《Re: Progenitor》Scared?


Hi guys! It’s me again :D Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Sorry for the short length, got this indescribable urge to right another fanfic. Don’t worry, I will still write this story, but the chapters won't come as fast, they will just be longer.


Kaya’s Pov

My name is Kaya Malark. I am what people consider a genius mage. When I was 14 years old I reached the 10 mage rank, something that was considered nearly impossible. As the years went on and on I eventually gained enough fame and power that at the age of 19 years old I was called by Emperor Galacius himself to become a bodyguard for his son. I instantly agreed, hoping to gain more money and power by working with him. Naturally, as the years passed we bonded with each other more and more.

I will admit, the prince is more than a little spoiled. He acts as if he is free and easygoing, but in reality he is manipulative and vindictive. Not that I mind. It suits my personality just fine. I knew that he liked to play with girls. Being someone that also likes to “Have fun” I joined in on his game, treating girls like they were less than they really were while he played the good guy and protected them. It was a fun game between us, and I really enjoyed it.

One day, the prince contacted us via ‘Thought Stone’ and told us that he had spotted a particularly beautiful girl by the front gate. He told us that he had spotted her in a tavern and she asked where spice and clothes shops were. After a little deliberation and some threatening we managed to convince the old hag at the clothes store to call the woman a thief, and spread how she stole from her shop. The prince would then come in like a valiant savior, addressing to the crowd how she wasn’t a thief.

When I got a look at her face, even I have to admit that she was truly beautiful. Chocolate brown skin with deep brown eyes that I could stare into forever. I decided I would play with her after the prince was done.

After all of this we finally got her to eat dinner with the prince. She told us how she lived in the mountains and that her father was “Super Strong” yet he was only a rank three mage. Pathetic. I was already at rank five when I was born, yet this guy has had at least 20 years or more to get stronger? Weak! I used my thought crystal to tell Nathan and Crown prince Azam that we should meet her father and bully him for fun. They agreed, and I could see by the expressions on their faces that they were holding their laughter inside.

We were currently following the little brat to find her father. We had walked for nearly 30 minutes when she yelled

“HANKS A LAZY BASTARD” Hah? Her fathers name is Hank? How lame! I almost giggled when she said this. I had already guessed that there would be a code when arriving at the meeting spot. After all, nomads were mysterious people who loved secrecy.



Hahahahaha! I couldn’t hold in a laugh this time, but luckily I managed to pass it off as a cough.

“Where is this guy?” I thought.

Right when I was about to suggest leaving, a terrifying- no, that wouldn’t be the right word to describe it. Hell, I can’t even think of a word to describe it. Massive would be one. He made Ice trolls look tiny. Pure white wooly fur with black skin and sharp nails. But the scariest thing about it was it’s eyes. Golden eye’s that seemed to not belong to this world, as if he were from somewhere else.

The second the beast landed I activated my magic, fire in one hand while I had lightning in the other. I couldn’t stop shaking I was so scared. The beast haven’t even moved and I had already felt an instinctive desire to run and never come back.

To my utter shock the girl named Zayan yelled “Daddy!” And then ran up to it. I thought that she would be crushed like a bug, but instead she jumped onto its chest and then climbed to the top of it’s head, sitting there like they were father and daughter.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nathan push Azam backwards. I looked at both of them. Even Nathan, an extremely experienced war veteran was shaking in his boots, though he didn’t show it as much as I did. Or Azam for that matter. Poor prince looked like he was about to shit himself. Though, not that I blamed him. I already let a little loose when the beast landed

“Still want to laugh at my daddy Kaya” Zayan said from atop of the monsters head. If it’s the last thing I do, I will kill this bitch.


Hayvon’s Pov

I wondered what I was going to do with them. Poor blondie in the back could barely stand up, while the faint smell of piss lingered around the mage.

I amplified my voice with magic and said

“Scared?” This single word had the funnies effects. The blonde kid in the back simply fell on the spot and passed out. The swordsman dropped his weapon to the ground, though still kept his hands on his hilt. Terror could be seen in his eyes, though he was trying not to let it show. The mage however was the funniest. She screamed extremely loud then threw out her hands. A weak wave of pure magic attacked me. Without even trying I simply batted it away, causing the tree next to me to smashed. She had a look of pure fear when I did that. She fell to her knee’s, and the scent of piss became infinitely stronger. The snow around her turned yellow and it seems as if she couldn’t move her legs.

