《Re: Progenitor》Revolution!
To say that I was the center of attention would be an understatement. Everywhere I walked I saw people poking their heads out of shops and homes, curious to see what was going on. When they saw me, however, walking in tow with ten guards and the old wizard, their faces turned ashen pale.
“Daddy, everyone is looking at us funny” Zayan said from behind me. I wouldn’t let her ride on my head, as that would make her too much of a target for the archers that were in hiding. Or so they thought. With my superior beast sense’’s, they could as ell be broadcasting their location to me
“It’s nice being a beast” I thought
I was amazed at the architecture of this kingdom. Aqueducts, A colliseum, bathing houses and more lined the streets as we walked own.
“They must draw water from a far away stream… if it was close then no doubt it has been poisoned before.
“So, let me ask, what kind of animal are you looking for?: The old man said.
“..... I’m not sure. It’s all up to my daughter. Whatever she feels the need to buy, we will buy.”
The old man looked at my daughter with a raised eyebrow.
“Um.. Um…. I.. I want a…. a magical beast!” She shouted after struggling a bit in the human language.
“I see… any preferences?”
“N..none right… now”
“Well here we are” The old man said. We were in front of a large tent which had magical runes on it. My bet is that they are used to keep sounds and smell of beasts out from the general public.
“Put this on” He said, pulling out a weird headscarf.
“What is it?” I asked, not wanting to be tricked.
“This isn’t for you, but for the girl. The smell and noise in here… isn’t something a young girl should hear. Normally, you can only enter here once you are eighteen years old but since you are with her and are so obstinate about her choosing, this is the least I can do”
“Take it” I told Zayan. She complied instantly, grabbing it from the mans hand and typing it around her head.
“I’m ready!” she said.
When I stepped inside, I nearly barfed. The smell of all these animals going together was terrible. Not to mention, they were making so much noise I was losing my balance. I saw all sorts of different animals. Spiked ones, furry ones, blue ones, but I saw the same thing when I looked at them all. Rage. Rage that great beast’s like these are caged and imprisoned.
“Here it is, the Magical Beast Trading corp. of the kingdom of Roglin.” The old man announced with a smile.
I wanted to kill him then and there. My anger at seeing these fools do this to my kin… I started to raise my hand, but suddenly Zayan said
“Look daddy! Look at that one!” I followed her finger to see a uniquely beautiful creature. It was a bird of sorts. It had four white wings with streaks of black trailing down its body, while it also had a black bleak. It’s talons were pure white, gleaming like crystals even in the darkness. It looked like an african crowned eagle, though much more beautiful and of course, the four wings. I don’t know how but I could tell that-despite it’s relatively large size- it was still a child. I could feel that it would grow to be much, much bigger.
“Um miss, I would be overjoyed if you did not buy that one” The old man nearly begged, sweat forming on his brow.
“And why would that be?” I growled
“Well you see, prince Azam of the Romunst empire has specifically asked us to bring him this bird”
“Isn’t he the enemy prince?” I asked confused. Zayan had told me everything about the kid, practically drooling when she was talking.
“Yes, but this kingdom- despite being in the Cratal empire- deals any animal as long as you can provide the money” He said with a pride filled smile.
“I see…. we will take this bird then” I stated bluntly.
The reaction of this man was beyond comical. His face contorted into shock, then fear, then rage, then back to normal again. All under five seconds
“IS there a problem?” I asked with a smile.
Of course there was. If he rejected me we both knew I was going to kill him.
“None at all” He said through gritted teeth.
“Number Five, Number Nine. Grab that bird and bring him to the register. And DO NOT DROP IT YOU DUMB SLAVES” He yelled, letting his rage loose a bit. From behind a curtain two young children came out wearing scared expressions on their faces. What shocked me was the fact that one of them had a tail, while the other had two floppy fox ears down her face.
“Where are your beastmen slaves?” I asked, the words coming out like ice in my mouth. Obviously, the old man could tell something was wrong but didn’t understand what.
