in front of her. Let's concentrate on the message for now. Hearing her words I can say World [God] was watching me together with other [God]s. And I'm sure they also saw me crying. Aaaah! It sure is depressing! I can do nothing about it can I.... let's ask her about the message.

"So what is on the message is he coming here to send me to another world with his [Blessing]."

"Hmm.. he won't be coming here but he said 'I'm waiting for you little one, become stronger. We'll meet when the time comes' and sent this thing for you. I know what it is but I don't know what the World [God] has packed in it for you. Put it inside your mouth and say the word [Blessing]."

A [Crystal] in candy a size, I don't know what it does. But I should give it a try, throwing the candy size [Crystal] in my mouth I said the word.


I got covered in warm light, as it spreads all over my body the [Crystal] melted in my mouth. Method of using the [Crystal] got printed on my mind as I received the World [God] [Blessing].


> Status

Saito Haruhiro Lvl - 8 [Infinity]

Species - High Human [Rare]

HP - 8 [Infinity]

MP - 8 [Infinity]

Strength - 8 [Infinity]

Endurance - 8 [Infinite]

Speed - 8 [Infinity]

Luck - 8 [Infinity]

> Skills

> Special/Unique Skills

[Universe Eye/Creation Eye]; eye of the Universe, the one who holds it becomes a person of infinity. The holder of [Universe Eye] creates and protects the meaning of life. Can do things infinitely, can even break common sense of universe.

[Universe Creation]; can create [Universe]/[World], creation of living organism is possible. The organism created through it can be controlled including their growth.

[Universe Appraisal]; rewrite/edit and shows information as the name suggest [Universe Appraisal].

[Universe Map]; expandable/shows explored and unexplored [Universe] [World] and [Areas].

[Universe Storage]; [Unlimited] and [Timeless]/ can even store alive beings lower in class than [Universe Eye].

[Universe Radar]; similar to [Universe Map], but shows indicators and other information and can teleport any being to a different location.

[Universe Mana]; creation and purification of mana can be done/ fusion of different types of mana is possible/ can transfer one's mana into other/ can summon mana from different [Universes].

[Universe Summon]; can summon rare and legend beings of [Universe].

[Universe Limiter]; limits one's own strength and power. Can also limit the strength and power of other beings. If use against opponent can gains [Exp] points according to lvl.

> Combat Skills

[Martial Arts (lv10)]

[Sword Art (lv10)]

[Parry (lv10)]

[Thrust (lv10)]

[Dual Welding (lv10)]

[Heavy Blow (lv10)]

[Penetration (lv10)]

> Tactical Skills

[Retreat (Lv10)]

[Cooperation (Lv10)]

[Leadership (Lv10)]

[Formation (Lv10)]

[Strategy (Lv10)]

[Provocation (Lv10)]

> Supportive Skills

[Self-Healing (Lv10)]

[Magic Bestowal (Lv10)]

[Magic Healing (Lv10)]

[Magic Perception (Lv10)]

[Mana Control (Lv10)]

[Magic Armor (Lv10)]

[Mimic: Magic (lv10)]

[Miasma Seer (lv10)]

> Magic-Invoking Skills

[Lightning Magic]

[Fire Magic]

[Wind Magic]

[Earth Magic]

[Water Magic]

[Ice Magic]

[Light Magic]

[Holy Magic]


[Mind Magic]

[Shadow Magic]


[Gravity Magic]

[Space Magic]

[Destruction Magic]

[Darkness Magic]

[Spirit Magic]

[Primeval Magic]

[Soul Magic]

> Resistance Skills

[Shock Resistance (Lv10)]

[Fear Resistance (Lv10)]

> Manufacturing/Crafting

[Weapon Creation (Lv10)]

[Blacksmith (Lv10)]

[Compounding (Lv10)]

[Refining (Lv10)]

> Academic Skills


[Lost Knowledge]



[Education (Lv10)]


[Ancient Language]

> Titles

[Otherworldly] [Holder of Universe Eye/Creation Eye] [Common Sense Breaker] [Chosen One] [Unparalled Being] [Protector of Universe] [Blessing of World God].


"It's too OP what is this, is it the blessing of the world [God]. It's too much you know."

"It's not the blessing of world [God], it's your own power *giggle* *giggle* as the holder of [Universe] eye you have great responsibility. The world [God] [Blessing] to you is to see another world differently. It's kinda like him to give [Blessing] of seeing world differently."

I didn't know I would become an OP character, but it feels great to be one, I don't know what I'll do with this much power. But first I'll have to think about controlling it.

"Ara, I forgot to tell you one more thing, the skills you got from [Universe] eye except the skills named with [Universe], are the skills you got from the [Universe] eye after becoming one with it. You will get more skills and abilities the more you become familiar with it. And when you truly become as one you'll be called [Universe Eye] or [Creation Eye]."

So It's like this huh... I'll get more skills and abilities. I'll need to be careful with my surroundings in another world. And I should take some precautions when using these skill who knows I might get caught up in some trouble.

"Finally it's my turn to bestow you [Blessing] *giggle* *giggle* close your eyes or I can't bestow my [Blessing] to you. As a [Goddess] of [Love] I'm doing this for first time in my life. Itadakimasu!"

I wonder what are the effect of her [Blessing]. I closed my eyes but I felt something was wrong with her words. Before I could open my eyes and say anything, I felt something smooth was touch my lips. I opened my eyes quickly, and there I saw the [Goddess] giving me kiss. She continued for a moment and after a bit more.... she slowly separated her lips from mine.

