《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 38 - The Nan Family with their Four Guardians.


"Prepare the fire!" Long Feng graciously swing his hand left right and release the flame evenly to heat up the cauldron.

"Element Wood energy! Rejuvenate and freshen up the Blue Spirit Grass!" next, Long Feng proceed with bathing the stack of Blue Spirit Grass with his Element Wood energy, and allows the ingredient to freshen up.

"Although my Sky Element is not controllable yet, let's try refining the ingredient this time!" Long Feng spirit is totally in the normal condition.

"Step 1, Boil the blood until the impurity is gone from the blood."

"Step 2, mix all the blood concoction and thoroughly heat them accordingly."

"Step 3, extract the essence from the Blue Spirit Grass, and mix them both together to produce the final concoction."

"Step 4, allows both to be mix evenly before further refine the concoction."

"And then, Complete!" Long Feng follows the step one by one in order, and with the final step is completed, a good result came out immediately, giving Long Feng a happy grin on his face.

"Great! That's a 3 Lower-Rank Blood Refinement Pellets and 2 Middle-Rank Blood Refinement Pellets!" Long Feng happily holds the pills in his hand and happy with the results.

"I have another 9 portion of the ingredients left, I will finish them before rest since my spirit is in its top condition at the moment!" Long Feng motivates himself once again and getting ready for the next batch of ingredients.

"I will put in a strong mindset in this second round!" Long Feng throws two batches of ingredients, and refine them both in the same time before mixing both together.

"From Great Elder Ao Luo's advice, be greedy, be Ambitious! Two Portion of Blood Refinement Pellets, come out with great results!" Long Feng spirits continue to grows as the two portion of ingredients finally results in a total of 9 pills, 5 Lower-Rank and 4 Middle-Rank.

Holding 7 more batches of ingredients in his hand, Long Feng make two more attempts, two batches at one time, and the results came in a total of 11 Low-Rank pills, and 8 Middle-Rank pills. Since his spirit is at its peak condition now, Long Feng decided to attempt with 3 batches at one time.

"Let us make use of all 3 batches of ingredients!" Long Feng proceeds with the refining steps.



"What happened?" Long Feng heart came out aching for the losses of three batches of ingredients.

"This can't be true!!!" Long Feng went over to the wall to knock his head. At the end of the day, regrets are what following him to sleep, due to the loss of three batches of ingredients.

"I will have to ask master what happened." Long Feng reminds himself before falling asleep. But because of all the busy works, Long Feng failed to notice the missing being within the room.

Hong Yue had sneakily sneak out from the Bronze Pill Hall without notice.


Within the courtyard of a Gorgeous mansion.

This mansion belonged to nobody else other than General Nan Gong Yu. The courtyard where the family is in currently, also used as the training ground for the elite troops under General Nan's order. Under his command, General Nan holds the right of training troops without limit, and are allowed to recruit anyone with the potential to serve under his wing.


Directly under his command, is a total of four Vice-General. Each single Vice-General belonged to one major family that is influential in their own city of birth. Not only being influential and strong, this four Vice-General is also being nicknamed as [Four Protectors Family of the Great Nan Family].

The first family is nicknamed [Shields of General] due to their specialty in Shield related martial arts. Every member of this family, no matter direct descendant or outer family, will receive the surname of Fang. And the strongest member of this family, Fang Tian, is one of the most trusted Vice-General under Nan Gong Yu's command.

Fang Tian always carries his duties with honor, and under his guidance, each single troops under his command will be taught and forced to master the martial art belonged to the Fang Family before they could be qualified to serve under the [Shields of General] Battalion.

It is well known to the whole Army of General Nan, that Fang Tian's cultivation is currently stagnant at the peak of Elder Tier, and waiting for the correct time to break through the border between Peak Elder Tier to Early Human Master Tier.

Fang Tian holds the right to command ten battalions, each battalion holds a total of 10 000 troops with strength around Adept Tier. Controlling each battalion is a total of twenty Special Captain, with the strength between Human to Heaven Elder Tier.

The second family is known as the [Horses of General] because of their speed. They control the movement, news, and messages between the four Vice-General, but this doesn't mean that the Family is nowhere powerful. Their Family is known as the strongest in direct opposition war because of their swift attack, and this Vice-General even happened to protect his lord by taking ten direct strikes from opposing cultivators during their younger time.

This Vice-General named Lang Ren. Belonged to the Lang Family, he too holds the right of controlling ten battalions with twenty strong captains where all of their strength is comparable to Lang Ren's cultivation. In the same time, The Lang Family is also the appointed City Lord for the Thunderburst Jade City.

The Lang Family possessed a strong movement martial arts that allow them to be the fastest under General Nan Gong Yu, which is known as the [3000 Lighting Movements]. Unless each member of his battalion received his trust, this martial art will not be transferred and taught to the troops, which make every single troop within his command extremely loyal.

The third family is believed to serve General Nan even before the Brilliant Jade Kingdom is formed. This family named Chen. They are also known as the [Supplies of General]. One well-known fact within everyone who is within the Kingdoms military strength is regarding the Strength within Public. Especially for Chen Yu, who is the leader of the Family.

