《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 39 - Fateful Meeting! Acknowledging Lang Yu as Big Brother.


The next morning, Long Feng prepare himself to be presentable before he went to the Virtue Hall. As he entered the hall, Long Feng heads into Elder Tang Wen's office to look for his honorable master.

"Master, Good Morning." Long Feng politely greet his master.

"Ah, Xiao Feng, come over here, the moment you enter the hall, Master could felt your cultivation had increased again." Elder Tang Wen is happy to see his disciple, plus with the recent increase in his cultivation, this makes him felt taking in this disciple is not a mistake.

"Master, Xiao Feng recently refine some Middle-Rank Blood Refinement Pellets, I hope master would have some use with it." Long Feng took out a total of 10 Middle-Rank Pellets and present it to his master.

"Hahaha, how old is your master now? Do You think I need this Middle-Rank pills? Keep it, I heard from Elder Qian Rui about Nan Jing Jing's absent and also intended to make a visit to the Thunderburst Jade City. Are you looking forward to buying some special ingredients within the auction?" Elder Tang Wen immediately reveal what he knows.

"Master really resourceful. Yes, Xiao Feng decided to make a visit to have a look on the item offered by the House of Miraculous Jade. But in the purchase, Xiao Feng might have a limit on what he could purchase." Long Feng open up and let his master know what within his mind, and as he talks, Long Feng lamented a little because he is not too wealthy to join the auction.

"What do you worry? With your skills now, Refine more pills and make your name the main gossips within the city. Make sure you act haughty, and soon the request for pills will come in without fail." Elder Tang Wen speaks.

"Master, how do you obtain a good amount of money anyway? All Xiao Feng could notice is that master's collection of ingredients is humongous!" Xiao Feng expresses his awe on Elder Tang Wen's stash.

"Hahaha, did you forget what is your master's title?" Elder Tang Wen remind Long Feng on his current title before Long Feng noticed the differences between him and his master.

"You see, master received some orders from both the hall and also from other schools. Some request master to prepare a number of refined products, such as Blood Dragon Ointment, some request for Angel Pills, so this is where master earn his wealth." Elder Tang Wen explained.

"Angel Pills? Master, what is that pill?" Long Feng is shocked to found out there are different pill concocted by his master.

"You will learn it soon too, but to understand this, you need to enter the Adept Tier at least."

"Once you entered the Adept Tier, the concept of refining pills will be greatly different from when you are in Refinement Tier. The product used within the concoction will be increased, and the difficulties will follow as well. And that remains similar until Peak Adept Tier."

"The moment you entered the Practitioner Tier, there will be a whole different changed in pill refining, but master will only teach you by then." Elder Tang Wen roughly explain the differences in Pill Refining on every single tier, but with Long Feng's knowledge now, it would be difficult to understand.

"How many pills have you been selling to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion?" Elder Tang Wen continued.

"Only 40 Lower-Rank Thunder Spirit Pills." Long Feng answered.

"That is quite a good result for a beginner Pill Master. Try harder, Master believe in your capability. From today onwards, you don't need to come over to the Virtue Hall but master will give you the challenge to complete." Elder Tang Wen starts to give Long Feng a mysterious challenge.


"The chances are slim, but sometimes in coincidence, you will be able to refine one or two Upper-Rank pills. Your challenge is to present master with a total of 10 Upper-Rank Pills. Would you be able to do it?" Elder Tang Wen comes out with the challenge topic.

"Master, Xiao Feng will try his best to succeed this challenge!" Long Feng confidently accept his master's challenge.

"Good, if you managed to complete the challenge, Master will teach you this martial art master learned for a long time, the [Medicinal Flicking Finger]." Elder Tang Wen speaks as he withdraws a bulb of seed in his pouch as the (bullet).

Preparing the stance, Elder Tang Wen gather his Elemental Essence within the tip of his thumb and index finger, and proceed to launch the [Medicinal Flicking Finger] martial art. The launched seed shots in a unmeasurable speed, and as the seeds hit the wall, a circle of the crack appears within the wall, and one hole as wide as both are opened widely is seen.

"Master, this martial art is so incredible!" Long Feng praise his master.

"Hahaha, if you learn this martial art, nobody could match you in range fight, if you are prowess in using poison in the fight, you can even make sure the target is poisoned directly each time you launch your attack." Elder Tang Wen explain the benefits from using this martial art.

In the same time, some old historical memories appeared within his mind.

"Who would even dare to imagine that because of young age time, I failed to harvest those high-quality plants, which is why I learn how to flick and throw pebbles and stones until this martial art is created." Elder Tang Wen sneakily smiles as he reminded his younger experience.