> Title acquired - First Love of Love Goddess

> Title acquired - Lady Killer

> Title acquired - Blessing of Love Goddess

> Title acquired - Harem King Road

> Skill acquired - Seduction

> Skill acquired - Smooth Talker

> Skill acquired - Lover's Way

> Skill acquired - Lover's Talk

I was already shocked because of her action I became more shocked after seeing the [Titles] and [Skills]. What is wrong with this [Skills] and [Titles] it's like I'm the natural enemy of men and women. How did I get this kind of [Skills] and [Titles]!? I think it's the work of [CEye] as it is a part of me it can understand me.

I smile wryly thinking the possibilities of what would have happen, if a pervert was chosen instead of me. I think all the women in the [Universe] would have become his play thing. As I was thinking that I got one thing clear [CEye] is the enemy of loners.

"M-My name is Yukino, you should call me by my name from now on not [Goddess], as it will deepen our relation a bit."

Haha cute until the end huh! So we will be seperating from here on I should tell her my feelings.

"Um, yukino I forgot to tell you something lend me your ear for a bit. It's a secret you shouldn't tell about this to anyone, okay?"

She came close enough. Alright Its time for revenge I embraced her, bringing my lips on hers I kiss her as she got shocked and was unable to resist she gave herself to me, crossing her arms on my back she accepted me. As we were into each other we didn't care about time, so we seperate after sometime. At time of separation I told her in a low voice near her ear.

"You are my woman yukino, as you are my first love i'll definitely love you. I love you."

She became bright red after hearing me, but she is also stubborn and and bold. Pulling me towards her she came close to my ear and In a small voice and dropped a bomb shell on me.

"I'll wait for you to love me, and at that time I'll make you mine. I'll squeeze you dry~ at that day and make you love me more and more that you won't even think about another women. So be prepared Haruhiro~ you will become mine every time you make love to me, and i'll make you addicted to me. You'll look for me every time you think about me to make to love me. I'll get pleased to see you making love to me~ as i'll make love to you."

Really now! How can she say those ero words her way of leading me is quiet scary. Will she be alright without me? Maybe she will get in trouble after all she chose me not the [Gods] who have eyes on her. I'll have to think of something that can make those [Gods] back off. And I have the power to do so just like how I got those embarrassing skill and titles I might get something useful for her. To get it I have to focus on my feelings and imagination for it to work.

> Title acquired - Love Protector

> Title acquired - Skill Creator

> Skill acquired - Eternal Love

> Skill acquired - Lover's Dive

"it worked huh... and it's really convenient I can easily create skills. Yukino, I just got some skills that might be of use to you."

Thinking if she had already read my mind I scratched my cheeks nervously.

"And if you had already read my mind then you know the uses of these skills right. From the details I received the power of these skills surpasses that of [God] [Blessing]. I think it's too OP. I'll have to use [Universe Limiter] when I get reincarnated in another world."

"So would you like it? If I use this skills on you... it's embarrassing to say it but I don't want any other person with lust to approach you, are you fine... with it?"

"Ara, are you jealous of other gods who looks at me with lustful gaze."

*giggle* *giggle*

I always get in trouble because of my divine form at gods realm and I really hate it when they look at me with those disgusting eyes. But after meeting Haruhiro *giggle* *giggle* I completely forgot about those things and I'm in love with him. I don't want to be separated from him so i'll definitely accept his this skills.

"I got it."

Hearing her say that made me *sigh* at relief. I activated my skill [Eternal Love] and [Lover's Dive]. Our souls left our body and connected with each other making a brand mark on our left shoulder and returned to our body, It sure was interesting. The skill [Eternal Love] and [Lover's Dive] uses my mana as it's source. The details of the skills are.

[Eternal Love]; gives a bit of damage to the one that approaches with harmful intentions. If a person tries to be forceful the skill uses its protection to knockout that person.

[Lover's Dive]; it is used to create a space where the soul of the loved ones gathers. Soul takes the shape of its original body. The lifeless body receives the protection of the skill [Eternal Love] until the soul returns to its body.

"Haruhiro, the gate of reincarnation is the mirror inside the [Antique] shop, you'll have to go through that gate and you will be sent to the world of magics and swords. It's your ticket to reincarnate onto another world."

I had a complex feeling after seeing that gate because it was the mirror I saw after coming into this world. It was the mirror that made me curious to go inside the [Antique] shop, and now its the same mirror that will decide my fate. I'm getting excited to see the other side of the mirror.

But first I should fix this place... I was the reason it got destroyed after all, moving towards the half destroyed shop I placed my hand on the ground and thought of reconstructing it.


The [Antique] shop including the places that got destroyed began to glow brightly. After the brightness began to slowly fade... I saw the place and the [Antique] shop returned to its original state is what I wanted to say. But it looks like it was newly made and I got some new skills too.

I smile wryly and though this power sure is amazing. And all I can do from on is to keep it at limit. There is only one thing left to do so I turned around to see the at her place.

"Hey yukino!!! Thanks for your help! I had fun being on your side! Until we meet again take care of yourself!"

"I'll!! Until we meet again!!"

We said our goodbyes. And now there is a new world waiting for my arrival thinking that I walk inside the gate. Covering me with bright light I lost my consiousness.

My journey to another world begins now!!!.

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