《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 42 - Seven Sworn Brothers.


Friday Afternoon.

Today is slightly different from usual. First of all, the owner of the room that often lock himself within to refine pills and cultivate, seems to be away from his room. Even those passerby disciple is wondering where Long Feng had gone to. From some of their experience, Except Long Feng gone from the room almost one full week for the Beast Hunting Mission at Forest of West Jade.

"Where could that junior be?" some disciple felt weird with Long Feng disappearing from his room.

Back to the Thousand Training Formation Cave.

After spending a whole night in the Heaven Room, Long Feng finally emerged from the room and exits the cave. Paying a few greetings to some senior around the open square area, Long Feng rush back to his room immediately and groom himself to look presentable. After all, Long Feng had been spending almost 20 hours in refining the pills and cultivation, since yesterday night.

Although the effort is tiring, but within the room, other than cultivating himself when he is out of Elemental Essence, Long Feng managed to used up 60 portions of ingredients in his pouch, and came out with a results of 531 pills, with 200 among them at Lower- Rank and 330 in Middle-Rank, and one among them managed to reach an Upper-Rank.

Finely dressed and looking presentable, Long Feng heads out to the Main Street of the Clear Jade City. As he entered a restaurant, a loud voice could be heard calling for him from the second-floor seating. Although the voice is slightly rough in his opinion, this doesn't reflect badly on his personality. Instead, seated on the second floor in this restaurant represents his wealth and positions he held.

Long Feng walked upstairs to the second floor, only to see Lang Ya together with a few brothers he know since young. Behind Lang Ya, two followers could be seen standing straight behind him, carrying a strict and careful look on their face.

"Big Brother Lang Ya, Xiao Feng is here today so send you some tempering pills. How is your day so far?" Long Feng politely greets Lang Ya. At the same time, Long Feng gives a polite bow to the other brothers around the table, and receive back some smile expression from them.

"Brother Xiao Feng, come and have a meal together first, we are all brothers here!" Lang Ya invited Long Feng to have a seat, and join them for a meal. Standing up on his own, Lang Ya starts to introduce the other five brothers that seated along with both of them.

The oldest and big brother among six of them, Wang Ping. He is the only child of the Wang Family in Jade Ginseng City. Manipulating the production of the precious Jade Ginseng that only grows in the Jade Ginseng City, Wang Ping literally grows up with a Golden Spoon feed to him. But his attitude is neither high up or over zealous, instead, Wang Ping often leads the weaker practitioner to help them in their cultivation. Within the Jade Ginseng City, Wang Ping holds the title of [Ginseng Saint] for his effort.

The second brother is also one of the children from Pang family in Jade Ginseng City. His name is Pang Tong, and a cultivator in his Peak Practitioner Tier strength. Pang Tong families own one of the biggest Ingredient Market in the whole Jade Ginseng City, and also the only trader that has the relationship to monopoly the exchange rates of the Jade Ginseng. Although Pang Tong is similar to Wang Ping who grows up with a Golden Spoon, his attitude is calm and serene, hardly anything could disturb his calmness except, his cousin sister.


The third brother is Lang Ya, who's his identity already known to Long Feng. The fourth and fifth brother is from the Thunderburst Jade City, where both of their parents is the elders of the Mystic Thunder School. The elder brother is Zhe Bie, while the younger brother is Zhe Lie. Lastly, is one of the local of Clear Jade City, as well the third among five children of the Bronze Martial Hall's Hall Master, named Yong Yang.

His cultivation is at earth Adept Tier, also the youngest of the six brothers.

"Xiao Feng, since you are here, let us become brothers for life!" Lang Ya speaks out a suggestion.

"Big Brother Lang Ya, this is a little too sudden..." Long Feng politely comments.

"Nothing is too sudden with us six brothers, and since you are one that introduced by Third brother Lang Ya, then all of us have no objection!" unexpected by Long Feng, Wang Ping stands up to convince Long Feng to accept the offer.

"Yes, If its Third brother Lang Ya suggest, we have no other objections." the fourth, fifth and sixth brother speaks altogether, agreeing with Lang Ya's suggestions.

"Little brother Long Feng, you must be wondering why all the brothers are agreeing with my suggestion. I possessed the innate birth of [Righteous Eye of Yang], which allows me to see the (goodness) and (Darkness) in every person. Your heart possesses the righteousness that almost blinds my eyes, so I won't accept no as an answer!" Lang Ya explains.