"Thank you, master! Xiao Feng will quickly head to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion to obtain more ingredients!" Long Feng excuse himself and quickly run off from the Virtue Hall. And within half an hour, he reached the Pavilion and prepare to enter the building for some exchange.

Within the pavilion.

"Oh! Young Master Long Feng, it is good you are here today!" the cashier is happy to see Long Feng in this coincident time.

"Han Geng Dage, what happened?" Long Feng politely greet the person name Han Geng before he asks for what happened.

"Aiya, Young Master Long Feng, remember the Thunder Spirit Pill you sold last time? There is this cultivator come over to look for more, and since we only have 40 pills from you last time, we tell him the pills from this Pill Master is sold out. But he gets furious and threatened us to reveal your identity, which is why the cashier staff is having a headache dealing with him." the cashier Han Geng explained.

"Han Geng Dage, bring me over to see him." Long Feng asked cashier Han Geng to lead the way to the cultivator.

Moments later...

"This cultivator Dage, could this young Pill Master help you?" Long Feng politely address the cultivator with burly appearance but as he turned around looking at Long Feng directly, his appearance comes out to be a good looking, refined young 16 years old youngster with two Steel Rod as the weapon on his back.

"My name is Lang Ya, I came from Thunderburst Jade City. Last week I managed to purchase a few Thunder Spirit Pills that was concocted by a Pill Master named Long Feng. Are you that person?" Lang Ya possessed a proud and intimidating look when he talks, but within each word he speaks, a slice of appreciation could be felt.


"This younger one is the Pill Master you are looking for... Little brother here named Li Long Feng." Long Feng introduced himself.

"Oh, so you are the one I am looking, Alright! I will be straight forward, can we get a place to have a conversation?" Lang Ya's word contains no polite gesture, but a straightforward hint of attitude could be felt.

"Of course, Senior Lang Ya. Han Geng Dage, could we borrow a room?" Long Feng answered Lang Ya's request and asked for a vacant room from Cashier Han Geng.

"No Problem, no problem, please follow me." Cashier Han Geng politely lead the two to a room located at the end of the hallway, where all this room is used to conduct a more private transaction.

"Young Master Long Feng, please be careful, this person is from the Lang Family, which is also the City Lord family of the Thunderburst Jade City." Cashier Han Geng whispers to Long Feng's ears.

"Han Geng Dage, be at ease, this person is straightforward, direct and honest in his choice of words, he won't be suspicious in anyway." Long Feng assure Cashier Han Geng about Lang Ya's attitude.


"This young Pill Master, Lang Ya will be honest and direct in this conversation."

"I want to purchase all Thunder Spirit Pills that you will refine in future, and in return, I will provide the Ingredients required." Lang Ya proceed straight to his needs.

"This senior, Long Feng afraid he will be unable to fulfill your requirement. You see, this junior is in the middle of earning a small sum of profit so he could participate in the House of Miraculous Jade coming end of this month, so I only have a total of fewer than three weeks to build up my wealth." Long Feng explained.

"Hahaha, do not call me senior anymore! And you must be really an out of the kiln fresh pill master." Lang Ya comments as he laughs.

"Listen well, young brother."

"Whenever a Pill Master and the cultivator make a deal, the Pill Master always reserve the right of keeping the range between half to three-quarter of the successfully refined products. The cultivator should prepare ingredients as he required if he wished to obtain a good amount of pills refined by that Pill Master." Lang Ya explains.

"Should I make the deal that you will keep three-quarter of the total success produce while giving me one-quarter?" Lang Ya offer is so hard to reject, where it causes Long Feng to felt attracted for a moment.

"This Dage, Xiao Feng dare not to take three-quarter of the successful produce... Why not we make it half for each other?" Long Feng politely speaks out his mind.

"Half for each other while I provide the ingredients? That sounds too good to me. How about like this?" Lang Ya felt that he is falling into a pool of gold, because of Long Feng's honesty and generosity, but since he is not somebody who love to take advantage of others, Lang Ya came out with a better suggestion.

"Call me Brother Lang Ya, and I will call you Xiao Feng instead. We will be brothers, and I remember that you mention about participating in the house of Miraculous Jade auction, right?"

"Big brother will make you a VIP for the auction, so you can participate it anytime there is an auction!" Lang Ya offer is seriously too difficult to reject this time.

Hearing what Lang Ya says, Long Feng smiles on his mind, but that as well is caught by Lang Ya's sensitive mind.