“In the back” He said “Would you like to purchase one? We have hundreds of them” He spoke, pride filling his voice once again.
“Lead me to them”
The interior of the tent was like a circus tent, so I would have assumed we were going to the back. Instead, he opened a large door in the middle of the tent and began to walk down the steps. I had to nearly crawl to get down the stone steps, but luckily the downstairs room was very large, almost a foot or two above my head when I was standing.
Horror entered my eyes as I looked around.
The room was a square room. A little bit bigger than your above average classroom size. There were hundreds of beastmen slaves crammed into this room. All of them female. I suppose male beastmen don’t pose a good view for other humans.
When I entered the room, all the beastmen eyes looked at me. No, they didn’t look at me. Their eyes were so dull they couldn’t even look at me straight.
“How long” I asked
“How long what sir?” Old man asked, confused
“How long have they been here?” Rage made my throat quiver, unable to talk properly. I glanced around the room, seeing female beastmen shivering in corners, the fear piercing the dull look in their eyes. Shit, urine and other things best left un-named coated their bodys. Fox, wolf,cheetah, dog,squirrel and more types of beastwomen stared at me, begging to be freed.
I will answer your prayers
“Hmm… the earliest a week or two maybe? The oldest… ten, maybe 15 years?” He said pondering.
He pondered no more though, as my fist smashed the side of his body into the stone walls on the side. His body was completely crushed between my fist and the wall. I didn’t waste any time as I walked towards the wall of slaves on the left side. They flinched back in fear, but once I began to rip the chains off the walls and free their cuffs they relaxed.
“T..than..thank you?” An old wolf type beast woman said. I could tell her understanding of the human language was rough but since I didn’t know do-wolf it couldn’t be helped.
“I am Ha… I am The Progenitor. Wherever I am there shall be no beastmen slaves. I tell you this, spread the word of my name to all corners of the earth. Tell your childrens children. This world will be changed, and beastmen will be free!” I shouted. I turned around and turned into a cheetah. I could hear the collective gasps around me but spent no time worrying about it.
“Daddy, are you gonna kill a lot of people?” Zayan asked. Conscience smacked me in the face as I thought about how to answer. I didn’t want my baby girl to see what I was about to do.
“I apologize for asking this, but will someone watch my child?”
Moments passed before I heard
“I will” It was a feminine voice. I turned to my right and saw a beautiful and healthy fox woman . She had extremely seductive curves and her light black skin went well with her dark blue eyes.
“Daddy?” Zayan asked, not understanding
“Zayan… stay with her until daddy is finished with his job. I will be back shortly. That goes for all of you” I told her, stroking her cheek. Before she could say anything I turned and crept up the stairs.
The tent didn’t have many people operating it, and if it did most were slacking off. I bounded to the back of the tent, hoping to enact my plan. When I made it, there was one beastwoman sweeping around the neatly arranged cages. I crept up behind her then stealthily placed my hand around her mouth, stopping her from screaming. She struggled a bit, but when she saw that she couldn’t win she gave up, as if she accepted her fate.
“Where are the keys?” I asked her in a cold voice. She glanced at a guard who was pissing around a cage that held a small orange and brown furry creature. I let go of her mouth and slowly made my way towards the guard. When I was behind him I made my hand into a blade then thrust it into his heart,all the while covering his mouth as to prevent sound coming out.
I had to work fast at this part
I grabbed the keys and began to unlock every single cage starting from the back. I don’t know how but it seemed as if the animals understood my intentions, not making any noise as I unlocked their cages. When the last cage was unlocked and all the guards inside killed, I began to talk.
“Animals, beasts, beastmen. You were imprisoned, made to be slaves for the human scum that used you for menial and dirty tasks. But now, YOU ARE FREE! And outside, outside is a city of nearly defenseless humans waiting to be killed. I give you leave and tell you this, SLAUGHTER! KILL ALL HUMANS!” I screamed, my voice gaining passion every second.
