《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 31: Grey Versus Ash 1-3/3-3


Chapter 31: Grey Versus Ash 1/3

Ash was clearly a bit surprised that they have such a fighter here, 'I did not know they had such skilled fighters here, this will be fun', grey lets out a sigh, he did not care what the enemy thought at all he wanted to kill him, and he knew ash wanted to kill him as quickly as possible as well.

Current battle stats:

1106 vs 1802



250 Reinforcements


500 Mercenaries

Ash rushes toward Grey, swinging his sword toward him once again, this time swinging it in an angle he had to deflect, Grey clearly knowing Ash his technic would easily block it, as he almost makes Ash lose his sword in the progress, Ash steps back quickly letting out a soft, 'not bad' as Grey not listening at all quickly steps forward trying to stab Ash as fast as he possibly can move, barely missing him cutting him on the side of his arm in the progress.

A soft stream of blood drips down Ash his arm, Ash quickly notices his bleeding, and a big smile appears on his face, he lets out a laugh pretty loudly before rushing toward Grey who can barely dodge the salvo of attacks Ash throws at him while laughing like a madman, as Grey noticed an opening between the attacks, he quickly moves to slash the sword out of Ash his hand, it would fly away too far to grab before Grey would catch up, Ash instead would rush Grey again this time even faster than before as Grey attempts to stab him again, as Ash who is even better in fistfights then with his sword, easily grabs Grey his arm throwing him over his shoulder onto the ground making Grey lose his dagger in the progress, as he swings him up to throw him again against the ground.


Grey quickly uses the man to jump out of the grip instead, now standing in front of Ash without a weapon, both men staring at each other, both not moving for a while, calculating what to do next, Grey clearly in a less favorable position, both men rush toward each other punching each other right at the same time across the face.

Chapter 31: Grey Versus Ash 2/3

Both men dazed by the punch, Ash would recover the fastest as he punches Grey across the face a few times, before Grey now with a bit of a bloody face punches Ash right in the face back, Ash laughing still like a madman, clearly loving all of this fight, throws in an uppercut, which Grey barely dodges, as Ash quickly rushes after him not giving him any space at all throwing punch after punch Grey barely keeping up with the pace, as Ash becomes faster and faster.

There was a reason why John told them he was dangerous, not only was he great with the sword, he is a master with fistfights, striking fear in all his enemies as he smashes them to a bloody pulp while laughing loudly.

Grey jumps back a few, and Ash quickly follows up not giving him any time to breathe at all, as Grey notices his dagger nearby, He tries to jump toward it but Ash kicks him away from it, and Grey barely misses the dagger, rushing after him not letting Grey get up kicking him again, 'Done already? how boring... I was expecting a better challenger, oh well'.

As he kicks Grey again, 'I guess I was wrong... almost as boring of a fight like that scout guy we left going toward your town almost a week ago... you should have seen his face as I shot him with my bow, and I told him he would die within a few hours', Grey filled with rage knowing Ash had killed one of his closest friends, 'His name was not scout, his name was Scot!', Ash, even more, enjoying the fight now since he notices Grey was actually a friend of him, would taunt Grey more, 'Your friend was weak, just like him you will die', as he rushes another fist toward Greys face as Grey just got up, Grey even more focused now then before quickly dodges the fist, as he would punch Ash right into the face with his other hand, Ash not expecting this punch would take a few steps back.


Grey clearly filled with rage continues to throw punch after punch toward Ash his face becoming redder and redder.

Chapter 31: Grey Versus Ash 3/3

Ash out of nowhere would grab Grey his fist out of the air, throwing him on the ground once again, this time grey would be prepared to land on his feet dodging the incoming fists that would become increasingly even faster than before Grey Adapting to the speed increasing very rapidly, blow after blow each taking more and more damage, both barely able to stand up still, as both swing their fists toward each other, this time Grey his fist connecting to the jaw of Ash, almost knocking him out from the blow and damage he already took in the progress, as Grey clearly almost out of stamina attempts to make another jaw punch.

Ash clearly becoming impatient now also blood coming from his mouth, from when you hit his jaw he has bitten a piece of his tongue off, ash furiously attempts the last effort of punches toward Grey, almost being out of stamina as well, as Grey barely able to keep up attempting to get a little distance between them, with his last strength Ash rushes toward Grey.

Ash suddenly Shrieks a sound of sharp pain, as he looks down he notices Grey is holding his sword, but it penetrated his stomach being almost halfway inside, Ash looks at Grey, he laughs, as he punches Grey right into the face while falling down toward his knees, Grey falls down toward the ground on his back not able to move, he has tears going over his face, as Ash comes closer, he notices Grey being in tears thinking he still lost, Ash lets out a loud laugh, 'You idiot... I was wrong... You win', as he falls onto his back, while the liveliness leaves his eyes, the sword stab being fatally making him bleed out.

The Battle continues

Current battle stats:

1106 vs 1802



300 Reinforcements


700 Mercenaries

1 leader (Ash)

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