"Brother Xiao Feng, come out with me, I will get you 1000 Batch of product for now." Lang Ya hurried Long Feng to follow him to order the ingredients.

"1000 Batch of ingredients!!" Long Feng mind start to get hazy from the huge number.

"Lang ya Dage, that's a little too much..." Long Feng tried to convince Lang Ya from purchasing too much.

"What? 1000 units perhaps only result in a total of 4000 to 5000 pills, after you take half, I will only have around 2500 in hand, that won't be enough for me to temper my Element Thunder into Blue Thunder Stage." Lang Ya explains why the amount is required.

"Lang Ya Dage, my chances of success is around 7 to 8 pills each concoction, 50% of them are able to come out as Middle-Rank pills." Long Feng explains his refining success rate and quality rate.

"What? Doesn't that mean that you could refine at least 7000 to 8000 pills with around half of them in Middle-Rank? I must be hit by serious luck... Xiao Feng, you sure you don't want to take three-quarter of the pills?" Lang Ya is shocked with Long Feng's success rate, what more shocking is with Long Feng's generosity.

"Xiao Feng hope Lang Ya Dage could take a look at this younger brother..." Xiao Feng explains his reason to accept the half to each split profits.

"Hahaha, do not worry! I, Lang Ya is well known in the Thunderburst Jade City as the Lightning of Justice. Do not worry!" Lang Ya happily announce his nickname, and at the end, Long Feng obtained a total of 1000 batches of ingredients within his 1st Grade Cultivator Treasure Pouch.

In the same time, Long Feng spends the remaining 1000 Spirit Bronze Coins to purchase 10 more batches of Blood Refinement Pellet's ingredients.

"Lang Ya Dage, please accept this 100 Middle-Rank Thunder Spirit Pill as friendship token." Long Feng withdraws the 100 pills and passes it to Lang Ya.

"Hahaha, luckily I cause a ruckus and make you meet me first, or else, this 100 pills will belong to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion." Lang Ya happily accept the gift.

With the conversation is over, Long Feng return to the Bronze Pill Hall to start the refining process for the Thunder Spirit Pill since the Yang rich condition is still lingering around.

Managed to keep up with the results, Long Feng managed to refine a total of 10 batches of ingredients in five attempts and came out with a result of 30 Lower-Rank and 50 Middle-Rank Thunder Spirit Pills.

"I should take a rest for now, and wake up later to refine the remaining Blood Refinement Pellets later." Long Feng proceed to get a short rest so he could wake up later at night for the Blood Refinement Pellet's refining.


While Long Feng is busy handling his own stuff, Hong Yue actually went out to venture back to the Forest of West Jade.

Recently found out on his own specialty, Hong Yue decided to test his own cultivation and the extent of his total strength. The reason he ventures out alone without Long Feng's notice is due to the master's more reserved attitude, who looks for stability instead of a risky venture.

Thus, only by entering the forest by himself will give him the best result and extent of experience on how to handle this new body. Up to the current time, Hong Yue already stay within the forest for two days and one night. Tonight will be the second night Hong Yue spends his night within the forest.

Maybe it was due to the ability to consider, think and making decisions, Hong Yue actually venture into the forest along with a few Inventory Pouch. Although the capacity of the item he could carry is limited, but it is better than nothing.

In the same time, Hong Yue noticed one specialty in his newly grown body.

His ability had increased and changed, and currently, he could use up to two different skills in a fight. The first skill is the [Silver Scales Bullet] that allows Hong Yue to Shoot the scales from his body to the opponent, and thoroughly injuring them seriously before launching a final attack.

The second ability is the corrosive and dangerous [Colloidal Silver]. Once came in contact with this poison, the opponent will receive an extreme pain throughout the body, within five to ten minutes upon contact with the corrosive silver, the opponent will die with a melting corpse. One more shocking truth is, by eating this melted corpses, Hong Yue could actually receive nutrients, and recover his strength.

The changes do not only stopped at the appearance of two new skills. Hong Yue appetite currently had increased, and it appears to allows Hong Yue to eat any different beast to satisfy his hunger. Through this growing appetite, Hong Yue's cultivation not only grows stronger, even his body became more buff and similar to a human body builder, with plenty of muscle and still growing.

But because of his destructive ability, Hong Yue's collection of hunting only consist of beast claws, beast's soul pearl, and some other herbs Hong Yue seen before in his master's room.

"Hong Yue already out to the forest for two days now, should I talk to master so he won't get too worried about my safety?" Hong Yue felt slightly wrong for leaving his master side without notice.


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