"If that the case, Xiao Feng will reject the suggestion no further. Xiao Feng's full name is Li Long Feng, I'm born normally, and grow up together only with my widowed mother. 10 years old, and with a cultivation of Middle Heaven Refinement Tier. Greetings to Eldest brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth brother." Long Feng introduce himself again and politely address each of them.

"Good! Very good, from this second onwards, we are no longer six brothers, but seven brothers! Come, everyone, Drink!!" Wang Ping, being the eldest, stands up and make a toast.

After talking and sharing some of their personal matters to the others, Long Feng excuse himself after passing half of the Thunder Spirit Pills to Lang Ya. Added with his today attempts, Long Feng managed to provide Lang Ya with a total of 180 Lower-Rank Thunder Spirit Pills, and 240 Middle-Rank Thunder Spirit Pills.

Looking at a number of pills Long Feng withdraw and pass to Lang Ya's hand, the other brothers among the private room shows a face of shock. "How could this young ten years old child concoct close to 500 Middle-Rank pills within few days?" all the brothers thinks in their mind.

"Seventh Brother, next time when Second Brother gave you some ingredients, please help me to refine them as well, just give me a quarter from the total will do." Pang Tong speaks.

"Second Brother, Seventh Brother dare not to take three-quarter from the results, why not we just split it to half." Long Feng says. As Pang Tong listens to Long Feng's reply, he immediately stands up and says "GOOD!".

Later, Long Feng proceeds by himself to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion to sell some of his pills. Although the pills could be directly exchanged to Lang Ya, from Lang Ya's word, he prefers Long Feng to sell them instead, and change it for something he could use later. It is also because of the amount Long Feng could refine. With this number of pills that Long Feng brings over to the Pavilion to exchange, would surely create whispers all around, and contribute in creating a bridge for Long Feng in future.


"Brother Han Geng, I'm here." Long Feng initiate a word with the Cashier.

"Oh, Brother Xiao Feng, how are you? Are you here to sell and exchange for some pills and ingredients?" Cashier Han Geng already have experience in looking at his client's needs, so by only looking at Long Feng's face, he roughly knows what Long Feng needs.

"Brother Han Geng, this is a total of 100 Lower-Rank and 100 Middle-Rank First-Grade Thunder Spirit Pills, please calculate the amount of Bronze Spirit Coins I could get and how many portions of Blood Refinement Pellet ingredients I could exchange." Long Feng withdraw 200 pills from his pouch with 100 pills from each rank.

"Heavens! You actually managed to still keep so many after giving a quarter to that [LOUD] youngster!" Cashier Han Geng is shocked by looking at the pills Long Feng presents before him. But if he knows that Long Feng actually shared half of it and still holds this much in his hand, he would most probably inform the Pavilion Master, and recruit Long Feng into the Pavilion's disciple.

Long Feng waits for a short while when Han Geng took the pills into the cashier room, and as Han Geng came out, a slip of paper is within his hand. "Brother Xiao Feng, the senior of pavilion had already checked on your pill's quality, and we are offering you a bonus the next time you come over to exchange it for coins or ingredients. Additionally, the Pavilion Elder gave you an offer, and I would say you are on good luck." Han Geng continues.

"If you managed to refine any Upper-Ranked Tempering Pills, bring it directly to me, I will personally offer triple of what the pavilion pays." Cashier Han Geng repeats what the elder says. "Alright, the total of the 100 Lower-Rank pills is 7500 Spirit Bronze Coins, while the 100 Middle-Rank pills worth 15000 Spirit Bronze Coins, in total, you could either exchange it into 225 portions of Blood Refinement Pellet's ingredients or take 22500 Spirit Bronze Coins home." Cashier Han Geng speaks out both choices for Long Feng to chose.

"Brother Han Geng, I will exchange it into 225 portions of ingredients." Long Feng decides. As Cashier Han Geng looked at Long Feng's serious expression, he kept the word "Do you need to reconsider?" back into his heart. Without any more words, Cashier Han Geng proceeds to collect Long Feng's order and passed it to him after making Long Feng waits for twenty minutes.

"Brother Han Geng, excuse Xiao Feng for today. I will see you perhaps on tomorrow, or if I'm busy, I will be around on Sunday for the Sunday Employment." Long Feng excuse himself from the Pavilion and politely bid farewell to Cashier Han Geng.

"This kid, I hope his filialness would not hinder his improvement if he wished to enter the Adept Tier..." Cashier Han Geng sigh for a moment before he felt if required, he would try to help Long Feng when he getting closer to enter the Adept Stage.

