《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 41 - Thousand Training Formation Cave!


With the time spends on each Refining process around 30 minutes, Long Feng, with his double portion refining, managed to finish 10 attempts, using a total of 20 batches of ingredients. Perhaps it was due to his form today, after accepting the scroll from Han Feng Xian and his master is making a trip to the Xuan Wu Jade City, Long Feng's mind in improvement is at its highest peak.

This 5 hours of time spent on refining the Thunder Spirit Pills, results in a total of 70 Low-Rank and 100 Middle-Rank pills. With 30 part of ingredients is used in the 1000 batches, Long Feng managed to prepare a total of 160 Lower Pills and 150 Middle Pills for his next meeting with Lang Ya.

With the time is between 6 to 8 before dawn, Long Feng decided to put aside his pill refining issues and started using his time to "Learn" his new inherited martial arts.

And after a while of noticing, Long Feng actually never make his way to the Thousand Training Formation Cave before, except passing by for the first time when the senior... Err... Something... Long Feng actually forget the senior's name after meeting him once.

And also in such coincidence, the senior pass through the way along with Long Feng.

"Junior brother Xiao Feng! Are you going to the Thousand Training Formation Cave to train?" Liu Feng Ling initiates a conversation with forgetful Long Feng.

"Ah, Senior! Xiao Feng pays you a greeting, how are you lately?" Long Feng still can't remember his name, so he could only call him senior instead.

"Hahaha, I, Liu Feng Ling couldn't believe that even such insignificant character within the Bronze Pill Hall still have received some respectful words from you. I am well, Junior, thank you for asking. Shall we go to the cave together?" the senior happily answer Long Feng's greeting and in the same time, speaks his name out in a happy tone. As he finished his words, he pointed towards the path and ask Long Feng to walk with him to the Thousand Training Formation Cave.

"Senior Liu, how to do one register to use the cave?" Long Feng has no choice but to ask, as this is the first time he came to this Thousand Training Formation Cave.

"Oh, it's easy. Each time we came here, there will be a Training Dummy placed in the middle before the cave entrance. No matter what qualification are you, taking a spot within the cave is depending on your [Luck]." Liu Feng Ling explains.

"To take a test for your luck, you will have to give the Training Dummy a hit, and see what cave number is given to you. Only by taking the Cave Number token will you be allowed to enter the cave, and only the spot with the number on your token will be opened to your entry." Liu Feng Ling continued.

"There will be no maximum time on how long you can use that spot for, as long you don't leave your personal spot. So if someone who is in the middle of expecting an increase in stage or tier, they usually prepare a good amount of pills and also foods so they could stay in the cave until they succeed." Liu Feng Ling finished his explanations and as both of them reached the entrance of the cave, Liu Feng Ling makes his move first, and channel his strongest energy to give the Training Dummy a punch.

"Clank!" a piece of token pops up from the floor's opening. There is a number written within.


[Second Floor - Human Room 22]

"Alright, Junior Xiao Feng, let me explain to you the differences in the token." Liu Feng Ling starts his next lecture, looking at how to immerse is Long Feng even before Liu Feng Ling started gave him a good impression regarding this junior brother.

"The Thousand Training Formation Cave is divided into a total of Four Floors, the first floor is for below Refinement Tier, the second for below Adept Tier, the third for Practitioner Tier, and the fourth is for Elder Tier. And for the room, they are divided into four different type as well. Human Room has the capability to enhance cultivation rate by 5%, while Earth Room has the capability to enhance 10%. The Heaven Room is good, but not the best, they enhance 15% of the cultivation, which is quite good. The best is Grand Room, where it could enhance your cultivation by 25%, as long you are capable of accepting it." Liu Feng Ling speaks all of the explanation in one breath, and yet to finish.