Chen Yu is well known to the people as a Charismatic, and Dependable Vice-General. Rumored is heard within the Kingdom, and says that Chen Yu is the one that giving up the General position just to remain under General Nan's wing. Chen Yu possess a great Public strength that with a simple call, thousands of people within each city will fight just to obtain the right to enter his battalion of troops.


In the term of strength, Chen Yu is believed to be a Late Earth Master Tier. Although the strength of troops under his wing is between Early Human Adept Tier to Late Human Adept Tier, their overall strength is quantity, could not be underestimated. Chen Yu alone holds a total of 35 Battalions and still increasing, giving him a total troops exceed the other three Vice-General combined.

Lastly, is the Yang Family. Leading them is a man named Yang Duan He. The Yang family is known as the [Spears of General] because of each member under Vice-General Yang is excel in Spear Weapon martial arts. They are the primary vanguard, with the percentage of 10 success among 10 assaults.

Yang Duan He possessed the strength of a Peak Elder Tier strength, but in reality, he is known to be able to fight Chen Yu toe to toe in strength. Similar to the others, Yang Duan He controls a total of 10 battalions, and rarely active in small skirmishes unless ordered by General Nan.

And today is the once a month sparring between the four families with their General's family. Within the Courtyard, Fang Tian is seen holding a sword in his hand, Lang Ren with a Spear length hammer, Chen Yu with a Bow, and Yang Duan He with a spear.

While on the General Nan's side, Nan Gong Yu is seen with his huge two handed sword, Nan Jing Jing with a dual Chakrams, her mother, Lady Mei with a set of projectile needles, and Nan Gong Huo, younger brother of Nan Gong Yu with a similar two handed sword.

"General, Let Lang Ren challenge you today!" Lang Ren slams his hammer on the ground, and cause a light tremor to everyone within the courtyard. Borrowing the rebound strength from his strike, Lang Ren charged to the middle of the courtyard.

"Let us see who has improved after this whole month!" Nan Gong Yu swing his sword hard on the ground and borrow the strength to charge to the middle of the courtyard as well.


The broadsword and the hammer hit each other, and results in a loud voice to be heard within the whole mansion.

The first fight soon ends with the victory of General Nan.

The second fight is between Nan Jing Jing against Fang Tian.

Giving up some advantages to Nan Jing Jing, Vice-General Fang Tian carefully attack at the location where Nan Jing Jing failed to focus on defending herself. In the same time, Fang Tian slowly guide Nan Jing Jing in her every step, just to make sure the young lady understands her flaws.

The fight ends with a draw.

Next, Nan Gong Huo charge into the battlefield, against Yang Duan He.

The two of them fight as if the world could not contain this two tigers. The heavy broadsword and the spear clash for at least a thousand times, since both of the fighter, is the kind of facing attack directly, and against the principle of evading the attack.

This fight lasts long for an hour before they decided to call it a draw.

Lastly, Lady Mei and Chen Yu stands against each other.

"Honey, please be extremely careful." Nan Gong Yu speak sweetly towards Lady Mei.

"Hubby, do not worry, I will make sure this is just a simple match." Lady Mei replied, and turned to face Chen Yu. With a swing of her hand, the shoulder part of her clothing is revealed with a bedazzling jewel crusted shoulder armor with Glove.

"Lady! You are just having a joke with me, am I correct?" Chen Yu appeared to seem afraid when Lady Mei did her action.

Immediately wield his bow, Chen Yu repeatedly shot his arrows toward Lady Mei's direction.

But instead of saying Lady Mei is pushed back, it is correct to say Chen Yu is on the verge of defeat. Each single arrow fired by Chen Yu is quickly deflected by Lady Mei with a high-speed Needle. Each time the needle hits the arrow, the remaining force still managed to cause a crack on each tile on the ground.

With every arrow fired, the distance of arrows deflected by Lady Mei become even closer and closer to Chen Yu, and not even fifteen minutes after the fight began, it's ended. Lady Mei graciously returns to her husband side, with Chen Yu stopped firing his arrows.

When everyone looks carefully on Chen Yu, the clothes on his shoulder already been shredded into pieces, while the needles that landed on the ground revealed a word [NAN] if looked from above.

"Lady Mei's martial arts still give Chen Yu a shock even after so long." Chen Yu admit his defeat.

"Of course! My family's [Gracious Needle Shower] martial arts almost couldn't be beaten within the Brilliant Jade Kingdom." Lady Mei replies.

With the sparring finally over, the families end their day with an amazing feast, and at the same time commenting about their weakness and chances they miss during the sparring. Only after the hour reaches midnight, the four Vice-General returned to their respective city.

"Mother, your martial art is still unbeatable no matter how hard Uncle Chen Yu tried." Nan Jing Jing takes the chances to speak before she falls asleep.

"Of course, but that is only in this Kingdom. If you have a chance, mother will bring you to the Heavenly Blossom Empire, and met with your grandfather so he could teach you some of the martial arts belong to our family." Lady Mei replied before she puts her daughter to sleep.

Did Lady Mei just announce that she belonged to the Heavenly Blossom Empire?

How strong is she, if she casually defeated a Late Earth Master Tier cultivator?


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