Along the way back to the Bronze Pill Hall, Long Feng take a short trip back to the restaurant he just ate along with his brothers to purchase some dry rations. "Owner, are you still open?" Long Feng enter the restaurant and speaks loudly as he saw nobody within the restaurant.

Suddenly, a loud wooden crack sound could be heard from upstairs, and with a curious mind, Long Feng entered the restaurant's hall and leap up to the second floor. The moment he landed on the wooden floor, Long Feng saw three people immobilized the restaurant owner by pressing him down in a kneeling position, while another bulky male is crouching in front of the restaurant owner.

"What are you guys doing? Leave the restaurant owner at once!" Long Feng withdraw his sword immediately. The moment the three males, looks like the bulky male's followers, withdraw their weapon and charge toward Long Feng, he already launched the Offensive Xuan Sword Art. The moment Long Feng's sword charges past the three male followers, even Long Feng himself is shocked with his martial capability.

"What happened? I actually launch an attack without even planning it beforehand!" Long Feng even felt dumbfounded with his changes! But the three male followers, yet to be defeated! They change the position of their body and prepare to face the next attack. From their eyes, a minuscules line of fear started to appear within their mind.

Long Feng looked at the three male followers and decided to use them to try his current strength. "Defensive Wu Sword Art!" Long Feng swing his sword, creating a mini sword field within his capability. "What a brat, so young yet so strong!" the three followers fear became bigger and bigger, where their fear render them unable to move a step closer.

"Xuan Wu Divination!" Long Feng shouted in his mind as he moves closer to the three followers, swift like an arrow, sturdy like a shield, deadly like a ferocious beast, and giving off a ten times pressure in gravity cause the followers to pee in their pants! Long Feng's aura is shaped like a Ferocious Tortoise Beast, like the Holy Beast of Xuan Wu!

Totally without a match, Long Feng easily knock the three unconscious with a single hit and points his sword directly on the bulky man's throat. "Withdraw and I will not follow up with this case any longer!" Long Feng warns. The bulky man, only with the cultivation of Late Earth Refinement Tier, immediately kneeled down to ask for forgiveness, before he ran by himself and saving his pitiful dog life.

"This cultivator youngster, thank you for your help." the owner holds Long Feng's hand and couldn't stop thanking him for the help. "Owner, please do not be too humble, Xiao Feng just came here to buy some dry rations, and coincidently heard some noise, that's why I managed to spot this kind of problem." Long Feng politely push away the fact he just helps the restaurant owner.

"Young master, did you say buying some rations? Give me a moment, let me go into the kitchen and prepare some for you." the restaurant owner dash into the kitchen without even listens to what Long Feng wished to order. "I hope he doesn't serve me sour foods." Long Feng is slightly speechless as he couldn't place his favorite food as an order.

But after waiting for around twenty minutes, the restaurant owner came out with a ridiculous amount of foods. Being thankful to Long Feng made the owner even use his special Food related Treasure Pouch (Low cultivation requirement, daily usage pouch specially made for business man and others.) to place all the foods within. "Young master, within this pouch, there are foods enough for more than 10 people to eat for one whole month without worries." Long Feng stunned as he received the pouch from the restaurant owner.

"Owner, this gift is too precious, I will give you a few pills as the exchange, please." Long Feng felt embarrassed if he takes the pouch and leaves, so he insists that the owner accept a few pills from him as an exchange. Without any further words, Long Feng place five Low-Rank Blood Refinement Pellets on the owner's hand, and force him to accept the pills.

"Young Master, if that how you wished, this old man will accept the pills then. I remember I saw your seat along with the other young master this afternoon, what is your relationship with the Six Jade brothers?" the owner finally remembered that he saw Long Feng a few hours ago. "Ah, I am their youngest brother, their Seventh brother to be honest." Long Feng politely answered.

"That's why today they are extremely happy, no wonder." the restaurant owner finally know the reason why Lang Yu and the others are extremely loud today. Without any more kind words to exchange between both of them, Long Feng excuse himself as he returns to the Bronze Pill Hall. Straight towards the Thousand Training Formation Cave, Long Feng hopes that he would have a good luck once more, and hit the Training Dummy when his turn is here.

"Offensive Xuan Sword Art!" Long Feng take his palm as the sword and land a hit on the Training Dummy. "Plok!" a token appears from the slot.

"Oh, my luck is still quite good." Long Feng holds the Golden Token once again, and the number on the Token is 2. With this continuous luck, Long Feng became the figure within the Thousand Training Formation Cave to be jealous about. But for Long Feng, this is nothing but a luck. Appreciate when you have and struggle with it when you don't, that is how Long Feng passed his day 9 years back with his mother.

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