"One more thing is the number of your room. A total of 100 Human Room, 100 Earth Room, 50 Heaven Room and 2 Grand Room is allocated on each floor, that means a total of 1008 room exists within the Thousand Training Formation Cave. The smaller the number, the better the cultivation rate. So if you managed to get a Human Room 100, well... Admit your luck is seriously bad today." Liu Feng Ling finally finished.

"That's all I know, if there is anything else, you will need to experience yourself. I will proceed first, I need to return to my master at night." Liu Feng Ling finishes his word and quickly enter the Cave.

"I guess, my turn now?" Long Feng walk to the Training Dummy and gather some energy to launch a Defensive Wu Sword Art by using his hand. The next thing happens, is a Golden Token pops up from the floor.

Because the differences of the coin given are either Bronze Token for Human Room, Silver Token for Earth Room, Gold Token for Heaven Room and Crystal Token for Grand Room. So when all the other disciple saw Long Feng holding a Golden Token, all of them is shocked with his luck for today.

"Did you see that? He managed to draw a Golden Token." a disciple softly whispers to another disciple within the open square.

"Yeah, I heard that today the luckiest person only managed to get a Silver Token of number 80. I wonder what Heaven Room he got." another disciple whispers back as a reply.

"Young Brother, can we know what number you got?" suddenly a disciple went over to Long Feng and check his token.

Long Feng shows them the token and gave all of them a shock.

"What! It's the first Heaven Room on First Floor!" this shout gave everyone a shock and look dumbfounded as they stare at Long Feng.

Ignoring their reaction, Long Feng entered the cave and felt a guidance from the token that leads him toward the room on the first floor.

"I guess this is the room I'm assigned into." Long Feng insert the token into the piece of mechanism on the wall, and an Alchemic Concoction appears from the pores within the wall and covers the room from outside world.

"This is the Training Cave?" Long Feng felt impressed by the Formation and arrangement the Bronze Pill Hall made for its outer division disciple.

The moment the Alchemic Concoction Door is closed, the torches within the walls are lit, and shining across the room surrounding. Because a special type of Elemental Space inscription is placed to make this room larger than outside, it is almost like a Spatial Room made for training purposes. Similar to the Training Dummy outside, within the room, a total of 10 Training Dummy that was not supported by a plank is seen littered on the corner of the room, with a circle inscription on its forehead.


Ignoring the Training Dummies on the corner, Long Feng walked to a spot where a comfortable piece of marble seats is placed in the middle of a hard to decipher inscriptions. Assuming that this spot is where Long Feng will later spend his time cultivating and absorbing the essence around him, Long Feng decided to leave it for now, and explore somewhere else.

Although this room is as big as a Football field, Long Feng couldn't help but wonder why will they provide such a huge room if half of it already big enough for one to practice their Martial art, Refining Medicine, Cultivate or waste their time here?

Failed to figure the reason for the room being so huge, Long Feng starts his training by learning and practicing the Xuan Wu Sword Sect Martial Arts. Following the depth guidance within the scroll and his memory regarding the essence of each single martial art, Long Feng quickly achieve a slight mastery on how he should proceed with it.

Just like its name, the Offensive Xuan Sword Art is an aggressive all attacking type martial art. This style contains a similarity with the Defensive Wu Sword Art, where as long the tempo of the sword is achieved, maintaining the offensive pressure all the way would be made possible.

While the Offensive and Defensive art is applied during a fight, Long Feng starts to understand the reason of Xuan Wu Divination Art is uses for as well. Xuan Wu Divination Art is a mind strengthening martial art. By training this martial art into its peak mastery, one could depend on the Xuan Wu Divination to improve not only their regeneration rate, resistance to all kind of ill effect, it even prolongs life. This martial art is totally representing the Master of where this art originally came from, The Holy Beast of Xuan Wu(it's a tortoise, yes!).

Lastly, is the Xuan Wu Heavenly Art. This Body Movement Art can only be mastered when the first three art is mastered in their peak condition. Although the essence shared by Han Feng Xian is not too much, but from a slight practice with this move, Long Feng immediately notice some changes within his movement, and at least two in a hundred steps are replaced by more efficient action, allowing him to create a more dangerous Strike and more sturdy Defense.