Beast’s and Beastwomen alike rushed out of the tunt, hundreds of them flocking into the street. I noticed that the white eagle like creature was still locked up, forgotten on the counter. It was sqwaking in its cage, eager to be set free. I grabbed the cage and ripped it apart with brute strength, the key all but forgotten. Like a bolt of lightning the bird flashed through the tent.
A few slaves were still downstairs so I walked down there. The fox lady as well as two other cheetah women were down there. Zayan as well, looking scared out of her mind.
“Zayan… I will come back in a bit for you… can you wait for me?” I asked nicely
“...mse…?” She mumbled
“Do you promise to come back?” She asked teary eyed, body shaking
“Daddy never lies to you right? Of course I promise” I said with a smile.
“Okay… but you have to come back soon!” She yelled while crying
“Of course baby girl”
When I exited the tent I saw a scene from the apocalypse itself. Beast’s were raping and killing humans, their sharp claws cutting through skin like hot butter. Anger and excitement raced through my veins.
But if my plan was to work properly, I would have to do some things.
I ran around in my yeti form, slaughtering any and all humans that are in my reach. I was looking for this kingdoms army. If anything could turn this situation around it would be them. I rushed around the stone ground, searching for any sign of resistance. I looked to my left, seeing the castle that was on higher grounds than the rest of the kingdom, resting on a flat hill. I decided to search over there. Some beast’s began to follow me, realizing that nothing could stop me and that it would be safer with me. I watched in horror and fascination as the true nature of beast’s and what I have just done came to light. Little children, no more than six or seven were getting battered around and used as toys for the beast’s. Men raping women in the last of their minutes. Friends betraying friends for a few more seconds of life.
“This is…. beautiful!” I yelled inside my head. This! This is the true nature of humans! Beast’s were born like this and have no reason not to be yet humans are also capable of the same thing while they look down on us! Priceless!
“ROOOOOOAR!!!” I roared a terrifyingly happy shout, letting my bloodlust unfurl. I decided to try and switch into something new. I concentrated on my image. I felt myself growing larger by a few feet, yet heavier by a few thousand. Layers upon layers of muscle was added to me as my body morphed. Two large trunks emerged from the top of my jawline? becoming hardened weapons. When it was finished, there I was
-Beastman- Wooly mammoth style-
“KFROOOOOoO!>???” I ____ed
It felt more than a little weird to have a three foot long nose but it was pretty cool at the same time. I walked slowly towards the castle, killing as many humans as I could in order to get used to my new body. I swung my massive head to the left, destroying a house and killing the residents inside. I used my snout to move rubble around to see if anyone was still alive. I rushed around, using my arms and legs to destroy the larger buildings, while the small and weak ones were demolished by my tusks. I was having a blast letting my rage go rampant.
Ten more minutes of destroying everything in sight and I was at the castle.
I switched back into yeti form, since it was my favorite form. I enhanced my arms and smashed the two wooden doors with all my strength, causing them to blast apart and send splinters inside.
“My arms cut off! My arms cut off!”
Screams and more accompanied the smashed door.
“Ready or not, here I come :)” I said with dark laughter.
10 swordsmen in heavy armor, One mace wielder and five mages. All spread out.
No problem.
I rushed towards a swordsman, grabbing his body and using it as a projectile. I flung him at a mage who stupidly used his mana shield to block, causing it to be crashed into sending them both flying against a stone sculpture. Suddenly I was smashed against the wall by countless punches against my side. I looked down and saw the mace wielder with four swordsmen furiously striking my side. They were doing damage faster than I could regenerate. I tried to swat them away but I noticed I couldn’t move. I looked at the mages to see them all having a smug smile on their faces, hands outstretched
“GROOOOOAR!!!” I let rage envelop me as I fought against the paralysis, using brute force to push magic back. Blood spurted out of the mages mouth when I did this, so I tripled my efforts. Out of nowhere the force suddenly let go, causing my hand to smash against the men who had nearly penetrated my tough muscle. I jumped toward the mages and systematically slaughtered them, transforming into a ram as I did so.