I could understand their fear. Magical beast's, no matter how intelligent weren't supposed to be able to talk. A few races could, developing their own language with basic sounds, much like the troll language which is too complicated to explain. Therefore, seeing a massive magical beast that can talk... well, you get the idea.


I had no intentions of killing them, only wanted to scare them a little. I don’t know if he thought he could beat me, or if he was too scared to think straight. All of the sudden I heard the swordsman yell and then started to charge at me, his broadsword raised above his head. I just smiled and with one casual sweep of my arm I hit the sword, causing it to be jerked from his hands and dropped on the ground.

“Leave” I said in a cold voice. I turned around and began walking up the hill, waiting to get shot in the back by a lightning bolt or the warrior to come and charge me. Unfortunately, they didn’t.

Two days had passed since Zayan’s friends had been scared shitless. I was slightly worried when Zayan told me that he was an emperor’s son and the crown prince no less, but I really didn’t care. This mountain range has been chock full of magical beast’s since the dragon stopped eating all the strongest predators. If they wanted to come and get revenge, they would have a hell of fight.

I was walking up a hill with Zayan on my back, telling me stories she had heard in the orphanage when suddenly I froze. I sniffed the air, a familiar scent going through my nose. I turned my head to the east and took a large breath of air.

Ice trolls!

I hadn’t seen any ice trolls since I killed one for it’s cave. They were a surprisingly secretive race that lived deep within the mountains.

“Zayan. We are taking a detour. There might be someone I know” I said. I turned to the east and began to jog at a steady pace, gaining speed as my excitement increased.

Pretty soon I was running full speed with Zayan screaming in excitement at how fast I was going. I had probably covered 12 football fields in about two minutes. My long legs covered distance like there was no tomorrow.

I began to slow down now, the smell of Ice troll and bloody meat intermingling. I could hear shouts in the distance, as well as cheering and booing.

“Ice troll wrestling” I thought. During the time I had lived with mother, she had taught us almost everything she knew about Ice trolls and their culture. Troll wrestling was a popular sport in their society, and you could even increase your standing with the tribe if you won the match.

The blizzard in front of me finally stopped and what I saw shocked me. Hundreds of Ice trolls were lined up around a single fight. Two trolls were decking it about with giant tree’s in their hand, imitating a rough impersonation of swordplay. One of the trolls was smashed on the side of his head, falling to the ground like deadweight.

“What a boring fight” I thought. But to my surprise the troll stood back of a few seconds later and smashed the other troll in the stomach with his tree branch.

The fight continued like this, one knocking the other out then retaliating. Sometimes they would get into a fist fight, bashing each other until the other got off.

About 30 minutes later I heard

“Stop! I give” from the middle of the arena. I had already deduced that since they were near immortal, it would go until one of them didn’t have the will to fight anymore.

While I was peering at the fight, Zayan was resting on top of my head as if it were the most natural position in the world. Well, for her it was.

“Are you scared?” I asked.

“No.” She responded

“Why not?”

“Because I know daddy will protect me!” She exclaimed excitedly.

That is true. This little half elf has become extremely important to me, and I would do whatever it takes to protect her.

“What is that?” I heard from behind me. Naturally, since I was in the back of the crowd and the trolls were so focused on the fight, none of them noticed me. But now, It seems that I have been found out.

“Who are you?” An ice troll asked. More and more of them were coming over here to see what the commotion was.

“I am Hayvon” I replied in troll language. They seemed shocked that I could speak troll, not that I was surprised. Troll was an exceedingly deep language and difficult to pronounce correctly.

“An elf! And a dark one at it!” A troll said. Indeed, Zayan was looking around curiously at all the trolls. Naturally, she couldn’t understand what we were saying.

“She looks tasty!”

“We should eat her!”

“I’ve never had elf before”

“Me either!”

Even as they spoke they started advancing towards me, their eyes locked on the prize. The second one of them came near me, with an uppercut containing all my weight behind it I punched a troll in his fat stomach, launching his most likely 3000 pound body straight into the air, at least seven feet up.I raised my leg in the air then shot my foot forward, hitting his face. The result was disasterous. He hadn’t hit the ground when I kicked him, so even more force was applied as a I smashed his face with my foot. This made the other trolls hesitate, seeing me take one of their kind out on under five seconds. Troll may be stupid, but they aren’t that stupid.

“WAIT! Cease your actions at once. We will take this man to the general. He is a guest” a voice said in the crowd. The trolls parted quickly.

The troll that came out was a familiar face. I smiled and walked up to him.

“It’s been a while…”

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