Satisfy with his current improvements, Long Feng proceeds to start his cultivation training. Before he starts, Long Feng decided to consume a one Lower-Rank Blood Refinement Pellet as he cultivates.

The moment the Blood Refinement Pellet entered Long Feng's body, a surge of pressure happened to appears within Long Feng's blood veins and began to push the blood to circulate faster. Calming himself down as he continues to cultivate, Long Feng's body feels like having thousands of worms crawling within his arteries and body. The longer he cultivates, the worst the feeling starts to appears within his body.

The next moment, Long Feng start feeling that his leg that was injured when he was a child, happened to have some small changes. One of the reasons why Long Feng's step is not as perfect as it should be is due to this small little wound that causes his movement to be slightly dull whenever in an emergency. But now, the blood of "worms" that crawls within Long Feng's arteries, charge toward that old injury with the intention of relieving this would from bothering this body anymore.

And soon after an hour, the feeling of a thousand worms crawling within the body finally gone, putting Long Feng at ease from that weird feeling. He continues to cultivate for another few hours before he noticed something.

"This is weird. The YinYang Dial is showing the abundant energy of both Yin and Yang. Is that because of the room inscriptions?" Long Feng felt weird with such thing appearing within the room. After trying to remember everything taught by Elder Tang Wen, he finally remembered one of the topic Elder Tang Wen did explain to him before.

"For a Pill Master, the easily changed atmosphere of Yin and Yang is the biggest challenge to disrupt the Pill Refining procedures. Thus, to find the solution, Human with good skills in Elemental Inscriptions or YinYang Inscriptions created the way of using a Scripture called Holy YinYang Circle to absorb and generate both YinYang Element to fully change the room condition."

"And that is how some strong Pill Master will have his own Refining Equipment and other special treasures that could help him to perfect his Pill Refining. If a refining procedure is conducted in such condition, the disruption between Yin and Yang will be taken away from the problem, so the refining process will be totally depending on the Pill Master's skill." Long Feng remembered the words spoken by Elder Tang Wen before.

"Does this means, I can refine any pills within the room if I possessed the ingredients?" Long Feng mood began to clear and become delighted as he found out this sorts of benefits by utilizing the room.

"I guess this is why this place is called as the Thousand Training Formation Cave. It must be purposely designed to assist the disciple in their cultivation and learning." Long Feng starts to understand how the Bronze Pill Hall nurtures their disciple, but one fact actually doesn't pass through his mind.

The fact that he was actually just within a Bronze Pill Hall, that is why there is only 1008 room available for the Outer Division Disciple usage. If he was to accepted into the Inner Division, there will be another 1008 rooms available, with the even stronger effect provided. If one managed to enter those like Silver Pill Hall and above, the benefits provided could outmatch the stipends provided by the Bronze Pill Hall by ten times.

"I will start the test with this ten batches of Blood Refinement Pellet's ingredient first!" Long Feng withdraw the ingredients from his Cultivator Pouch and starts refining.

Up to his expectations, Long Feng couldn't believe his eyes!

In the period of merely one hour and forty minutes, Long Feng actually finished five refining attempts! The shocking part is not only the time, even the result is amazingly differ from when he was refining within his own room!

Fifteen pills each attempt, two batches of ingredients each time, a total of 5 attempts managed to yield Long Feng a total of 75 pills, with 50 pills in its Lower-Rank and 25 pills on its Middle-Rank.

"What good results! I wouldn't dare to expect such results if I refine these ingredients outside." Long Feng thinks.

"If this is what it could do when refining pills are done within this room, I should continue using this benefits, profit from this!" Long Feng decided to continue refining pills, Cultivate and rest within the 1st Heaven Room for Refinement Tier Disciple and began with his Thunder Spirit Pill's refining.


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