The ram had godly kicking strength and it was much easier to deal with the men when they were my size. I rushed the mace wielder; Swinging his mace down it connected perfectly with my horns and head.
For any other ram, they would be meat paste. But for a Beastman ram? This was like getting hit with a large rock. Hurtful, but definitely bearable.
I smashed through the metal mace and the armor guarding his body, my horns piercing through his soft flesh. Blood covered my fur as I let the body drop to the floor. I looked around, seeing dead corpses and fearful servants.
No humans left alive.
It was a one sided massacre. I slaughtered everyone and everything I could see, my kicks destroying stone pillars and female bodies alike. Normally I would be repulsed, disgusted with my actions. But for some reason, it felt right. Like… the cost of my powers was for this.
In return for my powers I would go insane, killing all I held dear to me.
Welp, lifes a bitch. Time for the king. Just when I started to get there I heard multiple roars behind me. I walked out of the castle, enjoying the spot that overlooked the whole city. Even now I still saw no resistance, watching with glee as Beast’s roamed the street, killing everything and everyone. Multiple beast’s were heading up the stairs to the castle.
Manticore’s, griffins, black wolfs, scaled chickens?, red fur monkeys, blue lions and more were walking up. Despite popular belief beast’s are actually very intelligent and they naturally knew that most likely the biggest house would hold the leader of the city, just like the pack leader chooses his cave. The beast’s stopped in front of me, seeing my yeti fur stained in blood. To my utter shock after a brief staring contest all the beasts lowered their heads, as if unable to meet my eye. I waited a little while longer, then turned around and walked back inside, the beast’s in tow.
I walked towards the throne room, letting my body heal it’s injuries in the process. The beast’s crowded around me, barely giving me any room to walk as they themselves squeezed in. When I reached the throne room I slowly pushed open the doors, letting magical beast’s of all sizes flood in. Sitting on the throne surrounded by five men was an old man with a cold look in his eye, defiance evident in his posture.
“I can’t believe… right when we decided to send our army out against the Astin Kingdom, these dumb animals would rise against us… YOU ARE ALL JUST BEAST’S! ALL OF YOU SHOULD JUST DIE OR SERVE ME!” He screamed, his voice going raw with each word. I said nothing. My words would be wasted on scum like him. I simply raised my hand and pointed at them. The beast’s did the rest. The guards around the king were obviously elites as they enhanced their whole bodies including their weapons with mana and sliced down all beast’s that came close.
Out of the fray and arrow was shot at one of the guards, piercing through his throat. I looked to see a lone Beastwoman riding atop a large scorpion, bow in hand and obviously loving the thrill. I looked around the room, shocked to see beastwomen coming out of rooms, killing humans wherever they may be.
When the last guard fell, the only person left was the king who was still giving me that same look.
“Daddy!” Two voices simultaneously said. I turned to see two young children being held by a bloody beastwoman, her face one of pure ecstasy. A sudden blow hammered me in the heart.
“Who was I to take a life? Who was I to kill these kids in front of this man?” It was obvious that they weren’t going to survive if I didn’t help. Where did I get off judging myself to be above humans? Isn’t this just going to start another war? More deaths will be had and this will never get resolved.And what about Zayan? How would she think about this? Could I face her again? I was about to reach for the kids when I looked at the beastwoman again. She was an avian type, though just barely. Her feathers were ripped off in a bunch of different places. Scars and markings lined her body, her left eye a gash of flesh that looked like it was burnt.
Another thought went through me at that moment.
Who were they? Who were they that they believed themselves to be better than beast’s? Why should we suffer because they have more intelligence? What right did they have to abuse this avian woman? Rage clouded my mind as my next action occurred.
Before I could stop myself I grabbed the kids from the womans hands, who looked more than a little disappointed that she couldn’t kill them. I picked them up by their heads, eliciting fresh screams of pain. I brought them in front of the king, letting him see the face of his children one last time.
