


It was a hot scorching day and the best day for any high school student, the last day of school. Students were in the halls chatting about their activities for summer.

“I want to go the beach and start a bonfire!”

“I think our family is going to France.”

“Mine is going to Japan!”

‘Pff rich kids.’

Al walked the hall way and all the students retreated far from him. Every student in his school feared him. He was the King and no one can tell him what to do.

“It’s good to be King.”

Al decided to slack around at the park before going home. Since there was nothing at home Al often stays outside in the streets. Ever since the death of his parents, Al lived with his grandfather who is a master in Aikido. Living in a Dojo, he was forced to learn Aikido and went through the harshest training from a strict old man who he calls grandpa.

Al walks carelessly to the park while his arms are out holding the back of his head. He then hears someone crying on the other side of the wall. Al climbs the wall to see who it was.


“Al? Why are you here?” asked Johnny

“I just felt like being here that’s all,”

“What happened Johnny? Why are you crying?”

“It was some kids from the other school they took my book.”

“Where are they?”

“They’re at the swings.”

“Let’s go get your book back.” Al grinned.

Al and Johnny ran to the playground. Two big husky boys were playing with Johnny’s book. They were using it as a punching block. Since Johnny was a scrawny looking kid and in the addition that he was always quiet carrying around books he would sometimes be bullied. Al and Johnny have been friends since they were both in elementary school. Since the death of Al’s parents things haven’t been the same.


Al walked in front of the two big husky boys.

“Hey wouldn’t it be better if you practiced for real?” Al taunted the two.

“Yeah do you want to volunteer?” said one of the big husky boys.

“Sure” Al grinned.

After a few minutes the two big husky bows were on the ground bruised and panting. The two big boys then ran off. Al warned them that if they ever see them again he’ll do more than what he did. Albert picked up the book and gave it to Johnny.

"Here ya go Johnny."

"Thanks Al!"

"No problem!"

The two shook hands and separated. After helping Johnny, Al felt thirsty. He decided to go to a convenient store to go buy something to drink.

Al walks inside the convenient store. He sees some guys with a guns and one of them pointed at him.



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