Slowly but surely I increased the pressure in my hand, squeezing the heads of the children.
“STOP!!! IT HURTS, IT HURTS!” They begged, wishing for the pain to end. I could hear their skull cracking when suddenly a loud
“CRCKH!” was heard. In my hands held the lifeless bodies of two headless human childrens. I looked at the king and saw a dull look on his face. He couldn’t even process thought even more. I gave him a painful death by throwing him into the raging beast’s that were behind me.
A sudden thought struck my head as I sat down on the throne in my cheetah form.
“KNEEL!” I shouted. Without hesitation all beast’s and beastwomen alike turned to look at me, as if I was crazy for commanding them to do this. But then, the scarred avian walked right in front of me then slowly got down on one knee, head lowered. A chain reaction happened after that as all things present lowered their heads towards me, submitting to their king.
“This is my destiny. No longer will I hide in the mountains while my brethren are slaughtered like livestock and used like a common whore. We will rebel, we will become strong, AND WE WILL GET REVENGE!” I roared, eliciting the cries and screams of approval of every beast in the kingdom, my voice amplified by magic.
Sorry for the extremely late chapter!! In my defense, Stellar Transformation, Coiling dragon and Swallowed star are way too enticing! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, don’t forget to comment!
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The Winds of Fate B1 - The Blood of Kings
The Great Winter reaches its third year and creatures of nightmare thought to be long extinct roam the land once more. The Oathbreaker stirs from his icy prison, calling upon his servants both past and present. The wolf howls, the dragon roars and the serpent thrashes as the world unravels. Heroes will rise, for this will be the age to end all ages. The spirited girl escapes the shackles of tradition, searching for adventure, finding much more. The craven boy goes after her in the name of love. The man with no hand seeks an old friend, and the dragon searches for that which will restore her race. The hero-turned-blacksmith leaves his family to save the world. His friend the King wishes him dead. The blacksmith’s son goes after his father, questioning what it means to be a hero. Their paths intertwine. They guide the Winds of Fate, weaving the song of our salvation. The Twilight of the World approaches. The Heroes of Faengard will ride again. Let the sun rise, and the world be reborn through the ashes of war. Old Synopsis: The first of the chain of events prophesied to end the world has begun. The Great Winter reaches its third year and creatures of nightmare thought to be long extinct roam the land once more. The Tree that protects Faengard crumbles, and only those with the blood of kings can restore it. As a boy on the cusp of adulthood, Ein Thoren's concerns were largely limited to which of the village girls he would marry—but when a mysterious man calls upon his father to save the world, Ein finds himself leaving behind his quiet village life to bring his father back. Along with his childhood friends and a bumbling storyteller, they face a path filled with monsters and myth, swords and sorcerers, dragons and princesses, and a demon wolf that seeks to swallow the sun, all while the world unravels around them in what will be the age to end all ages. The Heroes of Faengard will ride again. Let the sun rise, and the world be reborn through the ashes of war. Release Schedule: I aim to release a minimum of one chapter a week, though sometimes I might release more. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover image in any way. Full credit goes to the original artist.
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Scentless Curiosity [KristSingto Fanfic]
It started as curiosity.But somehow it lead to life full of happiness and love.------Main: SingtoKristBrief mentions: NammonGuy, Tay, Gun, BrightWin, TharnType, SarawatTine, Gsm, Mond, Jennie, TaeTee, OaujunFiat, KimCop------Disclaimer: Character's used are real life actors, I have no ownership of anything in this book except for the story.Update once every 2-3 weeks.S/E: 1 Feb 2021 - 11 Apr 2022Best Ranks:11 in #kristsingto (16.5.2021)149 in #win (24.1.2022)155 in #bright (24.1.2022)21 in #brightwin (26.11.2021)48 in #tay (24.1.2022)138 in #guy (17.8.2021)6 in #krist (26.11.2021)
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